Whisk said:
Wait, Tingle has his own games now. So wouldn't he be considered his own series like Wario and Yoshi?
Technically, yes. But people didn't really consider Wario to be a 'not' Mario character until Made in Wario was created, and even though Yoshi had a game named after him on the NES, it wasn't until Yoshi's Story until he started his solo act (although I still don't know why people say that: Mario has been in every game that Yoshi's been in).
I don't think Tingle is his own franchise yet, for a few reasons:
1. He only has one game.
2. That one game isn't a global release (yet).
3. That game is about as hardcore niche as you can get.
4. Even in that one game, he's sill in the land of Zelda: Hyrule.
Whisk said:
5. Zant - Unique with moveset potential. Main villian of TP. Brawl needs more villians too.
Vaati's not only pretty similar to Zant, but he's more important chronologically, and he represents some other games that Zant can't: the Four Swords and Minish Cap.
Besides, you don't need
two "TP-only" characters.
P.S. Just so everyone knows, we can talk about anything on this thread, so long as it's related to Zelda, no matter how little. For example:
This one day, my good pal Bob was walking to his local Seven-Eleven (I like to write out the entire number, rather than just writing out "7-11"...it just seems more formal, y'know?) to get himself a slushie, because to be totally, brutally honest...it was REALLY hot out that day. I mean like, seriously, above 50 degrees CELSIUS, which, if I'm not totally mistaken, is latin for like, "really **** hot". I know this because, unlike the unedjamacated swine we call "the masses", I went to college and took a whole two years out to learn one of, if not
the, most ancient and noble language known to man: latinese. Now, latinese originated way back when in the first Ice Age. A caveman was walking around his hut 'slash' shanty (although really it was more of a 'hovel'), and he just up and decided that he'd start talking words instead of guttural moans and howls. So he started working on latinese, and eighteen-thousand years later, Leonardo Miyamoto decided to build a time-machine, in the spirit of invention started by that very same caveman (L. M. spoke fluent latinese, by the way). So he did, using only the materials afforded to him by the richest nation on Earth: Japanada, which is to say: wood (Well, technically he did have some help from an incredibly well-timed supernova, which, in case you're wondering, is a stellar explosion that creates an extremely luminous object. A supernova usually causes a brief burst of radiation which may briefly outshine its entire host galaxy before fading from view over several weeks or months. During this relatively brief period of time, the supernova radiates as much energy as the Sun would emit over about 10 billion years. The explosion expels much or all of a star's material at a velocity of up to a tenth the speed of light, driving a shock wave into the surrounding interstellar gas. This shock wave sweeps up an expanding shell of gas and dust called a supernova remnant. There are several types of supernovae [<---the plural form] and at least two possible routes to their formation. A massive star may cease to generate energy from the nuclear fusion of atoms in its core, and collapse under the force of its own gravity to form a neutron star or black hole. Alternatively, a white dwarf star may accumulate material from a companion star (either through accretion or a collision) until it nears the "Chandrasekhar" limit of roughly 1.44 times the mass of the Sun, at which point it undergoes runaway nuclear fusion in its interior, completely disrupting the star. This second type of supernova is distinct from a surface thermonuclear explosion on a white dwarf, which is called a nova. Solitary stars with a mass below approximately 8 solar masses, such as the Sun itself, evolve into white dwarfs without ever becoming supernovae). You see, all Japanadians are made of wood, which, while quite convenient if you need to build a fire (assuming you don't mind some third-degree homicide charges, that is! Ah-ha-ha-ha!!), but not so much so if you need to wage war or feed your population. But the Japanadians got by alright, using an intricate network of woodpeckers, specially trained to relay messages via Morse Code, invented by one Ernest P. Morse, a retired NAVYman and ex-SEAL operative, who dabbled in calligraphy on the side. He reportedly got the idea from listening to cats have sex, which to be totally, brutally honest, I have never heard, nor have I ever met anyone who has. What I
have heard, however, is considered by many to be the most annoying sound ever to be heard by anything. Ever. What sound in it?
The sound you are hearing right now. It's really freakin' annoying, isn't it? Man you're tellin' me--the guy who lives with it every day of his life. You see, my youngest brother (I come from a family of 42) was recently diagnosed with brain AIDs, and he's basically a lost cause. Problem is: we got nowhere to keep his decaying body (Say, that reminds me of another amusing anecdote: this guy comes up to me in the street [we were literally buried in concrete at the time, y'see] and he tells me that he hasn't had a bite in three days. Well, I knew what he meant but just to be funny, I took a big bite out of his jugular vein, and so he starts rolling around on the floor, bleeding and screaming all over the place, and so I says, I says: "hey man, don't you get it?" But he just keeps screaming and bleeding all over the place, you know just really making a scene out of nothing, and like, just totally missing the irony of the whole situation. Some people just can't take a joke, you know?). So as a temporary fix, we've taken to stuffing him in a backpack, and we all take turns toting him around, safely out of sight (and mind, natch). My mother doesn't much like this, but it's just as well, because she also doesn't like Coca-Cola. Now I know what you're thinkin': "But Coke an' Pepsi are the same thing! I took one of those "no-label blindfold" taste tests, you know, the ones where they blindfold you and then give you two unmarked glasses, one with Coke and one with Pepsi, then you drink both of them and try to identify one as Coke and the other as Pepsi, and I could NOT tell the difference!" And that's all well and good for you, but how do you think my poor, sick, deranged mother feels about it, you heartless punk!? Darn it all, get outta' my face you hair-brained lunatic! If I wanted any lip from you I'd've asked for it, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO, you just
had to go and poke fun at my mother's lack of tastebuds, which is ironic since she herself is a giant tastebud, but I digress--YOU SIR, ARE A HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING, AND SHOULD GO SUBMIT YOURSELF TO THE NEAREST MENTAL INSTITUTION A.S.A.P. Either that... or go play some
Zelda or something.