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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I regret to say I haven't yet talked to Ryker over the weekend.

I will, however, claim that we received Carbuncle randomly and very likely absorbed Zen's Vengeful shot. We weren't told if that was the case or not.


Oct 25, 2012
Alright! Game time I thought it would never come!

Swiss, sup you were sure that TS was town, I agree I felt more and more like he was just agitated bad townie and yet you cosigned to his wagon to get KWK lynched today if I'm reading into this correctly.

KWK happens to be a townread of mine, I'm not seeing why you want the slot dead. Then again you also have me as scum and thus makes me unsure of your reads. I'm rereading D1 but you're going to have to ACTUALLY work with me on this one. None of the theatrical ****, I'm bored of it I had to read through it in 4 different games just to get some sort of idea of where you craft your ideas from. I WASTED AN AFTERNOON FOR YOU SWISS BABY. Now I need you to work with me.

Ryker baby, there's no way you could have been 100% on TS scum. I don't know it just seems like you were on that lynch to force the ML. Sup witchu.. where's your head at. I know if you think I'm scum in this game I'm gunning for you because I think you might have to be our lynch today.. what say you to that? Raziek.. Sup baby i miss you.

Red Ryu, sup bro. Lurking hard or hardly lurking? Just kidding but seriously I want your top 3 scum picks in this game, do it now Gohan!

I'll be checking this all day :D talk to me peeps.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Hi Boss.

Can you talk to me about why you weren't around much at all yesterday? You were essentially completely absent for the lynch.

I still need to talk to Ryker, but I know for certain that I wasn't 100% sold on Zen scum. I really disliked his play and thought he was indeed scum, but rarely am I ever 100% sold on a read. He dodged us and then chose a weird-*** time to claim PGO, which admittedly isn't entirely his fault due to Rajam's aforementioned incorrect role name.

I probably would have been less likely to doubt the claim if it had been correct, but that's hindsight. At the moment, I don't regret the lynch.

Swiss's anger at the end of the phase was rather surprising to me.

Thoughts are kind of disorganized right now, still need to contact my louder half.


Oct 25, 2012
Hi Boss.

Can you talk to me about why you weren't around much at all yesterday? You were essentially completely absent for the lynch.

I still need to talk to Ryker, but I know for certain that I wasn't 100% sold on Zen scum. I really disliked his play and thought he was indeed scum, but rarely am I ever 100% sold on a read. He dodged us and then chose a weird-*** time to claim PGO, which admittedly isn't entirely his fault due to Rajam's aforementioned incorrect role name.

I probably would have been less likely to doubt the claim if it had been correct, but that's hindsight. At the moment, I don't regret the lynch.

Swiss's anger at the end of the phase was rather surprising to me.

Thoughts are kind of disorganized right now, still need to contact my louder half.
I was absent due to a lot of real life stuff going on.

Don't hide behind hydra crap, who are YOUR top three scum reads coming into today.

You say Swiss' anger was surprising to you but do you see it as a scummy thing or what did you read from it. I'm not looking for base summaries of what happened yesterday. I want to know why it was surprising to you

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
I was absent due to a lot of real life stuff going on.

Don't hide behind hydra crap, who are YOUR top three scum reads coming into today.

You say Swiss' anger was surprising to you but do you see it as a scummy thing or what did you read from it. I'm not looking for base summaries of what happened yesterday. I want to know why it was surprising to you
I'm not hiding, that was in direct response to

"Ryker baby, there's no way you could have been 100% on TS scum."

and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call it as such.

I still don't like JTB. Outside of the fact that Rake is a likely Indy candidate, I don't have anything beyond my nulls at the moment. Haven't yet re-read with a Zen flip in mind.

Swiss anger surprised me largely because I've never seen an outburst like that from him. Granted, I don't play with him super often, but it was in stark contrast to the rest of the phase, and I wasn't expecting it.

What I don't understand is why Swiss let us rush that lynch down if he was so sure Zen was Town. The complete 180 in his attitude between these two posts is shocking.

Bolded in itself shows a lack of understanding.

In life there will always be those who lead and those who follow. Those who fight and those who run. Those who inspire and those who are forgotten.

In a world of Shepherds, all would die from lack of Lamb to eat.

Be a martyr and watch nothing change.

The meta here changes constantly. OS tries to change it to his favour in almost everything he does. Ineffective though admirable. You can do this too.

Give people a viable alternative and who knows where they may go. For now, they trust in what they know. What they know to be pure and overpowering.

Pull, harder, strings, martyr.

As I said before, Zen, I did have a town read on you. I would have defended you and we could have worked together, but you cared more about making a point that working towards a goal. You lynched yourself.

Ryker may have pulled the lever for the drop, but you tightened the noose.

I've seen it before, I see it here and I will see it again.

Wearing a mask familiar
**** me guys.

Let's throw this game harder. Randomly ****ing assign Carbuncle? Really. Really?

Who the **** would get a doc role then assign it randomly. Who gives a **** if scum know who it went to. Town also do. Probably have the same chance of blocking a town shot than we do scum. Think.

Do I need to spell out every ****ing little thing for your clouded minds to slowly tag along?

Ryker you're an idiot for thinking Zen was scum (if he is scum ****ing with me then I am ****ing replacing out of this game). The tells were in your ****ing face.

Genuinely mad right now. I need to quit mafia. Again.

And Rake stop posting you lower the intelligence of the entire game.
He admits that Zen lynched himself, but then calls us idiots for thinking he was scum. He's essentially blaming us for a ML he co-signed. I don't know. I'm not experienced with how Swiss operates, but I don't like the 180.

As for other things:

well me shooting Tyra sure turned out well
That answers one of my questions, which leads me to the next thing.

It might be a good idea to randomly assign Leviathan. The fact that Rake didn't shoot successfully leads me to surmise there's a good chance there's a roleblocker. Just a surface level thought, haven't really thought all the pros/cons through yet. Might very well be worth forcing the choice between blocking Rake and the Track recipient, though that could be countered by a kill/block combo.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Boss eta four hours. Anything in particular you need from me? Gripe that you went afk till today and now come in strong. Happy to be clear.with you if favour is returned. What games did you read and what were your conclusions.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Because i regret leveling my gun and successfully killing the doctor.

I'm not sure how you thought i was roleblocked when one of the very people i said i was shooting between died.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Because i regret leveling my gun and successfully killing the doctor.

I'm not sure how you thought i was roleblocked when one of the very people i said i was shooting between died.
Lack of a second kill made me assume that the Soup death was the mafia NK.

I didn't remember you saying you were going to shoot Soup, and I'm frankly baffled that you shot him over TTar. Like, what the **** was your thought process there?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Raz, you are either the hardest skimmer i have ever met or scum who wasnt paying attention lol

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
That doesn't answer my question.

Why did you shoot SOUP when he had replaced the slot? Why would you shoot someone who was obviously going to play and be able to give you a better bead on the slot?

Why did you not shoot like, ****ing Inferno or JTB or something?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

depending on how this day goes i'll probably end up shooting between KWK/Inferno so i don't see why you have your panties in a twist over it.

Convince me on JTB and we'll see what happens.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!


You made a bad shot and ****ing killed the doctor, I want to know WHY you shot that slot! TTar was a crapshoot and you shot a replacement who was going to play!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Wifom is the answer here, i thought TTar was scum, and was deciding between him/Inferno and KWK and i chose Ttar/Soup.

Why do you have such a hard on for inferno anyway ? Tell me why i should have shot him over Ttar without saying "Soup was going to play" . Inferno can/is gonna play too, you can discern his alignment just like with soup.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Why do you have to make this such a chore for me?

This is like pulling ****ing teeth.

Never mind, I have more important things to deal IRL with than trying to wring information out of you right now.

You suck and I hate you.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
That's cool and all imma let finish, but there's not much more to explain and your wasting your time and mine


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Cache up

Hmm throughout all of Swiss' post I see about 9-10 contradictions I could point out and will do but I'll let people pick them out themselves first here let me start with one though and we can work through all of his stupid forced bull**** one at a time shall we?

Number 1. You point out that my reasoning of having Rake as town is stupid.. I said he has multiple posts and I am reading him as dumb which is a reason I feel safe about him posting so much with a substantial amount of posts having either wrong substance or nothing at all. You the post near the end of your wall of crap
Swiss said Rake was town, and stupid. He wasn't saying that was why he read him as town. I don't see it as a contradiction, and see it as you trying to force a contradiction to lower Swiss's credibility. Don't like.

Anyways, more pressure on Orbo I was serious about him having to give a read list every 72 hours. Sorry about not being able to post from Hydra but I'm at work.
I actually agree that Orbo has been away and Vinyl isn't helping. Need some more from that slot. Numbero #2 on my lynch list.

I like this promise. It could be that they know that stuff doesn't work too well but I see it as they don't have anything to hide.

This shows that he wants this to be a productive town and is setting small boundaries for scum to hide in.

And finally this. Actually backing up his intentions to keep town active and productive.
Anyone can 'keep the town active' to seem town. Especially since the hydra didn't feel like catching up because they felt Swiss and Bush were doing fine without them.

Vote Twilight Sparkle

Welp there ya brohan.

Swiss, you're wrong on my slot :D

I'd catch up but it seems there's no point in trying to play through this Swizziak fanfic going on.
Why did you vote TS here? Not liking that you let Swizak take care of the work for you, while you stay in the back.

Okay, I'm fairly convinced Oro is town. I'm willing to give him every single GF in the game.
What made you say this, and why haven't you stuck to this?

oh **** im not allowed to do that am i? posting in cyhpers. i just remembered. ok it stands for btnacdorbicshumttiaswharit by the way thats not a chainsaw defense on rake but i can see how u might think that and how ryker could be town if we were scum
What did you mean by this?

I am literally 100% against giving Swiss a GF and I'm being serious.
Why? You never actually stated why. Don't see a reason not to.

Ryker you didn't answer my question so I ask again this time without you being a stubborn ****head.

How well are you able to read Swiss?

If at any point in this game if Swiss pins you as mafia, or you pin him as mafia and manage to force a lynch I am putting out there that we the lynch the other one the next day without exception. Is this agreeable to you?

Vote Kantrip's Hydra

This will work for now.
Why are you proposing that you'll auto lynch the other? Can't you read them yourselves? Also, why did you vote Kantrip's hydra there?

Rake to me seems town just because I haven't ever seen Rake scum that I can remember offhand and he's already made almost 100 posts and 80 of them I think are terrible... seems about what I usually see for Rake town.
Rake makes alot of posts as scum too, this is weaksauce.

My first vibe from Orbo comes from this. The whiz kid name drop is completely out of place as the hydra has not even posted yet and Orbo has "not" received his role pm yet. Then:
Good point. Liking JTB here.

your an idiot.

i'm almost half tempted to claim but it wont make any difference in the long run
Why were you tempted to claim here, exactly?

Frick it's been a while since I've done this.

Vote: Rake

This is gut and I find his posts annoying to read.
You say it's gut, so can you quote the post that made your gut go OOF?

Ya I'll be talking to him, but it'll mostly be me playing. What ryu hate? And what's OMGUS? I keep forgetting.
Underlined, were you serious here? Now that Rake explained what it meant, can you explain why you haven't voted Rake before he attacked you?

Rake, how experienced are you at this game?
I'd like to ask the same of you.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Will have to tell you later on that, but first I wanna know something.

These daily abilities can be assigned to the player so the exact player can use it, correct?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ok then. I'll unvote when you tell me though. I want to see what he says.

And I guess, people have to vote it to you.

What are your reads?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Anyways, I'm out. Have school soon.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Ryker baby, there's no way you could have been 100% on TS scum. I don't know it just seems like you were on that lynch to force the ML. Sup witchu.. where's your head at. I know if you think I'm scum in this game I'm gunning for you because I think you might have to be our lynch today.. what say you to that? Raziek.. Sup baby i miss you.
You're ****ting me, right? And your comment about a town read directed at Swiss as well.

Did you not SEE him last phase? Did you not see him brush off every attempt ever to pin him down, contradict himself, and then claim some whack *** role? No, I was absolutely and completely fine with Zen because I was sure we had one.

Can you flip it around and tell me why in the world you thought that was town rather than just chilling on it?
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