Items reduce the amount of skill needed at a competitive level. You have no clue what you're talking about. Yes, SSBM tournaments used to have items...HOW long ago? I noticed they don't anymore. Hm, I wonder why? Items are random, and thus are in a way, unfair. An item can fall right in front of you, and you can use it on someone else. Now the other person has to not only worry about you, but the item you have. The new item created, the badge.... Falco's entire approach is detroyed. If Falco's still in Brawl and his laser use the same effect (or another Star Fox character takes the role of Falco), the entire approach will be ruined, not due to skill or characters, but due to the impromptu appearance of completely RANDOM items, and thus, not due to skill either.
Falco can be SHLing and suddenly a badge falls right in front of his opponent. Oh, the skill that took! He must have taken control of the game and made it fall there due to his superior skill! Any character who uses projectiles would be ruined in tournaments due to that item, and I'm sure there will be more items of the same manner. It does NOT take skill. It's skill with characters, not luck, or the ability to pick up random items which fell in random spots.
I second this man's motion.
I don't think Final Smashes are cheap. What they should do is give them a fix spawning point in every stage, or better yet, warn the players that a Smash Ball is incoming and let it fall very, very slowly so players can fight for superior ground to get it.
Most of them are looking awesome though some do look a bit more powerful then others. Mario's and Samus' have **** all range, while Link's only targets one person. What's up with that? Though in 1v1 it won't make a difference anyway.
Ah, let us look at the other point. Even making it fall more slowly, there are certain skills specific characters have that others don't, you know, such as speed, and jumping height. Let's say it falls right over a character that jumps very high... The character jumps and grabs it before it gets in grabbing reach of the other character. If a character hits another character with a strong attack, and the other character goes flying...what if a Smash Ball falls at that moment? You can't say "He shouldn't have gotten hit," because it's completely random the ball fell at the time in that place. You got hit, a Smash Ball spawns right where you land. I can keep bringing up a countless number of examples, but I simply have not the patience.
It is based merely on luck, and certain characters have advantages when it comes to items, while they are not the better character.
Don't you understand? I don't know how many times I have to recite the same point.