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Final Fantasy XIII


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
The Maker created both Fal'cie and humans along side each other. Fal'cie were powerful and considered superior beings, but had clear limits to what they could achieve. Humans on the other hand could hope, dream, and motivate themselves to achieve the impossible. That's why Fal'cie used humans as I'cie. After the Maker created everything, it vanished. Barthandelus wanted to try and bring back The Maker in hopes that Orphan could be reunited with him. He believed that the world was doomed to fail from the beginning without the Maker.

As humans and Fal'cie advanced, Barthandelus had started a plan. He was going to create a large enough sacrifice fit for the Maker to return. His thought was that, if so much death occurred at once on such a large scale, the Maker would return without a doubt to his creation. He started constructing a giant, new world*more like sacrificing alter* for humanity tricking them with promises of paradise; Cocoon. Somehow, other Fal'cie joined him in his plan playing different roles. idk if they agreed with his plan, or were tricked.

To the the people of Gran Pulse, Cocoon was a giant sphere of trickery. In Cocoon, Pulse was considered Hell. The people of Cocoon were pampered for many generations until Bartandelus considered the sacrifice fitting enough for the Maker. Even though he managed to build such a large place and plan everything accordingly, Barthandelus was still a Fal'cie and thus limited in power. He's an architect at best...and a trickster too. He needed L'cie to carry out his goal. Humans could achieve so much more, but the human spirit he planned to use was his downfall.

Anyone feel free to fix anything I may have said wrong.
That makes a little more sense.
Why Orphan though? Why not have Barthandelus merge with The Maker himself? Orphan has to die to bring about Ragnarok and when Barthandelus fuses with Orphan at the end he's effectively sealing his own fate. If he wants to merge with The Maker, why is he fusing with someone who has to die in order to get The Maker to appear? Doesn't make any sense.

So anyway, I beat the Faultwarrens missions tonight.
Holy ********balls Mission 51 is hard.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
yea, sooo this game was really dissappointing. The storyline was eh, the characters were cool but not the voice actors soo much =\. yea, the beginning and ends were really good, but the storyline lacked the "meat and bones" (middle part). The end could've been really good, if they adjusted the story just a bit. =\. The linearity wasn't that bad imo, but it was over excessive. but yea, Now they know what they sorta did wrong, hopefully they can make up for it.

^^^ All opinion. agree?


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Half way through Chapter 11 I stopped playing xD
I did the same thing with Dragon Age. I got close to beating the game and then randomly quit for no reason. I'll probably just start a new FF13 file in a couple months and beat it.

And I do agree with what you said Andale. Except I'm a sucker for pretty visuals and **** so that made up for everything the game lacked, for me anyways hahaha

I'll just wait for versus and see what happens.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2010
Im new to the FF series and was wondering what game i should start off with? Hopefully i can get a FF game for the wii.

So with FF is there acertain game i should start off with or is it alright to just start off on whatever game?


Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2009
Im new to the FF series and was wondering what game i should start off with? Hopefully i can get a FF game for the wii.

So with FF is there acertain game i should start off with or is it alright to just start off on whatever game?
hard to say, we all have favorite FF, and least favorite ones, just try to get one and try it.
You'll figure it out soon enough...

Just dont start with Crystal Bearers...


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2010
hard to say, we all have favorite FF, and least favorite ones, just try to get one and try it.
You'll figure it out soon enough...

Just dont start with Crystal Bearers...

Alright i'll take your advice on that and im not sure if they make any FF games for the wii or now... do they? If so are they good graphics and re they fun to play?

I had a FF game for the DS at one point and i loved that game so thats why i want to get another one and get back into FF.


Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2009
Alright i'll take your advice on that and im not sure if they make any FF games for the wii or now... do they? If so are they good graphics and re they fun to play?

I had a FF game for the DS at one point and i loved that game so thats why i want to get another one and get back into FF.
FF on DS are really great. They are greatly improved from what they were on the NES/SNES.
And yes, there is actually one FF on Wii which IS FFCC Crystal Bearer which is really different from all the others FF, so I dont recomand you to start with this one.

Tbh you better play the DS ones, then you can try good oldies like FF7-8-9 on PS1 who are good. Then if you can afford it, you should try FF10, as it has an interesting leveling system.
And ultimately after all that you're all prepared to either hate, or love FF13.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Im new to the FF series and was wondering what game i should start off with? Hopefully i can get a FF game for the wii.

So with FF is there acertain game i should start off with or is it alright to just start off on whatever game?
I think FF IV (DS), III/VI, VII, IX, and X are the easier FFs to get into. But this is just my opinion on it. The first one's easy to get into as well, but I'm not sure if it'll suit your tastes. If you end up not liking whatever FF you play, don't be afraid to try out another one since different FFs can appeal to different people.

I started with FF VI on the SNES and it's still my favorite which is probably due to nostalgia. :laugh:


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Final Fantasy IV, VI, VII, and IX would be the easier ones to get into in my book. If you're fine with SNES/NES styled RPG's, for sure with no question go for VI. If you like the DS stuff, try IV. IX may be a bit slow at you on the beginning.

IV/4 = DS
VI/6 = SNES or GBA
VII/7 = Do you own any sony system? Buy it on the playstation network shop for PS3/PSP. For PS1/2 go fetch the disc.
IX/9 = PS1 or PS2. Buy the disc.

And try amazon if needed.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Beat the game literally four days after the official release and I did not play much. That's not a good sign for starters.

The plot is absurd. The story advances at a bullet speed and you'll often find yourself asking what on Earth anyone is talking about. In game terminology will be dousing you down and you'll feel so helpless like the token drunk girl at a house party. They don't explain anything but what they will do is provide you a compendium of things you have to read.

Character development is pretty shallow but forgiving. Sazh is your stereotypical token black but he's possibly the most interesting. Snow's tolerable. Everyone else has one one-dimensional trait to them which sets them as useless. That insufferable rage you feel during cutscenes? It's called Hope. Don't worry. It's normal to want to ravage your living room when that whiny little ******* talks. And yes, I've bared with him even after chapter 8; nothing improves.

I'll jump on the bandwagon: the game's too linear. There is no choice, no sidequests (no, the missions do not count), no dialogue interactivity, no shops and not even any communicable NPCs.

You can't choose your party until chapter 10. There are only 13 in the game.

There's no soundtrack to this game. Nothing. I do not consider two songs with a bunch of varying renditions to be a soundtrack. Be prepared to hear the battle theme a lot. It's played all the time but at least they were courteous enough to spice it up by adding a jazz/guitar/vocal twist once in a while.

(Oh, and Leona Lewis? Are you people high? How did we go from a Carmina Burana-esque ****** theme song for one of the greatest villains and then stooping to such a low? I blame Eyes on Me.

The weapon crafting is extremely pointless busy work. My word of advice if find your weapon, upgrade it to the max and sell everything else. Would you switch to a Musket lvl 1 with +50 atk or stick with your BigAssMF*****word lvl 20 with +112 Atk in which you've spent countless amounts of Gil and fought swarms of enemies for?

So after all my complaining, there's only one reason I would even remotely recommend the game. The gameplay is great.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
You beat it in four days but you didn't play that much? That's a lie.

10 hours a day is a lot.
Yeah...and no soundtrack...really? O_o I really liked the music in this game. Dust to dust (oerba music), archylte steppe, sunleth waterscape, last boss theme and fighting fate were all amazing.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Hmm? How hard is it to run through a chapter? The game's not difficult in any ways. Just avoid enemies, use your wits in battle and you don't ever find any problems. You'll be surprised how often I skipped cutscenes. Somewhere you stop caring.

Didn't quite care for the droning music. How often do you hear the same two tunes? To each his own.

Oh and the ending is horrendously rushed and anticlimactic.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
The Yaschas Massif music is like the most chill soundtrack ever.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
Everything in the plot makes sense. Really...I dont get how some ppl cant understand such a simple story. Oh, you skipped cutscenes nvm :/. At least u skipped cutscenes Ive seen ppl complain about the story being complicated and actually saw all the cutscenes :S.

The Yaschas Massif music is like the most chill soundtrack ever.
I prefer the archylte steppe :p. Tho, the yaschas massif music is pretty cool too. Honestly, the only track I hated in this game was that horrendous Cocoon de Chocobo. Oh God.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Indeed. It's simple. Too simple in fact. And the fal'Cie are g-tards. I'll paraphrase Spoony:

It's like the fal'Cie wants you to assassinate the President and you get a dream of John F. Kennedy. That's all you'll get. 'Now go do that s*** or you're a zombie'.

If you managed to follow the story without the catalog, congrats. Once you grasp it, it's pretty straightforward but the storytelling is still dreadfully bad. You don't have your typical idiot protagonist who doesn't know any of the in-game terminology so when you're thrown a phrase the first time around, you're thrown through a loop. 'What is a fal'Cie? l'Cie? Where is this place? What am I doing? Where am I going? Why do I have to do this? Why can't I do this?"

If they want to bring back the battle system, hell I implore it. The battles are really addicting. Everything else is pretty shallow. Remember MGS4? That game was produced in half the time it took to make FFXIII and graphically, I can't tell the difference. In fact, MGS4 has 1080p capability. Of course, XIII needed 720 for being compatible with the 360 but I believe that misses the point. I'm just curious what they were doing all this time when they could've spent much more time tuning up the rest of the game.

Am I saying the game's bad? No. But it certainly isn't one of the best.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
Indeed. It's simple. Too simple in fact. And the fal'Cie are g-tards. I'll paraphrase Spoony:

It's like the fal'Cie wants you to assassinate the President and you get a dream of John F. Kennedy. That's all you'll get. 'Now go do that s*** or you're a zombie'.

If you managed to follow the story without the catalog, congrats. Once you grasp it, it's pretty straightforward but the storytelling is still dreadfully bad. You don't have your typical idiot protagonist who doesn't know any of the in-game terminology so when you're thrown a phrase the first time around, you're thrown through a loop. 'What is a fal'Cie? l'Cie? Where is this place? What am I doing? Where am I going? Why do I have to do this? Why can't I do this?"

If they want to bring back the battle system, hell I implore it. The battles are really addicting. Everything else is pretty shallow. Remember MGS4? That game was produced in half the time it took to make FFXIII and graphically, I can't tell the difference. In fact, MGS4 has 1080p capability. Of course, XIII needed 720 for being compatible with the 360 but I believe that misses the point. I'm just curious what they were doing all this time when they could've spent much more time tuning up the rest of the game.

Am I saying the game's bad? No. But it certainly isn't one of the best.
I agree with you. What bothers me the most was the linearity :/. WAY too linear.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
About the story: That's what makes it good in my opinion. Was I confused as hell at the beginning? For sure. But now the plot is unfolding and starting to make sense. I like that it isn't all laid out at the beginning.

On a side note, the music vs. Enki and Enlil is too good.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Beat it yet? I've got to say that if I didn't beat it, I'd be on your side. This is one of those half-***** endings that'll leave you in rage. There are still some loopholes, the end boss looks like Mr. Game & Watch, and this is by far the worst -- absolute worst -- case of a story where you don't know how they're getting out of such a predicament so guess what? Love and caring triumphs over all

Nothing destroys my cynical enthusiasm more than having an ending that solves everything simply because you've got friends and you watch Care Bears. That's why X should've ended where it was. Anyone read Watchmen? Watched American Beauty? Anyhoo, the ending was terribly terribly rushed. It kills any semblance of admiration for the game instantly.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Wiyam, I agree with you on some points.

I think the story has the potential to be good, but the storytelling techniques are pretty bad. In the beginning I cared for some of the characters (lol everyone hates Hope, I liked him in the beginning because everything he did was realistic, same with Vanille and Snow) but their development seemed rushed and unexpected. I'm midway through chapter 11 and at this point I honestly don't care about the characters.

The game's much too linear for me to be immersed in the world, which also detracts from me caring and also makes the experience a bit more boring. I didn't mind in the beginning, because I was like, "oh, it's just the beginning." And in the middle I didn't mind too much because everyone was telling me chapter 11 was good and a huge open world. And Chapter 11 is quite good, but then I was like, "okay I think I've trained and done enough missions, let me continue on with the story—AWW CRAP LINES AGAIN." From then on until the end (I watched my sister play) it's linear again. It is completely linear.

There's nothing wrong with a linear game; if you think about it, FFX was quite linear but it had nice "distractions" or at least things you could do (monster arena, blitzball which I never touched, random other stuff) and in the linearness you were actually going through towns, meeting different characters, witnessing events to the world that you actually cared about. In 13 it's just, dungeon/random town outskirt until 7, oh hey signs of civilization, wait never mind be excluded from everyone until chapter 12 again.

The story itself could be really good, but as I already said, it just wasn't told well.

There are a few things I love about this game though. It's visually stunning (lolps3). I think the soundtrack is really good; I've heard complaints that there aren't enough catchy tunes but I like more symphonic, score-ish things anyway. Yes there are rehashes of the same two songs but they're all good, and there really aren't THAT many of them. And the fighting system itself is very fun. I don't mind training at all because it's actually entertaining.

Still, the above problems made me have very little motivation to touch the game and continue the story. I just stopped caring x.x


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Wait, I didn't whine about the music yet? Oh, I'm slipping in my old age.

Okay, granted: I found myself whistling along with the battle theme (which is quite difficult to reach those high notes given my deep manly voice), but why no prelude music? Why no fanfare? Seriously, I'm not trying to nitpick here. This is a franchise staple. I hated XII but at least they had the themes (albeit they interspersed the fanfare music to play rarely). But no fanfare music? Instead, I can't even tell why they decided to put in a new fanfare theme. I don't understand.

I'm not saying not to experiment with what you got (Hell, that's why we have this kick-a** new battle system), but it's incredibly simple. It's two octaves. Add it in. You put in the chocobo theme. Sure, you botched it up pretty bad but you won't put in ---



Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
IMO, Pulse De Chocobo is really catchy and quite good. Cocoon De Chocobo. . . I never want to hear that again ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever eve—
Same lmfao. Also, the best thing about this game is the battle system. Its one/if not the best Ive seen in an rpg. I dont think the ending is rushed and I quite liked it, but thats just me.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Chapter 12 was the worst beta tested stage in the game. I didn't think they considered that the enemies don't give any significant amount of CP and that the enemies suddenly soar in damage and health. They placed Juggernauts and Adamantoise into the main walk path so it's not only difficult to get past them but they can obliterate you.

I supposed you can say the end of Ch 11 is the only non-linear part of the game (no, that isn't a spoiler) but it certainly isn't very explicit. I mean Ch 11 is where you have access to monsters that give out CP faster than herpes. But those monsters are towards the beginning of Ch 11. So you beat the chapter boss, you're given the option to going on with Ch 12 without any idea how much stronger the enemies are there even though their CP is crap. So what do you do? You backtrack ALL the way back in Ch 11, which in and of itself is a walk that takes fifteen minutes.

And yes. That means level grinding. And you wouldn't have to do any of this extraneous s*** if the game didn't c***block the crystarium expansions. Only AFTER the chapter 11 boss do you get access to enough strength to get through Chapter 12. But at that time, chances are you've already reached the max of the Ch 11 crystarium limitations. So what made you think that because you went out of the way to max out that you'd still have trouble in Ch 12? Well, you didn't expect Juggernauts to be there. And given that the only character with the Ch 11 Crystarium limitations that can survive its Wrecking ball attack (just barely) is Snow, you're out of luck if he's not your leader.

And the Adamantoise is an absolute mess. Did they place that there intentionally as a joke? Footstep. Dead. No Protect or Shell or Haste will save you. You're dead. I've maxed out my girls (that's how I roll) and two footsteps and they all die. The only non-headache inducing method I can think of is casting Death which barely works.

This is not good development, folks. It really isn't. God this game...MAKES ME RAGE


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
I think........you need to relax lol

Talking about all of the negative aspects of the game isn't going to make it any better.
Just sell the game if you don't like it and find a new game to play.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
Chapter 12 was the worst beta tested stage in the game. I didn't think they considered that the enemies don't give any significant amount of CP and that the enemies suddenly soar in damage and health. They placed Juggernauts and Adamantoise into the main walk path so it's not only difficult to get past them but they can obliterate you.

I supposed you can say the end of Ch 11 is the only non-linear part of the game (no, that isn't a spoiler) but it certainly isn't very explicit. I mean Ch 11 is where you have access to monsters that give out CP faster than herpes. But those monsters are towards the beginning of Ch 11. So you beat the chapter boss, you're given the option to going on with Ch 12 without any idea how much stronger the enemies are there even though their CP is crap. So what do you do? You backtrack ALL the way back in Ch 11, which in and of itself is a walk that takes fifteen minutes.

And yes. That means level grinding. And you wouldn't have to do any of this extraneous s*** if the game didn't c***block the crystarium expansions. Only AFTER the chapter 11 boss do you get access to enough strength to get through Chapter 12. But at that time, chances are you've already reached the max of the Ch 11 crystarium limitations. So what made you think that because you went out of the way to max out that you'd still have trouble in Ch 12? Well, you didn't expect Juggernauts to be there. And given that the only character with the Ch 11 Crystarium limitations that can survive its Wrecking ball attack (just barely) is Snow, you're out of luck if he's not your leader.

And the Adamantoise is an absolute mess. Did they place that there intentionally as a joke? Footstep. Dead. No Protect or Shell or Haste will save you. You're dead. I've maxed out my girls (that's how I roll) and two footsteps and they all die. The only non-headache inducing method I can think of is casting Death which barely works.

This is not good development, folks. It really isn't. God this game...MAKES ME RAGE

Ok this makes ME rage. I had absolutely no trouble getting through chapter 12 and all the monsters are easy :S. Even the adamantoise can be killed the first time ur there. (vanille's death) Juggernauts are extremely easy too. I beat the 2 of them in Mah'habara the first time. Theyre really not a big deal. If it makes u rage, sell it :).


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well, I found God of War 3. Great game. Came out roughly the same time. No flaws. Even had Pokemon SS and HG to occupy myself without an onset of the Angerz.

Why couldn't this game be AWESOME? It's in the Guiness World Records as the game with the longest production. If they really pride themselves in that, why are so many things just unacceptable? I want to know why.

If Square's working on so many projects that they can't focus their attention on one particular game, then guess what the obvious solution to that is? Stop proposing so many games. ESPECIALLY since the franchise has gotten so tangential since they announced XIV would be yet again an MMO. Christ almighty. How far has this franchise fallen? When will I get another well-rounded FF game?

Drone it all out with some Shin Megami Tensei.

Ok this makes ME rage. I had absolutely no trouble getting through chapter 12 and all the monsters are easy :S. Even the adamantoise can be killed the first time ur there. (vanille's death) Juggernauts are extremely easy too. I beat the 2 of them in Mah'habara the first time. Theyre really not a big deal. If it makes u rage, sell it .
I didn't find the entirety of the game difficult. My first (and only) playthrough is with the girls. The guys are still base stats, unaltered. I still managed to get around fairly easy.

I found Chapter 12 incredibly tedious. How do you go with 6600 CP in Chapter 11 and getting (at most) 5000 in Ch 12? I really disliked everything about that Chapter. And again, I already addressed Vanille's death. It's a slim chance. I'm sure you had plenty of time to sit there, keep retrying everytime death doesn't work. And you can't sell me that you had 10K+ HP in Ch 12 because the game doesn't let you. If you had the patience to play a game of luck just to kill an enemy which you don't have to, then okay. That's you.

Enemies there are overwhelmingly more difficult. If it wasn't for their craptastic CP, hell I wouldn't care. Why retake the SATs to work at a Burger King, I always say.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
It's in the Guiness World Records as the game with the longest production.
Duke Nukem Forever? Too Human?

Normal development cycle for a game is about 3 years, give or take. So yes, FFXIII had a larger development cycle than normal, but you have to understand that they started on the PS2, had to rebuild the engine from scratch when it was changed to the PS3, and then in 2008 they had to work on simultaneously finishing the game and finding a way to port it over to the Xbox360. This doesn't have the Guinness World Record for longest development time but it comes close to highest production value.

And anyway, Guinness isn't perfect. They totally ignored Justin Wong's record-breaking SFIV 300 win streak at E3 last year.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Six years. Nuke Em's been put off indefinitely, no? As for Too Human, it certainly hasn't been six years, has it?

And good point. Highest production cost. That doesn't make things better.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Too Human was planned as a PS1 game in 1999. Nintendo bought the rights for the game to be made on the Gamecube in 2000. Microsoft later bought the rights again in 2005 for the game to be made on the Xbox360. The game was eventually released in 2008. The game had a total development cycle of NINE years.

Look at the date on this post of news about the game:
May 5, 1999. God ****. And those are pretty decent screens for the PS1, so you know they were probably

It was Too Long in development, changed the engine Too Many times, and was just generally Too ****ty.

For fighting games you could also argue that the development time doesn't really end until the final version of the game is released. By this logic, the SFII series was in development for 6 years from World Warrior to Super Turbo, assuming WW took about 2 years to develop. Then when you add in Hyper SF II and HD Remix, it becomes easily over 6 years.

I'm not saying it makes the game better, I'm saying you're letting your hatred of the game cloud actual facts and not doing your research to see if there have in face been games .

And Nukem is one word. It's his last name.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And I thought my research was through Wiki and several magazines. I didn't say I hated the game. I hate the effort put in the game. And I hate XII but I don't hate their efforts. It's like a perfect baton switch.

But sure, comparatively, it isn't the biggest waste of effort but I don't think I've crossed the line. Six years is certainly more than three. Six years for so many issues with the game, issues that that game universally is panned for. There's no dissenting opinion about the linearity. Even glowing reviews don't ignore that the entire game is a walkway. If the developers wanted to do a movie, they should've made a movie.

Well, thanks for the trivia. Guess I fell victim to the common belief. Nukem (It's been ages since I first touched the game) on the other hand, I still contend is a dead project all together.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
[COLOR="#SlateGray"]♣[/COLOR] [COLOR="#DarkGray"]I feel sorry for the Japanese 360 owners who don't have a PS3 to play FFXIII. Plus the PS3 has better graphics for this game. >.<[/COLOR] [COLOR="#Gray"]♥[/COLOR]


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2009
Fourside, Eagleland
So random question.

I plan on getting FF14, and i got FF13 the first day it came out. However my mom threw away my item promo code that comes with FF13. I was going to see if anyone would be willing to give me theirs. All it does is give you some item in FF14 when it comes out.

I would greatly appreciate it, if so just PM me the code or whatever. Thanks a bunch
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