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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
It might be a good idea to randomly assign Leviathan. The fact that Rake didn't shoot successfully leads me to surmise there's a good chance there's a roleblocker. Just a surface level thought, haven't really thought all the pros/cons through yet. Might very well be worth forcing the choice between blocking Rake and the Track recipient, though that could be countered by a kill/block combo.
No, you're dumb. Put it on a townie, but not a very high profile NK target.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Isn't murderbush confirmed town since they didn't die to Teilights shot? I'm pretty sure they are at this point.

I want Rake, Inferno or KWK today.


Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Boss eta four hours. Anything in particular you need from me? Gripe that you went afk till today and now come in strong. Happy to be clear.with you if favour is returned. What games did you read and what were your conclusions.

You. Need. To. Talk. With. Me.


You need to talk with me about your stance on Zen's lynch and what you were trying to achieve by blowing up at the end of the phase. I don't buy that explosion for a minute and the only thing I see from you at that point is trying to direct the doctor.

You have offered to play with me multiple times in this game. I have put my cards on the table. I have kept them there for you to see. I have asked you about them and you backed me up by putting the nail in Zen's coffin, then you exploded about how I should have had him as town.

Your turn. I want to know your take on the reads list I posted last day phase. I want your read on KWK that you brought up in direct conflict. I want your read on JTB and your take on Rake's shot tonight. I want your read on Orbo turned Vinyl.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Murderbush randomly received carbuncle.
Rake made a vig shot on soup/ttar.

Scum hasn't done any night actions, I suppose.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Caught up.

I need to talk to Swiss.

We (Raz and I) need to talk to Boss.

Once I get a chance to talk to Raz, I'll give you a more exact pitch of where my head's at.

Swiss, I've already told you what I need from you.
Boss, you need to back up your first post this phase. Why the **** would you want us gone? Why would you think TS was town and still vote on the wagon?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
A GF has appeared in the battle field!

Diablos, Sealer GF

Special Status
Dark Messenger: You are removed from the game until the end of the next Day Phase (your flip isn't revealed neither when you are removed nor when you come back to the game).


Oct 25, 2012
..... Ryu so what happened to waiting until we had a majority agreeing you should do it?

Vinyl why did you get so antsy about a vote on me.

Swiss I read enough about you to know I'm not going to bother going directly against your slot until I have evidence of your reads going hard against mine. And not my weak reads, but my confident reads.

You want to know why I was 100 percent worried of Swiss getting GFs? Because he's smart enough to win a game by himself for scum and I don't have the thread power to force a lynch on him if I catch him on scum, never have most likely never will. It's not my strength in mafia.

If Soup shot is claimed from Rake then we have an issue of what the **** went on last night with NAs. I guess if vengeful shot hit Ryker/Raz then it clears them but we have no idea if that actually happened or not.

The fact that Raz dodged by top 3 scum reads question and also didn't really answer with an analysis of Swiss' outburst worries me.

Swiss "anything in particular you need from me"... a few things to start and we'll go from there, your KWK read, has it changed? Where's it coming from in particular. You had a post in D1 where you confirmed that you thought Ryker/Raz were town.. do you still feel the same way. What's your plan going into D2?

This Diablos GF is such a terrible thing for us right now, I hate it, I hate ryu for using it and if he doesn't answer for him using it consider him my lynch for today.

Ranmaru, you caught up? You said you were doing so but your posts thus far are so laughably far behind that I wouldn't mind seeing you as a lynch.

The Raz slipup on not realizing Soup had replaced Ttar is weird but then again if he REALLY wasn't talking to Ryker at the time I can't really note it, it's just that Ryker would never let something like that slip past.

That Rake shot was awful btw, still pissed you didn't just shoot what I said. But hey I think from now on Rake either doesn't shoot, or shoots based on town consensus. Everyone ok with that? Not going to have another shooting spree ruin a game.

Rake, your thoughts on not shooting unless voted on by the majority of town? I personally think it's the safest way to play this. Also things like saying "I'll probably shoot between KWK and Inferno depending on how the day goes" at the beginning of D2 is so stupid it's mindblowing.

Don't like Murders dodge of the question "Why do you have such a hardon for inferno" In fact I want that answered now


@Ran's questions directed at me, I didn't stick to Orbo because I decided he could potentially just lose town game by going inactive or making bad decisions.

I voted TS because at that point a possible scum lynch is better then me drawing out a day where the only other possible lynch I saw was a stronger town read in KWK.

I'm glad you're using my meta on rake as a potential stepping stone to a weak vote in the next part.

As for the ryker explosion about why I was confident on sitting on TS being weak town, because it was Badwolf doing a lot of the **** posting.. is it that odd to see badwolf just fall apart? I've seen badwolf town do that plenty enough as it is.

Anyways showering, going to work I'll read again when I have break don't do anything stupid homies :D.

Vote Vinyl

I want a reads list, I want the reason you didn't want Ran's vote on me and I want to know more about the track you were taking with the GF question


Oct 25, 2012
Isn't murderbush confirmed town since they didn't die to Teilights shot? I'm pretty sure they are at this point.

I want Rake, Inferno or KWK today.

If Vinyl doesn't go today because his answers aren't satisfactory I will 100 percent be looking to lynch you btw.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
The ****? Because Inferno is a crap shoot and belongs in the vig pool.

Why does Badwolf being the one posting change anything about the fact that the slot displayed the problems I mentioned before and why would you think we're scum going into this Day?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
The ****? Because Inferno is a crap shoot and belongs in the vig pool.

Why does Badwolf being the one posting change anything about the fact that the slot displayed the problems I mentioned before and why would you think we're scum going into this Day?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I want a reads list, I want the reason you didn't want Ran's vote on me and I want to know more about the track you were taking with the GF question
Reads will be made today and that reason will be told later.

The reason I asked that is because I need to make sure before I vote. I felt like assigning this to Ryu or you and see how that will go by then, which I wasn't really going for until now.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
sounds good to me boss.

btw if someone here removes restrictions: best remove mine or we're going to be in for a bad time late game


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Another thing I ask for people to do: if you can please talk with me here, you will at least see me doing something. If you please respond to what I ask, you will at least see me do something productive here.

If no one is responding, you're obviously not gonna see me much often as I'm still trying to understand what was happening and has happened in the past pages.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I'm in.

Murder, riddle me this; did Raz PM you to tell you that Carbuncle was on you? Want to make sure Soup didn't just doc you like a gambitting ****** (do as I say, not as I do).

Inferno I want to continue our discussion from yesterDay.

You're not my momma.

Current reads list since.......
Murderbush gets town.
Swiss gets town
Rake gets null. Does he get Indy all the time, or is that he always looks like Indy?
Boss null.
Joey null.
Ran null.

Who am I missing?
Not who, what. Reasoning.

Heck ya they can. They forgot me!
End of the day, **** has gone down and this is your only contribution. Please explain.

Soup shot was poor. You don't shoot a replacement off that. Was surprised to see this claimed by Rake (the shot, not the claim itself). Indie gambit? I maintain town, though Rake makes me squirm in my read. Gut churns.

Alright! Game time I thought it would never come!

Swiss, sup you were sure that TS was town, I agree I felt more and more like he was just agitated bad townie and yet you cosigned to his wagon to get KWK lynched today if I'm reading into this correctly.

KWK happens to be a townread of mine, I'm not seeing why you want the slot dead. Then again you also have me as scum and thus makes me unsure of your reads. I'm rereading D1 but you're going to have to ACTUALLY work with me on this one. None of the theatrical ****, I'm bored of it I had to read through it in 4 different games just to get some sort of idea of where you craft your ideas from. I WASTED AN AFTERNOON FOR YOU SWISS BABY. Now I need you to work with me.
Does it make you unsure of the accuracy of my reads, or my alignment? There is an important distinction which you seem to have overlooked. From your wording it would appear you have a town read on me. If so, I would dearly love to know why.

well me shooting Tyra sure turned out well
Ryker, town tell. Doesn't explicitly state he shot, he assumed it would be picked up from the joke - shows he thought more about making the post amusing than credible or defending the poor shot (a shot which is the best possible shot for an SK). Would LyLo. Sidenote; Rake, if Indie, postgame run me through this shot reasoning.

@ Raz I will outburst when necessary. I detest doing so because I find emotional play, as a rule, weak. I allowed the lynch because I cannot control this game with Ryker tunnelling elsewhere and I had no desire for him to die. Zen was being more than just useless, he was stalling town as a collective. I hyped it up though I needed to direct the Doc and it was highly amusing. I generally find Zen toxic to my reads anyway (nothing personal against him). It irritated me that he didn't pick up on or acknowledge the tells I showed him. The randomisation of the Carbuncle was bad for reasons I stated, I should have been louder but allowed myself to be preoccupied. In essence Zen deserved to die, though his posts were not to my mind scummy. Ryker will explain it to you.

Leviathan. Ryker gets it. This is not open for discussion & we move onto a fruitful topic.

Oh hey Swiss!

Feel free to call me obtuse whenever you're ready.
I need you to co-operate with me here and as such make no such comments.

Work with me. (Note, this was Ryker....?)

Rake WIFOM is not a reason for shooting Soup.


Rake, you truly are inept.

Ran brings up part of why I dislike Boss. Has anyone else done this yet?

@ Ran is Boss #1 scum for you?

Ran brings up one of the biggest tells in the game.

Underlined, were you serious here?
I like this. A lot. The question is exactly what I would ask in his situation, looking for info but gives no real indication of the right answer. Part of the post reads as insincere mudslinging at Boss but this is analysis. Town.

Ran, walk with me (thoughts on every other player in the game...?).

Isn't murderbush confirmed town since they didn't die to Teilights shot? I'm pretty sure they are at this point.

I want Rake, Inferno or KWK today.

Don't be scummy.

You. Need. To. Talk. With. Me.


You need to talk with me about your stance on Zen's lynch and what you were trying to achieve by blowing up at the end of the phase. I don't buy that explosion for a minute and the only thing I see from you at that point is trying to direct the doctor.

You have offered to play with me multiple times in this game. I have put my cards on the table. I have kept them there for you to see. I have asked you about them and you backed me up by putting the nail in Zen's coffin, then you exploded about how I should have had him as town.

Your turn. I want to know your take on the reads list I posted last day phase. I want your read on KWK that you brought up in direct conflict. I want your read on JTB and your take on Rake's shot tonight. I want your read on Orbo turned Vinyl.
I did need to direct the Doctor. I was, however, genuinely irritated when Zen effectively came out as town and Carbuncled randomly. Plus you were being pretty stupid. Sidenote; had Zen played correctly I'd have brick walled your lynch

Rake for indy. Vote/unvote, his Twilight Phase talk of just shooting us, and the fact that Zen flipped a town killing role.

Talk to me about him, Swiss.
Not you, too. See earlier.

I hate Vinyl.
Quote tells.

Special Status
Dark Messenger: You are removed from the game until the end of the next Day Phase (your flip isn't revealed neither when you are removed nor when you come back to the game).

Well doesn't this suck. RR you say you didn't know what the GF would be?

This cannot go random. Could cost the game. KWK suggest the ideal player for this to go to with reasoning (suggest two options if you wish). No-one else contribute on this.

Swiss I read enough about you to know I'm not going to bother going directly against your slot until I have evidence of your reads going hard against mine. And not my weak reads, but my confident reads.

You want to know why I was 100 percent worried of Swiss getting GFs? Because he's smart enough to win a game by himself for scum and I don't have the thread power to force a lynch on him if I catch him on scum, never have most likely never will.
Assuming this is Kev.

Slight dislike here. Gives you an out if our reads clash by saying it wasn't that 'confident'. Coupled with the fact I was under the impression a few of the even older schoolers, yourself included, didn't rate me too highly because of my fantastically brilliant ego.

your KWK read, has it changed? Where's it coming from in particular. You had a post in D1 where you confirmed that you thought Ryker/Raz were town.. do you still feel the same way. What's your plan going into D2?
No. Sourced already.
Solid read TBC. Our reads align in no way. So unless one of us sucks this game one of us is anti-town. Regardless, I get town tells from Raz.

This Diablos GF is such a terrible thing for us right now, I hate it, I hate ryu for using it and if he doesn't answer for him using it consider him my lynch for today.
Agreed. When would you have wanted Ryu to use it, though? Walk me through the lynch reasoning again.

Ranmaru, you caught up? You said you were doing so but your posts thus far are so laughably far behind that I wouldn't mind seeing you as a lynch.
Comment on his content. Not here to read snide digs. That's my arena.

That Rake shot was awful btw, still pissed you didn't just shoot what I said. But hey I think from now on Rake either doesn't shoot, or shoots based on town consensus. Everyone ok with that? Not going to have another shooting spree ruin a game.
Safe to assume you agree Rake is town? I intentionally ignore the latter point.

sounds good to me boss.

btw if someone here removes restrictions: best remove mine or we're going to be in for a bad time late game
Be concise or be clever. Don't just be vague.

Though why on earth you think you'll be alive late game is beyond me. Ryker don't quote this as a scum tell to try and dissuade me.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Boss we have enough on the table to decide who gets GFs, I was under the impression once we have a good view of who is more likely town or scum I would try and summon it.

It removing a player for a day and night was not what I was expecting, I was thinking a demi like power when I knew it was Diablos.

We're not randomly assigning that GF, not Leviathan. I'd need to number crunch to think how to give out Diablos.

Vinyl, what do you think we should do with Diablos and Leviathan?



Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Diablos is what I'm unsure of, but would be fine if I get assigned to this.
I feel a little more better if you get Leviathan, but I need to talk more about this.

Re-reading, I'm not liking boss, but I'm still not gonna vote him.
I'm not liking rake for that reaction and taking the NK to soup.
Ranmaru has caught up, but I wanna see more of him.
JTB, Joey, Inferno I don't feel fine with either, so they need to start talking.
KWK I feel fine with lynching today, but I'm gonna read more.

Just to remind you, orbo can still come, I think. So a possible hydra will be underway if rajam's fine with that.

@Mod: Request prod on Jtb and inferno


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
That answers one of my questions, which leads me to the next thing.

It might be a good idea to randomly assign Leviathan. The fact that Rake didn't shoot successfully leads me to surmise there's a good chance there's a roleblocker. Just a surface level thought, haven't really thought all the pros/cons through yet. Might very well be worth forcing the choice between blocking Rake and the Track recipient, though that could be countered by a kill/block combo.
I highly disagree with randomly assigning Leviathan. It's a 1-shot track which will do good in the right hands and useless if given randomly. I have put some thought into who to assign the GF to and I have concluded that it should go to someone who is towny, yet not to someone who would naturally get targeted for an NK especially with a dead doc (thanks rake). The reason to not give it to such a strong player is that scum will have to choose between avoiding a track or killing someone else. With this, I think that Joey is a great candidate for this. His interaction with Twilight gave me a lot of town vibes from him.

Lack of a second kill made me assume that the Soup death was the mafia NK.

I didn't remember you saying you were going to shoot Soup, and I'm frankly baffled that you shot him over TTar. Like, what the **** was your thought process there?
What do you think of the fact that there was only 1 kill last night?

VOTE : Murderbush

depending on how this day goes i'll probably end up shooting between KWK/Inferno so i don't see why you have your panties in a twist over it.

Convince me on JTB and we'll see what happens.
Wifom is the answer here, i thought TTar was scum, and was deciding between him/Inferno and KWK and i chose Ttar/Soup.

Why do you have such a hard on for inferno anyway ? Tell me why i should have shot him over Ttar without saying "Soup was going to play" . Inferno can/is gonna play too, you can discern his alignment just like with soup.
That's cool and all imma let finish, but there's not much more to explain and your wasting your time and mine
These string of posts just sound grimy over stupid. You sound like you are intentionally trying to avoid giving a better answer and trying really hard to cover up what you did. Be a man, accept your mistake, and move on.

Rake for indy. Vote/unvote, his Twilight Phase talk of just shooting us, and the fact that Zen flipped a town killing role.

Talk to me about him, Swiss.
I know this isn't directed at me, but I also agree with this.

And does anyone mind giving me a few thoughts on JTB and Joey?
You should try directing posts at certain people over sounding so vague and acting like you're trying to contribute.

A GF has appeared in the battle field!
How lovely. Let's try and make the best of this for what we can.

@mod - If this gets assigned before the day ends when do they come back?

sounds good to me boss.

btw if someone here removes restrictions: best remove mine or we're going to be in for a bad time late game
What's this supposed to mean?

Inferno I want to continue our discussion from yesterDay.
Sounds good. What in particular?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Diablos is what I'm unsure of, but would be fine if I get assigned to this.
I feel a little more better if you get Leviathan, but I need to talk more about this.

Re-reading, I'm not liking boss, but I'm still not gonna vote him.
I'm not liking rake for that reaction and taking the NK to soup.
Ranmaru has caught up, but I wanna see more of him.
JTB, Joey, Inferno I don't feel fine with either, so they need to start talking.
KWK I feel fine with lynching today, but I'm gonna read more.

Just to remind you, orbo can still come, I think. So a possible hydra will be underway if rajam's fine with that.

@Mod: Request prod on Jtb and inferno
Why do you want Diablos?

Assign Leviathan: Joey


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
There are others that are more worthy of discussion on why than I do for the moment being as I have no noted involvements for the moment being. I feel like this is a more better thing to do.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@ Inferno - simply explain why you put no thought into your post (see end of day yesterday). Were you tired or...?
Last week in general I have had a rough time getting to things and posting. Slight hurricane problems (nothing major where I live thank god) and it was also the last week of my fraternity's pledge process which required me to dedicate a lot of time to that. It was a post that I was able to make before I went to do things for that.

Quote as Inferno clearly skimmed.
I saw that you said that. However I put my thoughts and opinion into it before I read this and thought it was worth giving. If you're absolutely certain on this decision I'll work with you on it. However Diablos is more of a concern imo. That can't be randomly assigned and we should talk about this.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
You say you'll work with me yet deliver nothing.

Change your vote.
Assign Leviathan: Murderbush

I want Rajam to answer my question before I ask about Diablos of when they would come back if the GF is chosen today. If they'll come back on D3 then it's not as big a problem because we can assign it and they come back the next day. However if if they return on D4 then it definitely requires conversation that involves everyone.
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