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Fire and Lightning Mafia - Game Over!!!


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
@Sword: I'd also like your updated read on Circus and Kevin, when you get the chance.

Raziek really needs to do something.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Gorf & Kuz are one mafia team. I'll refer to them as Fire for now. You're transparent, get at me.
This is also a scumtell on the part of Ryker. He's selectively scumhunting for a certain faction of mafia and not just scum on a whole. What evidence is there to suggest, with his bull**** cases and w/e, that Gorf and myself have to be on the same "scumteam." This is because Ryker is either ice mafia with another mate that is neither Gorf or myself trying to be cocky and calling the fire team to receive town cred or, more likely, he's fire himself trying to WIFOM that he wouldn't be wrong (and thus be fire) in case an ice mafia flipped.

I didn't notice this before because I didn't realize we find out which faction targeted each player for an incap when that person dies. With this info, Ryker has something to gain by spreading false trails like this.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Unvote Uncap

I see votes on me, which is pretty merciful considering all my finals coming up, although the votes are poorly founded.

I'll read and address stuff now


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Move forward, don't sit there.
I'm quick to dismiss it because it's completely useless to me. It doesn't further anything. It allows you to sit on a null tell and not contribute. No thanks. I really don't care to watch you idle your way through Day 1 with dead end paths.
I would've thought that Gorf Ryker wouldn't sit there with his finger up his bum. Doesn't match up with the Gorf Ryker I know.
Oh the irony.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Just to throw my thoughts out into the open about why I don't like HipSam v July: there just isn't enough substance in the argument for there to be continued conflict. I particularly dislike HipSam for his vote on July in the first place because I don't think July's first post stating dislike for HipSam had enough scummy material to warrant such a reaction. His jump on that post looked fake and his points were reaching. I thought the interaction would end with that, however, but July picked up the argument and kept arguing it beyond its capacity. Everything about the initial points have been discussed several times over yet the argument continues to drag on in full force way longer than a TvT argument of this caliber would have lasted. Both HipSam and July are guilty of unnecessarily sparking the thing back up if you look at the tone and material of what is being discussed. Either it is a SvS thing where both players are trying to distance while still give the impression that HipSam is doing something to help him survive through the day or, more likely, one of them is scum and is desperately trying to appear consistent by continuing his or her push long after there was substance to. The reason I'm not particularly concerned with diagnosing which one it is, is because HipSam is dying toDay anyway. The reason I wanted the July lynch was because one of those two definitely holds a scum (if not both) and a July lynch plus a HipSam death would net me that. If I had to say right now which one I thought scummier it would honestly be a toss up. I really dislike HipSam from his play during the beginning of the Day and his initial posts on July (especially his first one) reeked terribly. However, the bait I left for July to take (my vote on her), was ignored in July's recent post. Not only does she continue to do things I accuse her for above, she doesn't even comment on my views on her alignment, which bugs the **** out of me. She gives reads but somehow manages to forget me despite my slot being the forefront of uncap discussion. She also has a town read on me, which literally makes no sense with the way I've been playing thus far. It's not only that she finds HipSam scummy and thus thinks he's a better uncap target, it's that she actually has me as a town read. I know July's though process and I know how she likes to interact as both alignments, and this right here is textbook safe play. As town, she's logical and usually reads me as town when I'm playing openly, giving stances and reads at will. When I'm reserved she often reads this as scum (and is sometimes right) and calls me out on it accordingly (check Halloween Party Mafia. She successfully tunneled my slot into the ground). Her continued negligence of my existence this game speaks loads on her alignment and I heavily dislike it. The questions that accompany her walls also bother me because, like Ryker's, they have no purpose. She's so intent on maintaining this wall war with HipSam that she's negligent of most everything else but then slips in questions at the end of her walls that she does not follow up on in actual discussion.

Straight up, I hate their interaction and want both dead. Other musings coming in a second.
Le sigh, I thought you knew me better than this.

The first part did happen where the arguments went on too long. If you noticed I tried to get it to calm down at one point, but HipSam just kept provoking it and I'm more than happy to let him know why his reaction to everything I say is ridiculously defensive and manipulative.

As for your vote on me, I figured you were trying to get a reaction out of Brosuke, because I know you weren't actually trying to get a response out of me and I know you didn't, and still don't, have a case on me. Basically, I KNOW that vote wasn't for me. If you seriously suspected me, you would have actually confront me and not bait me.

My town read on you admittedly came from your lack of a presence as a town leader and your interactions with Ryker that looked very TvT. I never elaborated on my read of you in my latest post because I don't have to; I didn't want you incapped, I'm still not sure if I'm concerned that you are scum trying to push my mislynch. The thing is, even if you are scum, you're gonna have to play like an indy to try and find the other scum team, and from experience I know indy Kuz will scumhunt more than most people would as town.

Your not playing anywhere near like you did in HP mafia, and not like you did in FFIX either, at least as far as I can tell. It at least made me lean town on you, but cautiously as always. Although the way you've pushed me so hard so fast when I'm clearly not very available obviously makes me question you and your intentions. Bleck, need to think about it.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Joey, if you genuinely want to be useful, then vote July. Kuzi's 459 actually makes a really good point against her. 80% of her game has been spent attacking a slot (ours) that could of easily been killed off anyways without a lynch. Reeks of attacking a safe target. Not only that, but (and this is the best point against her) she ignored Kuzi's jump on her which completely lacked substance. Again, it reeks of safe play.
Way to sheep Kuz's case concerns about me (case is too strong a term for such loose points against me) and to make it look like I was the one who kept provoking our discussion when you were the one who wouldn't let it alone. Die.

Uncap Kuz


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Maintained her fabricated town read on me despite my unsubstantiated jump on her which townJuly would never have ignored.*
Bull****, I only care about whether substantiated reads on me are wrong or scummy; unsubstantiated reads aren't worth my time.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Le sigh, I thought you knew me better than this.

You know this stuff doesn't work on me July. :)

The first part did happen where the arguments went on too long. If you noticed I tried to get it to calm down at one point, but HipSam just kept provoking it and I'm more than happy to let him know why his reaction to everything I say is ridiculously defensive and manipulative.
Show me where you tried to calm it down because I simply don't believe you. From what I remember of your interaction, you both sparked it up equally.

As for your vote on me, I figured you were trying to get a reaction out of Brosuke, because I know you weren't actually trying to get a response out of me and I know you didn't, and still don't, have a case on me. Basically, I KNOW that vote wasn't for me. If you seriously suspected me, you would have actually confront me and not bait me.
I was trying to get a reaction out of you actually. Your town read on me was fake and I could tell it was fake. I wanted to see if you were actually concerned with the content I was giving, or you just wanted to play it safe with cruising by on a town read on me.

And I do have a case on you, which I've presented. I do seriously suspect you, which is why I just confronted you.

Why are you trying to play the fake confidence card? It's not helping.

My town read on you admittedly came from your lack of a presence as a town leader and your interactions with Ryker that looked very TvT. I never elaborated on my read of you in my latest post because I don't have to; I didn't want you incapped, I'm still not sure if I'm concerned that you are scum trying to push my mislynch. The thing is, even if you are scum, you're gonna have to play like an indy to try and find the other scum team, and from experience I know indy Kuz will scumhunt more than most people would as town.
@Bolded: What?

@Underlined: OMGUS much? Your fake town read dissapeared pretty quickly once I expressed sentiments that you're scum. Shocker. The way you word it is also ambiguous to play it safe. You're not sure whether you're concerned about it, ie, you're trying to stand your ground yet also shift yourself into a position where you can call me scum and fight back that way.

And then you insert a sentence saying "even if you're scum" which now assumes that I am scum and may still have merit in my pushes because I scumhunt as indy (which would mean I have merit in your push regardless of my alignment. Awesome).

What about my switch makes you think I'm scum instead of an incorrect townie? You assume the former before even making a counter argument.

You're all over the place.

Your not playing anywhere near like you did in HP mafia, and not like you did in FFIX either, at least as far as I can tell. It at least made me lean town on you, but cautiously as always. Although the way you've pushed me so hard so fast when I'm clearly not very available obviously makes me question you and your intentions.
Metaing me will always lead to failure. Don't do it.

Funny you didn't question my intentions earlier in the game when I was giving reads without stances and playing a very unsubstantiated game. Yet you gave me a town read without question nor confrontation.

Bleck, need to think about it.
There's semen in my mouth.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
And, yes, I'm formally announcing this now since its going to come as a shock to so many of you: Ryker is scum. Like I'm not even kind of sure, I'm dead sure. He's directly under July in terms of scuminess but I find the July lynch to be a more realistic lynch and equally likely to flip scum.

I actually wasn't planning to reveal this toDay since I wanted to survive through the Night and get him toMorrow, but I fear both scum might incap me toNight when July flips scum which would be bad.

So, yes, in the event that I get killed and Ryker is still alive, I'm expecting some capable townie to get that done for me. Gorf, I'm directly looking at you.
Bleck, completely disagree. Ryker is probably one of the strongest town reads I have, along with Brosuke.

Also, @KevinM saying that it's obvious that both sides will be scumhunting is an overstatement I think. I think it's easy to forget that the scum are also genuinely scumhunting because as town you are trying to find people who don't have town intentions, which are usually scumhunting but in this case its more complex than that :-/


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
So tell me, July, who is scummy?

This entire day has been filled with you arguing with HipSam and changing your uncap vote a few times. I get you want him dead but you've yet to place your actual vote once this entire game. All of your content has been so revolved around HipSam, who's likely to die anyway, that you havn't scumhunted in any other direction.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA

You know this stuff doesn't work on me July. :)
Not AtE Kuzi dear, simply the truth.

Show me where you tried to calm it down because I simply don't believe you. From what I remember of your interaction, you both sparked it up equally.
Except that's not what happened. I said I didn't like you because you haven't been scumhunting, that's not a be all end all conclusion; it's what you've done so far that I noticed and don't like, if you start scumhunting and I'll shut up. I NEVER framed it as defending yourself is a legitimate tell. I understand that you were getting hit early on and were defending yourself, but you haven't stepped out of that phase. Right now you and I are just going back and forth because you don't like that I said I didn't like your actions so far. I never said you didn't have the intent to scum hunt when I said I didn't like you, I stated a fact that you weren't doing something I want to see you doing if you are town. My decision on who I vote to uncap comes down to who looks like they are helping town more, and scumhunting is part of that.

Second paragraph: I'll admit that saying you don't have the intent to scumhunt was harsh at this point, but I want to see you get out of defense mode. You defending yourself is ALL I have to go off for you so far, and it felt like when you attacked me for saying I haven't liked your play you were basically saying I'm not allowed not to like you at this point and shutting me down.

There are other people who aren't scumhunting, and that's why I tried to get opinions from some of those people. including Joey, when I came into the game.

Third Paragraph: I just want you to scumhunt and get out of defense mode, because your defense mode has been way up since the beginning and that's not helping town. This is my last response to you in paragraph form, I want to get us out of this deadlock and see where you go from here on your interactions with other players and where you go with scumhunting. I don't want this to end up like HP with the tunneling and such I'm going to lay off you and reconsider my read for a bit.

When you say that some of Gord's stances seemed too stupid to be true, are you talking about in his interactions with Ryker?

@Brosuke: I liked Kuz in his interactions with Ryker, and I got the feeling that both of them were feeling each other out and trying to get some kind of read on the other, which they both seemed to do with some degree of success. I also liked that Kuz was willing to engage so vehemently against Ryker even though he's in a precarious position with being incapped, he didn't try to appease Ryker to get him on his good side, which as scum would probably be a good tactic for trying to stay alive considering how influential Ryker is as a player. However, I need more from Kuz, I want more reads and I want to see more scumhunting in general from him.

I was trying to get a reaction out of you actually. Your town read on me was fake and I could tell it was fake. I wanted to see if you were actually concerned with the content I was giving, or you just wanted to play it safe with cruising by on a town read on me.
My town LEAN on you was real and you should know it was real; no way in hell would I cruise on a town read on you if I was scum and I had an opportunity to incap you and then act on that. I'm guessing you think if I'm scum I incapped HipSam? Meh I can see that making some sense.

And I do have a case on you, which I've presented. I do seriously suspect you, which is why I just confronted you.

Why are you trying to play the fake confidence card? It's not helping.
If your case is real your case is crap. The "fake" confidence isn't fake, I just know that your "confidence" in your scum read on me is going to come back and bite you in the *** when I flip town and this amuses me. And right now I don't have the mental stamina to reread and prevent detailed reads or particularly feel upset that I might die because I know if I'm not lynched toDay, I'm going to be inactive until probably Christmas, so I'm thoroughly enjoying this argument.

@Bolded: What?

@Underlined: OMGUS much? Your fake town read dissapeared pretty quickly once I expressed sentiments that you're scum. Shocker. The way you word it is also ambiguous to play it safe. You're not sure whether you're concerned about it, ie, you're trying to stand your ground yet also shift yourself into a position where you can call me scum and fight back that way.

And then you insert a sentence saying "even if you're scum" which now assumes that I am scum and may still have merit in my pushes because I scumhunt as indy (which would mean I have merit in your push regardless of my alignment. Awesome).
You not leading town is usually a good sign; its not like Celeb or AM where you are trying to manipulate the course of events from the get-go.

Underlined bit: Obviously if you want to up and start a mislynch on me out of nowhere I'm going to have to reevaluate my read on you. You're not stupid so I don't see why you thought that baiting a reaction from me would work. So yeah, at this point I don't know if you are wrong town or scum, but usually when you are wrong town I'm wrong town there with you, or I see where your suspicions lie. Obviously I don't in this case, and hence back to what I said before: Your case on me is crap and you know it and I know it.

No, "even if you are scum" means "in the case that you are scum, which is an option that I must now consider because of how egregious your push on me is."

What about my switch makes you think I'm scum instead of an incorrect townie? You assume the former before even making a counter argument.

You're all over the place.
Pretty much answered this above. Basically, your plan of baiting me was terrible and the fact that you based a case off of that and the HipSam interactions where HE'S THE ONE who kept provoking the conversation is also terrible. You wouldn't be pushing me on those terribly weak reasons as town; you would be pushing me for reads and info and then actually have some oomph behind your accusations, even if you were wrong.

Metaing me will always lead to failure. Don't do it.
That's hard when I've played so many games with you :-/

Funny you didn't question my intentions earlier in the game when I was giving reads without stances and playing a very unsubstantiated game. Yet you gave me a town read without question nor confrontation.
But you really weren't...as least I thought there was more substance to your reads early on. What do I know, I've been skimming a ton anyways.

There's semen in my mouth.
Lucky Huh?

So tell me, July, who is scummy?

This entire day has been filled with you arguing with HipSam and changing your uncap vote a few times. I get you want him dead but you've yet to place your actual vote once this entire game. All of your content has been so revolved around HipSam, who's likely to die anyway, that you havn't scumhunted in any other direction.
I have scumhunted, I just haven't really found blatant scumminess anywhere.

Anyways, Joey has been a nonpresence but when he is here all he's done is follow town sentiment...problem is I've seen Joey do that before as scum or town, could go either way but if he doesn't step up content he needs to die toMorrow.

KevinM is actually someone I was looking into. Unlike most people I liked his intro into the game, but after that I find his suspicions of Brosuke are very weak and his question to Dark Horse about who he would incap strange and unhelpful.

Rajam is pretty null, honestly his posts haven't stood out to me but someone who needs more pressure toMorrow. You know how I feel about HipSam.

Town reads on Ryker, Brosuke, Dark Horse. Town leans on Soup, Circus, Gord. Oh yeah Gord and Brosuke just made me feel stronger in my town read on Brosuke, but I liked Gord in the interactions too. Totally forgot Raziek was in this game until I checked the player list, he's null too and needs pressure and content or else death toMorrow. Kuz could go either way, honestly I want to say that after his terrible push on me he's scum but honestly his early play still rings townie to me. He made connections quickly and I don't think was particularly closed about his reads until he popped out a scum read on Ryker and I. I would say to watch out for him, but he's probably going to be a benefit to town whether he's town or not in terms of scumhunting so keep that in mind.

You're not flipping town. When you flip scum, I will probably be dead. If not, Ryker.
Willing to bet a posthumous cookie on that? (Payable only after your flip and only if you are also town)


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
If your case is real your case is crap. The "fake" confidence isn't fake, I just know that your "confidence" in your scum read on me is going to come back and bite you in the *** when I flip town and this amuses me.
But, if I'm scum, why would MLing you be a problem? Wouldn't that be my goal? You admit here that if you were to flip town, it would come back and bite me, which would only happen if I were town.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Ryker said:
I actually wasn't planning to reveal this toDay since I wanted to survive through the Night and get him toMorrow, but I fear both scum might incap me toNight when July flips scum which would be bad.

So, yes, in the event that I get killed and Ryker is still alive, I'm expecting some capable townie to get that done for me. Gorf, I'm directly looking at you.
Oh man he's serious. Better back it up for toMorrow...

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
July's rebuttal is gross... But is it enough to get my vote on the wagon?!

Tune in this afternoon on The Gorf is Right!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Kuz said:
So tell me, July, who is scummy?

This entire day has been filled with you arguing with HipSam and changing your uncap vote a few times. I get you want him dead but you've yet to place your actual vote once this entire game. All of your content has been so revolved around HipSam, who's likely to die anyway, that you havn't scumhunted in any other direction.
Quote of a f***in lifetime right here.

Hipster Samurai

Smash Rookie
Nov 21, 2011
To add some notes to Swords earlier comments: I don't really have a scumread on Gorf anymore and I disagree with his KevinM scumread. July, Circus and Raziek are my preferred lynches atm [in that order]. Xonar can live for now I guess.

Almost all of Circus' points after my call-out are bad / superfluous.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Hey kuz,

you claim that hip/july's interaction definetley does not look like town, then why kill both today? Why not kill one and see what they flip, and see how that affects their argument.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Oh man. Stakes are high lol
Well I could raise the stakes higher but I thought this was a nice throwback instead ;)

But, if I'm scum, why would MLing you be a problem? Wouldn't that be my goal? You admit here that if you were to flip town, it would come back and bite me, which would only happen if I were town.
Not necessarily. If you are scum, your goal could either be mislynching town or finding the other scum; I would think that you'd like to find scum because if you don't, there's a good chance they'll incap you (again) or your partner. If you have a strong partner that can hold their own or a weak partner who probably won't be put up for incap, you'd probably aim for town or either indiscriminately. However if you think your partner is prime to be incapped, then you'd probably be looking harder for scum than to mislynch town.

I can't post again until after 5 pm or else I will never finish literally the most important term paper of my life, so I'll address anything else later.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
So you're assuming I don't have a partner capable of holding his own and thus your lynch is bad because I'm not lynching other scum which will come back to bite me when that other scum incaps my partner.

Or, more likely, I'm town and you're not.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Up to #280

Scumlist, ordered:

Dooms: Already stated, he comes in and out all the time to post some filler content, not really scumhunting and voting without any sort of reasoning, plus the wishy-washy detected by KevM

Brosuke: Some details I mentioned earlier, plus his reasoning for the possible July-kuz scumteam. I don't see it at all, and I wouldn't be surprised if the real scumteam is Brosuke-kuz and Brosuke is trying to paint a target on July upon a scum-flip of kuz
kuz: Besides the scum callout on Hispter based on 1 post, haven't heard yet his other scumpicks and overall lacks explanations and reasonings behind many of his oppinions

Gorf: Not fully convinced by the volume of his posts which are more commenting than scumhunting imo
Circus: Disappeared after the beginning
Raziek (inactive)
Soupamario (inactive)
Hipster: too defensive
Ryker: not sure what he's up to, but at least he makes the game move

Dark Horse


uncap: Hispter Samurai


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Soup, stop being useless. If you're mulling over HipSam as a lynch why is your uncap vote on him? What's your read on July and Ryker?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Up to #320

Not liking Soup. Besides being contradictory with his oppinions and actions, he barely mentions scumpicks in his big post #314, even less explanations.

HSamurai and July looks TvT at the moment, i understand both of their arguments but i also didn't like HSamurai's blantant excuses at times.

unvote uncap.

Kuz, i see your vote on July right now, could you explain me why it's there? i'm on page 6 40ppp.
You said at the end of your #314 that you found Hipster to be scum, but immediatly now you're saying he is town ¿?¿?

Explain these:
Why did you like more kuz than Hispter? you said this somewhere in your 314
Also, at the end of that post you also said Hipster was scum, nonetheless you uncap him ??
Why after all that, you said in 320 (the quoted post here) Hipster vs July was TvT ¿?

who's scum? and why?

FoS: Soupamario

Mostly because of the lack of scumpicks in his big 314, and the only one he chose (Hipster), didn't explain why, uncapped him, and then in a few posts later he called Town -> <-

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

It is day 1.4 Vote Count (7/13) Deadline is December 13th 11:59PM CST

1. th3kuzinator [0]
2. brosuke [1] Gorf,
3. Raziek [0]
4. Ryker [0]
5. Dooms [2] Rajam, Dark Horse,
6. Gorf [1] Ryker,
7. KevinM [3] Brosuke, Circus, July,
8. Hipster Samurai (Sworddancer/Gheb_01) [0]
9. July [4] Hipster Samurai, th3kuzinator, Dooms, KevinM
10. Rajam [0]
11. Circus [1] Soupamario,
12. Dark_Horse [0]
13. Soupamario [0]

Not Voting: Raziek,


Incap count (most votes)

Th3Kuzinator [6] July, KevinM, Gorf, Circus, th3kuzinator, Dooms,
Hipster Samurai [6] Dark Horse, Hipster Samurai, Ryker, Brosuke, Soupamario, Rajam,

Not Voting: Raziek,


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Up to #360

@Soup: Posts from #347 to #358: (kuz vs Soup, regarding Soup's vote on Circus) As kuz pointed out, your vote on Circus sucks if you think he's scum for the motives you posted. Those things you showed show nothing. Try harder next time

I am so inclined to believe that this read is from skimming on who has what suspicion, and looking at who Ryker doesn't like, it's not even funny. Justify it in your own words and way.
Those are my own words.

Liking less Ryker, since he went silent-mode after apparently gaining some town points from several people. Liking more Gorf now, and kuz slightly too. Hipster still isn't being agressive with scumhunting; no idea which are his scumpicks. Where's Raziek lol

unvote uncap


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
1. th3kuzinator
2. brosuke
3. Raziek
4. Ryker
5. Dooms
6. Gorf
7. KevinM
8. Hipster Samurai
9. July
10. Rajam
11. Circus
12. Dark_Horse
13. Soupamario (Slight Town)

Finding myself conflicted. I like both HipSam and Kuz. I like Kuz a little bit more, but looking at the people on the uncap list for Kuz, I go, "I don't trust these people."



Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Explain you reasoning for KevM and July.

You should also take note that Hipster and myself are both town so anyone on our incap wagon has nothing to do with our alignment. Scum is obviously mixed in there somewhere but that solely depends on what makes them look more consistent while at the same time taking a position to get rid of the player they find most dangerous.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
July was already covered by others, but her slot has been focused primarily on pushing HipSam and nothing else.

I'm not entirely familiar with her playstyle, but her posts have been large, without actually including a ton of relevant content, especially anything that's going to matter later in the game if HipSam is killed.

KevM just hasn't been particularly relevant, and I haven't liked much of his interactions with people. I don't know if I can point out anyone in particular, but it's kinda difficult to just put a concise summary of how I feel about everyone without having to go way back and search for a ton of **** that everyone else has brought up.

Hope you weren't expecting a whole bunch of new and exciting stuff, but I've just caught up from 14 pages in an attempt to at least be relevant to this game.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
At least you were able to recycle reasoning. Better than nothing.

Talk to me about Circus being null. Inactivity or something else? I'd also like some insight on how you got a Ryker town read.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Primarily inactivity, because I've been there, but I just haven't seen much that makes him lean in one way or another. If you have something important to point out that he's said, I'd appreciate it, it may have been missed in my skimming.

Ryker is Town until he needs to be otherwise. The fact that he hasn't attempting to control the game feels to me a sign of apathy. Though, that plays to Ryker's scummeta more than Town. @_@

I just tend to keep an eye on him until I need to do otherwise.
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