Damn, well played Pokechu.
Had been real busy over the Night but when I was at the computer I had spent that time with White all focused on praline, I had never even thought of the idea that you'd pull a move like this on the last Day. I should've went with my gut feeling about how off the previous Day was that you had to have been the last one but along the way my eyes moved to praline and I lost track of time so I never ended up addressing Pokechu like I had been determined to and now we're paying for it. Sorry to all the townie ghosts that are watching this.
A tip for future games though, when people claim roles that can't be proven or are extremely limited, odds are they are making it up.
Sorry for what? Getting all of them killed?
Keep this in mind.
You witnessed me @ Opossum and ask if I could show the quote, and I got no response.
Well, I asked again and now I can say them. I wasn't ever informed that I could say the quotes after I use them, so that's why I never said them. Miscommunications happen, and I'm not mad even though this
will seem shady. Call me suspicious, call me not, but NOW I can finally show you all the quotes. If you call me shady for this I honestly don't blame you.
Vote: no lynch
Praline is suspicious for sure, since this is an option, but im not willing to risk a night one random killing.
FALSE: Praline is not suspicious
Location: Page 2, From: Zebei (a dead townie)
FALSE: Holder is not Lukas.
Location: Page 28, From: Holder (mafia!)
point blank and simple
i wish i did this days ago because if i did you'd already be dead ;^)
Now, unless you all just simply don't believe I have the ability to fact check, then how do you guys feel about my tracking ability? I showed you all red's response when I confronted him about talking to Shiny. Unless I made that PM up, I was telling the truth about my tracking, and why lie about one ability but reveal the other? Also, if you think I was recruited or something then I have this hint all the way from Page 8
No, I'm not a cop. I wish I was, that'd be rad lol
Hmm, I'll give you a hint.
honestly this hint might make more sense to me than y'all but if you actually know my role (and someone does) then it should be obvious. I didn't want to go out and scream my role so lol
First: quote ability
Second: PMs
let's put this to rest please