iYup. I'll get 7th or 5th next time... I was just thinking about way too many things with a bad headache yesterday. = (
HOPEFULLY maybe next time i can manage to host a tournament without getting a freaking headache. >_< I think I'm allergic to Smash and urm.. I must develop a vaccine. Every time i go to a tournament or host one I get this massive pounding evil headache and end up chasing everyone out the door with a broom by the end. @_@; sowwy.
It wasn't a major tournament but the turnout was almost as big as smashex 2 itself so i'm gonna post shout outs, cuz i'm bored!!
Caveman: It was so awesome to see you again!!! Thanks for coming, thanks for talking to me.

And thanks for the caramel apple empanada! I wish you and I had gotten to play, but we will next time we meet.. and I promise that next time I'll have some sort of challenge to present. Congratulations on first place, and hope we see ya next time!
Leprechaun: MARTH INDEED. You could have at least picked Captain Falcon... someone who isn't a loser like Marth. Gawd. Anyway of course it was great to see yew again too.. um, thanks for all the high-fives XD and thanks for bringin' everyone! gweeheehee.
Titan: Nice to meet you d00d i'm gonna get good at CVS2 and all that stuff so you and i can play more than smash. Your Gannondorf's a beast! I'll get 'im next time, though. :D
Clever: I <3 yew. ^.^;
Zero: I won't suck next time. I promise. I'll practice sometime between now and october's monthly and not sit my arse on my computer 24/7... and I shall defeat j00r marth, and j00r Samus. wahaha. Anyway thanks for bringin a television we really needed it you guys are all ways fun to see
Sethlon: OMG you guys need to get VEHICLES!!! Magnolia's a long forkin' way away to be drivin' y0. but i don't mind it was great to see you guys and play with you even if i got my arse beat.

'twon't happen next time. I'll be well rested, well practiced, and thinking only of smash! anyway I didn't get home until after 1 AM when I dropped y'all off omgz.. DON'T EVER EAT AT DENNY'S THAT SH*TS STILL GOT ME SICK.
Tyle: If I had known that you were the one who sent 8 million text messages to my phone, I would have ripped you limb from limb. $300 PHONE BILL. Rest assured that next time, you will be shown no quarter... I'll put money on it.
JF: You crazy banana. That was the funniest thing ever the way you came to the door and then turned around all fast like you just walked in on something hahahahah wtf mate. Glad youfinally got your arse out of austin and came to a bloody tournament. Do it again soon, mah bro. oh yeah, and um you suck for that stunt you pulled. >.>; l0s4r.
The Beast/SRGN/TMRV: Thanks for comin' you guys are pretty good. Too bad I didn't get to play y'all more. Come back for the next monthly!! And practic,e practice, practice!
Corwin: Your samus is like one million times better than it was the last time we played. Everyone's gettin' better except me! haha but I will! good games, go team michigan.
Kailo: Good matches.. Glad that I got to play with you. Hope you weren't takin' it easy on me or summin'. We'll just say ya were, eh? It was fun playin' with you i wish we coulda finished the fox ditto but **** that was ugly battlefield sucks *** we try that agani next time on a different level mmk? Better see ya again!
Vinnyman: Good games, sorry you had to play Caveman so early on!! LoL it's gotta happen to someone =-o Good to see ya again, next time bring a stick or something and I'll try to have a good TV set up for MVC2 AND CVS2 and ST and all that good stuff. Nakaruru for teh win! >.>;
Jobob: hey hey good to meet you. Not bad at all, wish I'd gotten to play you. Sowwy ya didn't get to fight sethlon in the finals this time! XD Bit of a higher level of competition here, eh? hehehe anyway you're a cool guy nice to meet you hope you come back soon
Paul: YES I REMEMBERED YEW. Love the hair.
Rugal: You are probably the coolest new person I met... No offense to the other people i met, you were all cool too, but this guy was like.. just... too cool. Always smiling, fun to be around, fun to play with. I wish i'd gotten to smash against you. XD But how'd you like them shin shoryukens?? LoLz okay i feel kinda sick now so i'm gonna go. x.x;
Next time I will play at least once against everyone who comes! I don't play nearly enough smash at these tournaments O.o;