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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
in the event of too much conflict between ideas, i feel a restart shall be called for only then. it's a big "if", but nonetheless a valid one... anyway, on with the story...


(in the brobot, dimentio and diamond tiara are flying to try and rebuild their dark army)

diamond tiara: "about that remark earlier..."

dimentio: "hmm?"

diamond tiara: "you do know only PEGASI can fly, right?"

dimentio: "*facepalm* NOW ya' tell me... anyway. if we're going to stand a chance against those goody two-shoes protagonists, we'll need to find survivors with wrecked lives..."

diamond tiara: "wrecked lives, huh? *devilish smirk* i think i know JUST where to start..."

AID: "do tell!"

(meanwhile, on the bridge of the airship)

valoo: "it would seem they have retreated..."

(near, mr. l, and drawcia, unconscious on the ground, regain their colors and wake up)

drawcia: "uugh... what happened?"

near: "(pulling flowers and glitter out of pockets) what in the blue hell am i doing with all THIS?!"

(mr l wakes up, turning back into luigi)

luigi: "oohhh, my head..."

rover: "they with you guys?"

sonic: "with all the separations, betrayals, and split-ups going on, who even remembers anymore?"

drawcia: "sonic?"

near: "gliscor?"

luigi: "A BIG GIANT HEAD!!"

(suddenly, the random floating baby head from Phineas & Ferb appears behind the group)

floating baby head: "*coos*"

fido: "(pointing to the baby head) when did HE get here?!"

sonic: "...believe me, i'm just as clueless as you."

drawcia: "i don't know what the hell dimentio did to us, but..."

luigi: "MMMH!! dimentio! (yelling in italian)"

marx: "...i don't know WHAT he's saying, but i'm sure it's not safe for the kids..."

near: "well, we'd be more than glad to journey with you again..."


Drawcia joined your team!


Near joined your team!


Luigi joined your team!

marx: "so, where to next?"

gliscor: "well, i for one need a break from all this fighting. i suggest we break somewhere safe..."

rover: "one problem: WHERE THE F**K WOULD WE GO?! with all the bad guys running around, even the underground caverns aren't safe!"

gliscor: "(points to a nearby spot that is randomly clear-skied) over there, fido."

rover: "actually, i'm rover. the big grey one is fido."

fido: "hi."

gliscor: "my point is, that random clear patch seems safe enough... even if a little shifty..."

sonic: "...better check it out anyway..."

(the airship heads for the random clear spot. the sky clears up to an empathetic yellow)

(meanwhile, in the hall, gengar is long gone)

xiroey: "...where the hell did gengar go?"

mari: "well, he couldn't have gone far..."

(baxk on the ship deck)

luigi: "ahh, now THAT'S something i haven't seen in a long time... clear skies..."

drawcia: "wait a minute..."

sonic: "is that... ?"

(the ship docks)

marx: "ahh, appleloosa. it's been a while since i've been here..."

near: "you've been to appleloosa before?"

marx: "of course i've been here. back when the fighter union was still active, smashfan and i were asked to patrol this area for shadow red barons made by wilfre."

queen chrysalis: "well, either way, we need to find a safe place to-"

queen chrysalis: "AGH, BRAEBURN!"

braeburn: "hey, there! i se y'all've met marx already! fancy work him'n smashfan did for us waybackwhen."

sonic: "look, braeburn-"

braeburn: "ah, no need t'fluster yourself, sonic. y'all need a place to stay, s'that right?"

bowser jr: "y-yeah, how did- ?"

braeburn: "simple as this, koopa kid. since that goshdarn takeover the other places've been going through, one of the few places that's still safe is right here in AAAAAAAPPLELOOSA!"

(cut to right in front of a bar)

braeburn: "this right here's our local waterin' hole, the salt block!"

(a very thirsty-looking pony is tossed out)


thirsty pony: "*raspy* can't i at least get a glass o' water? (collapses)"

braeburn: "...dont'cha mind that guy, he comes here every week. thinks he can just hog all the salt like he owns the place or somethin'."

sonic: "braeburn, if you'd just-"

(cut to the orchard, with buffalo stampeding on the path laid through it)

braeburn: "and this is our main event; the apple orchard..."

braeburn: "(content sigh) i still remember th'early days, when we here set aside our differences with the buffalo..."

sonic: "BRAEBURN!!!"

braeburn: "yeah, sonic?"

sonic: "...i can take the mystery of how you know we're needing to spend some downtime here in (waving hands, trying to imitate braeburn) AAAAAAPPLELOOSA... but what i wanna know is how the hell this place is staying so unaffected by the war!"

braeburn: "...well, to tell ya' the truth, sonic-"

???: "we have been having it just as bad as everywhere else..."

(a small female buffalo enters the picture)

drawcia: "huh?"

mari: "little strongheart?"

little strongheart: "when the antagonist army hit, they hit appleloosa and the buffalo grounds hard. we rallied our respective forces to fend them back, but sustained many casualties in the process..."

braeburn: "not only did we lose sheriff silverstar, but chief thunderhooves, too! when they overrun the buffalo grounds, we thought all our troops in one place'd be enough to get 'em to leave us alone. we were wrong... DEAD wrong..."

little strongheart: "we've managed to send them away at least twice now. but unless we fortify our defenses, we may not be so lucky if there is to be a third invasion."

gliscor: "...damn, guys. that's some heavy stuff. sorry to hear that..."

little strongheart: "please, you must help us! if the antagonist army attacks once more, it could mean the last of equestria comes under the plague union's rule!"

braeburn: "and the last of pony society gets swept away..."

sonic: "......let's do this."


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

-Appleloosa outpost tower-

Luigi: And I'm-a the one who get's lookout duty...*sigh*

(Luigi Sits down and and takes out some things from his pocket.)

Luigi:...Big bro...

???: Hey, Luigi.

Luigi: WAAH!

(Mari gives Luigi a strange look.)

Mari: Whoa...Did I scare you?

Luiga: Oh, NO! You just-a...Well, Yeah, You scared a-me.

Mari: You're the worst lier EVER, Luigi. *laughs, Then notices Luigi holding something.*

What's That you got there?

Luigi: Oh...It's-a nothing...*trys to hide it*

Mari: ...You OK, Luigi?

Luigi: Yea, yea...I'm Fine.

Mari: Because if you need somebody to talk to...I'm right here.


Mari: Luigi.

(Luigi sighs again and gives up)

Luigi: It's-a just...I miss Mario....

I know some-a people would think I would be glad...But....

I really, really-a miss him...

Mari:...I know...I know how you feel.

(Mari sits down next to Luigi)

Mari: I lost a brother, too.

(Luigi looks up and stares at her)

Luigi: You had-a bro?

Mari: Yep. And He was the best big brother on the planet....

And I miss him everyday.

Luigi:...What happened?

Mari:.....It's...Still too painful to talk about.

Luigi: I understand.

(Luigi reveals his hands, showing her a picture of Mario and Luigi, arms over each others shoulders and grinning from ear to ear, With Peach's castle in the background.)

Luigi: This is my-a favorate picture of both of-a us...and this...

Mari: Whoa!

Luigi: Is his cap...

Mari: Luigi...When did you get that?

Luigi:...I don't-a know...I think I still held on to it when-a I was Mr.L....

Mari: Jeez...I'm not worthy of even LOOKING at it....

You should Take REALLY good care of it...I mean, It's Mario's cap. A lotta fruitloops would KILL to get that.

Luigi: I'm-a never gonna let go of this...

You would have-a to pry it from my-a red, dead-a fingers!

Mari:...I hear you...I wish I had something to remember my brother by....

Everything my family owned was all-

Luigi: POKEYS!


(Luigi turns Mari's head around, and she sees a SH*TLOAD of Pokeys raceing towardeds Appleloosa!)

Mari: Sound the alarm!

(Luigi grabs a rope and pulls it as hard as he can, ringing a bell.)

Mari: I'm gonna go get Xiro and the others!

Luigi: And what-a bout me?!

Mari: You're coming with me!

(Mari grabs Luigi by his arm and runs to find Xiro.)



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*A day has past*

(Stuck in this horrible world, eating the only eatible thing there, Human flesh)

*Mileena's body cocked over a set on fire bunch o sticks*

Mmmm taste Nasty as f*** bt Im hungry



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Dimentio: Here!

PT: Mushroom Kingdom?

Dimentio: Of course! The Kingdom fell due to Kefka and Bowser, but now it's only ruled by me.

Muhti: So now what?

Dimentio: I wanna find somebody.....

AID: Who?

Dimentio: I can't tell since it would break the suspense.....

Gengar: I can give them suspense *eyes flicker*

Dimentio: Not yet Gengar, not yet. After here we'll go to Kanto to get somebody. Eh screw it, I'll transport him.

*Dimentio snaps his fingers and somebody appears*

???: ...

Muhti: You brought Red?!?

Dimentio: Why not? He is damned powerful, I made a deal with him earlier to get him good pokemon.

Red: ...

PT: He is gonna f**k the protagonist army. Wow

Muhti: Obviously, especially Xiro and Latias. Speaking of which....

*Launches out Combusken?*

Blaziken: 卻止工作者,

Muhti: Lemme guess, not only did you evolve but you learned Chinese?

Blaziken: Yep!

AID: By the way, what if the Protagonist army tries to come here to stop us?

Dimentio: That why I sent in.....


DT: The guy from the Spongebob movie? Really?

Dimentio: Hell yea! I got my peeps in order.

Blazizen: Your not cool talking in slang jester

Dimentio: -.-

Blaziken: Still not cool

Red: ...

Muhti: ....So now who are we looking for?


Gengar: Didn't Mari kill him?

AID: Yea, but he would obviously have more lives and

Blaziken: want to have revenge on Mari. Perfect *rolls eyes*


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
(( Rawwrr!~ :006: [[Has a spaz attack against Muhti for adding Red to his team before I can ]] ))

[COLLAPSE="Apleossa Tavern"]

Xiroey: B-bwah... What's the point Joe?
-Xiroey leans back in his booster seat with his eyes googled up towards the ceiling. The Innpony casts him odd looks every so often, but dedides to say nothing.-

Bishop: My name isn't Joe--
Ugh, whatever. Why are you even acting like that?
You aren't drunk.

Xiroey: Yeaah, but half the ponys in here are.
I mean why not. Telepathy, free booze...

-Bishop pinches his forehead in frustration-
Bishop: Ugh, I'm trying to have a serious conversation...
-Xiroey sits up straight, his eyes regain their focus-

Xiroey: Why you gotta hate on the free Clillax Mai'ne?
-Bishop manages to look very unamused at Xiroey using street talk-

Xiroey: Fine, what is it that you wanted to talk about?

Bishop: It's about your team.
All of you are part of Smashfans legendary leigon of heroes correct?

Xiroey: Yeah.
Well, Most of us. Charizard and Valoo kinda just popped up outa nowhere.
And Gliscor's been with us for a while, but he hasn't met Smashfan either...

Bishop: I see.
But a good portion of you have?

Xiroey: Where are you going with this...?

Bishop: I have a proposition for your "Smashfan"
Now, I may look like your everyday run of the mill Yoshi, but I'll have you know I'm a member of one of the most successful Yoshi tribes in all of Smashboards. I've met your friend "Charizard" We've traveled together for some time.

Xiroey: Okay, so you've got skills...
What is this proposal then?

Bishop: On behalf of my people,
I'd like to enlist the Thunderfoot tribe as part of Smashfan's legendary leigon.

-Xiroey throws his tiny hands up into the air-
Xiroey: That's great!
I'm sure he'll be glad to have you!
-Annoyed muttering comes from all around the tavern thanks to Xiroey's random outburst-

-Bishop's face flushes slightly-

Bishop: [undertone]: Can you not do that?
It's already embarrasing enough talking to a little kid as it is...

-The doors to the tavern slam open-

-Xiroey and Bishop don't move, but instantly go on high alert-

(???): Is Xiroey in here?

Bishop: I reckon, friends of yours...?

-Xiroey summons a gun into his concealed hand-

Inn-pony Roger: Don't know no "Xier-oy here little lady. Have ya checked the salt block perhaps?"

-Xiroey lets out a pent up breath. The gun dematerializes-
Xiroey: Phew, It's just Mari...
-Mari looks around the tavern but appears not to find what she's looking for. She gives a dissapointed shrug then walks back out-

Xiroey: Nice talking to you Bishop.
I had better go see what she wants.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luigi: I checked-a everywhere!
I didn't find him.

Mari: He wasn't in the Inn-Tavern...
-Mari kickes her foot across the ground in frustration-

Mari: Ugh!
He's a Spikey Blue-Haired guy with Red eyes!
He shouldn't be this hard to find!

(???): Bad day perhaps?

-Mari starts at the unfamilar voice. She spins around after it, but doesn't see anyone behind her-

-Tugging at her leg-
(???): Uhm... Down here.

-Mari looks down and sees a small boy tugging at her leg-
Mari: (He isn't a pony...)
Uhm, hi little boy. Are you lost?

Xiroey: Mari, it's me!
Whats wrong?

Mari: Xiro!
Why the heck to you look like that!?
We've been looking for you everywhere!
Did you know that--

Xiroey: Deep Breaths Mari...

Mari: Right...
-She forces herself to calm down. Then starts from the begining-

A bunch of POKEYS are trying to attack the town!
Drawcy and Gliscor are already at the main gates trying to hold them back, but theres a whole bunch more of them far off int he distance.

Xiroey: How many more?

Mari: They're threatening to surround this entire village!

-Xiroey whistles-
Xiroey: That is bad...

Mari: What should we do!?

Bishop: I believe I can be of some assistance?
-Bishop walks out of the Inn, carrying a giant spear across his back-

Mari: Who are--

Bishop: Name's Yoshi, but most call me "Bishop"
But that's not important right now.
You were in need of some military support correct?

Mari: Well... Yes actually.
Do you think you could give us a hand?

Bishop: As a matter of fact...
Meet me at the main gates to town in 10 minutes...

Mari: I'm not sure we have that much longer.

Bishop: I have a few friends who might want to help out...


[COLLAPSE="Main Gates"]

-"New Pork City" Theme playing in the background-

Gliscor: How much longer till' the others get here!?
-Drawcia flicks her brush, and brings a raging dragon to life-

Drawcia: Looks like it's just us two for now.
Everyone else is off with that freaky "AAAAAPLEOSA" guy.

Gliscor: I never did like that pony...

Drawcia: To your right Gliscor.

Gliscor: Already on it
-Gliscor glances over at a massive tank coming in on his right flank. A small sand tornado shoots up out of the ground and sends it spiraling into the enemy's ranks-

Gliscor: We should be able to do a good job of holding them back until the others get here.

Drawcia: Yeah, but how long until they stop messing around and rush the town.
We can't guard all directions at once!

Gliscor: Well--
-Gliscor's claw darts out and crushes a Pork Soldier's helmet in-

They're all pretty much coming from one direction right now.
So we shouldn't have too much to worry about--
-The sky suddenly goes dark-
Drawcia: You were saying about not having to worry...?

-Mari and Xiroey rush in. Followed by Yoshi and Bishop-

Mari: Hey guys, whats wrong, everything suddenly went pitch black!

-Gliscor points a trembling claw up towards the sky-
Gliscor: M-m-m-m-m-m... m-m-m-m-m...

Xiroey: Geeze, what's got him all worked up?

Gliscor: M-mari... LOOK!
-Everyone looks up towards the sky-

Xiroey: Oh... Sh**

Luigi: Momma Mia...

Bishop: Oh' mighty Yoshi God... Who art in Heaven...

Xiroey: Bishop... wheres the rest of you tribe...?

Bishop: Throwing up a defensive perimeter around the rest of the town...

Xiroey: We are going to need a LOT of back up...

Giygas: -Tortured Screaming-

Gliscor: I think I just wet myself...

Xiroey: It's okay buddy...

-The remainder of the POKEY army appear off in the distance.

-Roughly 20,000 Soldiers surround the town from all directions-

Xiroey: Meep...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
*The group slide off the mountain*


*Gengar goes and jumps off the mountain, passing everyone who slid, causing a meteor impact*

*Muhti is the first to get down besides Gengar*

Muhti: What the hell do you do?!

Gengar: I jumped, obviously.

*Muhti gives him an annoyed look*

Dimentio: Enough dilly dallying, lets go!

*The team walk across the pasture and see 3 guards, Dimentio smirks and floats over to them*

Dimentio: 'ello boys, fine day we are having!

*Two of the guards are hedgehogs, one black and another orange*

Shadow: Hello sir! We are patrolling the Mushroom Kingdom for you!

Guard 3(???): Boys, for bleeding sakes get over here.

Tails: But Doctor Who! Our leader is here in the flesh.

AID: The Doctor Who?

Muhti: And not some pony version of him?

Doc. Who: Yes, yes cheers for finding me.

Dimentio: Enough of greeting now. *Turns to the three guards smiling* How would you three like to join me? Instantly promoted to Elites?

Shadow: That sounds nice... And we're going against the Protagonist Army?

*The rest of the team gives Shadow a quick nod*

Shadow: Good.... I have to pay Sonic a visit....


Blaziken: I wonder who that sounds like *Cranes neck and stares at Dimentio*

DT: Hurry up guys! Yay we're all on the same team Now let's go before I throw a temper tantrum

Gengar: Yea, um, Im kinda scared of her now. LETS GO!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(giygas begins charging... something... from one of his many mouths...)

buizel: "what's he doing?!"

(a lazer shoots down, reducing a faraway, barely visible train engine shed into a destroyed land mass)

xiroey: "whatever he's trying to do, i'm guessing it's going to end with a bigger version of THAT..."

gliscor: "not if we have anything to say about it! typhlosion! buizel! chrysalis! back me up!"

(as gliscor uses Sky Attack to kamikaze at giygas, typhlosion assists by using Flamethrower, buizel by using Water Gun, and queen chrysalis by firing a beam of green energy)

(giygas fires another lazer, but it is stopped by the watergun, flamethrower, energy beam, and gliscor)

gliscor: "it's working, guys! keep it up!"

(the lazer draws closer, this time getting progressively more powerful)

gliscor: "check that, increase power! full blast if possible!"

(buizel, chrysalis, and typhlosion pool all their energy into their respective blasts, making them double in size and power. braeburn, xiroey, little strongheart, luigi, and mari all look on with looks that just scream 'oh god i hope this ends well'...)

braeburn: "i hope your pokemon friend knows what he's doin', xir. this right here could mean life or death for us all..."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


(Mars sitting on a log starring at the dark damped skt)

(On the verge of passing out after eating .....)

Im so thirsty.... I give , I cant live through this anymore.

Hillusionation Hinata: You giving up?

What who said that?

Hillusionation Hinata: Ah up here stupid.

What Hinata, arent you dead?

-I dont no how to spell Hillusionation so Ill just put illusion-

Illusion Hinata: Maybe

Maybe? Where are you then, i are you here in out world to?

Illusion Hinata: Nope

......Then Why are you here?

Illusion Hinata: Because your going crazy and your seeing things.... happens to most people who are stranded and does not know what to do.

Can you get me out of here?

Illusion Hinata: OMG, you expect me to do every thing. *Sigh*

*The illusion Fades away*

No dont go, HELP ME!!!! HELP MEE!

(passes out)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(then... the blast knocks gliscor back to the ground)

gliscor: "AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! (thud) ooogh!!"

sonic: "gliscor!"

(clearly strained and out of energy to attack with, chrysalis drops to the ground, energy beam fizzling)

queen chrysalis: "can't... keep... attack... up..."

gliscor: "chrysalis... you can't give up yet..."

queen chrysalis: "too late... out of... power... (falls unconscious)"

(pokeys swarm typhlosion, binding him, rendering him unable to keep his flamethrower steady against the lazer)

luigi: "typhlosion! (jumps after the pokeys) let-a go of him, robots!"

mari: "it's all up to buizel, now..."

(as the lazer advances, it begins to slow down as it reaches closer to buizel, still giving his all)

buizel: "can't let... lazer... reach... the town..."

sonic: "he's still going at it..."

xiroey: "but giygas... giygas is just too powerful... there goes a brave pokemon..."

buizel: "(strained) i won't... let you... destroy... appleloosa!! ...I WON'T F**KING HAVE IT!!! (is enveloped in a bright light, still shooting out water gun)"

braeburn: "hey, xir... are buizels s'posed to glow like that?"

xiroey: "glow? what are you... ?!?!?!"

sonic: "b... buizel?!"

little strongheart: "he's evolving!"

(the light dissipates, leaving only the pokemon that used to be buizel pushing the giant lazer back in from inside a giant spiral of water)

sonic: "is he using..."

xiroey: "aqua jet?!"

(the lazer is forced back into giygas's mouth, causing him to explode in a giant, bright flash)

mari: "BUIZEL!!"

(the light dies down)

braeburn: "i... is he... ??"

(a figure resembling buizel lands to the ground)

gliscor: "you're alright!"

(the figure rises, buizel has evolved into floatzel)

floatzel: "told you i wouldn't have any of giygas's nonsense..."


(the army of pokeys fall back)

braeburn: "we... we did it! they're runnin' away!"

(the citizens of appleloosa throw their hats in the air and celebrate)

typhlosion: "(shaking off the pokey attack) congrats on evolving bui- er... floatzel..."

floatzel: "it'll take a while, i know, but i'm sure you'll get used to it, ty. (looks at fins) i know I will..."

charizard: "how are the survivors, little strongheart?"

little strongheart: "this is NOT good, chrysalis and gliscor have been severely injured! we have to get them medical treatment right away!"

near: "...braeburn, does appleloosa by chance have a pokemon center?"

(while gliscor and queen chrysalis are hauled off on stretchers, sonic and xiroey are having a conversation)

sonic: "even if those pokeys are gone, i suspect the plague union has even more tricks up their sleeve..."

(meanwhile, with dimentio...)

dimentio: "my masters will want to hear about this..."

(dimentio presses a button on the brobot's control panel, displaying 5 screens each with a different face on it. Mechanikat, Queen Vexus, Professor Calamitous, The Gourd, and a distorted screen in the center)

shadow: "...these are your higher-ups?"

dimentio: "yes, shadow. the plague union themselves."

diamond tiara: "mm-hmm, THIS clown's got connections..."

distorted face: "what is it now, dimentio?"

dimentio: "well sirs. i've already begun assembling my new force, starting with the old ex-rebels at the mushroom kingdom, and lovely little diamond tiara here."

mechanikat: "...a school-aged filly?"

vexus: "lame..."

professor calamitous: "dimentio, we've seen some pretty pathetic things from you, but this is a new low."

the gourd: "agreed. it's like you're not even trying anymore."

dimentio: "oh, don't be fooled, milords. (holds diamond tiara to the screens) THIS kitty's got claws!"

distorted face: "well, let's hope she does, jester. otherwise, the only kingdom you'll see rebuilt is kingdom come..."

dimentio: "you're enjoying this, aren't you?"

(the other four faces log off)

distorted face: "...DO NOT disappoint me."

(the distorted figure logs off)

dimentio: "...the plague union's kind of loosing faith in my abilities. but don't you worry, diamond. they will soon learn that dimentio is no mere fool..."


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
((Remember I sent Dennis from the Spongebob Movie heading your way :p))

AID: So there other Elites like us?

Dimentio: Yes, that's another reason why we're here, Shadow Queen has her troops here.

*They walk into the dark and gloomy castle, with a torn flag flying above them*

Gengar: Pretty weird, wasn't it just colorful here?

*They pass a black toad with red spots*

Blaziken: It looks prettier at least.

*They reached the top where Peachs room is*

Toad Guard: Im sorry but only Peach personnel can come in.

Shadow: Does it look like we care?

Toad Guard: Im wa-

*The Toad fell asleep and was talking to somebody*

DT: Gengar.....

Gengar: What? He wasn't gonna let us in.

*The group walk in to see another group lounging around, one of which was the Shadow Queen*

Shadow Queen:Hello.... Dimentio and friends.....

Dimentio: Hello SQ. Fancy seeing you, we have business to care of.

*The two dissapear elsewhere*

Doc. Who: He just left us...

???: What a bi*ch

??? (2): Deal with it, Ganondorf

??? (3): And stop cursing.

Ganondorf: Hmph, *looks at Muhti and the rest* and who are these dorks? They look like you Azula, a dumb founded witch.


Ganondorf: Meh, Tabuu get me water

Tabuu: Hell no

Muhti: So you're just gonna ignore us?

Azula: Sorry about that. But one question.

Gengar: Hit us

*Ganondorf kicks Gengar across the room*

??? (3): NOT LIKE THAT IDIOT! I'm Kato by the way. *Looks at DT with a loving smile*

Tails: Didn't you die in the Hunger Games?

Kato: Yea, butttt Im just badass like that.

*Azula shakes her head*

Azula: As I was saying, why did you bring Doctor Who with you? And why the tenth?

Doc. who: Because my dear lady, I have been sent to patrol the Mushroom Kingdom. I don't know why they didn't send the 11th though.

*Two people appear in the room*

Dimentio: Alright troopers, I won in rock-paper-scissors so I own you all. So lets get hiking!

*A man walks into the room with his underwear down*

All: IT BURNS!!!

???: Sorry, but there's no toilet paper left

SQ:Its okay Romney, just pull your damn pants up

Blaziken: MITT ROMNEY?! WHY?!. Wait.... He is a villain in a way so, I suppose he can join.

Romney: Don't push it, or else I'll ban Pokemon like Im gonna ban Big Bird

Muhti: So you're the d*ck that's gonna ban Big Bird? That was my childhood!

Romney: Let's go before he attacks me *Runs out of the room in a flash*

Dimentio: Alright NOW lets go


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, a figure on a motorcycle arrives in lavender town, parking in front of rigby)

rigby: "ah, finally! someone who knows i exist! listen, guy. i- hey, wait a minute... who are you exactly?"

(the figure approaches rigby menacingly... dennis...)

dennis: "the name's Dennis. i've heard from my boss that Smashfan was somewhere in the mental realm."

rigby: "listen. dennis, was it? i don't know who you are, but-"

(dennis grabs rigby by the neck)

dennis: "i also heard that before he started mindhoppin', he and his pals were last seen here in lavender town. and given this place'd be empty otherwise, you must be in cahoots with 'im. so tell me this, racoon. (squeezes rigby) WHERE... CAN I... GET... TO THE MENTAL REALM?"

(determined, rigby puts on a pair of ripped-up jeans and, managing to free both his arms from the grip of the absurdly large dennis, combs his hair back into a mullet)

rigby: "i ain't tellin' you sh**."

(rigby socks dennis right in the face with the death punch of death)

(when the smoke clears, dennis is still there, although badly battered)

dennis: "so that's how ya' wanna play, eh? well, i'd be more than happy to oblige..."

rigby: "bring it..."

+battle music: pokey means business (skip directly to heavy guitar)+



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Too Slow!

-Latios spins her scythe around like a baton and whacks Xiroey in the face with the blunt end. Hard-

-Xiroey stumbles back, several stars obscuring his vision.
He just manages to throw up his Protect in time to block a followup strike from Latias-​

Latias: Don't let your opponent overwhelm you!
Don't just hide behind a shield. Look for an opportunity to shift the momentum back into your favor!​

Xiroey: I know the basics of combat all right!?
Stop pestering me and let me focus!

-Xiroey materializes both guns into his hands.
His shield drops, allowing Latias's scythe to come arcing through-​

-He shoots a bullet at the weapon and sends it spiraling away-​

Xiroey: Hmph. Now can you stop giving me advice so I-- *oof*

-Latias knee kicks him in a very painful location-
-Xiroey immediately goes down. Then curls up into a ball on the ground-​

Latias: Be sure to watch your opponent always.
Don't leave yourself open.

Xiroey: C-cheap shot...

-Latias' scythe vanishes. She walks over to him and tires to help him up-
Latias: There's no cheap shots in actual combat bro...
Need a hand?

-Xiroey waves her away-
Xiroey: N-no... you go ahead...
I'm just... gonna lay here a while...

Latias: *shrugs*
Suit yourself...

-A newcommer drops down from a nearby fence shortly after Latias has walked a good distance away.-

(???): Wow. She really gave it to ya good didn't she?

Xiroey: What do you want Buizel...?

Floatzel: Heey!
I'm not "Buizel" anymore? Haven'tcha noticed?

-Floatzel points to the two new elongated fangs sticking out of his mouth-​

Floatzel: I could gobble up every last one of ya' know if I wanted.

Xiroey: Nggh...
I'm happy for you too Buiz

What do you want?

-Floatzel nearly makes a remark about Xiroey using his old nickname.
But then decides to let it slide this time-
Floatzel: Gliscor said he needed your help with something.

Xiroey: G-gliscor...?

Floatzel: That's what I just said.
Frankly, I don't know what that bat does in his spare time.
Seems a bit off if ya ask me.

Xiroey: Thanks Buiz, I'll go see what he wants.

-Floatzel rolls his eyes-
Floatzel: Meh, frankly I could care less what you do.
I'm only here to relay a message.

Xiroey: Well, thanks anyway.
I'll tell Gliscor you brought it.

-Floatzel gives a "whatever" shrug and then walks off-​

Xiroey: *shudders*
I'm going to have to find a way to get up off the ground somehow.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(Meanwhile, At the outskirts of Appleloosa..)

Mari: *on the phone* ....That's great, Magolor. See you in 5. *hangs up.*

???: Hey, Mari.

(Sonic walks up to Mari and sees her put her phone in her pocket.)

Sonic: Who were you talking to?

Mari: Magolor. He finished repairing the ship. He's comeing here.

Sonic: That's Fantastic! We're gonna need all the help we can get...


Sonic: Something wrong?

Mari:...Sonic....Remember the day we first met? When you said all that stuff to convince me not to jump?

Sonic: *not liking where this conversation is going* Yeeeeaaaahh...?

Mari:...*puts her hand on his sholder*

You were right. You were right all along...

About everything.


Sonic: *sighs with relief* Oh...You're welcome.

Mari: You thought I was gonna say something else, didn't you?

Sonic: Kinda.

Mari:....Can I tell you something?

Sonic: Sure, anything!

Mari:...I feel...So useless lately.

I mean, You guys are busy saving the world, and I'm just watching from the sidelines...

I wanna do something about it.

I wanna help.

Sonic: OK...So how do you wanna help?

Mari: I want you to teach me how to fight.

(Sonic kinda blinks for a few moments, then actually processes what Mari Said.)

Sonic: You want me to What?

Mari: I already know the basics. Plus, If I apprentice under Magolor as well...

I can fight with you.

Sonic:....You know that I've never actually had a apprentace Before? The closest thing to one was Tails...

But you do have smarts. Speed plus Magic is a pritty powerful combo....

Mari: Sooooo...?

Sonic: I just got one question. *smerks* Can you keep up?

Mari: You should know by now that I'm a fast learner!

Sonic: Awesome! *laughs* I just got myself a student! This should be fun!

Mari: Hey...look!

(The Lor can be seen in the distance.)

Sonic: There he is. As soon as he lands, We'll tell him and then we'll start our first lesson.

Mari: Sounds like a plan.

Marx and Drawcia will be glad to see him too.

Sonic: Where are they, anyway? And Near too?

Mari: Busy enjoying themselfs, Of course...




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Upstairs Tavern"]

Gliscor: ...There that should wrap up everything I need to create the--


Gliscor: What the carp?
-Gliscor opens the door and sees Xiroey laying at the top of the stairs-​

Gliscor: Xiroey!
What in the world are you doing?

Xiroey: -panting-

-Gliscor raises an eyebrow-
Gliscor: Right...
Come inside will ya? And shut the door behind you when you do.

-5 minutes later, Xiroey finally manages to pick a comfotable spot on the bed-

Gliscor: Wow, she whacked you that hard eh'?

Xiroey: -wincing-
Ugh, It hurts just to think about it...

Gliscor: Well, I'll give you some painkillers later to help with the soreness.
But onto the reason I called you here.

Xiroey: *groans*

Gliscor: ...
Would you like them now?

Xireoy: Yes please...

-Gliscor gives Xiroey a sympathetic stare. Then walks over to a wooden cubord, and pulls out a sterilized needle-

Gliscor: You might feel a little loopy once the medicine finally takes effect.

Xiroey: -moaning-

Gliscor: But I'm sure you don't care, and probably want the mega-dose anyway.

Xiroey: ...

Gliscor: -sighs-
Why you insist on parading around as one, I'll never understand.
-Gliscor gives Xiroey the injection-​

Gliscor: There. Now give it a few seconds to take effect--

Xiroey: Why does your tail stinger smell like oranges?

Gliscor: ... And apparently, It already has.
Now If you'll turn your attention to your right--

your other right...​

I have something I'd like to show you.



Typhlosion: Dude, can you stop staring at yourself in public?
People are giving us weird looks...​

Floatzel: Ahh, hush.
Let the fools look. T's not like they're actually going to say anything.

Typhlosion: -fidgiting-
I knoooow, but can you stop?

-Floatzel sighs-
Floatzel: Thyphlosion...
If you want that girl over there to talk to you, why don't you just go over and say "hi"?

-Typlosion nearly falls out of the booth-
Typhlosion: DUDE!
Not so loud! She'll hear!

Floatzel: -examining his fins-

I'm not the one yelling. Moron.

-Typhlosions face goes beet red-

(Lady's Voice): So, have ya'll decided what ya want to order yet?

-Typlosion's face reddens up like a cooked lobster-​

Floatzel: Hi, I'll take whatever meat you have on the menu.
I have a sudden craving.

-The waitress jots down a few notes on her clipboard-
Waitress: Anything in particular?

Floatzel: Doesn't matter.
I just want something meaty all of a sudden.

-The waitress shrugs and moves over to Typlosion's side of the table-
Typlosion: And you cutie~?

-Typlosion's goes face so red, you'd swear steam would shoot out of his ears-
Typlosion: I-i-i... I'll have...

Waitress: Hmm...?

-Floatzel sighs loudly-
Floatzel: Just give him a steak.
Uncooked if you please.

-The waitress seems not to notice the strangeness of the situation and moves on-​

-The extra color drains from Typhlosion's face-
Typhlosion: Phew...
Dude! Did you hear what she called me!?​

Floatzel: Don't care...

Typlosion: I should go over and say something!

Floatzel: Go ahead...
She's probably just going to slack off during most of her shift anyway...

-Typlosion gives Floatzel a sly look-
Typlosion: Oh, don't you give me that pretend cold attitude...
I saw you eyeing that pink Gardevoir over in the corner...​

-Floatzel tires to abruptly stand up. But then bangs his knees on the table-
Floatzel: Ow...

Typhlosion: Heheh...
See ya!~

Floatzel: Typhlosion!
Get your blue a** back here so I can--!

(???): Hehe~
I didn't know you were staring at me just now...

Floatzel: *gulp*
(Crap, she overheard us...)

Clair: Mind if I sit?

Floatzel: S-s-sure. B-be my guest...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Exiting the Mushroom Castle"]Dimentio: So how we doing new members?

Ganondorf: Sh**ty, can I leave?

Azula: Don't mind him, he's an idiot.


Azula: And him too.

Dimentio: *Sighs in stress* That's amazing

Shadow Queen: Welcome to my world....

Gengar: alright, before we get carried away, LETS GO!

*The newly made team walk out of the heavily guarded Mushroom Castle*

*As everyone talked to one another except Res, Muhti walked fastly to Dimentio*

Muhti: So now what are we going to do?

Dimentio: We are heading to Fawfuls shack first, then to the nieghboring Kingdom, Hyrule.

???: Not until you pass me!

*A heavily masked man appears in front of the startled group*

???: The names Sheik, and I won't let you pass!

*Ganondorf observes the newcomer*

Ganondorf: Nope! He doesn't look familiar whatsoever.

Sheik: Good. And I have pokemon that a guy by the name of Blue gave me to protect myself from the protagonist army.

AID: So we're screwed?

DT: Pretty much.

Red:Not unless I stop him

Gengar: He talked for the first time, hey!

Sheik: Enough! It's time to fight![/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Pokemon Battle: Red vs Sheik"]+Remixed Version of Reds Theme+

Sheik: Go Pidgeot!

Red: *Sends out Charizard*

Charizard: 250 HP
Pidgeot: 215 HP

Charizard used Flare Blitz!

Pidgeot loses 50 HP!

Pidgeot uses Aerial Ace!

Charizard loses 45 HP!

Charizard: 205 HP
Pidgeot: 165

*As Charizard comes back to his original post, Red whispers something into his ear. His smile grew large*

Pidgeot used Aerial Ace!

Charizard lost 45 HP!

Charizard used Blast Burn!

Sheik: Hey wait! Why is that fire coming towards me!? AHHHH-


Sheik lost 666 HP! It was super effective! Sheik Fainted!

Sheik: meep

Dimentio: Alright then.... Lets go!

*Everyone cheers except Red as they move on towards Fawful*

Sheik: I'll *coughs out debris* get you punks next time!

Muhti: *Shouting a wealthy distance* SAVE IT FOR LATER SIR![/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Apleosa Town"]

Mari: Looks like he's landing on the other side of town.

Sonic: No prob. I'll run over and get em'

Mari: That's okay Sonic, It's not that far.
We can just--
-Sonic speeds off-

Mari: ...
Wait right here for you to drag him over.

(???): Hey!
There you are Mari!
Whats up?

Mari: -without turning around-
*sigh* Planning a kidnapping.
Whats up Gliscor?

Gliscor: Hmm...?
I never did understand you people.
Anyways, the projects done--

Xiro, stop drooling on my shoulder...

Xiroey: Wattup Dawg?~

Mari: Umm, whats wrong with Xir--

Gliscor: --Pain Pills...

Mari: Ah...

Xiroey: Gliscor, whydda you only give hugs to Mari?
Don't you care abou' the rest of us?

Mari: ...What exactly did you give him.

Gliscor: Enough painkiller to numb an elephant.
In retrospect, I may have allowed my sympathy to cloud my judgement...

Mari: You think?!?
-Sonic speeds back, carrying a protesting Magolor across his back-

Magolor: --Sonic I demand to know what's the meaning of this!
I have a lot of post-landing to procedures to take care of, and I will not leave them in the hands of--

Oh, hi Mari...

Mari: Hey Mag...

Sonic: Alright Mag,
Now that I've brought ya' here.

Mari's l;ooking for someone to teach her magic.

Magolor: You want to learn magic Mari?

Mari: I'm tired of being dead weight all the time.
I've already asked Sonic to teach me to fight, and he agreed.

But I'd really like to learn magic as well...

-Magolor muses over that for a second-
Magolor: Hmm...
Magic and Speed... A pretty dangerous combination in the right hands...

Sonic: My sentiments exactly!

-he comes to a decesion-
Magolor: All right Mari.
I'm glad you've suddenly taken an interest.

I can think of nobody better to have as my Pupil.
-cuts in before Mari has a chance to celebrate-

Magolor: Buut--

Sonic: Sure thing Mag,
Just wanted to get your consent first...

Magolor: Good, now before we start we're going to need-- *Ahh!*
-Sonic speeds back toward the Lor before Magolor has a chance to go any further-

Gliscor: *cough*

Xiroey: Sonic doesn't wait around. Does he?

Mari: Sonic feels like the world moves too slow for him sometimes.
He could stand to learn a little patience.

Gliscor: Well.
Onto the reason Xiro and I are here...
-Gliscor produces a fine silver bracelet-

Gliscor: It took all my efforts to make it work.
But I finally managed to create a replica of the basic formula using some of my books.
With a few minor tweaks of course.

-Mari goes speechless-
Mari: Wow...
I don't know what to say. It's...

Xiroey: Well. It's Just an ordinary bracelet for now.
At least, until Magolor enchants it.
Except for that stone in the middle.

Mari: Hmm...?
-Mari examines the odd blue stone closely-

Mari: Why?
What is it?

Xiroey: Uhm...
My Big Brother...

-Mari nearly drops the bracelet-
Mari: Your WHAT!?!

Gliscor: Best you tell her Mate.

Xiroey: That jewel in the Middle is called a Soul Dew.
It's what we Lati's become whenever we pass away from this world.

Part of my brother's soul is locked inside that tiny stone. Normally, I'd only work for a Lati-Pokemon like me or my Sis.

...But once Magolor lays his Magic on it, It'll work for you too...

Mari: I-I don't know what to say.
I can't accept this...

Gliscor: Actually, Xiro here was quite adamant on giving it to you.
You should have seen him. He was--
-Xiroey elbows him in the side-

Gliscor: Glad to see you're feeling better again...

Xiroey: I know it may seem a little overwhelming.
But the thing is. I'm doing it for me and him too...

Mari: ?

-A spot around Xiroey's neck shimmers faintly. When it stops, two small orbs hang there. Connected by a thin string-

Mari: No way!
You mean those are--

Xiroey: ...My Mom and Dad.

Gliscor: Whoa!
You didn't tell me you were carrying those around with you all this time.

Xiroey: It's kinda better the fewer who know about it.
Ya know?

Mari: Why are you trying to give me this?

Xiroey: The thing is.
I don't feel like I'm capable of protecting all three of these by myself.

Despite what my sister says about me... I'm not that strong.
If something were to happen to me.


Mari: Well, why don't you let Latias watch over them then?
I'm sure she won't mind--

Xiroey: Actually, I told her about it.

Mari: ...

Xiroey: She feels the same way.
She's really greatful to you for freeing her from Muhti's hold earlier.

That and something else about you really impressed her.
She thinks Brother would be safer if I entrusted him over to you...

Mari: She said that...?

-Sonic reappears in a cloud of dust-
Sonic: So!
Ready to begin Mar?

Mari: ...

Sonic: Mar...?

Mari: I can really have this?

Xiroey: Well,
The Soul Dew isn't just for show you know.

The instant you put this on, all of my brother's power is essentially your own. He was a very good fighter, so I'm sure you'll find much help in having him along.

...That and he may give you advice from time to time.

-Mari goes lightheaded-
Mari: I don't know what to say.
Thanks Xiro...

Xiroey: Don't mention it.
Besides. Bro was always looking out for young human girls like yourself.
I'm sure he's tired of being around me all the time anyway.

He says I depress him. Haha~

Mari: Really Xiro...

Sonic: Uhh...
Did I miss something just now?

Mari: Sure Sonic.
We'll start in just a minute...

Xiroey: So, you'll accept it then?



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Hyrule"]*Everyone finally arrived at Hyrule, joking around about Red defeating Sheik, but then Dimentio made an announcement*

Dimentio: We're splitting up

*Doctor Who spits out the tea he was drinking*


Dimentio: What? I thought you enjoy some away time from me. Just act natural. When I give the cue, you all attack villagers and work your way to the castle. Enjoy your day off!

*Dimentio dissappeared before anybody could object*

Muhti: Lets get going then.

*Every split up, Muhti with Doctor Who and Gengar*

Gengar: Really nice hill to go belly flopping huh? *smirks at Muhti, but Muhti displayed mix emotions* Sorry.

Muhti: Oh, it's alright.

Doctor Who: What are you thinking dear lad?

Muhti: Actually, it's a who, Doctor Who. My sister.

Gengar: Your sister? I never knew you had one!

Muhti: Yea.... We were seperated awhile ago, I don't know if she's dead or not. Lucky Xiroey gets to see his sister every day.

Gengar: *grits teeth* Xiroey

Doctor Who: Do you know what she looks like?

Muhti: Has a necklace on her like Maris, kind of one of the reasons I stole it, it resembles her so much. Now look at it, it's blood red and half sliced. But whatcha gonna do?

Doctor: Sorry to hear 'bout that.

Gengar: Yea. But we're here for ya! You're like one of the only main heroes that had the balls to stay on the villain side this long. I mean come on, Xiroeys and Maris villains were tacky and cheesy. Wait a second... Weren't we supposed to get Fawful?[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Fawfuls Shack"]Fawful: Fawful loves playing with stupid dolls. This one is the girl who killed me! DIE!!!!

*Fawful takes the the doll and burns it*

???: Knock knock, did I ruin anything?

Fawful: Ah Dimentio, my comic rival! Come in come in! Just don't bring a plumber here to fix my CHORTTLES! BECAUSE I HAVE FURY FOR THIS GIRL.

Dimentio: Her name is Mari. And well, she's a main protagonist


Dimentio: That's why I came here. So you can help me,



Dimentio: *Smirks* Welcome aboard![/COLLAPSE]

(( Now then now I have my team that wants to kill you both badly Gengar, Red, Blaziken vs Xiroey, Gliscor, Floatzel, Latias. And Mari, Sonic, Magalor, Marx, Drawcia vs Fawful, Muhti, Shadow, Tails, AID. And the rest of my team can help :3. Boy are we gonna have some fun!))


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley


--Location: Johto Reigon: Celladon City--

(???): Stop Theif!!!

Smeargle: Ugh...
Can you get any more cliche?

Some people have no taste--
-A houndoom comes out of nowhere, and jumps Smeargle from the right.-

-Smeargle reacts quickly and flicks his tail at it.
A glowing green wall stands between Houndoom and himself-

Houndoom: -hits the sheid-

Smeargle: A true masterpiece!~
And for my next display <3

-Smeargle flicks out several blobs of purple paint. The paint blobs convulse and morph into deadly poison spikes in midair-

Police Cheif Stan: Toxic Spikes!
Shield Patrol!

-A group of houdoom dart out in front of the pursuing officers and catch the spikes against their Protect-

Smeargle: Excellent reacting time!~
Although I wasn't aiming directly for you.
-The police guards look around and find a wide circle of spikes surrounding them from all sides-

Smeargle: Have fun getting out of that!
K bye!~ <3

Cheif Guard Stan: Smeeaaarrgleeee!
-Smeargle jumps into a cluster of bushes and vanishes amungst the foliage-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Celladon Park
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charizard: Hmm...
This part of Johto seems reasonably untouched...

It stands to reason that he'd still be here--

[SFX]: Smeeeaarrrgleeee!!!

Charizard: ...And that he's most likely gotten himself into some sort of trouble.

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -

-Hiding beneath a shallow bridge-
Smeagle: *pant* I should be...
Safe here... For the time being...
-Smeargle waits patiently beneath his makeshift shelter.
Several minutes pass without any sign of pursuit-

Smeargle: Looks like I lost em'.
-Exhausted, he slumps back against a brick wall under the bridge. A small blue sphere sits in his lap.-

Smeargle: What I went through to get you!~

[SFX]: --Couldn't have just vanished!
Look everywhere!

Smeargle: Heh,
Look all you like worms.

You'll never find me under here.
-Loud footsteps pass directly overhead. Theres a general clutter of gear clacking and yelling as the officers cross over the bridge-

Smeargle: Didn't even bother to check the scent...

(???): What are you doing?

-Smeargle nearly drops his orb-
Smeargle: Ahh!

Charizard: What exactly is that you've got there?
-Smeargle rushes over to charizard and pushes his head down-

Smeargle: Shh!
Quiet! They'll hear you you nincompoop!

Charizard: What have you done now Antoine?

-Antoine's eyes dart left and right to make sure no police officers heard their breif exchange just now.

The entire area goes deafly quiet-

Antoine: *phew*

Charizard: Saint... Josheph?

Antoine: I couldn't think of any good swears to say.
What are you doing here!?

Charizard: As a matter of fact,
I'm here to find you.

No big surprised you've managed to get the entire city at your back.

Antoine: I get around...
-The sphere falls out of his lap and rolls across the ground-

Antoine: No No No No No!
-Charizard catches it under his foot-

Charizard: What exactly is this?
-Antoine makes a mad swipe for the orb. Charizard makes no move to stop him-

Antoine: Careful!
You nearly damaged it!

Charizard: Antoine.

Antoine: Yeah, I know.
I'll have you know I actually need this.
-Charizard raises an eyebrow-

Antoine: Look, this isn't the right place to discuss this.
Why don't we go somewhere a little more private?

Charizard: Here is good.

Antoine: ...You're not going to let me out of here are you?
-Charizard says nothing-

Antoine: Was afraid of that--
-Without warning, Antoine darts up and shoots blue blops of paint directly into Charizard's eyes. Charizard recoils back, his claws dart up to his face.-

Charizard: Ahhh!

Antoine: Sorry old friend,
Didn't mean to Scald ya like that~

But I really must be going.

Charizard: -covering his eyes-
Where did you go!

Antoine: So long!~ <3
-Antoine takes off in some random direction-

Charizard: *growls*
He's going to make me chase after him again.
-Charizard blinks the remnants of hot water from his eyes-

Charizard: Fine.
We've played this game before.
Lets see how long it takes me to sniff you out.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(back with us)

discord: "that muhti sure is stubborn, smashfan. how can you stand his antics day after day?"

believe me, it's possible. it's just harder than it looks.

discord: "i don't know, smash, it looked pretty damn hard..."

(we hear what sounds like a car)

crocker: "what is THAT?!"

(a blue box appears in front of us)

elecman.exe: "a TARDIS?"

discord: "and that can only mean a time lord... but who?"

(the TARDIS finishes materializing. a previous version of the doctor steps out. the 4th, to be exact, with meta knight and galacta knight next to him)

4th doctor: "smashfan!"


4th doctor: "everyone, get in here, quick! (ducks back into the TARDIS)"

excalibur: "well, that was a little... brief and not quite so drag-along for the 4th of the doctor's incarnations, wouldn't you say?"

with how close smashboards is to disaster, ANYTHING'S f**king possible. i say we do as the man says.

(we all step into the TARDIS)

4th doctor: "i've brought you all here because of dimension-wide disaster bordering on potentially apocalyptic significance."

crocker: "(to excalibur) ah, THERE he goes."

4th doctor: "apparently, survivors from the mushroom kingdom have done a morality 180 and switched to the wrong team. AKA; dimentio."

HIM again...

4th doctor: "the mushroom kingdom survivors include shadow, tails, knuckles, and even another incarnation of myself."

what did the incarnation look like?

4th doctor: "well, based on my observations, it seems a rather basic sort of form. brown suit, bowtie, portrayed by david tennant. ever-so-simple, yet i've never seen anything like it... by that i mean i don't believe i've encountered THAT form of me before..."

david tennant... no wonder, that's the 10th doctor. look, doc. it's urgent already, that's certain. but it looks like unless someone REALLY rough around the edges joins dimentio, even rougher than knuckles, i don't think they'll be much of a problem if we've got a time lord on our side to counter with...

4th doctor: "hang on a tick... (uses sonic screwdriver to display a picture of diamond tiara) yep, i believe dimentio just became the most urgen problem on both our agendas..."

*all gasp*

discord: "how soon can you take us back to lavender town?"

4th doctor: "...why in the name of missing number would you want to go THERE?"

meta knight: "because that's where i last parked the halberd, our only form of skybound transportation."

4th doctor: "oh, that ordeal. well, i'd be more than honored to offer any assistance i can, smashfan! you can count on me!"


The 4th Doctor joined your team!

excellent! so-

galacta knight: "TO LAVENDER TOWN!!!"

(the TARDIS begins to travel through time and space to get to lavender town)

gilda: "y'know, doc. this place looks a bit... bland... everything looks all grey..."

4th doctor: "yes, i would have to agree, ms. gilda. i've been considering repainting the place a spot of tan... hmm..."



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Celladon City Plaza"]

Antoine: It saddens me that I had to burn him like that...
-Antoine steals a glance at the small orb nestled in his arms-​

Antoine: I see having you around is going to cause me all sorts of trouble.
At least until I can find a way to lay low for a few days--

Random Officer: Look! There he is!

Antoine: Oh Dear...
Looks like I've been discovered.

Random Officer(2): After him!

Antoine: Not in the mood I'm afraid!
-Antoine flicks blobs of red paint out.
THey all stick to the ground, and flare up, like grease tossed on a fire.​

Random Officer(2): Careful!
It's a fire wall!

Random Officer(3): Send in the houndoom!

Antoine: I'm afriad your mutts are of no use either...
-Antoine flicks a foul smelling green liquid onto the flames.
The fire shoots up even brighter, then an turn odd green color.-​

[SFX]: Careful!
That's Gastro Acid!

Call back the dogs!

Antoine: Smart Move...

-Roaring comes from overhead-​

Antoine: Carp...

Charizard: Antoine!
Stop this foolishness and hand over the orb!

Antoine: I missed you too old friend!~
Say, kindly take a good look behind you would if you please.​

Charizard: (What is he blathering on about...)
-Charizard gets struck from behind by a random bolt of lightning-​

-Storm clouds rage overhead-​

Charizard: *wince*
(Damn... I hadn't seen that he had used Rain Dance.
But when?)
-Charizard looks around and sees that Antoine has made a break for the hills-​

Charizard: He got away...

[Down Below]: The rain's putting out the fire!
Quick, nows our chance!

Charizard: *growls unhappily*
Best I find that fool before this sorry lot gets a hold of him.

-Charizard flies of in the General direction of Antoine's scent.-​



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Mari:....If it means getting back into the action...I'll take IT!

So when do we start?

[COLLAPSE="The Lor, Hal Room #5"]Magolor: Aaannnnd....Done!~

(Magolor gives the silver bracelet back to Mari)

Magolor: Now you can use it anytime you want with no worries! None of that "It breaks, you die" Shtick. I also put a protection spell on it. No one can touch it but you.

Mari: Thanks, Magolor. It's....I....

(Magolor raises his hand)

Magolor: No thanks is nessecary.

And we also have an audiance!

Mari: Audiance...?

(Mari looks up and sees a huge window above her. Behind it was Marx and Drawcia.)


Drawcia: Marx, It's only training.

Marx: Ya think I care?

Mari: Well....Can't mess up now, can't I?

Magolor: Marx will never let you live it down. Now, Sonic and I have discussed this, and we've come up with a plan.

I will teach you Attack and Defence....

While Sonic will work on your speed and dexterity...

Drawcia will teach you attack patterns...

And Marx....Well....I don't really know what he has plan-

Mari: Whoa whoa whoa, Marx and Drawcia are gonna teach me too?

Magolor: They insisted....

Mari: OK....So let's get started!

Magolor: Oh, it's not me.

It's him.

Mari: (!!)

(Mari instantly ducked as Sonic tried to kick her from behind)

Sonic: Nice reaction time!

I gotta say, You're one of the fastest humans I've ever met.

Mari: Coming from you, that's saying something.

Sonic: Don't get cocky!

(Sonic Spin dashes right at her. Mari rolls out of the way...

And gets slamed in the face with a gear.)

Mari: MMH!

(Mari turns and sees Magolor chargeing one of his Fire spells)

Mari: Two against one?

Magolor: It's gonna happen.

Mari: All right then...

Let's see what this thing can do!

(Mari Closes her eyes and her hands start to glow a white-blue color. Magolor sends the fireballs right at her head. Mari retaliates by sending energy beams of her own.

The two spells collide and smoke is thrown in the air.)

Mari: (Sh*t...)

???: Over here!

(Mari looks over to her right and sees Magolor pulling a huge Gear from a star hole.)

Mari: Oh, boy...[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
((Wow Mari.
For someone who's never written a fight scene before, you're awfully good.))

[COLLAPSE="Cycling Road..."]

Antoine: *pant*
Lost them... *pant*

[SFX]: Where'd he go!
Search the entire city! He couldn't have gotten far!​

Antoine: Search all you like.~
I'm out of your jurisdiction, you old farts...

(???): Perhaps their's, but thankfully I don't work under a jurisdiction...

Antoine: Charizard!~
I was beginning to worry maybe I had blasted you too hard.

Glad to see you're feeling okay-- *ack*​

Charizard picks Antoine up, and hoists him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes​

Antoine: -kicking-
What is the meaning of this!
I demand not to be treated in such a unsightly manner!

Let me down this instant!
It is not like an artist to be treated in such a rude fasi--

Charizard: Can It, Antoine, before I eat you.
-Antoine stops struggling-​

Charizard: I'm taking you over to return the orb.
Now no more fuss out of you.

You got that?​

Antoine: Charizard, why can't you let me have a little fun once and a while?

Charizard: Because your idea of fun isn't exactly something I can agree with...

-Antoine punches Charizard in his left jaw-
Antoine: You're a big jerk.
You know that?

-Charizard doesn't react-

Antoine: Don't you pretend like my punches don't hurt!
I've been working out you know!

I saw you wince just now!

Charizard: If you favor that fancy tail of yours, you'll shut it.

Antoine: *gulp*
Sorry, I'll be quiet...



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Really? I'm good? 0-0. Wow... Thanks, Xiro!)))

[COLLAPSE="The Lor, Hal Room #5, Continueing..."]

Mari: (Can't go around, under, or over it....

Might as well go through it!

(Mari times her jump and leaps gracefully through the hole in the gear. She keeps leaping, avoiding all the dark orbs....But then lands the wrong way and falls)

Magolor: Very good...up untill that last part, that is.

Mari: Fine, Fine, So I need to work on my-

(Mari turns around quickly and blocks an incomeing punch from Sonic.)

Sonic: Balance?

I can fix that!

(Sonic Gos in for a sweeping kick, but Mari sees it coming and jumps at the right moment.

She tries to land some punches at his face, But Sonic doges them all with a smile.)

Sonic: PALEZZ! You hit like a girl-

(Mari Manages to get one right at his nose. Hard.)

Mari: I think the fact that I AM A GIRL makes me much more dangerous.

Sonic: muh noose!

Mari: Oops...Sorry about kicking you.

Sonic: Is all right....Wait, Kick-

(Mari Roundhouses him, sending him spiraling to the floor. Haveing dispaching Sonic, She sets her sights on Magolor...)

Magolor: Huh....You won't beat me that easily, ya know.

Mari: Oh, I know....Acttually, I think It's time I stop holding back...

Magolor: Uh....

Mari: I acttually wanted to try this for a while....

You didn't think I was just twildeling with my thumbs, did you? I thought about some new attacks I could use....

(Mari Materializes long, thin, throwing knives in each hand, crackling with energy.)

Mari: And I gotta say...

It's good to be back!

Magolor: meep!

-A few minutes later....-

(Sonic is still knock out on the floor (Some parts in which it completely caved in.), while Magolor is hanging on the wall (Which also has several hole in it) by his cloth by Mari's new throwing knives.)

Magolor: So...So f-fast...

Mari: So how'd I do, teach?

Magolor: I...Think we can start on some spells now....More perferabley, Light spells, since you seem to be good at it....

After Sonic wakes up and the rooms stops spining, that is...whoa....

Mari: Uh...OK...I think I'll go outside for a minute....

Magolor: Yeah...You do that....Marx, Drawcy, I think I need a little help...[/COLLAPSE]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Outside the Lor"]Magalor: Alright so, you are going to do a quick teleportation spell, at least that can teleport you 1 yard.

???: BWAHAHAHAH, pathetic spell I tell you, I can teleport to the past and future, 1 yard or an infinitive amount of yards. This is an all time low Mari.......

Mari: WHO'S THERE? *readies knives*

???: Obviously, The Master Of Dimensions.... Pleaser of Crowds!




Magalor: You again! Where are you?!

Dimentio: *pops in front of Magalor8 My, my, my, how boring you heroes are. I haven't come here to fight anyways. *dissappears*


Dimentio: I've come to tell a secret, so secret, even my friend Muhti doesn't know ahahaha

Mari: Which is?

Dimentio: I know about a lot of Muhtis past. A LOT

Marx: Cut to chase.

Dimentio: *appears in front of Marx* So impatient, anyways.... Let's just say.... By the way Muhti describes his long lost sister, it's obvious that Mari and Muhti are siblings.

*everyone was deead silent, so silent, you can hear a pin drop*

Mari: How can we trust you? *holds knives behind back*

Dimentio: *teleports knives to him* I'm not stupid dear girl. I may be a villian, but have I ever told a lie?

All: YES

Dimentio: *sighs* That was just to protect my people.

Drawcia: Your people?!

Dimentio: Lord Blumiere killed his parents, and left the kingdom in ruins, the Kingdom was then taken over by a princess named Zelda, and made everybody poor, now my kingdom is called Hyrule.....

Mari: We still don't believe you.

Sonic: Wait Mari, tell me a breif description of your real brother.

Mari: Uh, brown hair, gentle brown eyes, a bit of a tan, but not as much as my skin, and..... it perfectly fits Muhti's description.

Dimentio: Well I said too much. Have fun preparing... Your gonna need it CIAO!

*With that, Dimentio left the bewildered group, Maris knives making the only sound*


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Sonic: Well, That was a waste of time...


Magolor: Mari, Don't listen to him. If Muhti doesn't know, then it's probably another web of lies Dimentio is trying to spin...

Mari: I know....But....

Can we cut this lesson short? I gotta talk to Xiro about this....

Sonic: You seriously believe that creep?

Mari: Of course not....Besides..... I lied....My brother had Dark blue eyes....

Not brown. but still....

(Mari leaves to find Xiro.)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009

sonic: "what was THAT?!"


magolor: "sounds like something heavy is dancing around on board"

(thunk! thunk! thunk!)


(something large and blue bursts a hole through the floor, knocking everyone back)

giant blue figure: "peoples in plight, dimentio is right!"

(the mysterious giant thing reveals itself. it's Iron Will with a florosprout on his head)

iron will: "iron will's gonna pummel you protagonists into PASTEtagonists!"

sonic: "a minotaur?!"

mari: "iron will!"

iron will: "(grabs magolor by the neck-area and throws him into a wall) GYAH!!"

(magolor is sent straight through the wall)

magolor: "...i'm NOT okay. in fact, i think i might be bleeding out of the area where my adams apple would be..."

sonic: "i think you MIGHT have your first full-strength opponent, mari..."

+battle music: Punch-Out!! fight music+

(meanwhile, in lavender town)

dennis: "little do you know, raccoon, i also know the death punch..."

rigby: "show me, then..."

(dennis charges at rigby with a large death punch)

rigby: "wait for it... wait for it... (quickly dodges before the punch connects)"

(after the explosion, dennis and rigby are at a standstill... for a solid minute, neither party makes a move... until...)

???: "hey!"

(the two are surrounded by ghost pokemon. a dusknoir floats over to rigby)

dusknoir: "did you just blow up OUR domain?!"

rigby: "...don't look at me, you all saw who pulled off the bigger one (points to dennis)"

dennis: "!!!"

dusknoir: "so it's YOU..."

dennis: "oh, fishpaste..."

(the ghost pokemon swarm dennis)


(a dark portal opens in the ground. a shuppet, haunter, spiritomb, and chandelure drag dennis into the dark hole...)

dennis: "get your grimy ectoplasmic paws off me! AAAAARRGGGHHHH!!!"

(the portal closes, dennis having been dragged to his death by the ghost pokemon)

rigby: "...dude, harsh..."

(the team of 6 green lanterns emerge from a wormhole)

blu: "ah, dammit. we just wasted 10 hours of our lives looking around in there. i'm starting to think this whole thing was just a wild goose chase..."

mordecai: "uuh, guys?"

triangle bird: "what now?"

mordecai: "(points to the top of the halberd) look..."

(the 4th doctor's TARDIS materializes at the bow of the halberd)

rigby: "woah..."

big bird: "not every day you see a time lord come to lavender town... or ANYTHING come to lavender town, for that matter..."

rigby: "let's go check it out..."

mumble: "good idea!"

road runner: "MEEP MEEP!"

(the 7 rush to the halberd)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Appleosa Tavern"]

Floatzel: -- And then Xiro here goes and gets his butt kicked by his own sis!

Chair: Oh dear, that must have been embarassing.

Xiroey: Not exactly,
I mean... If it were anyone else but Latias...

Floatzel: Heh...
Don't you go making excuses on us Xiro.

Xiroey: Hmf~
You think she's such an easy match...

Why don't you fight her?​

-Floatzel scoughs-
Floatzel: Pfft,
Because I like my fins attatched where they are. No thanks.

-Clair laughs-
Clair: You two~
I haven't had this much fun dining in a long time...

Xiroey: Well, It's not every day you get to have lunch with royalty.

Clair: Please, while we're outside my Kingdom, Clair will do just fine <3

Floatzel: Alright then.
Pleasure having dinner with ya Clair!

-The table goes silent-

Floatzel: ...why is everyone giving me odd looks?
-Floatzel looks over and sees Xiroey has a giant smirk on his face-​

Floatzel: What?
You want something from me?

-Clair giggles-
Xiroey: Why the sudden change of attitude Floatzel?

You weren't so friendly a moment ago...​

Floatzel: *shaking nervously*
W-well I--

-The doors to the tavern slam open-​

Apple-pony: Everypony come quick!
Theres a giant robot laying waste to the town!

Clair: --We'd better go out there.

-Floatzel shoots up and eases Clair back into her seat before she can leave the table-
Floatzel: No!

-his face goes red-​

Floatzel: I-I mean... You've got an entire kingdom to worry about...
You just relax and let us handle the situation.

Clair: Thats mighty gentlemanly of you floatz~ <3

Floatzel: *gulp*

-Xiroey yanks Floatzel away by the collar-​
Xiroey: Come on lovverboy!
There'll be more time for chit chat later!

-Clair waves them both off-
Clair: Best of Luck!~

Floatzel: -Still getting dragged- We'll take care of it!



-Xiroey and Floatzel rush out into the hot son-
Xiroey: Okay, where's the trouble?

-hushed muttering-

Xiroey: ... Da heck?
-Xiroey turns around and sees Floatzel crouched on the ground with his back turned-​

Xiroey: Dude.
What's up with you?

Floatzel: ...And then the way she looked at me when we left!

Xiroey: Uhm, you feeling okay?

-Floatzel shoots up and lays his paws on Xiroey's shoulders-​
Floatzel: Xiro!
Listen! What happened inside that bar never happened got it!?

Xiroey: I fail to see how this is relevant to the current situatio--

-Floatzel shakes Xiroey hard-
Floatzel: GOT IT!?!

Xiroey: *dizzy*
Dude, relax! I'm not going to tell anyone.

That's between you and Clair.

-Floatzels shoulders drop-
Floatzel: Phew...
Okay, onward to business then.

-Xiroey shrugs, and focuses off on the horizon-
Xiroey: All seems quiet--


-Xiroey and Floatzel share a look-​

Xiroey: That was...

Floatzel: From the Lor just now...

Both: Mari!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Appleosa - Mining Tunnels
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gliscor: Shouldn't be much further...
-Gliscor punches his claw at a stone wall, and it comes crumbling down-​

Big Mac: Yup...

-Gliscor picks up his lanturn and proceeds through the gap-
Gliscor: Come on, Big Mac.
That wasn't even in context just now.

Don't you ever say anything else?

Big Mac: ...Nope.

-Gliscor heaves a great sigh-
Gliscor: Come on then.
Be careful of the rocks. Don't step on a loose stone.

-Gliscor and Big mac make their way carefully over the fallen stones, and into a wide circular chamber.​

Big Mac: -looks up at the ceiling-

Gliscor: Couldn't have said it better myself Big...

Gliscor: Now be careful. Don't touch anything.

Big Mac: Yup...

-The two make their way over to the center of the room.
Standing there is a single brown and orange stone-​

Gliscor: This should be it.
Hold my lanturn please...

-Big Mac takes Gliscor's lantern handle between his teeth-

Gliscor: Now if I just--


Big Mac: W-what was that?

-Gliscor is too preoccupied to notice the jaw dropping event that just happened-​
Gliscor: Not now Big Mac...
Hold the lanturn steady!


Big Mac: I think we should go...

Gliscor: *groans*
I said not to--

Wait, did you just talk--

-The rock before Gliscor suddenly whirrs to life-


Gliscor: Oh crud.
I think we've got the wrong cave--


Big Mac: Sounds almost like it's beat boxin'

Gliscor: Not funny Big Mac...

-The left and right halfs of the rock seem to detatch from the main body, becoming two arm-like appendates.

The small pointy structure on top, now the head of the statue. Showcases a series of small flashing red dots.​

Gliscor: Big Mac.
You might want to get out of here...

Big Mac: Y-y-yup...
-Big Mac takes off for the entrance of the chamber.
Before he can make it to safety. The ground rumbles, then the entrance gets caved in-

Big Mac: N-n-n-nope!!!

Regirock: R-r-r-regirock! R-r-r-r-r-r-regi Rock!

-Gliscor tilts his head-
Gliscor: You know you're right Big Mac.
It does kidna sound like Musi--

Gliscor gets slammed into the far wall-​

Gliscor: *oof*

-Regirock completely detatches himself from the ground, and makes his way over toward Big Mac-

Boss Fight - V.S. Regirock
(Music: Pokemon Anime - Regi Battle)



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Appleosa Tavern"]???: My, my, love has stricken the young princess and the ugly Pokemon. ♪ Reminds me of the Beauty and The Beast!

Clair: Wh-who's there?

*A shiny Latios floats out of the shadows and flies by Clair*

Shiny Latios: The names Yeorix, sweety pie, ♫ I work for Dimentio!

Clair: I've heard much about your sick twisted bast*ard of a master. Hey! That rhymes~! What do you want?

Yeorix: Obviously I want you stupid girl. I me-


Yeorix: Enough! You're coming with me cupcake ♬

*Yeorix forcefully takes Clair and sppedingly flies to Hyrule without NOBODY noticing*[/COLLAPSE]

I was tired so I didn't write much. But it did make an impact. Thank you Xiroey for letting me take this chance!



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Do you want me to change it? Or should we play along? I can add it to the junk pile. Sorry....


It's perfect, so Im keeping it :troll:


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Of course not.

I was just shocked that we keep thinking up the same plot twists, lol.
(Seriously... If you've been looking at my idea jornal. -glares-)

Lol, Got ninjad by Muhti's edit.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( We're all in sync now! YAAAAAY!!!)))

[COLLAPSE="Outside the Lor..."]Mari: SONIC, YOUR LEFT!

Sonic: I got it!

(Sonic ducks from a punch from Iron Will, and immediatly rushes to Mari's side.)

Sonic: OK, Scratch that, You check if Magolor's all right!

Mari: No.

Sonic: Not the time to argue!

Mari: YOU check Magolor. I'll deal with the bull.

Sonic: Mari-

(Mari grabs Sonic's arm and hurls him to where Magolor crashed.)

Mari: Stay there and tend to him!

I'll handle this.

Sonic: No...Ma-mari....

Iron Will: HA! No one has ever beaten me! There's no way a little human girl will best me!

Mari: ...There's a first time for everything-

Hey, is that Rainbow Dash in a clown suit?

Iron Will:....Nice try.

Mari:....OK....how about Celestia?

Iron Will: WHERE?!

(Iron Will turns his head in the other direction, when he sees that nothing is there, He gets hit in the abdomen with a blast of Light energy.)

Mari: And you said your name is Iron Will.


(Iron Will charges at Mari, but she mearly steps aside and lets him collide with a nearby rock.)

Mari: If this is your idea of playtime, I think we should stop.


Mari: And no one hurts my friends and gets away with it.

(Mari Materializes her knives.)

Mari: Think fast!

(Mari Throws the knives and Iron will is forced to duck. The knives leave a trail of disorited air as they zoom past his head.)

Iron Will: No way....They can cut through air?!

Mari: HELLO!

(Mari Appears right in Iron Will's face and lands a kick right at his nose, followed by a sweeping kick.)

Iron Will: GAH!

(Iron Will falls to the ground in a heap, and Mari puts one foot on his chest.)

Mari: This...Is for hurting my friend.

(Mari takes puts both hands on one of her knives and raises it over her head.)

(Meanwhile, Sonic Starts to get his bearings....)

Sonic:....Ow.....*Sees Mari* MARI, NO!

(There is a sound of metel hiting dirt, and It is seen that Mari cut the Florosprout instead of his...head...)

Mari: He should be fine....

Sonic:...Jeez, Mari, Don't scare me like that....

Mari: Magolor?

Magolor: Right here....ow....

Mari: Tell Marx and Drawcia to ready the ship for departure.

We need to get moving![/COLLAPSE]


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(iron will awakes from his hypnosis)

iron will: "auugh... what happened while iron will was out?"

sonic: "you burst onto our ship with a florosprout on your head. dimentio must've taken control of you."

iron will: "(sees dead florosprout on the ground) no wonder! (snorts) dimentio... ever since that plague union took over, EVERYTHING's been going wrong! first equestria get blown to bits, then iron will gets ambushed by punks EVERYWHERE he goes! but brainwashing me with a florosprout. (grabs the florosprout) that... ohhh, THAT was the LAST straw! (crushes the florosprout)"

mari: "...so, you'll help us?"

iron will: "try and stop me!"


Iron Will joined your team!

(meanwhile, rigby, mordecai, and the green lanterns reach the bridge of the halberd. the TARDIS opens. discord steps out first)

discord: "how nice to see friendly faces, mordecai and rigby. and i see you've brought help from across the stars!"

(the rest of us exit the TARDIS all at once. flim and flam exit last, having been trampled)

flim: "aagh... haven't any of you ow... ever heard of a single-file line?!"

well, now that we're all here, i'd say it's time to head out to find the others!

4th doctor: "capital idea! let's set this baby to sail!"

(meta knight rushes to the controls, then the halberd takes off)

blu: "any idea where we should go, doc?"

4th doctor: "let's have a look-see, then... (takes out sonic screwdriver, displaying the lor docked at appleloosa) hmm... according to this, your allies are parked for repairs at appleloosa, apparently the only surviving region of equestria..."

i see... then to appleloosa it is!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
[COLLAPSE="The Lor."]

(Mari and Sonic are out trying to find Xrio and Gliscor, While the other relax in the Lor...)

Marx: What in the of NOVA were you guys THINKING!?

I mean, IRON WILL?!

Drawcia: Not to be a party pooper here, Mags....

But putting Mari in that situation so early in her training was NOT a good move...

Iron Will: Um...In Iron Will's defence, Iron Will was hynotized

Magolor: You don't understand...She's learning so incredably fast...I haven't even taught her all the basic spells yet!

Besides....he came so suddenly and I don't think she would have backed down either way...

Drawcia: You do have a point...All right then, as soon as Mari and Sonic come back with Xiro and the others, we'll both teach her some basic spells, All right, Magolor?~

Magolor: Sounds like a plan....Say, Marx?

Marx: What?

Magolor: What do you plan to teach Mari?

Marx: Hehehe....It's a suprise!~

You just wait, after I'm done with her, bad guys and villans everywhere will tremble at the mere mention of her Name! MWAHAHAHAHAHA-

(Drawcia smacks Marx across the face with her paintbrush)

Drawcia: You still need to curb that habit, Marxy.

Marx: Ehehehe...Sorry....


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
[COLLAPSE="Hyrule village"]Gengar: When will the jester return?

Muhti: Not sure, Im curious as well.

*Dimentio appeared before the group of three*

Dimentio: Hello!

Doctor Who (10): Finally for bloody sakes!

Dimentio: Patience doc, it's a great thing. Muhti did you hear?

Muhti: Heard about what?

Dimentio: *points at the post above*

Muhti: Oh, that, yea why?

Dimentio: Well, instead of training, I may as well give you my powers.

*Dimentio lightly taps on Muhti, feeling his powers surge into him, everything became dizzy until-*

*Muhti fainted on the floor*

Gengar: WHAT THE H*LL!

Dimentio: Calm down, he'll be fine, this is normal.


*Dimentio glared at Gengar*

Gengar: Sorry, but will he be okay?

Dimentio: 5...4...3...2

*Muhti went head up and picked himself off the floor like nothing happened*

10: Are you alright?

Muhti: *rubs head* Yea....

Dimentio:Good, now snap your fingers and think of a place and time.

Muhti: Why?

Dimentio: To test out your powers of course!

Muhti: Alright then...

*Muhti snapped his fingers and was teleported elsewhere. Inside the Lor to be exact*

10: What powers have you given him?

Dimentio: Basically all my powers, plus the Death Note is gone, all he has to do is say: May Death be brought upon and their name, better than waiting for the thing to write. And..... He can disguise into anybody he wishes.

Gengar: You better hope he'll be alright. And not end up like you.

Dimentio: Don't worry. He won't.[/COLLAPSE]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-The Lor...-

Marx: Got any 5's?

Drawcia: Marx, Dear, It's Poker...

Not Goldfish...

Magolor: Where is Mari and Sonic? They should be here with Xiro by now...

(Behind a nearby wall...)

Muhti: So Mari isn't here... Perfect...

(Muhti teleports himself to Mari's and Sonic's location...)

-Appleloosa town....-

Sonic: Where is he?! We've been looking for hours!

Mari: Sonic...It's only been 5 minutes. -.-

Sonic: Hey, Time moves slower for me. Get used to it.

Mari: Pfft, Whatever...

???: Hello...Sis....

(Mari spins around and sends a knife flying to Muhti's head. Muhti Just ***** his head to the side to avoid it.)

Muhti: Hey...That's no way to treat family- *hurk!*

(Faster then Muhti could blink, Mari had him dangleing off his feet by the neck.)

Mari: Don't you EVER...




(Mari throws Muhti 50 yards way from her, his body makeing crunching sounds as he skids across the road.)


Mari: You stay out of this.

He is mine to kill...

Sonic: Aw, no....Creepy crazy chick is back...

Mari:...I'm gonna let that slide for now...

Go get Xiro. And a mop...

Because after I'm done with you, you jerk, It's gonna be a bloodbath.

Muhti: Haha....I've been waiting to fight you for real!

To the Death, that is...

((( Muhti, Let's make this a real fight! No instant death or anything. You and me! WOOOO!)))



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Oh. Wow.
Fail Typo.

Edited again.
(Fixed Typo is in Red)

[COLLAPSE="Appleosa Town"]

Xiroey: *pant* why do I have a bad feeling all of a sudden?

Floatzel: Less talking and more running!
Mari's crew is probably in life-threatening danger as we speak!

Xiroey: I know!
It's just-- *urf*

-Xiroey goes down on his hands and knees. Then proceeds to throw up on the ground-​

Floatzel: Whoa!
Xiro, are you all right?

Xiroey: I--I'll be fine...
Mari... Mari is...

Floatzel: I'm starting to worry about you bro.
First, you suddenly start parading around as a little kid.

Now it seems you're on the ground every five seconds...

-Xiroey is too busy spilling out his innards to respond-​

Floatzel: Whatever's going on, It's obviously too much for you.
I'm taking you back.

Xiroey: N-no...
I can--

-The ground beneath Xiroey rumbles, then cracks-​

Floatzel: What in Kanto...?

-Xiroey notices the ground beneath him starting to cave in. He tries to move out of dodge, but another wave of nausia holds him firmly in place-

Floatzel: Xiro!!!

Xiroey: Help... Mari...
-The ground beneath him crumbles.
Floatzel tries to grab him before he falls, but his hands grab only empty space-​

Floatzel: D*mnit!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--Mining Tunnels--
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gliscor: Macingtosh! Get out of the way, quick!

-Big Mac makes a movement over to the right. Then the left. But he can find no way around the hulking giant.​

Big Mac: Nope Nope Nope!!!

Gliscor: Crud, he's trapped...
That, and I think my leg is broken...​

-Regirock raises hulking arms toward Big Macingtosh-
Regirock: R-r-r-r-regirock! R-r-regirock!

Big Mac: H-help!!!

Gliscor: Not on my watch, you hunk of rock...
-Gliscor slams his claw on the ground-​


Regirock: R-r-r-regirock! R-r-regi---

-part of the ceiling caves in. Enormous two ton rocks come raining down, directly above where Regirock is standing.-

-Regirock is far too preocupied with Big Mac to notice-​

Gliscor: Come on...

-A bright orange sphere appears between Regirocks arms-​
Regirock: R-regirock... R-regiiii....

-The rocks come down directly on top of the Rock Legendary. Whatever attack he was going to use vanishes beneath a ton of rubble-

Gliscor: Phew...
Too close...

-Big Mac falls onto his butt-
Big Mac: Thank Equestria...

-Gliscor sees a tiny figure falling down through the hole in the ceiling-​

Gliscor: What the...

-The figure turns around in mid air. Gliscor just barely makes out what appears to be a red shirt and blue hair-​

Gliscor: Oh no,

Big Macingtosh: ???

Gliscor: Mac!
I can't move! You have to catch Xiro!

-Big Mac gives him a questioning look-

Gliscor: Look up!

-Big Mac does as he says and sees a small kid making his way for the sharp mountain of rocks-​

Big Mac: Sweet Apples!!!
-Big Mac shoots up, and then sprints over the rocks like a mountain lion.-​

Gliscor: Hurry...

-With seconds to spare, Big Mac makes it to the top, and catches an semi-nconscious Xiroey across his shoulders-​

Gliscor: Thank heavens...

Big Mac: You alright kid?

Xiroey: Nnnngh...

Big Mac: (He's bleeding!)

Gliscor: Mac!
Is Xiroey all right?

-Big Macingtosh makes to call back. But then the Rocks beneath him start to shift-​
Big Mac: W-whoa!!!

Gliscor: No way it could've survived an impact like that...

-The bottom of the rock pile explodes-
Big Macingtosh hops down from the top, and somehow manages to land easily on his feet-​

Big Mac: Kid.
I'm putting you down here. Don't move from this spot all right?

What is... going...

Big Mac: (He's losing a lot of blood...)

Gliscor: Mac!!!
-Big Mac looks back and sees Regirock directly behind him-​

Big Macingtosh: What in tarnation!

-Regirock launches a earth-splitting straight punch at the bewildered duo-​

Gliscor: No...
If Big Mac moves, Xiro will...


Gliscor: Spontaneously combust...?

-The smoke clears and a glowing green wall appears between Big Mac, and the giant's fist-​

Gliscor: He used his Protect!

-Xiroey's body glows bright orange-​
Xiroey: Thanks a lot Macingtosh...
I should be okay now.

Big Mac: What in the--
(Do my eyes decieve me? Theres no horn on this boy. How could he have conjured up such a powerful--)

Xiroey: Regirock!
Why you're attacking my friends!
What have they done to envoke such rage?​

Regirock: R-r-r-regirock... R-r-regirock!

Xiroey: Impossible.
Gliscor and Big Macingtosh would never so such a thing!

Regirock: R-r-r-regirock! R-r-regiii...

Xiroey: Your statue...?

Big Macintosh: Boy, you can speak to this creature?

-Xiroey looks over toward the caved-in cave entrance. Just beneath it, a small pointed rock can be seen. 7 yellow stones sit in the middle.-​

Xiroey: I see, they distroyed your idol when they invaded upon your territory.

Regirock: R-r-r-regirock...

Xiroey: I appologize for the damage they've caused.
Please, end this violence at once, and I'll see to it that your idol is repaired!​

-Regirock goes quiet for a few moments-​

Xiroey: You have my word.
We'll make sure that your statue and all other parts of your temple are properly restored!

-Regirock withdraws his fist-
-The green shield crumbles-​

Big Macintosh: Whew...

Regirock: R-r-regirock! R-r-regirock...

-Xiroey tilts his head-
Xiroey: Hmmm...?
You're not making much sense I'm afriad.

Run that by me again.​

-Regirock makes a grab for Xiroey-

Big Mac: Whoa Whoa Whoa!
-Big Macintosh prepares to deliver a powerful double kick to the rock giant's middle, but Xiroey stops him-​

Xiroey: Relax, I sense no malice in him.
-Regirock picks Xiroey up. Then hoists him up on one of his massive sholders. Xiroey sits on a narrow grove between his pointed shoulder and what appears to be his neck.-​

Gliscor: Hmmm...?

Xiroey: Well, this is odd.

Gliscor: Xiroey, whats going on!
Why did he grab you all of a sudden?

-Xiroey gives Gliscor a nervous grin-
Xiroey: It appears he wants to come with us...

Gliscor and Macingtosh both: WHAT!?!

Regirock: R-r-regirock...

Xiroey: That's peculiar. I didn't know that...

Gliscor: What's he saying?

Xiroey: He says the two other Regi temples have already been destroyed by Antagonist forces. His is the only one still standing.

--Er... So to speak.​

Gliscor: That doesn't make any sense. How can he possibly know that?

Regirock: R-r-regirock...

Xiroey: Him and the other two Regi's share a link.
Apparently the two others have managed to escape capture and hide themselves away somewhere.

Gliscor: Ahh, I see...

Xiroey: Yeah,
He's pretty ticked off at them.

I think he wants to get his revenge.

Regirock: R-r-regirock...

-Xiroeys face goes red-​
Xiroey: ...And also he says that it took a lot of... *cough* balls... to do what I did just now.

Gliscor: ...
Well. I guess that's that then.
Smashfan's group officially has a new member.

Big macingtosh: Y-yup...

[glow] Newcomer![/glow]
Has joined your Team!​

[glow] Newcomer![/glow]
[glow]Big Macintosh[/glow]
Has joined your Team!​

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