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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
(( Mari, you can always reform from a different location and gather more people, thats kind of the whole point XD. I just needed to proceed my story because you keep interfereing. So start anew and try finding Smashfan and others))


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Gah...OK. I feel so dumbs.... :urg::urg::urg:)))

-98 lives left-

Mari: And Luigi said we all run out of 1-ups sometimes...HAH!

Ok, So....I'm alone. Not good.

I need to find Xiro and Smashfan...Wait.

Wait a minute, Where the F*CK am I?

-Bowser's castle....-



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Gah, Smashfan deleted his post. But still this no happen! D:<

My appologies Muhti. Continue with your Conquest ;)

[COLLAPSE="This never happend"]Dementio: Stupid Girl.
Here I was generous enough to give her a fair warning.
In the end, the pig deserved to die...

-Gengar blinks away tears-
Gengar: D-did that just...

Marx: No way, thats impossible... Mari couldn't have...

Muhti: -sighs- What a shame. She could have been so useful to us-- *urk*
-Muhti grabs his stomach in pain and starts vomiting up blood-​

Dementio: Da h*ll?!?
What's up with you Muhti, are you sick?

-An audible snap is heard coming from Muhti's body, and then he falls to the ground screaming-

Muhti: ****! MY ARM!
-screams out some of the foulest curses he knows-

Marx: W-what's going on with muhti?

-Dementio searches around for signs of an attacker, but sees none-
Dementio: (What is this?)

-Dementio hears another snap, and this time Muhti grabs his leg-
Muhti: **** ******* ******!

Max: This doesn't make sense, why is Muhti screaming like that?
Gengar do you know whats--
-Marx takes one look at Gengar.
And then backs away. His face holds no trace of his usual mischevious grin. Instead, his eyes glow blue with sheer hatred.​

Gengar clenches his fist and theres another scream from Muhti

Gengar: I'll make sure he suffers all h*ll for this...

Dementio: You!
D*mnit, why do you idiots keep waking up?

-Gengar looks over at Dementio and he gets blasted away by a powerful force-
Gengar: You shut your trap, demon. You no longer have any right to speak

Marx: What the heck Gengar?
What's gotten in to you?

Gengar: ... I can't forgive him Marx.

Marx: Well, Yeah. But this is just--

Gengar: He wasn't controlled...
He wasn't Possessed.
Mari was his friend,
Yet he killed her in cold blood!

I can't forgive him!

-Gengar clenches his fist tighter, and Muhti curls up into fetal position on the ground-

Marx: (...This isnt' good. He's gone and lost it. There'll be a blood bath if this fighting isn't ended soon)

-Gengar's Psychic takes hold, and he methodically begins crushing each one of Muhti's limbs.
Gengar: I have to congratulate you Muhti. Ever since I met Xiro, I promised I wouldn't use this on another human being.

-Squeezes tighter-

Gengar: But then again, you stopped becoming human when you sold your soul to that devil.

-Muhti's vision starts to fade along with his consciousness-
Muhti: (My good arm... The death note...)

-Gengar teleports over and kicks it out of his reach-
Gengar: There'll be no more of that from you now. You've taken your last life for this lifetime.

Muhti: You'll... pay... for....

Gengar: I'll pay? Please. You're no longer in any position to make threats.
But fear not, I won't kill you.

Muhti: *gurgles*

Gengar: No, Instead I'll make sure you experience every different kind of agony, over and over until your last breath...

Muhti: Tabuu...

Gengar: Gone. No doubt terrorizing innocents, thanks to you.
-Gengar waves a hand over Muhti's face and his expression goes blank-​
You only brought this upon yourself Muhti.

-Last, Gengar Places an invisible hand on Muhti, he turns intangible and sinks into the ground-

Gengar: Ironic, like this you technically have no substance so you'll never die.
But at the same time, I've trapped you in an eternal nightmare that'll make you experience every kind of physical and mental torture there is until the end of time.

...Good bye, Muhti.

-Several minutes later, Gengar walks back over to Marx. They exchange no words, yet the both silently grieve the loss of their best friend. Halfheartedly, They both walk over to Drawcia and -625 and remove the flouro-sprouts from their body. After several protests, the small group stands together again as a conscious unit.

Drawcia regards the whole scene with detached disbelief, refusing to believe the events that just transpired. Marx hands her a hankercheif out of his hat to dry her tears. In the end, the de-moraled group walks off back toward Smashfan and the others. And leaves the tortured town to rot.


[COLLAPSE="Nor this..."]

- In a nightmare -

Dementio: Darn it...
I'll make sure every last one of them pays for this!

Sunshine Bear: More Tea Mr. Clown?

Strawberry Bear: I think he needs a biiiiiiiiiiiiig hug~ <3

Dementio: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
((I hope you know Gengar wasnt forced to join, he joined by himself. But oh well people cannot read sometimes))



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
There you are. Misunderstanding solved :D

Unless by "change Mine" you mean you wanted to continue from there instead of Wait for me to delete mine and...

Yeah, mars is right. This is confusing :V


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Western Veridian Cave"]

Latios: Why do I get the feeling we've been going around in circles?

Gliscor: Naw, It can't be... I mean
We've only been here for what?

Chrysalis: Five hours.

Gliscor: Oh.
Well, yeah. We're probably lost.

The group stop at a painfully familar T -intersection. Chrysalis kicks her hoof across the ground in frustration-​

Chrysalis: Well this is a fine keddle of fish~

-Gliscor walks over and sniffs the wall-
Gliscor: Yeeup, It's the same one alright!

-Latios and Crysalis both groan loudly-
Latios: Ugh, Why does this place have to be so dark and confusing!

Chrysalis: You're not the only one to ask that Xiro.
Dark Pokemon caves have been trolling our nation's young for Generations.

Just be greatful this isn't Wayward cave.

Latios: I don't care if it's the Skyward cave. I'd just like to make some ****ing progress!

Gliscor: Potty mouth...

-Chrysalis waves her hooves at the two of them-
Chrysalis: Now now,
Lets not get testy at each other!

Why don't we take this opportunity to go over where we've been?

Latios: -grumbling- Well, we passed that one stalagmite plenty of times...

Chrysalis: Okay, Good. And?

Gengar: That one cavern that smells like farts.

Latios: That was you Gliscor.

Gliscor: Oh right, Sorry...

Chrysalis: BOYS!
You're getting off topic. Now think!

-Latios and Gliscor gets serious and think hard-

Latios: Now that I think about it, I remember seeing a rather large crevice somewhere a few left turns behind us. It was kind of wide, perhaps it could lead somewhere if we squeeze our way through it...

Chrysalis: Good!
You see what happens when you actually take time to stop and think?

Gliscor: Pfft, what are we now? Quoting Dora...?

-Gliscor jumps in surprise as Chrysalis gets directly in his face-
Chrysalis: I am on a very low tollerance level right now...
One more wise crack out of you, and I swear you'll wish that dinosaur had crushed you to begin with!

Gliscor: *Gulp*

Chrysalis: -suddenly calm- Now, why don't we head towards this crack of yours Latios, shall we?

Both: Y-yes Ma'am!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Veridian Cave - Hidden Cavern
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Latios: Ughh, this place does smell like farts!

Gliscor: ...Sorry, that was me again.

Latios: What the h*ll dude? What did you eat?

Chrysalis: Lets just try to ignore the foul smell for now so we can find Charizard and get out of here~

Latios: -holding his nose- Good idea. I don't think I can take being encased up with this guy for much longer.

Gliscor: I don't get it Latios...
Where's this crack?

Latios: It should be soemwhere around here...

Why don't you fly up and have a look around?
Your eyesight in dark places is probably much better than mine.

Gliscor: I would If i could.
No wind.

Chrysalis: Thats right, you glide on air currents don't you?

-Latios snaps-
Latios: I don't care what he glides on!
This taking much too long.
That, and this place is too **** dark! i'm flipping the switch on this joint.

-Latios shuts hsi eyes tight, and his body begins to glow-

-Gliscor and Chrysalis flinch away from the sudden brightness-
Chrysalis: Owww, too bright! Turn it down a noth please!

Latios: Oh, sorry about that
-Glows dimmer-

Chrysalis: Thanks, thats much better.

Gliscor: Now where is this crack of your- OH GOD!

Latios: What are you spazzing out about over there Gli- OH SHOOT!

-Chrysalis gives the two a confused look and glances over to where their both looking-
Chrysalis: Well, that doesn't bode well for us does it?

-A giant round boulder makes it's way into the cavern and comes directly at them.-




Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Just to funny when we all post at the same time, causes so much confusion!!

Shakes Narration: Aw sh*T


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

All it was going to be was that Mari respawned because all she is going to do is keep coming back, then I can't proceed my story and yours just goes forwards while mine has to delay since of Maris interruptions.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Mari is dead, but she will come back for revenge (I take it).

Smashfan, I am waiting for your (story ) post!

Its killing me to have to wait!!!!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
discord: "i've got just the thing, soldier! (more loudly) my god, would you look at all these biscuits!"

(a giant pile of biscuits appears right next to discord)

gilda: "*sigh* where does this guy get off- ?"

(the swarm of robots trample gilda to get to the pile of biscuits)


gilda: "...owwww..."

(the robot soldiers and gildas are now going at that pile of biscuits)

robo-gilda: "WELL, DON'T MIND IF I DO..."

discord: "excellent. now for phase 2... (snaps fingers)"

(a robot version of the i like trains kid appears next to the robots and biscuits)

robo-i like trains kid: "I LIKE TRAINS."

(short awkward pause)

(a train runs over the pile of biscuits and all the robots of the first wave)


RED soldier: "good work, men! i think we got them all!"

(one robo-soldier survived)

robo-soldier: "NEGATORY!"

discord: "oh, now that's just poor sportsmanship, titanium-top. (snaps fingers)"

(the robo-soldier randomly falls apart, melts and turns into a public swimming pool)

robo-soldier: "I STAND CORRECTED!"

(RED soldier picks up one of the heads of the robots)

RED soldier: "if god had wanted you to live, he would not have created US!"

the administrator: "get to an upgrade station before they return!"


(we rush back inside to buy upgrades to our stats with the credits we collected offscreen)

cookie monster: "me good at offscreen combat! got MUCH money!"

gilda: "yeah, good for you."

i don't know about you guys, but seven waves seems a bit much for an RPG adventure-style thread... anyone else think that?

RED soldier: "indeed, men. but that's just the hell we have to-"

discord: "now, if we could just go on that huge-*** carrier, we wouldn't have to worry about those robots, would we?"

RED soldier: "don't be ridiculous, that carrier's intangible."

discord: "*chuckles* remember who you're talking to, here, soldier. (snaps fingers) someone try and launch something at it!"

(a nearby scout goes outside to shoot a baseball at it)

RED scout: "catch this!"

(the ball breaks through the windows of the carrier into what we can only assume is the control panel)

robo-missingno.: "DAMN KIDS..."

(back in HQ's upgrade station)

discord: "so, when the next wave hits, we'll have a little surprise waiting for them..."

RED soldier: "i admire the way you think, discord!"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Veridian Cave - HAAAALP!"]

Gliscor: Well, theres a cute story title.

Latios: This is not the time for that man!

Chrysalis: -panting- Don't talk. Just RUN!

-The group runs full speed down a long narrow passageway. The ground beneath them rubles ominously with the approach of the Rolling Death-

Gliscor: "Rolling Death?" What kind of name is that?

Latios: Gliscor! Shut! up!

Gliscor: I'm just saying this guy is really bad with na-AAAAMES!
-Gliscor comes halt at the edge of a wide fissure. Molten lava swirls around in the pit's bottom-
Gliscor: -Teetering on the edge-
Phew, that was too clo- *oof*

-Latios runs into Gliscor and he nearly goes over-
Latios: ...Sorry gliscor.

Gliscor: (...I've seen enough movies to see where this leads)

-Chrysalis collides with Gliscor and Latios and all three of them fall into the pit-

Glisor: (Of course... -.-)



Not really a Retcon...
But really just revising my post from earlier since that whole battle b/w
Gengar and Muhti never happened.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--Location, Blue Red Moon Inn--
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Muhti: Heheh~ I do believe I call Gengar ol' chum
-Muhti tosses his cards down onto the table, A small army of Jacks and Queens spill out in a neat line. A royal flush.
-Gengar Fidgits-
Muhti: Come on, hand it over...

Gengar: *grumbles*
He reaches down into his non-exsistant pockets, and pulls out three sparkling gold coins. Muhti eagerly pockets the change.

Muhti: Pleasure doing buisness with ya.
-An explosion is heard from outside-

-Muhti sighs, and deals out a second deck of cards-
Muhti: Don't these lowlifes know how to suffer any quieter?

Dementio: You're in an awfully good mood today, whats the occasion?

-Muhti deals himself, Dementio, and Gengar each out a new hand of cards-
Muhti: I'm not in the mood for your wise cracks Dementio... Besides, it's your turn.

-Demento looks at his small group of cards. Among them, Two Tens and a King-
Dementio: I raise the pot $50

-Gengar looks at his pitiful hand and grumbles-
Gengar: Nnngh...

Muhti: Gengar, my friend. You'll never win if you keep giving yourself away like that!

Gengar: -snaps- Shut up and let me play he game!

... -thinking...-
... -thinking...-
... -thinking...-

F*ck this, I'm out!
-He tosses his group of cards down onto the table and gets up-

-Muhti doesn't look up from his hand-
Muhti: {Immitating Xiroey} Pleasure doing buisness with ya bud~!

Gengar: Screw You!
-Gengar storms up to the top floor and slams the door-

Dementio: Drama >.>

Muhti: Doesn't matter, I've gotten as much as I can out of him anyway.

Dementio: Shows he doesn't know how to play the game though...

Mughti: Yeah? Why's that?

-Demento flips Gengar's cards over-
Dementio: Guy had a winning hand. Four Aces.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Up on the roof
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gengar: Hmph, lousy cheating little...

-Latias is seen flying down, and lands next to him on the roof-
Latias: Hey there Ghosty,
Wat'cha doin' up here this late?

Gengar: I don't want to talk about it...

Latias: Aww, comon. You can tell me...

Gengar: Just put a sock in it and leave already! I didn't ask for your bloody company, so leave me alone!

Latias: (Sheesh...) Fine, If you want to be all huffy about it.
-Latias walks over to the Roof enterance and is heard travling down the stairs-

[From inside the Inn]Latias: Heeey!~ Is this poker.
Why didn't you tell me ya'll were having a party in here. Hook me up devil man!

Gengar: Hmph.
( I can't deal with her right now... She reminds me too much of him.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-The next day-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Muhti cracks a whip across his palm-
Muhti: Ahh, It's a fine day to be alive isn't it men?

-A group of Yoshi struggle with with pickaxes and heavy mine carts, attempting to dig a tunnel through the town Plaza-

Muhti: Come on, hop to it! We have a schedue to fill.
Faster now, MOVE IT!
-He cracks his whip across one Yoshi's back-

-Dementio glances up at the position of the sun-
Dementio: Good, It looks like we're right on schedule...

Muhti: -Cracks his hip at another Yoshi-
Yeah, For what? We haven't entered Phase 1 of our plan yet.

Dementio: Hmm...?
Oh, Nothing of importance. Just a little personal matter I have to attend to.

Speaking of which, why are you down here mingling with the commoners?
Theres no point in having them dig.

Muhti: Dementio... Dementio... Dementio...

If you don't teach these people to obey, they'll eventually develop ideas and revolt!
I don't know about you, But i'd rather sleep with both eyes closed each night...

Dementio: -Yawns- Yeah... Whatever.

Muhti: By the way. What ever happened to Latias?

Dementio: Why the sudden interest?

Muhti: Why?
Because that B**** came and pilfered all our money last night and just took off out of nowhere!

Dementio: Don't overdo it... You don't want to break them. These people have their uses you know.

-Muhti ignores him and keeps at it-

Dementio: ...Anyway. Latias is gone.

Muhti: Gone where?

Dementio: Don't know. Probably to tear Xiroey's guts out or something.
You did convince her that he killed her parents...

Muhti: -chuckles-
Oh yeah, that...

Dementio: Soo, what exactly are you doing out here.
Is there maybe some hidden purpose behind all this labour?

Muthi: No.
-cracks at another Yoshi-
But she really p***ed me off Yesterday.

Somebody ought to pay for it.

[ /End Simi-Retcon ]



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the next wave begins, the tank comes out... but we are nowhere to be seen...)

(a robo-mars16 pops out of the tank to check wtf's going on)

robo-mars16: "HEY, WHERE THE F**K ARE ALL THE- ?"

(the robo-mars16 gets a rocket to the face)

discord: "GO! GO! GO!"

(the 6 of us get in the tank and drive it into the carrier. inside shot of the tank to all of us *except gilda* headbanging to the song on the radio)

AM/FM Radio: "What is love? baby don't hurt me... don't hurt me, no more..."

gilda: "the sh** i put up with..."


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

[COLLAPSE="Meanwhile, At Bowser Castle...."]Mari: Crap...now I gotta deal with Mr. Koopa King AGAIN.....

(Cut to a hallway with a Bowser shaped shadow coming down.)

Mari: Here he comes...?

(The shadow grows smaller and Instead, Bowser Jr. comes out of the hall.)

Mari: -.- Hello, Pipsqueak.

B. Jr.: Hi, Mari! Whacha' doing?

Mari: Oh...Nothing....Where's your father?

B. Jr.: He was planning a "Mass takeover" of the Mushroom Kingdom now that Mario is gone. Personally, I think he's planning to take over the Kingdom.

Mari: Junior....That's what a mass takeover means.

B. Jr: Oooohhh....Well, I'm 8, What do ya expect?

Mari: Look, Pipsqueak. I need to borrow your airship. And I need to call someone.

B. Jr.: Oh, go ahead and take one. Papa won't notice.

Mari:....Take one?

B. Jr.: Yeah, He's got like, a BAZILLION in stock. You wanna see?

Mari: Yes.....Yes, Take me there-GAAAH!

(Mari suddenly collapes, Holding her chest in pain.)

B. Jr.: Hey! Are you OK?!

(Mari gasps in pain, and she realized that her heart had skipped a few beats.)

Mari: (Damn it....It's happening already....)


[COLLAPSE="Yoshi slave mines. (Muhti, you monster....)"]

Muhti: WORK HARDER, SLAVES! *cracks whip*

Dimentio: Hey, Muhti.....That neckless doesn't look to good.

(Cut to close up of neckless, it appears to be falling apart and turning to dust.)

Muhti: Pffft. I thought that this neckless would help us control Mari. Turns out It's just a peace of junk.

Dimentio: Actually....Since it's tainted with evil, it would, but for some reason it's not. Look, it's rusting even as we speak.

Muhti: Aw, Screw this. I'm throwing it away.

Dimentio: No, Don't. That's our bait...

Muhti: Bait? For her? To come here? Why?

Dimentio: All in good time, Muhti...All in good time...


[COLLAPSE="Back at Bowser Castle...."]B. Jr.: Feeling better?

Mari: Yeah....Thanks for the glass of water.

B. Jr.: No problem. You wanna see Papa's armada now?

Mari: Yeah...let's go.

-Bowser air space-

Mari: O-O Holy Sh*t.....You weren't kidding.

B. Jr.: You can take one of the smaller ones. Papa won't even notice, I promise!

(Mari and B. Jr. walk to a HUGE pirate airship waveing a Bowser flag with crossbones.

Mari: THIS is one of the small ones?

B. Jr.: Being a King helps in engeering.

Mari: (Damn....I gotta tell Smashfan about this....)Can I borrow a cell phone?

B. Jr.: You can borrow mine. Who you calling?

Mari: A...friend I left behind....


[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ"]Mordecai: Got any 8's?

(Rigby checks his cards and has at least 3 8's.)

Rigby: Nope. Go fish.

Mordecai: Dude, your cheating.

Rigby: No, I'm not!

(Cut to Magolor steping down from the Lor.)

Magolor: Guys...stop fighting. Please. I'm not in a good mood today.

Mordecai: Still worried about Mari and the others?

Magolor: Yeah....I haven't seen them since they randomly popped in here....I hope there all right...

(Lady GaGa born this way ringtone can be heard.)

Rigby: Uh....that's mine.

Mordecai: -__- Dude. You Reallyneed to change that ringtone.

Rigby: YOU HEARD NOTHING!! *click* Hello?

Mari: Rigby, It's Mari. Pass the phone to Magolor.

Rigby: WHOA! *passes phone to Magolor* It's for you.

Magolor: Hello?

Mari:Magolor. It's me.

Magolor: Mari! Oh, thank the anciants you're alive!! How's Marx? And Drawcia? And Gengar and Xiro and-

Mari: Magolor. I lost the neckless. To Muhti.

(Those simple sentences Shut Magolor up)

Magolor: ....Are you OK?

Mari: No.....I'm not. Too much Sh*t's going on. Muhti and Dimentio captured Marx, Drawcia, and Gengar. And Xiro's sister.....

Magolor: Oh, My god.....Mari.....You Know what happens if that neckless is destroyed.

-Flashback, Lor-

Magolor: I...want you to have something. It's for saving my ship.

Mari: *Gasp*...It's ...It's beautiful...Mags...I can't take this.

Magolor: But you have to. See...This neckless is special. By bonding your powers and life force to it, It increaces you power tenfold!

Mari: ....My...Life force?

Magolor: I understand if you don't want to.....

Mari: No....I think I'll take it.

I mean, What's the worst that could happen if I have it?

-End Flashback-

Mari: Magolor....The worst has happened.

Magolor:....Mari...Don't worry. I'll get it back. It's my fault that I gave it to you in the first place.

You...shouldn't have to die by my account....

Mari: Magolor......I need to tell you something about that, hang on....Pipsqueak, I need you to go over there for a minute.

Magolor: (Pipsqueak...?)

Mari: OK, I'm back...

Magolor: What were you gonna tell me?

Mari: I'm going to die anyway, Magolor.

Magolor: Wh-What?! Mari, Don't say that!

Mari: Face it, Magolor. I'm on Muhti's hitlist. He could kill me with the Deathnote, Or take control of me through the neckless. Luckly, I think I'll die before I go bananas...

Magolor: Mari, Stop it! Stop talking like that! Your not gonna die! I won't let it happen!

Mari: I....I just called to say...Good-bye.

I need to get that neckless back. I have nothing left to lose. But I need Xiro's help. Hopefully, he's still in Kanto....

Magolor: Mari, don't even THINK about it!


Magolor: Mari? Mari?...She hung up...

(A determaned expression come over Magolor's face.)

Mordecai. Rigby. Pack your things.

We're heading to Kanto.[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the tank we just hijacked boards the carrier)

RED soldier: "smooth sailing, men. we shan't be long now!"

discord: "heads up, we got a bogie..."

(the tank is halted by a bunch of robo-discords)

+batuta din moldova+







(the tank runs over the robots, then blasts it's way through the carrier)


(the treads on the tank turn into a pair of legs to walk up the stairs)

robo-cookie monsters: "DESTROY JACKED TANK- OH, SHI- !!!"

(we flatten the robo-cookie monsters)

(we burst into the control room, the tank now has treads again)

grey mann: "wha- ?! how did you get here so fast?!"

(discord pops out from the hatch)

discord: "does this answer your question, handy-manny?"

(the tank's frontal ventilator opens to reveal a claw with a pain train on it)


heavy's voice: "DED..."

(the entire carrier explodes)

(the 6 of us fall out of the sky unharmed)

the administrator: "victory!"

+Mann vs Machine victory tune+

(missingno. exits the base)

missingno.: "well done, all of you! well done! now on to our next course of action. the lor seems to have departed without warning, and we need you to investigate."

discord: "wait, don't tell me; mari turned tail again..."

(at the west landing sector, we find a small note where the lor used to be)

princess celestia: "what's it say?"

crocker: "hmm..."

Brb, picking up Xiroey
from Kanto to have him
help recover a stolen
necklace that Mari's life
is chained to.


gilda: "...we traversed 9001 miles for this?"

i guess we should follow them.

discord: "missingno., if you'd like to help out in any way-"

missingno.: "we'll send all we can to help you find them."

(we board the Halberd, and take off. with many Arwings, the U.S.S. Enterprise, Samus's ship, the Hocotate Ship, the Planet Express craft, the ship from Asteroids, and various pegasi following)

discord: "KANTO REGION, HO!"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

[COLLAPSE="20,000 feet in the air, Bowser Jr.'s Airship...."]Koopa Pirate 1: Man, I can't believe were finally going to Kanto. Always wanted to go there.

Koopa Pirate 2: Yeah, and the New captain chick is hot.~

???: BOYS!

((( The two Koopa Pirates jump at the loud voice.)))

Mari: We need to change our flag. People will get the wrong Idea if we let it hang up there.

Koopa Pirate 2: But....we're pirates....

Mari: Not today. From now on, You are troops. Now find me some cloth.

Koopa Pirates: Yes, Captain!

(A few hours later, A flag bearing the SSBB symbol with a white backround is hanged. Below that flag is another with Mario's "M")

Mari: (That one's for you, Mario....)


(Two Shy Guy pirates throw B. Jr. into the captain's room)

Shy Guy Pirate 1: Captain, We found him hiding on the stockhold.

Shy Guy Pirate 2: Do we make him walk the plank?

Mari: No...Please leave. I want to have a word with him.

( They leave)

Mari:....I told you to stay at the castle.

B. Jr.: But Mari! I wanna help!

Mari: Too dangerous, Pipsqueak. Ugly things are gonna happen soon, and I don't want you to be a part of it.

B. Jr.: But....Arn't you scared?

Mari: Scared....?

B. Jr.: I heard you talking to your friend over the phone. I would be scared.

Are you scared?

(Mari repeats that question in her head.)

Are you scared?

Are you scared....?

(Mari keels down and fondly ruffles the Koopa Prince's fire red hair)

Mari: ....Yes, Pipsqueak.

I'm Scared. But not for me.

I'm scared for everyone else.

B. Jr.: (?)

Mari: You'll understand when you're older.

B. Jr: AWWWW! Now you're starting to sound like Papa!

Mari: *laughs*

Bowser Jr.
Has joined the Brawl!


[COLLAPSE="-The Lor-"]Mordecai: I wanna listen to rock!

Rigby: Yeah? Well, get in line! I'm gonna listen to R&B!

Magolor: *sigh* This is gonna be a long trip....



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
+Pitbull: Don't stop the parrttayyy+

Dimentio: Ew that necklace is starting to become more and more bronze by the minute

Muhti: I know, it's only a few hours though till it fully rusts....

???: Time to change perspective

I look at the necklace, and wait? I'm telling the story? "Well no **** Sherlock Holmes, deal with it", the voice said. I grunted and faced Gengar who stood behind me," Prepare for war, they're coming", I nodded and knew instantly knew who he was talking about, Smashfan and others. "Mari is alive", I blurted out unexpectedly. Dimentio gave me such a confused face I have ever seen. "What are you talking about?", Dimentio demanded. "This necklace is her life, when it rusts completely she will die, Smashfan and others are coming to retrieve it", I smirked and held the necklace tightly in hand. They want this necklace..... They're gonna play with me first.....


I floated peacefully staring at Muhti with his explanation. I kept thinking of Smashfan and his crew and forgot some people. I quickly snapped my fingers as Naoi and Near poofed in front of me.
""HEIL KEFKA!", they shouted. "He'a dead", I reported, "So you either join me or die." I nudge to Muhti who was whipping the air, smirking, though he was smirking at something else. "We'll join", Near said. "Just don't forget L and Zero....."


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-Bowser Jr.'s Airship-

(Mari is in the captain's quarters, Holding her chest and breathing heavely.)

Mari: (It's like my heart's being squished from the inside...)

B. Jr: Hey, Mari? You doing OK in there?

Mari: Yeah....I'm..Fine.

B. Jr: We're nearing Kanto already. Better get ready.

Mari: OK....


B. Jr:....It's Magolor again.

Mari: Don't answer it. It's better this way....


B. Jr: Now he sent a text.....

Heading to Kanto
Meet u there.

Mari: I said don't- Wait, What?

B. Jr: Says right here, He's heading for Kanto.

Should I call him?

Mari:....No. If he wants to help, Let him.

I just...Don't want to talk to anyone at the moment....

???: Land Ho! Land Ho!

B. Jr: We're here.

Mari: All right. *gets up*

Let's take back everything.



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(xiroey & co. wake up on a beach)

gliscor: "uuugh... where are we?"

queen chrysalis: "from the looks of it, even farther away from where we need to be."

gliscor: "...fan-tucking-fastic... !!!"

xiroey: "what?"

gliscor: "guys... don't. make. ANY. sudden. moves."

queen chrysalis: "and why not?"

gliscor: "look around..."

(the group is surrounded by seagulls)

gliscor: "these f**kers look like they mean business..."

seagull: "mine?"

queen chrysalis: "...those seagulls from Finding Nemo? REALLY?"

(the seagulls go rabid and swarm for the three)


(moral: take utmost caution when you have EVERYTHING trying to kill you...)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
elecman.exe: "...is he doing alright?"

mars's been getting more brief in his posts, little detail whatsoever outside of dialogue... it's starting to feel awkward...

(we dock at kanto)

meta knight: "oh, we're here!"

(we all disembark... gilda feels a chill in the air...)

gilda: "ghh... i'm getting a BAAAD vibe from this place... let's find magolor or xiroey or whoever we're looking for and get outta' here!"

typhlosion: "why so eager to leave, gilda?"

buizel: "(dusts off a sign) GASP!!!"

discord: "buizel, what are you going on abou- (reads sign) OHH SHOT!!!"

---Welcome to Lavender Town---
Pop. XXXX and growing.

...guys, DON'T BREATHE IN. we have to hold our breath in front of the dead. (catches at much air to hold as possible)

discord: "(puts on a gas mask) loophole!"

(in the shadows)

???: "hmmheheheheheheheeehhh..."



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Lol, writers block.
Spent a good hour working on this post, and managed to write a good 2 more lines. :cool088:

[COLLAPSE="Syndey Beach..."]Xiroey: Guys...

Gliscor: Yeah..?

Xiroey: I've only got one word to say to you...

-Xiroey takes off across the sand like an old lady in a knitting shop-

Gliscor: I say we follow his example.

Chrysalis: Oh, I'm two steps ahead of you...

-The flock of greedy pigeons close in on the small group. One expecially large pigeon, the leader of the flock, manages to swoop down in time to catch chrysalis before she can get any momentum going-

-Chrysalis Screams-

Gliscor: Chrysalis!!

-The pigeons overtake her, and she dissapears under a sea of white-

-Gliscor skids to a stop, and assaults the angry mob with several of his projectile rocks-
Gliscor: XIROO! HELP!

Xiroey: (Damn, they already caught her?)

-Gliscor continues his assault by tossing claw-fulls of sand-
Gliscor: Crysalis, hang on!

-A fat lightning bolt zigs in from behind Gliscor, and reduces the much mob to pile of charred flesh. Xiroey takes aim with his gun and prepares to fire off another shot-

Gliscor: What are you waiting for? Take the shot!

Xiroey: (Not good... I can't see what I'm aiming at.
At this rate I might hit chrysalis and-- *gak*)

Gliscor: Xiro, I cant keep them away like this!
Hurry up and shoot!

-Xiroey's vision begins to fade-
Xiroey: What just...?
I got hit and--

-Passes out-

Gliscor: Xiro? You alive back there!?

-Gliscor is startled by the sudden flash of red moving swiftly across the sky-
Gliscor: (what in the world?)

-Theres an explosion of green light, and Gliscor suddenly gets knocked back. He skids on his back across the sand, and comes to a stop along with several segmented pieces of bird meat-
Gliscor: (Nevermind...)




Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Nothing is wrong with not nowing what to say!!! Didnt want to mess up the story or anything by talking for other characters!!


Im just clu less right now, Im done.



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( AW, don't give up, Mars! )))

Mari: What the...?


Seagulls: MINE!!

(The seagulls suddenly turn around and head straght for the airship)

Mari: All cannons, Open fire!

(Banzai Bills are shot numorus times out of the ship's cannons, and most of the flock go's down.)

B. Jr.: That was TOO close- WHOA!!

(A blur of red comes out of nowhere and almost collides with the ship)

B. Jr: Hey, Watch it! I just got her a new paint job!

Mari: (Was that....! It was!) Just land the ship and get Xiro and the others to the medic room, NOW!

Pirates: YES, CAPTAIN!

(The Pirates grab Xiro, QC, and Gliscor,)

Mari: Full Spee- Gak!

(Mari falls to one knee in pain, but manages to give the command.)

Mari: Full Speed ahead!

(The airship rockets out of the area, burning the rest of the seagulls to a crisp)

Mari: Get....Xiro....inside....

(Mari Falls to the ground, her breathing labored.)

B. Jr: We need to get her into the medic room too!

Mari: Pip...pipsqueak....listen...

B. Jr: Just relax...

Mari: L...Lati....as.....is coming.....Protect Xiro!

B. Jr: I will. I promise. Just hang on!

Mari: Protect...Xiro................He's....the only one....who can............................................

B. Jr: Mari! Mari! Stay with us! Oh, man, She's out cold! GET HER INSIDE NOW!!



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, with us in lavender town, we come across magolor and the others)

discord: "ah, magolor! took us long enough..."

magolor: "you guys?"

meta knight: "we decided to follow you in case you needed backup."

magolor: "well, from the looks of it, you brought PLENTY..."

crocker: "yes, indeed, yes..."

gilda: "alright, let's cut the crap and get to finding xiro already."

(bright flash of light)


galacta knight: "what the hell?!"

excalibur: "MY EYES!!"

discord: "this ain't a tanning salon, y'know!"

(the light dies down. for some reason... footage from MLP FIM Season 2 Episode 1?)

twilight sparkle: "the elements, they're gone!"

princess celestia: "that chamber is protected by a spell that only i can break... this doesn't make sense..."

discord: "(laughing maniacally) 'make sense'? aww, what fun is there in-"

(discord teleports himself in)

discord: "hang on a second, haven't we done all this before?"

princess celestia: "hmm... it does seem rather familiar..."

discord: "for once, i actually wouldn't mind if this made sense just a teeny bit... i HATE repetition..."

???: "yo!"

(gilda flies in)

princess celestia: "gilda?"

gilda: "i think we have a serious problem..."

discord: "i'll say. you would not BELIEVE the case of deja vu we're having here!"

gilda: "that lavender town place IS haunted, we've been sent into our memories! we're back in the second season..."

discord: "so those ponies over there in the corner AREN'T the real twilight sparkle, rainbow dash, fluttershy-"

gilda: "'fraid not."

princess celestia: "but if we're back in canterlot tower... where did everyone else go?!"


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-Meanwhile, In Bowser Jr.'s Airship...-

Xiro:...awwwoww....What the....

Gliscor: Hey! He's awake!

Xiro: Gliscor...? What happened? Where are we?

QC: We are in Bowser Jr.'s Airship. He and Mari pulled us out after you were knocked out cold.

Xiro: Mari? She's here?

QC: Yes...but...

Xiro: But...?

QC: I think it's better if we showed you.

(Gliscor and QC lead Xiro to the Captain's quarters, Where the pirate medics were doing all they can to help her recover.

Mari was breathing slowly and her face was pale. Her eyes were closed.)

Xiro: What...what happened to her?

Pirate medic: We don't know how....But it's her heart. It's failing. And none of our medications are working. It's like something....rejecting it.

???: I know why.

(All heads turn towards Bowser Jr.)

B. Jr.: She...She was talking to someone on my cell phone before we left...someone called Magolor.
Something about loseing her necklace to Muhti.

Xiro: Hey, you're right....she doesn't have her necklace....What else did they say?

B. Jr.: Well....She was talking really scary....she said that she needed to get the necklace back from him or....she'll die. But she needed your help. So we came here.

Xiro: What do you mean when you say, She was talking scary?

B. Jr: She....She said she was gonna die anyway cuz....cuz....

QC: Go on. We can't help her if we don't know what's going on with her.

B. Jr.: Cuz....Muhti would kill her with the Deathnote. Or make her evil with the necklace.

Gliscor: Holy Sh*t....

QC: This is quite the perdicament....

Xiro: Damn...I had no Idea.......Where is Magolor now?

B. Jr: Last I heard, He was heading for Kanto too.

Xiro: Hopefully he brought Smashfan with him....We're gonna need all the help we can-


Random Shy Guy pirate: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!

Gliscor: At a time like this? REALLY?

QC: I'll stay here with Mari, See what I can do...In the meantime...

Xiro: We'll chuck whoevers attacking us.

Shy Guy Pirate: WE'RE UNDER ATTA-

Gliscor: OK, we get it! Sheesh...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

I looked over Dimentios plan to take over the whole island. I looked at him grinning and back at the map diagram. "Seems legit", I concluded. Dimentio smirked once he heard that. "Good, send Gengar and his troops at the brim at the island, we'll close everybody else there.", Dimentio reported. I looked at him hard and noticed he had done something, I always know. "What did you do?", I questioned. All I received was maniac laughter. "I seperated Smashfans team into three, not even my son Discord can just teleport here." He gleefully said. "Wait", I began,"How in Gods name did a jester like you.... Give birth to that.", I finished. "It's a very lllooooonnnnnggggg story, you don't want to know in general"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Were... were am I, I got seperated from the other it seems...

Almost dead guy on the left: were r we... my legs... were Are MY LEGSS

shut up dude im trying to concentrate.


Hmm.... Im lost, I should kill myself and go to skyworld then comeback!! yea that a good idea!!! but I need more time to think about that one......



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
My brain is not wanting to process anything atm o.O
At least I actaully managed to think enough to write today tho. lol.

[COLLAPSE="Bowser's Airship"]

Gliscor: -Running around in circles- NOTGOODNOTGOODNOTGOODNOTGOODNOTGOOD--

-Chrysalis rubs her eyebrows in frustration-
Chrysalis: *groans* I sware Gliscor... If you don't shut up!

-Gliscor stops abruptly with his left foot hanging in the air-
Gliscor: ...Sorry

Latios: I don't understand. Why are we under attack?

Bowser Jr.: I don't know. Mari mumbled something to me just before she passed out, but it was too soft to hear proper-- YAAAAH!

-Theres another crash, and the ship tilts abruptly-

Latios: Quick! Everybody hang onto something!

-Gliscor and Chrysalis make a mad dive for an empty Bill Canon and hold on for dear life. Latios grabs Bowser junior before he loses his ballance and hoists him onto his back-

-The ship continues to tilt horizontally. Within seconds Gliscor and Chrysalis have their feet hanging over a near-vertical drop-​

Gliscor: Suddenly I feel a lot like a pinball...

Latios: Gliscor, we're not in the mood for your tilt-jokes at the mom--

Oh my god... MARI!

-Latios sets Bowser Jr. Down on the floor of the ship (Which previously used to be the side of the ship) and flies down to the recovery cabin-

-Gliscor clamps his claws firmly around the canon to prevent himself from falling-
Gliscor: Where is he going!?!

Chrysalis: Probably to see if Mari is okay.
We need to find a way to tilt the ship back before we fall!

Gliscor: Falling would be bad!

-Theres another explosion near the hull of the ship, and they both nearly lose their grip-
Gliscor: S-so... Your plan?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Recovery Cabin
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Mari comes out of her coma, and her eyes slwoly flicker open. A thick haze clouds her mind as she attempts to recall the events of a few moments ago. Thinking it would help, Mari decides to sit upright in her bed and regather her thoughts.

Fogginess turns to confusion when she realizes that her bed has become significantly harder than minutes before. She feels along the bottom and her hand comes a rough surface.-

Mari: what the... Wooden Beds?

-She suddenly snaps into full alert-​
Oh no! Xiro! latias!

...Why the heck Is there a window on the floor?

-Latios barges in through a door in the wall-

Mari: What the f*ck?

Latios: Mari! Quick, get on my back!
The ship is under attack, and the whole thing's tilting sideways.

Mari: Why is the ship horizontal?

Latios: I don't know.
What ever's attacking us must've knocked some ballancing mechanism loose down in the hull.

-Mari rubs her head in pain, the beginings of a headache starting to form-
Mari: Ugh...
-remembers something important-​
Xiro, you need to get outside quick!
Latias is--

Latios: -inturrupts- LATIAS!?!

Mari: There's no time to explain. You need to -- *oww!*
-Mari grabs her forehead, trying to fight off another migrane-

Latios: I-I can't leave you here. Here, get on my back and I'll take you over to--

-Theres an explosion in the floor not two meters away from Mari's head. Splintered wood and shattered glass fly in all directions, forcing Mari and Latios to sheild their eyes.-

-Latios moves his body in front of Mari to guard her from the sharp projectiles-
Latios: Y-you alright?

Mari: Yeah... I think so-- {!!}

Latios: Mari?
What is it? Are you hurt?

Mari: B-behind you!!

-Latios looks confused for a second. Then his brain processes Mari's warning, and he spins around. He's greeted by a firm claw around his neck-

Latias: Hello Brother...

Latios: *choaking*

-Latias calls over to Mari, huddled over in a mess of glass-
Latias: I'll be taking this one off your hands if you don't mind!

-A harsh light fills the room as latias's body glows. Mari throws a hand over her eyes, trying to block out the light. When it fades, neither Xiroey nor Latias are anywhere to be seen.-

-Mari pounds her fist on the ground-
Mari: Damn It!
-falls unconscious-​



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, i'm running down a dark corridor with excalibur, elecman.exe, crocker, buizel, typhlosion, and man-die. the corridor looks like the effect of the arena where you fight Miracle Matter in Kirby 64)

c'mon, everyone. we have to find the others and get back to reality!

crocker: "does this memory stream even lead into other peoples memories?"

elecman.exe: "it should, in theory."

crocker: "'should'?"

(we are blocked by a mysterious peacock)

elecman.exe: "...check that, it does..."

???: "that is correct, elecman..."

elecman.exe: "...wait a minute..."


(the peacock is revealed to be Lord Shen)

lord shen: "how observant of you, smashfan."

why are you even here?!

lord shen: "SOMEONE had to block your way. and being the most glanced-over antagonist, i could only accept."

(lord shen begins to levitate, and a cannon generates from beneath him)

lord shen: "and ENOUGH with the parentheses that can be taken sexually!"

(well SOR-RY, featherbrain!)

lord shen: "WHAT did you just call me?!"

(lord shen fires the cannon at the screen)


(my bad, smash... just think of something before shen barbecue-roasts your ***! D8)
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