i heard he three stock sonic on halberd
>_> but thats wat i heard
I heard He got 3 stocked to a level 9 Samus on Luigi's Mansion >.<
***** wen we goin to Orlando???
Afro... Ur good on a National Level
Red is def good on a state level
Levels are like this
House - noobs
Local - Scrubs
City - People that actually go to tourneys
State Region - Me
State - Redhalberd
Region - CO18, HRNUT, GDX etc
National - M2K, Azen, Afro, Seibrik Etc
Then again, I'd say that Red is between the high State and low Region level(Plus I kno Red is a beast and prob could take a match off of U Afro, but the odds are still in ur favor)
CO18, GDX and HRNUT are between a high Regional. low National Level
Afro and Seibrik are prob in the mid National level
This isn't saying that a player like HRNUT can't beat Afro. Or that I couldn't beat some1 like CO18. Its just that these people are on different levels of greatness...
Plus all U guys in Orlando are 2 F***ing good cuz yaw get to play the best from everywhere seeing that yaw are the main focal point @ Gigz