So stats for the new units:
And here are Valbar and Conrad's skills:
-Obstruct 3 in 2019....good thing it's the 5-star skill and not HP/ATK 2 which will have some use. Also, Valbar uses Gen III Armor BST compared to Gen IV armor BST. He has 173 BST while Forsyth has 179 BST. He'll score higher than Effie, Gwyndolyn and etc, but certainly not more than Kjelle, Forsyth, etc.
-Conrad has the right stats and skills for a defensive build. Not only that, but stat-wise, he's comparable to Fallen Berkut. Conrad has the same HP, higher SPD, only 1 DEF lower and 5 RES more than Fallen Berkut, but -4 ATK lower than Fallen Berkut. With 34/35, combined with Barrier Lance+DEF and Bracing Stance, allows him to reach 42/46 defenses at no merges. And at full merges, he'll reach 47/51 defenses as he gains extra stats in HP, DEF and RES.
So basically, Conrad is good stat-wise, as he has the stats and skills to back up his tank role and the only unit actually comparable to him stat-wise is Fallen Berkut who is a 5-star and at full merges, Conrad can hold his own next to Fallen Berkut and even some Lance Armors.
-Catria has the highest ATK of all Sword Fliers alongside New Years Hrid and she's got the SPD to rack up the damage. That said, SPD-wise, she's 1 SPD slower than Caeda, NY-Gunnthra and Fiora, 2 behind Bridal Sigrun and -3 behind Legendary Ryoma. But with her high ATK and SPD, she makes for a great Firesweep Sword user.
-Python is surprisingly tanky and speedy for a Green Bow cavalry. Not only that, but he beats Sue in BST, having 156 over Sue's 149. Stat-wise, he's slightly slower than Sue, but has the same ATK/RES, slightly higher HP and much higher defense. And he's the hinted demotion too.
-No need to say anything about Forsyth.
-Silque is shockingly tanky. She is tied with Bruno for the highest DEF and has 31 RES, which is higher than a +RES Azama or a +DEF Lissa, both of whom were budget tank healers. The only other comparable healer is Winter Eirika and she's a Seasonal 5-star, has 3 higher RES than Silque, but 5 less DEF. If any of you have seen the Azama tank builds using Fortress DEF/RES 3, Guard and whatnot, Silque is very easily able to do those to even greater effect.