I coulda sworn the battle system was really good. It was really good to me. If its not turned based it might as well being everything moving all the time.
Didn't you not play the game? You just watched someone else play it, and thats not nearly the same. The battle system is beyond repetitive mainly due to you only being able to control 1 person at a time. Throughout the entire game you have to deal with the extremely sloppy AI on your team, and they can only be controlled indirectly at best. Combine that with other small nuisances such as Game Over if the leader dies (which is a first for a FF i'm pretty sure and definitely wasn't a good decision), AoE spells that you have no control over in terms of landing them or evading them (It's not like you can position your team in anyway at all, at best you can hope that someone stays back as they heal or that they rush in when they attack. When you do AoE spells on enemies you can only target 1 enemy, so you have to hope the other enemies are just in the vicinity when the time comes for you attack. This makes almost everything AoE pretty inconsistent. Okay not all spells because some spells have ridiculous range.).
Sorry if thats alil hard to read, but thats only touching on some of the problems in the game. Basically the battle system is far from good, maybe from a casual gamer standpoint its good where tbh to beat the game all you really have to do is press the A button like a champion (because this is probably the easiest FF). Honestly for this being a Final Fantasy it just drops the ball on so many levels. Honestly the story was good, and i give it that but gameplay wise it's just...not good.
ATLEAST thats my opinion and i've played every FF except X-2.