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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yeah, I don't see what we should wait for anymore. What we need is a flip, so go for the hammer as soon as Gova posts the votecount



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
mfw KWK says i'm scum because i was null on scary. dude i haven't ever played with scary so i don't know how this dude operates. all i know is this guy has confirmed ability use and NA analysis is basically out the window because J himself confirmed what scary knows to be true despite gheb and nabe roleblocking him. if you look at the actual scary case you'll see J postulating that scary isn't being genuine and is being kinda vapid but as far as i know this guy is a newer player so it wouldn't surprise me if that's the impression he gives off.

as for the mod vote thing there's an explanation for that.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
eh well if we're really going to body scary i guess i'll do it after the vote count, but if scary flips town...j i'm comin' for you.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
dude this is like an OS game where na analysis is virtually impossible with the amount of craziness that can happen

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I don't have the time or inclination to figure stuff out and need to be on a lynch due to Soldier.

If someone else wants to put together all the claims and stuff, go for it


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Bardull ()
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Kreative Whiz Kids (2) MOD, MOD
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (1) MOD
6. J (1) Acrostic
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz ()
9. LBScary59 (6) Gheb, Ranmaru, J, dabuz, dabuz, MC
10. Ranmaru ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe (3) MOD, MOD, MOD
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Gorf, Scary, NAbe, Vult, Bardull, DSH, KWK

With 13 playing, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is March 5th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
dude this is like an OS game where na analysis is virtually impossible with the amount of craziness that can happen
You're high. NA analysis is super possible and more importantly because more possible the more and earlier you do it. Gheb now has to gadgeteer his way through the game and his claim has to make sense! Sages have to friggin' go nuts on roleblocking two people, which means you have an easily proveable claim. Give nmy ability I c an force people to target me to determine they did something. It's super easy.

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Quit being dumb. My claim is verifiable and not even you could bust out enough of a logical stretch to explain why I would've blocked my own ****ing scummate.

Has someone confirmed your claim/actions taken?

I'll admit I don't really know what a gadgeteer does. I'll be reading during the Night phase


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Bardull ()
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Kreative Whiz Kids (2) MOD, MOD
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (1) MOD
6. J (1) Acrostic
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz ()
9. LBScary59 (7) Gheb, Ranmaru, J, dabuz, dabuz, MC, KWK
10. Ranmaru ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe (3) MOD, MOD, MOD
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Gorf, Scary, NAbe, Vult, Bardull, DSH, KWK

A lynch has been reached!

ScaryLB59, (Ultima, Mafia Totema, (Priest/Alchemist)) has been lynched!

Deadline is March 5th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

No more posting.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Lol. Just got back to thread from tournaments and globetrotters. I'm dead. So sad.

Sad that the game blew up and replace out and stuffs.

Good luck scum buddies!!

Shoutout when game is over lmao.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
No one has died!

Acrostic will be mod-killed at the end of the day phase if a replacement isn't found.


1. Bardull ()
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Kreative Whiz Kids ()
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (2) MOD, MOD
6. J ()
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz ()
10. Ranmaru ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe ()
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Bardull, Acrostic, MC, KWK, DSH, J, Gorf, Dabuz, Ranmaru, Gheb, Nabe, Vult

With 12 playing it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is March 14th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Vote: Bardull

D1 reeked of Marshy hydras trying to deflect wagons from Scary. (PG. 19/ 20/ 26, 28-30) His town leans on Scary throughout this game didn't have strong justification and he pretty much tried to write the slot off as flailing town this entire game.

His vote on me near the start of D2 looked gross when his response to my 1216 (where I go through the reasons he scum reads me) was met with the response of "naw youve literally been scum in every game ive wanted to lynch you in but one and thats where you were the doc playing like scum. **** outta hear" in 1252, showing he couldn't defend his read on me, and by the time he voted me on D2, I don't recall him ever finding more reasoning to scum read me.

His entire play of trying to support all the major wagons of D1 except Scary + DSH looked oppurtunistic.

Town PR (now just Ranmaru) also brought up good points in 1488.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Scary's Botched Claim:

Alrighty, full claim time.

I'm Montblanc. I have the unique ability to choose two people during the night and it allows me to see who they visited during the night. It does not tell me what abilities were used during the visit.

My level 1 is the "Reflect" from the Priest.

My level 2 is the "Counter" of the White Monk.

Scary claims. He claims to be a character (a kupo), not a blank. He also claims to have a Level 1 and a Level 2. Next quote:

Those who have a “blank” [Montblank is not blank] role PM will be able to choose two classes, a Level 1 and a Level 2. You may choose the same class twice.
If any person wasn't convinced by his suspicious play, they would have been by him 'botching' his claim, as evidenced by this quote above.

I don't care an ounce about Scary's play. His claim is impossible, meaning he botched his fake claim. Anyone fence sitting after realizing that is scum
Now, you may ask, "Why would scum claim something that is impossible?" One possibility, is that it was a slip-up. Yet, if it were a slip-up, it would have been easy to notice where exactly he slipped up in claiming. Yet, he was able to claim the results of the track of his 'role'. So, at least the 'results' part of the claim was possible. So if he was able to confirm that much, why would he also list TWO ADDITIONAL LEVELS, KNOWING IT CAN DAMN HIS SLOT TO THE GATES OF HELL?

My hunch:

His scum-team could have shared a role that wasn't his, and purposely gave it to him so that it would ensure that he'd sink. This makes sense as scum sometimes swap fakeclaims if it suits their play better. Or, Montblanc could have been his legit role, but was instructed to use an extra level in his claim, to ensure his downfall.

Now you may ask "Why would the scum team go that far?" The only possibility I see would be sacrificing a pawn for a rook. Is that the term? Basically, sacrificing Scary to return some investment. Either that would be simply town cred, or something else that may go even one step farther.

What would that be, you ask?

I can narrow it logically down to those two [Scary/Vult], but I'd like a confirmation from you. This should presumably clear both you and me if I'm correct. Pretty big boon for town and starts the domino effect.
You targeted Scary?

Then why are we not lynching Scary toDay, or at least pushing for a claim from him?
If we had reason to believe that the NKill was blocked and have evidence of a player being blocked...
So are we lynching Scary or not? If Scary flipped scum it'd clear both of us and that'd be a two damn strong clears, and the odds of it being Scary if we're on the same page is pretty high.
If you hadn't picked it up by now, it would be strongly clearing two people, instead of simply getting town cred from a single bus. It is good to get clears on yourself and others, but only when is authentic and is done to actually help town and not your own faction. To me, Scary claiming a botched claim opens a loophole in his faction's plans. From the botched claim, we can guess that it was done purposely. (Unless there are reasons brought to disprove it) Then, we have to look at the actions of MC and nabe in thread.

To me, this shows a sign of knowing too much when regarding a person's own alignment. MC and Nabe's argument was that, since Nabe roleblocked Scary (and 3 others), that it was highly likely that they stopped the kill, and found the criminal who committed the action. Yet something else doesn't make sense here. Scary was under a **** TON of pressure and scrutiny D1, yet would still do the kill himself? That doesn't line up to me in my mind, and even though it could be possible just to implement that nk wifom in the game, I find it suspicious that MC and Nabe would expect Scary to have sent in the kill over the other 3. (More so that Scary has flipped scum) This would all line up into 'clearing' Nabe and MC. Remember how MC was dragging the day out to get claim info out of the wazoo, and didn't care much about the actual Scary wagon? That shows he was interested in clearing himself more than finding scum. Could it be null for OS? Possibly, but I don't see it as the case along with Scary's 'botched' claim.

Yet let us take it even one step further. Let us go wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy back into the beginning of Day 1.

You're being timid Nabe, whatsupwithdat. Where's your neck at.
This is the first thing he says to Nabe, 5 days into the game. So this is where his scumread on Nabe stems from.

Nabe who do you want to lynch

Think of the implications of he is scum. His play has been active in a game that would allow you to just kind of hide like Town PR and Nabe are doing. Yeah, he's on the sidelines, but he's not hiding. He's actually reading (I checked with a giant friggin wall) and doin' stuff.
100% dodge

Who you wanna lynch Nabe

whatcho thinkin

if you ain't thinkin of someone get a name in the hat or pick one at random
People I'm willing to see lynched today
13. Nabe

People I'm bouncing between "willing to see lynched" and "don't want lynched"
10. Town PR (Glyph/Ranmaru)

Nabe hasn't been normal Nabe, agree w/@J. I don't see him contributing what he could, not really. Would rather see the bottom list get more traction before coming back to this. I dunno what to think of Nabe but I've seen enough to where I should be able to. Maybe just need to re-read slot, he just stands out more than anyone else and instinctually I want to hammer that nail.
At the time, this was borderline harassment, and I being the slot that he attacked for inactivity as well in a fast paced game, I can understand that his attacks were not warranted. So I conclude two things: One, his suspicions on Nabe were not genuine, as his push came out of no where and poked at him without giving him time to prove himself; Two, he was pushing Nabe to possibly claim town credit from his lynch, but ultimately failed in doing so. I get this from his boner for Nabe for made up reasons, and Nabe's growing scumminess. I will provide evidence for this as well.

In essence, I get the vibe MC is scum, trying to hard bus Nabe, yet fails. I think they both were trying to benefit from the Scary lynch, AFTER getting claim info to clear the both of them. This makes sense as Scary was a burden to his faction (sorry Scary, you are new), and was getting constant pressure in thread. I also feel MC let Scary get comfy in town, by telling him to vote my slot (at the time, we hadn't contributed much, as it was early game and have yet to really get into it due to being busy), but never really wanted his vote on Nabe's wagon when asking for opinions on Nabe. Ultimately, I want to see Nabe's flip first before MC's.

I assume this means you'll [Scary] follow my lead and do whatever I want all game for forever? Good!

Put your vote on Town PR for now. Just kinda let it sit there.
To me, this is him helping him to lay his vote somewhere comfy, so that he might not get any bark back from us as we were not as present.

Why ask Scary? Scary doesn't bring weight. Marshy and Alex bring weight.
I feel this is hypocritical, as he wanted Scary on us but not particularly on Nabe. I could see the reasoning "Oh, it's because the Nabe wagon was serious!" come up, and I'd say that he was serious into us back when he asked Scary.


  • Picks a fight with Nabe for being timid, and carries on with that all D1.
  • Gives unwarranted attention to Nabe. Doesn't give Nabe enough time to proove himself.
  • Attention is not genuine, but with an end to the means.
  • Only intends to lynch Scary due to NA's and wanting to clear himself and Nabe.
  • This makes sense as a plan to clear himself that had a hole that revealed himself (That being Scary purposely botching his claim)
  • This would be stronger with a Nabe flip.

Dietz has never been my wagon. I have never voted him.

I have every intention of continuing to develop my read on Dietz, and moreso the players on his wagon. But I have no intention of helping to drive that wagon forward without case or cause to do so. I'm not sure what you expected my response to be.
First you see Nabe talking about him asking JD about how he'd feel if he was hammered. This shows Nabe not actually doing work, and instead doing pseudo work to annoy MC with his request to Nabe to hammer JD.

- I'm apprehensive about J's approach to Gheb.
- Should DSH get a pass on their ***-backwards play thus far? This is referring to their play being stances without action.
Quoting this simply to show where the J reasoning came from. Don't find it strong enough to hold J as his top scumpick.

Should lynch one of these players toDay:
- J
- @ Dabuz Dabuz

Would accept a lynch of one of these players (i.e. would hammer at deadline):
- @ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary (play hasn't improved since added pressure by myself and Gorf, still wouldn't comfortably call him scum)
- @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage (what the **** was that last night if not opportunistic? Not yet a scumread but neither head is providing context for their play)
- @Jdietz43 (against my own lynch only, and only then because it would simplify reads on his wagoners)
My problem with this is that I don't see any previous reasoning to support his J/Dabuz picks. My other problem was when I was trying to push for Scary, he wasn't really for it. It was either Dabuz or JD for him. I think even JD realized that. I'll quote him:

I guess what I'm saying here is @Nabe , if you didn't believe in my lynch, don't want yourself lynched, believe in the Scary lynch, are backed up in that by a Dabuz wall, and are told it's likely between you two by Marshy, why change to me here?
If I'm not mistaken you could have put Scary to L-2 singlehandedly at that point.
This was the weird play I was referring to on D2, that I abstained from going deeper into. Nabe saying "No don't go Acro, you were the only slot making sense besides me" was weird because Acro's main push was J, who Nabe wasn't even really that sure in, and who he gave up on re-reading. Yet he was still going on about that.

There is no point. I gave up on pursuing you toDay when I voted JD. If I was mistaken, then I am mistaken, but given that I'm not actively pursuing you, that's where my side of the argument ends.
Blue, this is the example of Nabe giving up on his J read. I dislike that he does nothing with it D2, and due to this, I feel we shouldn't let him live until N4.

- I am not willing to die, by lynch or otherwise. This is not a vanilla game, and I'll be damned if I let go of my role and let you have any single insignificant bit more of control over the thread.
I don't think this is a good reason to want to stay alive.

You've proven all of D1 that you're not willing to contribute, why would we expect more on D2 with no vote?

For pete's sake you are playing as Gorf's proxy vote. The only real vote you've made is for one of your own town reads, someone you believe is a Doc.
Even though this is MC, it is good reasoning.

- @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage
Throughout D1, I've detailed isolated events of scumminess as they've come up. More recently, I've summed this up and identified them as consistent patterns of scumminess, which congeal readily into a case. There's a possibility of bias being introduced due to antagonism, but that's unavoidable given the cerebral nature of the assault. A case should focus on the antagonism beginning 24 hours into the Day, and also on the contrast between the post (page 18, I think) where the slot says they're bordering on okay with me and their posts farther down the page where they make it clear that isn't true.
- @ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~
I understand if there's a disillusionment after the early game's focus on him, but there needs to be more from him. Gheb hasn't made a proper post in a while; W.R.T. Carnage's linear analysis of my posting (a comparison which obviously needs to be drawn given what I'm saying about Gheb now), I would compare Gheb's posting throughout D1 to my first 24 hours, without any "shaping up" or effort towards content.
- @Gorf
I feel leaned on somewhat. I don't know why his meta on me is so accurate -- it feels pointedly so, and I'm not sure that the faith in me is justified, expect in the instance where he would have to keep justifying it to remain consistent, if he were scum. This slot needs to make an effort to be the face of a lynch D2, which is something I expect from Gorf.
Here, my gripe is that on D2, he never really followed up with these reads. He simply claimed his actions in the first post, without any attempt to gain some info from town first. (Such as, pressuring his reads) I think Ryu is one that can understand that, as I have messed up before in shooting first and asking questions later (in Hearts Mafia, wrt to IndySK July). He then FOS's Marshy with for letting him stay alive until N4. I feel his questions to him in the post were grimy:

FOS: @Hardbody Warrior

If from your POV I'm scum, then why:

- are you awarding me three day/night cycles to further my nefarious plots?
- are you doing this at all when I'm probably lying and not dying anyway?
- do you not think this is a ploy from me to avoid lynches ?
Especially the last one. It's similar to when you ask a wifom question, and attack people for thinking of the dark side of the equation.


  • Nabe asks JD how he'd feel about getting hammered, pseudo scumhunting
  • No previous reasoning to suspect Dabuz, weak reasoning for J (source above)
  • Avoids Scary wagon when he can put it at L-2
  • Votes his own townread which he believes is Doctor over Scary.
  • Gives up on his J read on D1 but doesn't go into it D2. (I would think he gave up because he thought he was dead D1)
  • Is visibly looking to his own survival over finding scum.
  • Doesn't follow up with his final reads on D2, and instead claims na results instantly.

So I believe Nabe to be scum due to this, and MC by association.
Vote: Nabe
FOS: Maximum Garbage


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
i have been "stopped" and will be roleblocked/voteblocked n4/d4.

as an important aside, i'd prefer focus to be on dayplay rather than NA analysis.

@ Dabuz Dabuz @j marshy pushing for jdietz had nothing to do with him trying to 'save' scary although i do not know why marshy did not prefer scary as a lynch target obv. i didn't push for scary because i didn't find him to be genuinely scummy but not pro town re: why i did not push for dabuz. don't mean to seem like i was trying to keep my hands clean by saying i'd body him if he was the play but that's how it turned out. i prolly should have pushed him right when i realized he had like three abilities (hence my 'this is awkward post') but i was still looking elsewhere at the time. dsh is a homie though.

more from me when i get back from class tonight but here's a plausible direction i want us to look in toDay as well:

Vote: Vult

the dude has been seriously missing in terms of thread presence ever since the scary wagon got going fast on d2. not derailing ran's approach though 'cause i like his train of thought WRT scum wanting to look good upon the scary botched claim.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Who cares.

He is going to die by the end of day 4. If he doesn't we lynch him, not a threat.
I'm not going to let him wait. One, I don't want to waste two lynches to wait to see it happen. (Especially if they are lynches I disagree with) Two, I don't want him to have the opportunity to use night actions as scum to further his factions survival. Do you at least see why I see scum in Nabe? Also who do you propose we lynch today instead?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
This is because I don't know if the claim of 'Doom' is true. I want to lynch on our terms, not his terms. If whoever targeted him comes out and confirms it, then I'd step down and wait, possibly (depending on who it is and if his actions make sense wrt to Nabe). It's just that the Doom is so far off.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Seems I have good reads so far this game. Yay for that.

@ ranmaru ranmaru : Leave Nabe-bby, till D5. He isn't of importance at the moment. Follow me for a bit, the journey has been good thus far.

Vote: Bardull

If I get both Bardull and Acro dead toDay, I will be super happy because at least one of them is scum and that just is lovely to not have to go through 2 day phases or lynching.
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