finish her off, without even needing to spend Grails.
What manner of dark magic did you perform to +10 her without spending grails? I can only think of four reward Aversas (er... Aversae?): three from her first GHB run, and one from her rerun.
And also yes, unlike the extremely lame 2nd Anniversary events, Golden Week has been incredible. The insane number of Orbs we got, plus summon tickets, increased 5* rates on the Brave focuses, and the Legendary Banner all led to an incredible haul for me.
- a +DEF merge for my Legendary Ike, putting him at +3
- my first Ranulf, using a ticket summon on one of the Brave banners. Perfect nature, too: +ATK, -RES, and he makes a great support for my Caineghis. Gallia shall conquer all.
- three seconds after Ranulf, I pulled my first Laegjarn using a ticket on the other Brave banner: +HP, -RES. Currently eyeing Distant Guard for Micaiah, but I also need more red fliers, so she may be here to stay.
- my first Brave Celica! +HP, -SPD, which definitely could have been better, but hey at least I got her.
- my first Winter Eirika. At first I thought I would just fodder her for Atk Opening, but combine that with her Joyous Lantern and she's a great buffer. So until such time as we can inherit 5 skills at once, she's here to stay as well.
- and finally, the crown jewel of my summoning for Golden Week: A merge for my Legendary Marth, leading to this beauty:
Even beyond Golden Week, the past month overall was incredible for FEH.
- The update was divisive, I know, especially with the summoning pool changes, but then Alm (aka, Missing Person No. 1) showed up in a summoning focus anyway (I still didn't get him, but I did get to fix my -RES Kliff by merging into a shiny new +DEF one from the banner)
- Out of Gallia added a bunch of fan favorites as great units, and the Forging Bonds dialogue for their banner was top-notch as always. On top of that on my end, I pulled
three Caineghises, and they were
all +DEF! Lion King lookin' fine.
- The new Tempest Trials was great, using those dusty old Echoes maps that never get seen anymore, and the final map used real FE music instead of the rather forgettable seasonal music.
- Tap Battle orbs are back! ... unfortunately, I now feel compelled to actually play Tap Battle, which... just...
- Alm finally got an alt, and as a Legendary, no less! And he brought beloved fan-favorites like Marth, Ike, Roy, and Hector to his banner. Top-shelf banner cast, if I do say so myself.
- Allegiance Battles is actually pretty fun?!?!?!? On my end, I ranked second place out of everyone on my friends list, which was dope. And an additional weekly source of feathers and flowers is always appreciated.
- What's this? The story is
actually getting pretty interesting? Alfonse is a
well-written character?!?!?! Alfonse, wielder of the fabled Reverse Card.
- And what is to come? Roy got promoted to a Legendary, and the next banner was a Binding Blade banner. Yune came in as a Mythic, and the next banner was from Radiant Dawn. Now, Alm just became a Legendary. Does that... is this... could this mean...?
What is this madness? The 2nd Anniversary was a dumpster fire, and now Golden Week rolls in and is just amazing??? Is everyone at IS okay? Should we be suspicious? Did they take a hit of the same "what-if-we-made-the-fans-happy" drugs that the Smash dev team took before making Ultimate?
On the other hand, I still don't have Mordecai. Golden Week sucked, 0/10
Oh and my friend code is 2620354561. May as well start handing that out, now that Allegiance Battles is here. Pls be friends with my FEHsona, Wilhelm.