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Float FAQ (critique and suggestions)

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Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Here it is, copypasted from the txt document which is available on my website (which has a link in my sig):

(overlarge header omitted)

Peach can float! Nobody else can float, only Peach. This FAQ will tell you
every detail about Peach's float.


Floating causes Peach to hover in midair for up to three seconds. During the
first two seconds, there will be sparkles under Peach's dress (presumably
keeping her up there). Once the sparkles give out, Peach will fall in 1 second.
Peach can perform her aerial attacks while floating. If you do an air attack
while floating and holding an item, and press Z quickly after, Peach will drop
the item and keep floating (or throw it and fall, if you were holding a
direction). Firing items will fire as usual, and you'll stop floating.


There are several ways to float, although the game determines floating rather

If you are pressing Jump (X, Y, or Up) in the air, you float (assuming you have
not used it already).

I highly recommend using X or Y (hereafter referred to as Y) to float. It allows
for more freedom of movement. There is only one situation to use Up in:


The one way to be pushing jump without going through the action of PUSHING jump.
Tilt the control stick up slowly. Voila. This is useful if you are in the air
and have your second jump available, but you would rather float. Once you are
floating (from holding up) you can press Y and release Up, and use the stick for
other, more useful diections.

This method allows Peach to go completely under any solid level (except Hyrule
and occasionally Brinstar Depths).


Press Y after you have used both jumps.


Keep holding Y after you jump. This is generally too slow when used with your
first jump, and pointless with your second (except when recovering).


You must be holding Y and still in the process of going up from a jump. Tap
down on the stick. BAM! You stop and float where you are! You can float just
above ground level, or just anove your opponent's projectile range, or at any
height you want.

Also, if you are flailing around in the air, you can instant float your second
jump, thus stopping wherever you are and floating there. It may surprise your
opponent to go from falling helplessly to attack ready in a heartbeat.


If you press Y in the air while you are doing an attack, or throwing something,
or anything during which you can't jump, you WON'T. Therefore, once the attack
is done, you will still be holding Y and will float.


If you couldn't do stuff while floating, what would be the point?


This is, ironically, possibly the most useful part of floating. Once you stop
floating (holding Y) you can throw items, air dodge, or fastfall, almost
immediately. There is a tiny period after floating where Peach can't do anything
at all, but you have to try in order to find it. It adds these possibilities to
the list of things you could do, which includes:


Peach can do all of her aerial and B attacks while floating. Using a B move will
stop the float, of course. The Parasol can be used most easily by holding Up on
the stick for a moment before pushing B, so you don't have to switch your
right thumb from Y to B (goodness knows the A button is huge and right in the

Peach can do a floating attack even if she's holding a throwing item! With Z, no

You can use up aerial or back aerial repeatedly in quick succession while
floating. It's useful for intercepting enemies coming from that direction.


Float cancelling combines the other two things. You attack while floating, then
fastfall out of the float and land while the attack is still going on. Where
there used to be a recovery animation, there is only the regular landing
animation. Now you can follow up with anything you want (I prefer dash attack).

It's also useful if you have a dangerous throwing item, like a Bob-Omb or
Pokeball, to float at the opponent and make them guess whether you'll attack or
throw the item, then do the opposite. Or float cancel a forward air, then throw
right away.



Most other characters have very little versatility concerning the variety of
timing they have once they are in the air. They have to be close enough for the
opponent to be threatened, but they are only close enough for a short period of
time. Jigglypuff is the most notable exception.

Peach, however, can be in the "danger zone" for around 2 WHOLE SECONDS, which
often seems like a lot longer. Peach can also stay just outside, or hover back
and across, and mess with timing a lot. Down and neutral air also have a
duration, giving you even more possibilities. Even if you miss, you can follow
up with something right after (float cancelling).


Pop quiz, hot shot. You just got upsmashed and you're way far above the stage.
You know that your opponent can cut off any escape. He's jumping at you now.
What do you do?

If you're Peach (which you probably are) you can float. Only for an instant,
or for a second or two, whatever you need. The opponent will have missed and be
on their way back to the ground. Or, they aimed high, and you had to air dodge,
but that makes you no worse off than any other character.

Recovering from the side gives you an opportunity to play THE GUESSING GAME.


If you float enough, your opponent will take it for granted that you will float.
Then is a keen time to suddenly short hop into attacks. Down A works especially
well, since it has a duration and can auto cancel easily, and attacks in the
direction your opponent is likely to be.

AUTO CANCEL: landing during the ending phase of an air attack such that it is
interrupted by your character landing, and thus negating all recovery time. Very
few attacks can be auto cancelled effectively.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003

by the way, I do have a few small things to add... these aren't notably useful, but can be important and are good to know.

1) battlefield

as anyone who's paid attention to me in just about any tournament topic I've posted in, they know that I hate battlefield. This is basically because there's a point where you're literally too close to grab the edge. Peach is far and away the most susceptible to this due to the way her floating and parasol work. basically, to see this in action, leap off and hover halfway above the edge so that peach's torso is right next to it. when you let go, you will not grab the edge, but if you were farther away you would. there are a few other examples of things similar to this, but having that screw up hovering has cost me countless lives on that level, and still does even now that I know what the problem is. Note that this is not a problem with the edges of basically any other stage. Other notable things besides the hover that I've seen get screwed up by this edge is the parasol and pikachu's teleport (you learn interesting things when you play random select).

2) losing the hover

when you hover and grab the edge (when edge hogging or recovering) be careful about how you climb back up. if you jump up off the ledge, or drop off, you WILL NOT get your hover back. despite hanging on the edge, the only way you can regain your hover is to actually land on the ground. until I realized the specifications of this, I did lose a few lives due to planning to jump and hover and ending up double jumping right into my opponent. you only get one per time midair, regardless of hanging on edges.

aside from those random little notes, I really can't think of much to add to this, other than that hovering back aerials can make a kick-*** edge guarding maneuver against a wide variety of opponents.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2003
Somerville, Oh (Hamilton-ish)
i've always loved the floating dair (at about head height or so) into a neutral air (while letting go of float) and fast fall. follow that up with whatever on the ground. that is some basic peachy goodness.

good descriptions and tactics.

now i may be mistaken, and i may have misread what you already stated, but i've been able to float out of a single jump (at any time) by pressing both down and jump at the same time. (and it doesn't use the second jump either.)
though i haven't been playing peach much lately, i'm pretty darn sure i've still had my second jump left. or am i crazy. or did you already state that, and i just read it wrong?


Sep 7, 2003
El Paso, TX
You really have no idea how much I needed this. I am in NO WAY a Peach player, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for explaining the float in great detail. I won't turn this into a Peach FAQ, but thanks for putting this up.

Rainy Day Toast

Stays Crunchy in Milk
Aug 10, 2003
This is nice. <3 It took me a while to pick up Peach, because the details of her float game were a bit intimidating, and when I did pick her up, it took me a few days to get used to her and figure out all that stuff on my own. This should definitely be helpful to Peach newcomers.

A note on non-float tactics, though... Is it just me, or do Peach players never L-cancel? A disproportionate number of Peach's air moves can auto-cancel, sure, but L-cancels will sometimes be faster in terms of how they allow you to maneuver in the air. At least, they have been in my experience. Just something to keep in mind.


Oct 25, 2001
Philadelphia, USA
omg, 2-year old RDT post.
Being moved to Peach forum and bumped for archival purposes.
Excellent, if old, guide. Might want to add a section on WD's from ground floats later on.

In addition, there is a very informative Float Canceling video on the DC++ hub. Find it and get it.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2002
Cleveland, OH
There is a way.

The double float: I have never done it. I have witnessed it however. Probably just a one time glitch? Or is it? Imagine the possibilities if we managed to pull this one off. The way she is now, peach is by no means top tier. But with double floating, i'd agree with the many [ignorant] believier that she is in fact top tier.

Camper bob pulled this off against my fox on Final Destination. If i remember correctly, he was floating under the stage, and i dropped and sex kicked him, he hit the wall (because hes a n00b who cant tech) and double jumped into another float.

That was the scenario. We paused, astonished over the phenominon with jaws dropped.

Anyway, has anyone else experienced this? Even just once? As the peach playing community, we must discover the mechanics of the double float!


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2004
He hit the wall you say?

that might be it.

Would double float be all that useful? Peach can already recovery the whole length of a stage.

Yay for 2 year old resurrection.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
Wow, that was a great guide to the float. I did not know about the float cancel, even though I'm already a peach player. This will make my peach alot better! thanx

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
ok, so i figured out a new type of cancelling with peach... i really doubt its been done before... check out the topic called "Turnip Cancelling" For more info.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2006
I really really needed this-- after observing countless Peach vids, it becomes clear that one of the best techniques is instant floating toward you opponent for a strong fair or bair attack. Previous descriptions said that after I first jump I should press down but it never instant floated.

Question though-- can I instant float to a dair float-cancel? So if I need a quick dsmash I could potentially dair attack while floating and then float cancel to work my way quickly to the ground? Or is float-cancelling more important when I am high up?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2006
Louisville, Ky
Heres a fun stategy i like to use after i kill someone, i will jump onto the ledge and when they come near i'll press down leetting go of the edge and then us my second jump to grab the edge OR attack them. of course i find it nice to us the umbrella sometimes but if they think your gonna grab the edge again and you can get behind them for that B-air you can get a quick kill in


Smash Ace
Jan 24, 2006
Annandale, VA
Here's a question I didn't really see addressed in here, but I figure it's the best place (instead of making a new topic).

I've seen people dash off the edge and float below stage level, but still have their second jump left. Since I don't have immediate access to a 'cube, how is that done? Do you just press X/Y and down at the exact same time? This would be immensely useful to my edgeguarding game, and maybe some others too.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2004
Gaithersburg, Md
nookrulz said:
Here's a question I didn't really see addressed in here, but I figure it's the best place (instead of making a new topic).

I've seen people dash off the edge and float below stage level, but still have their second jump left. Since I don't have immediate access to a 'cube, how is that done? Do you just press X/Y and down at the exact same time? This would be immensely useful to my edgeguarding game, and maybe some others too.
Yeah, or hold down then hit x/y. Just as long as you don't hit x/y before down.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Really old, simple, and informative guide. Isn't that float video on youtube somewhere? It should be added to the first post.


Smash Cadet
Jun 4, 2007
I'm sure everyone already knows but if you attack during the float and fast fall to the ground, Peach loses almost no frames no matter what attack you do (automatic L-canceling).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Rowland Heights, SoCal
I bow to your magnifescence Super Doodle Man... I'm a fan and thx for the thread it comes useful but I am still having trouble float canceling with Peach but I am getting the hang of it.... All of your videos are in my iPod but did you make a Peach's float cancel video 3? I have to ask though which is more important for Peach float cancel or l cancel?

If you are making anything please PM me....


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
HALL of Fame

Well for those people who have wonder what D.A has been up to for all these yrs and what not everyone take a look at the link that i am about to give to you its the dawn of a new era people the return of D.A. This link sends you too our site that has our latest content called " HALL OF FAME" IT's a section on our site dedicated to all the smashers that mastered thier characters and repped thier characters to the point that all the knew who they are and called them the best or one of the best with thier character(s) so with out further or due i bring to you the hall of fame: http://smashguardians.com/index.php?...=173&Itemid=28. Note that if anyone has any pictures of any of the players listed on the hall of fame just send DA and emial or emial me at: lewdawes@aol.com hope everyone enjoys peace.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Rowland Heights, SoCal
Thank You!!! Super Doodle Man your videos has taught me well how to rawk with Peach! Btw is there any way to make my Peach faster then I am now? like float canceling made my Peach pro worthy but is there an faster Peach?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2007
Hey I have a quick question and i didnt see anything like it in the peach boards I just thought off a little show offy trick that might be possible with peach. Its most likeley already been done but I havent found anything about it. The peach pillar is a DJC'd nair to jab x2. I was wondering if it would be possible to jump and Z-drop a turnip DJC a nair and I belive if you do it fast enough it will bring you lower to the ground (the point of DJC im pretty sure?) then hit a to grab the turnip again when you land on the ground. So would that be possible *pull turnip-SH-Z-drop-DJC Nair-jab to grab turnip again ??. Like i said not necesarilly useful but just thought. What about to add to shield damage during pillar z-drop the turnip before DJC'ing the nair into the two jabs? anythoughts? Also one more question is there any tricks to pull a turnip faster besides edge/ledge cancelling ?? Thanks in advance.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2007
New submission -

- Ghost Floating/DJC Float
How to Perform: Jump, then double-jump immediately as Peach leaves the ground. Immediately after starting the Double Jump, hold Down on the joystick and the Jump button.
Effect: The bottom quarter of Peach's body is now buried in the platform you jumped off of. The timing is strict, but the technique is repeatable on command.

Why significant: Reduces vulnerable area on close-to-the-ground floating approaches and float-based edge-guards.

Also, for fall-through platforms - if you Instant Float d-air or d-air too soon after ducking through the platform, Peach gets stuck in her d-air landing animation instead of kicking through the platform. If you do a Ghost Float d-air, however, Peach will kick through AND land back on the platform when you release the jump button.
Can you still use Dair when you use that ?? I would imagine not since your part way underground ?? but stranger things happen in this game :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Heaven or Hell
Yes, you can still d-air while Ghost Floating. However, it's only effective if you're on a fall-through platform and your opponent is below it. As for "ground" platforms, like Final D, your other aerials are far better options during a Ghost-Float.

**EDIT: I've nailed down the timing for the Ghost-Float input. I also made a thread out of my above post, so check out this link for details.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2011
floating after ledge hogging

periodically after i hold hold the edge, i'm able to come off it immediately and float, does anyone know why that is?
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