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Fluffy Houston Monthlies: Feb 11th: Teh canceledz0rz.

Will you be at Smashex2 in December?


    Votes: 25 42.4%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • We'll see.. maybe.

    Votes: 21 35.6%
  • Not just no but hell no.

    Votes: 11 18.6%

  • Total voters
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Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2005
uh oh then that means I do not have a clue what wave dashing is. How do you do it? I'm probably thinking of something else then.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Wavedashing is when you short-hop-air-dodge at an angle, really quick so it looks like you never leave the ground. Gives out a puff of smoke and you slide a little ways. Maybe you're thinking of rolling??

The Great Marth

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2004
rolling makes u unable to be hurt for a bit. wavedashing just makes some charcters move faster than running and it evades attack faster than rolling and it can aloow u to do almost any attack from it.


Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2005
I figured it out. I thought I couldn't attack a wave dasher, but i just need to time it better or my attack will be dodged. (Correct me if I'm wrong). Thx all.
Ps. Sorry for taking the thread a little off track.

Super Ps: Does anyone like Peanut Butter Cookies cause i bake alot.


Jul 15, 2004
Pearland, TX
Yes! Food! That sounds freaking AWESOME..

You guys know what ELSE is welcome at tournies? Televisions.

Yes, we probably will need as many volunteer TVs as possible. AT this moment i have my TV and a tiny TV that belongs to Clever. I've heard talk of people wanting there to be teams or something but unless we get another TV or two, it'll probably take FOREVER just to get 1 vs. 1 over with.

So far, these people have registered at smashex.com for the monthly:

JF, Austin
Javi, One-hit-wonders
TMRV, One-hit-wonders
SRGN, One-hit-wonders
Heka, One-hit-wonders
TheBeast, One-hit-wonders
Zap101, BS Krew
Sethlon, BS Krew
Poztal, SMG/The other V-Town
Nasty Nate, SMG/The other V-town
Fate, SMG/The other V-town
Fluffy-sama, Dispatch
Leprechaun, Crystal City
Rugal5, Random Scrub
Clever, Copperas Cove

Dont forget to go to http://www.smashex.com/?id=monthly.php and register for the monthly!

Not bad, 15 people. That doesn't include Caveman and Robert (though I don't know if he's coming) who haven't registered, or Zero and Kailo who i can only assume are coming.. and Scavenger. Or Vinny, though i'm not sure about him. add them and that's 21 people! With just one television it'll take forever, so anyone who can transport one. Thanks people!


The Great Marth

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2004
Hey fluffy, there is a hurricane that MIGHT reach santa fe(where i live) and it should be a high level 3 or basic 4 by the time it arrives......not good becaues i WILL not come to the monthly if that happens. i would have to help my mom and then travle to my dads to help prepare for the RITA that is on its way.

by wednesday i will know if im able to go or not. im sorry but hurricanes kinda trump SSBM.

and if i dont go=kalo=tyle=wont go. so i guess u would win the tourney since we wont be there.


Jul 15, 2004
Pearland, TX
meh, Hurricanes are n00bs... I'm not really worried, but maybe i'm ********. =-o who knows.

Again, I need anyone who can come to bring a TV if they can. I think 3 should do it, maybe 4. It'll make things run smoother and go a lot faster... If someone' sgonna bring one, let me know...



The Great Marth

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2004
well u must have forgotten that pasadena is a concret jungle, meaning water has no where to go! and hurricanes are full of water, so it will caues huge problems.

IF i go...i can bring 2 TVs.

The Great Marth

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2004
well those 2 tvs say that the hurricane is definitly gonna hit so i might not show....u might not want to hold it either since u may not have power...


Jul 15, 2004
Pearland, TX
Meh. quit worrying. Right now it's over by Florida, isn't it? Besides, Galveston's the city that's gonna get anally *****... I'm not worried. ^-^ and even if it DOES hit...

Hurricane Partay1!!



Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2003
fluffy-sama said:
Meh. quit worrying. Right now it's over by Florida, isn't it? Besides, Galveston's the city that's gonna get anally *****... I'm not worried. ^-^ and even if it DOES hit...

Hurricane Partay1!!

And in other news a group of teenagers and 20somethings were left abandoned in the city of Houston after listening to a so-called tournament organizer to come into the path of hurricane Rita. Back to you bob.

SuperMajinLink 287

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
tsetse said:
And in other news a group of teenagers and 20somethings were left abandoned in the city of Houston after listening to a so-called tournament organizer to come into the path of hurricane Rita. Back to you bob.
Fluffy, can you say B-B-B-B-BURNED!! :lick:


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2003
The A-TX
tsetse and Majin, you guys are dumb as monkeys. No one would go if it did actually hit Houston, but the last I heard it was projected to hit further south.

And tsetse, why are you always hating on people man?!

Edit: also I had heard that it was only a cat 3. If this thing is as big as katrina then yea, it would be a good idea not to go, but that still doesn't excuse any rude comments.

Dude 2 hurricanes as big as they are hitting within 2 weeks of each other?! Insane shiznit. Weather sux.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2003
JesusFreak said:
tsetse and Majin, you guys are dumb as monkeys. No one would go if it did actually hit Houston, but the last I heard it was projected to hit further south.

And tsetse, why are you always hating on people man?!

Edit: also I had heard that it was only a cat 3. If this thing is as big as katrina then yea, it would be a good idea not to go, but that still doesn't excuse any rude comments.

Dude 2 hurricanes as big as they are hitting within 2 weeks of each other?! Insane shiznit. Weather sux.
No i'm actually concerned, and informed. As much as I like this game i do realize it is just a game. And a Category 5 hurricane is pretty dang scary, have you been under a rock this whole last month JF. As far as hating I thought it was funny and did not want to sound to paternal but I guess I need to so I suggest to everyone to forget this weekend and bump this monthly up a week until things are more secure and streets are not as crowded due to evacuations. Take care peoples. God Bless


Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2005
Hm If you are informed then you would know that the Hurricane will begin and end on Saturday. If luck holds the waters will recede and power restored by Sunday afternoon. I pray that I can keep my power and Internet access. I do however understand the gravity of the matter and would have to agree that we should wait a while and see how damaging the Hurricane is before we cancel or reschedule.
I'm banking on the fact that if you live outside of the danger zones you might only get heavy rain.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2003
Rugal5 said:
Hm If you are informed then you would know that the Hurricane will begin and end on Saturday. If luck holds the waters will recede and power restored by Sunday afternoon. I pray that I can keep my power and Internet access. I do however understand the gravity of the matter and would have to agree that we should wait a while and see how damaging the Hurricane is before we cancel or reschedule.
I'm banking on the fact that if you live outside of the danger zones you might only get heavy rain.
I can see your point, if you live in Houston. But those that are driving in can be put at unnecessary risk if they drive up with a Hurricane bearing down on a city. And Hurricanes have bands that can take 2 day to move threw and area plus any other thunderstorms that come with it. So if it hits houston just put this off a week or maybe just have a small smashfest.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2003
The A-TX
tsetse said:
No i'm actually concerned, and informed. As much as I like this game i do realize it is just a game. And a Category 5 hurricane is pretty dang scary, have you been under a rock this whole last month JF. As far as hating I thought it was funny and did not want to sound to paternal but I guess I need to so I suggest to everyone to forget this weekend and bump this monthly up a week until things are more secure and streets are not as crowded due to evacuations. Take care peoples. God Bless
See, this is the crap I'm talking about! Have I been under a rock? Um that's a NEGATIVE. I keep up with current events better than I keep up with homework. Speaking of negative your post was full of mockery, that doesn't seem very concerned, and it sure as heck isn't constructive when we're facing what we are.

I edited my post to show that in light of new information, I know where priorities should lie.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2003
JesusFreak said:
See, this is the crap I'm talking about! Have I been under a rock? Um that's a NEGATIVE. I keep up with current events better than I keep up with homework. Speaking of negative your post was full of mockery, that doesn't seem very concerned, and it sure as heck isn't constructive when we're facing what we are.

I edited my post to show that in light of new information, I know where priorities should lie.
Glad you agree with me.


Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2005
I won't deny your logic. I only offer that we wait before making any early decisions. Maybe I'm just a procrastinator or just a care free individual. I just know that Houston won't be recieving even a considerable fraction of the storms power. The chances are that if I still have Exams scheduled on Monday for Chemistry, and History, then I don't think a smash fest would do much harm. Bottom line if you can make it go If you can't everyone understands.
PS. Thanks for the meteorology lesson I really needed it. lol.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2002
Houston, TX
it would be foolish to have a tourny this weekend due to the obvious circumstances...for safety reasons of course....i'll be in SA this weekend, so i won't be able to make it......and you do realize that freeway exits coming inbound are going to be closed right? and even then, we may need time to clean up the mess afterwards.....and ever heard of flooding? :urg:


Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2005
Well then I can't argue anything otherwise. I can't debate postponement. Thats really is the best option. Forgive me I'm young and stupid. lol


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2002
Houston, TX
Rugal5 said:
Well then I can't argue anything otherwise. I can't debate postponement. Thats really is the best option. Forgive me I'm young and stupid. lol
no biggie..i was just merely pointing out what must be done for the safety of all.....SA and Converse has opted to postpone the crew battle and they are coming from the NW area...smart move.....so i feel we should do the same since we are going to get the brunt of the storm....and even then, you wouldn't be able to come into Houston even if you wanted to.....

i wonder what fluffy is going to do... :confused:


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2003
She'll do the right thing, though she is prolly waiting to see if the hurricane turns or not but rain would prolly still be an issue even if it doesn't hit Houston head on since it so big..


Jul 15, 2004
Pearland, TX
i'm in san antonio right now. It took me from 9 AM thursday to 7 AM friday to get here... i may move the tournament to Cove XD

The Great Marth

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2004
OK guys ive returned to pasadena today at 1pm!

heres the story!

I left on thursday at 4AM and arrived at WACO(only place that had hotel rooms) 20.5 hours later............not......fun.......at.......all............my dad drove some and i drove some. During this time we kept hearing that the hurricane will be a CAT 5=death to all who stay. But once we got to waco, it turned out to be a cat 3 AND it would hit further east= i wanted to go home. My dad made us stay in waco till 10AM this morning. so we left and got back to pasadena about 4 hours later...

DUDE! u should have seen I-10 west! ALL LANES ON BOTH SIDES WERE GOING IN THE WEST DIRECTION! that means all eight lanes AND both feeders were going WEST.....still didnt help because it took us 7.5 hours to tavel 6 miles........this is no exageration. there were freaks driving in ditches and mexicans running faster than their own cars(that was funny to see) and there were at least 300 cars who ran out of gas.

Speaking of gas, from pasadena to herne texas there was ZERO stations that had gas. We got gas at the SAMs club off of ALT 90 but we were the VERY VERY VERY last people to get the gas. it took us 45 min to get it.

But over all, waco is a nice place.I did get to have some fun while i was there. I played a 14 year old at smash in an EB tourny in the richland mall in waco. I won(he used young link=moron) very easily. I also tore it up on the DDR EXTREME machine=fun fun fun.

Ok thats about all i got! ill be there next weekend for the smash tourny...........bye


Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2005
Well the gas stations caused that. They stopped ordering gas because if they ordered it and the storm hit and water got into the pumps then thousands of dollars worth of gas would be worthless.
If it were me though i would have ordered gas and got on the news advertising that we were the only people in town that had gas. Thus continueing to sell gas until the 12pm Friday. However most stations don't care too much about the people and do care about profits. So many people were trapped in the city or were stranded due to the gas shortage. Then everyone on the news kept saying they did not know why there was no gas. How tripe.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2003
leprechaun said:
Just because im bored i say young link can be a good counter pick to marth, so yeah :confused:
Thats the same as saying Jesus freak is a good counterpick against caveman.
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