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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
We have us, J, Gheb, and Ranmaru all roleblocked, and MC protected by DSH."
YesterDay DSH, Scary, Acro and Gorf were roleblocked, toDay it's J, KWK, Ran and I. Nobody got blocked twice but the NK still failed both times. The most obvious conclusion would be that Scary carried out the kill and got blocked N1 and that N2 the kill either got blocked or the target got protected. But I doubt the latter happened because scum wouldn't target MC. So we can assume that the kill toNight came from J, KWK, Ran or me ... you can exclude me from that pool though because it'd assume that I've roleblocked my own scummate's NK N1.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe @Vult Redux @ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

What's your take on this?


#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Hi. What did you want exactly?
I'm curious about the lack of response to the post I quoted, from D2. You were questioning me, on a different tack than the one you've got now (about my being "weird", which you never elaborated on). The thing I call relevant is that, in the post, I direct you to another post higher up the same page (1722) regarding my read and POV on interactions with MC. The post came to be when you mentioned what you deemed to be a "disconnect" between the two slots' actions D1 and D2.

So here's what's weird: there's a post out there where I specifically discuss my interactions with MC, and it's a post I directed your attention to twice (once by quoting you in the post, once by saying your name and pointing to it). Yet somehow, such a post didn't factor into a connections case on me and MC, where it should surely be relevant.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I didn't see any reason to respond to it. I questioned you and got what I wanted. I also don't see why I would use it in my case. It's not telling to me either way, and that wouldn't spark me to re-read. Your weird play wasn't solely your connections with MC, as I have listed. Here is an example:

Gosh, do not do that. You're the only player making any sense (including me).
Acro was pushhing J, yet you weren't really trying to push that yourself. Yet you openly state this with confidence, and don't do anything about it. What is your current read on J? Again, You seemed to have a problem with him D1 and gave up on him... and then nothing. What's up with that?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
YesterDay DSH, Scary, Acro and Gorf were roleblocked, toDay it's J, KWK, Ran and I. Nobody got blocked twice but the NK still failed both times. The most obvious conclusion would be that Scary carried out the kill and got blocked N1 and that N2 the kill either got blocked or the target got protected. But I doubt the latter happened because scum wouldn't target MC. So we can assume that the kill toNight came from J, KWK, Ran or me ... you can exclude me from that pool though because it'd assume that I've roleblocked my own scummate's NK N1.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe @Vult Redux @ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

What's your take on this?

Yes. Much yes. Very wow. Such good.

OR OR OR... Maybe the NK wasn't RB'd OR protected last Night OR N1 and we've got ourselves a case of the wifom fever. But wow who'd have thought of that one it's not like we have a flip or something to read off of amirite? Oh yea and I'm still voteless get @ me.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I didn't see any reason to respond to it. I questioned you and got what I wanted. I also don't see why I would use it in my case. It's not telling to me either way, and that wouldn't spark me to re-read.
No. You could not possibly have dismissed this in the manner you're describing. Here, try again:

They both are ignoring their play from YesTerday to push this NA lynch through ToDay. It isn't telling, simply concerning. Especially when Carnage pushed Nabe for no frickin' reason, and then there is an obvious disconnect toDay.
Perhaps he's won me over with his winning smile and glowing personality. : B Alternatively, maybe you're being a little slow.

YesterDay, MC was leaning scum partially from the Ryker head, but mostly null through their entire interaction with me, which consisted largely of persistent antagonism. I came up with reasoning at the time that would suit the pair's actions as either faction. The remainder of their interaction with me was hard in the other direction, ignoring me when it was clear I was no longer a lynch option. Again, I took this as null. At the end of the Day, there was an interaction between MC and Scary that made

ToDay, MC's posts have (mostly) had inherent and/or stated intent. The OS head toDay is making posts that could actually be read, unlike the neutral antagonism of yesterDay -- they are working towards an agenda, rather than towards nothing. And most importantly, the reads they're expressing are largely in line with my own.

Consider for a second my point of view. I'm voteless toDay, and many of my scumreads are heading for a lynch of another of my scumreads. I can't contribute to the lynch, but as a Sage Lv 1, I can roleblock two of the people on that lynch. Why wouldn't I support that lynch? Meanwhile, another player was a nullleaningscum for me D1, and had no meaningful interaction with me before toDay. And, that player is the one person I can be sure toDay didn't send in the NK last Night. Why wouldn't I take an opportunity to interact with that player further?
You wrote a whole case about me being scum with MC, through interactions with MC. This post, addressed to you, is me discussing my interactions with MC. If you say you "don't see" how that is relevant, you are lying.

Acro was pushhing J, yet you weren't really trying to push that yourself. Yet you openly state this with confidence, and don't do anything about it.
At the point that I posted that, I didn't expect Scary to flip scum. My Scary push at that time was entirely to watch the players who were looking at Scary (J, dabuz, Gorf, MC). But with Acro subbing out, I wanted to tell him that I thought he was on the right track. It was only after Scary's claim that I wanted follow-through on that lynch.

What is your current read on J? Again, You seemed to have a problem with him D1 and gave up on him... and then nothing. What's up with that?
My "giving-up" on him wasn't. But see above; I don't have a scumread on J anymore -- he wanted a Scary lynch from beginning to end, and never tried to back out of it.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
That post was you telling me why you felt OS made Maximum Carnage better to you that day. I didn't find that as good reasoning nor did I find it as something telling from your play. Also consider my angle was more of MC seeming like he was lining you up for a bus. The only reason why I found it to be viable was because of your 'weird' play, as if you were setting yourself up to be bussed.

You being voteless and wanting to support Carnage doesn't invalidate your play from D1 and doesn't actually make sense along with your play D1. I think you are just trying to make a mole out of a mountain with a post I didn't need to respond to.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
At the point that I posted that, I didn't expect Scary to flip scum. My Scary push at that time was entirely to watch the players who were looking at Scary (J, dabuz, Gorf, MC). But with Acro subbing out, I wanted to tell him that I thought he was on the right track. It was only after Scary's claim that I wanted follow-through on that lynch.
Is that why you chose Scary? Why didn't you target J N1 actually? You targetted MC and Scary right? Also when did you say you were fine with the scary wagon to look at the wagoners?

One more thing. Scary tracked J to HBW but failed to out his role when others claimed to doc HBW. He said he didn't claim that info because he just didn't want to claim at all. What do you think of that?

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Gheb has a point though.

Scary claimed his action got off and saw J go somewhere. But it still asks the question, did he target Hardbody Warrior to be killed or did he target someone else?

It's more possible one of the people who were roleblocked sent out the night kill but on sheer play, I dislike Bardull more on a Scary scum flip.

If Nabe is scum, he might be trying to use his fake claim to send out roleblocks to disrupt town more, possible but I'm not as bothered by him doing what he is doing.

I don't think J is scum with Scary, not at this point.

Bardull's slot is possible and one I am greatly considering.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
That post was you telling me why you felt OS made Maximum Carnage better to you that day.
Define 'better'? It wasn't a reads post. That post was me questioning your use of the term "obvious disconnect" by demonstrating my obvious chain of thought. It was a rebuttal. You ignored it, and then ignored me again when I called attention to it against your confusing assertion that my posting was "weird". ToDay, it's absent in your Nabe/MC-focused summary of the thread, despite the fact that I handed to you as a written statement, ready to be argued against by, gee, I don't know, someone who thinks it's a lie.

You being voteless and wanting to support Carnage doesn't invalidate your play from D1 and doesn't actually make sense along with your play D1. I think you are just trying to make a mole out of a mountain with a post I didn't need to respond to.
I think you just tried to make a massively scummy push on me from your first post of the Day onwards, then very quickly recanted when several people raised very small disagreements, and are now trying to sweep aside a disconnect between your "read" and the only thought process that could have gotten you to that read. Therefore, I think you wrote a slanted connections case by cherry-picking posts that could be made to suit your interpretation.

Is that why you chose Scary? Why didn't you target J N1 actually? You targetted MC and Scary right?
The answer to this question is in the post of mine; the one that I'm arguing about; the one you've clearly not read.

Also when did you say you were fine with the scary wagon to look at the wagoners?
In the exact same post as the answer to the previous question, which, again, is right there.

One more thing. Scary tracked J to HBW but failed to out his role when others claimed to doc HBW. He said he didn't claim that info because he just didn't want to claim at all. What do you think of that?
I think that I'll go ahead and ignore the WIFOM.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
ToDay, it's absent in your Nabe/MC-focused summary of the thread, despite the fact that I handed to you as a written statement, ready to be argued against by, gee, I don't know, someone who thinks it's a lie..
I think this is your only problem and it isn't really a problem. I still scum-read you, and backed down from my MC read because others have given good points. Is it wrong for me to want to get scum lynched as soon as possible? Is it wrong for me to question a doom that is supposed to happen on Night 4 (that you yourself said would happen)??

The thing is, you have yet to respond to my points on you, instead you are trying to add the fact that I didn't use your opinion on Ryker/OS in the case. I didn't need it. (If I thought I did, I would have used it). Tell me how your post would support or defeat my points here:

  1. Nabe asks JD how he'd feel about getting hammered, pseudo scumhunting
  2. No previous reasoning to suspect Dabuz, weak reasoning for J (source above)
  3. Avoids Scary wagon when he can put it at L-2
  4. Votes his own townread which he believes is Doctor over Scary.
  5. Gives up on his J read on D1 but doesn't go into it D2. (I would think he gave up because he thought he was dead D1)
  6. Is visibly looking to his own survival over finding scum.
  7. Doesn't follow up with his final reads on D2, and instead claims na results instantly.
Now, I would like you to answer to these points, Nabe.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Request votecount

I would like to reiterate that if you break it, you buy it. You take responsibility for any hammer vote you may throw.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Nabe, I'm gonna need you to respond to my #2016.

I still suspect bardull, just less than you. Bardull hasn't relieved my concerns of his slot. I'm fine with his lynch ToDay.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
i'm a double voter that gets vote blocked and role blocked if i lynch scum. i'm 'mewt,' the prince of ivalice dude from FFT. i can also cast 'unspell' as my chosen ability. hbw targeted gheb n1, i targeted vult n2. i was not told if my ability succeeded.

i'm gonna be brutally honest: this lynch sucks. the only people who i think might not be scum on this is like J but only because of his earlier play towards scary.

problems i have with this lynch:

1. gheb is just yelling 'bard is scum' but he hasn't really substantiated himself so in the words of marshy '**** that dude outta hear' if i get lynched, seriously.
2. j is being whack with his push because he's seeing things WRT HBW. his push on scary early game was fine, he kinda dropped it though towards the end of d2 but he's obviously not the play today and i don't see a reason to lynch him yet.
3. dabuz is either eating up j's case or is using j's case as a convenient excuse to lynch a townie, not sure which one it is because the dude is always kinda scummy whenever i read through his play as either alignment so i crunch it as null.
4. MC was just playing NA analysis on D2 and literally convoluted the thread as opposed to day play. dude claims it's worth it but i think it's a convenient excuse to not have to come up with reads or quality content. no disrespect intended but that's how i feel about it. and now he's voting for me. i have no clue why either, guess my wagon is popular.
5. kreative claims that i was trying not to kill off scary which makes me scum but that's not true. i said i was willing to body him if that's what town wanted, was totally uninterested in derailing a scary wagon. either way there are other people who were not vehemently approaching the scary slot as being scum.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe - Ran is different this game but i'm not getting an inherently scummy vibe from it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Two quick hits since I am responding now:

1.) I freaking love Gorf this game. Regardless of reads, he just makes me smile.
2.) Will I actually get a lynch I am pushing without having to put up a full case? This may actually be a first. I may just put up a case for good measure but this is fun.

Now I am going to quote a few things for Ranmaru and answer some questions/ask some of my own.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
the recap of my interaction with J:

J: (earlier on day 2) 'hbc/bardull are town with tons of swag '

>later on

J: 'i never said bardull/hbc was town and i think they are scum. long story short my read on hbc is that he tried to push jdietz so that scary could be saved. that was the whole plan. also bardull wasn't trying to body scary so he must be scum'

bardull: 'marshy was just being marshy and hardbodying people he thought were scum. also i didn't push scary for the same reason i didn't push dabuz.'

i feel like he's tunneling my slot and wants me to be a great piece to fit into his puzzle but i'm definitely a corner piece and he's trying to fit me into the center :-x.

@J i still don't really understand the whole story of you flipping on your town read of my slot...the story doesn't add up. if you can summarize your entire approach and conclusion to how i'm scum that would be great. but i'm telling you that you're wrong and marshy was just being marshy while i was reading scary as null. but if you have a thorough explanation for it all then i'm down.
Quote the bolded, immediately. I never said HBC/Bardull were super town or anything close to that adjective. You can even ask MC because every time I mentioned a read on them, I quickly followed up with "same goes for marshy's slot".

Quite hit @ ya: Why are you not pushing Vult nor asking questions to him or trying to convince others that he is scum over you? That is what you should be doing in this case, if you were town. There isn't a case to "respond" to besides the jabs of the wagon goers, but instead you choose to try and "belittle" the "case" I have on you instead of actually just A.) Looking for scum. B.) Pushing scum or C.) Showing why we shouldn't lynch you/who we should lynch. You came into the dayphase wanting Vult dead, but after saying that, nothing has come about from it. You say I am "tunneling" your slot, yet I haven't even been here to push you or say much besides voting you and saying I want you dead. I have given a read on you from yesterDay stating my suspicion which you continue to say "you don't get" but you don't explain where exactly you don't get it.

I also, at this point in time, have no reason to even change my read or want to look at it differently since you are giving me no reason to think of you as town. Nothing you have said has had any affect on my read on you. If you are town, you need to convince, not only me, but the rest of the town why you shouldn't die.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
So, I brought back up my reads from yesterDay for MC/Ran/Bardull since they have asked me to do so, but I mean they were only 5 pages back and a huge wall ya can't miss with people clearly stated in the beginning of each paragraph. Anyways here they are, names are tagged next to the ones you asked.

@ BarDulL BarDulL

[collapse=Marshy]Which also leads into that I feel Nameless/HBW are scummy to me. I will be going into this more based on posts I bring up (mainly Sang's read post) and also Nameless' pushes towards Ditzy. I was reminded a bit of Marshy's play and how he plays as scum along with Sang's inconsistencies that does not line up with her careful play. Regardless of meta aside (which will be shown later), I have harder evidence towards why I find this slot scummy. Their push against Ditzy was completely unsubstantiated besides overblown hatred towards certain posts saying "LOOK AT HOW SCUMMY THIS IS." which makes me ponder. Marshy always has a reason for wanting to lynch people plus him challenging me to let him just run do his thing. Marshy was more concentrated on lynching someone, not finding scum. That's a huge part of this. His play isn't scumhunting, just looking at who the nearest able lynch was and who he could get away with pushing without much response or question. I would also like to bring up his constant buddying of me/Gorf and others but not questioning things besides "shut up and listen" which doesn't hold much of anything at all. Before people even bring up the notion of "lol that's just marshy.", you are correct in saying that this is "just marshy" but this is the marshy from Scott Pilgrim and DeadPool mafia. Look at the reasoning behind his push besides just lynching Ditzy to lynch him because he was "easy" and not because he actually found him scummy. He never even considered other sides of the argument when posts were brought up and continued on his tunnel-vision towards slots. I would care to also bring up his satiating of MC so that MC would not be looking at him, for at least a couple days, because MC would not lynch people he feels he could manipulate into getting what he wants. (hence case, D1 his feel on Scary would be an easy example)

What I want people to get out of this and question towards this slot is: Look at his methods and look at what is Marshy's end-goal towards the Ditzy lynch.

"Do you understand?"

FoS: Bardull[/collapse]

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

[collapse=Dabuz]Dabuz is still my strongest town-read at this point in the game. However, I am not being blinded by the fact that there is a possibility of him being scum. I am just saying I choose to disagree with this theory until I see further proof of this happening. The proof I would need would be that DSH flips scum. If DSH flips scum, Dabuz is most likely his partner at the very least. Here is why I feel this. Their early game interactions reek of fakeness and trying to through suspicion off of each other with playful jokes but as soon as the first opportunity arises, DSH goes onto dabuz and says they are scum like a raving rabbit. That has continued through even D2. Dabuz and DSH have a weird thing of keeping each other at a distance but acknowledging their existence with non-sequential pushing of the slots in question (DSH on Dabuz. Dabuz' opinion on DSH seems to be null due to "hydra confusion). However, this is the vision I am seeing, I think Dabuz is town and I also feel DSH also leans town even if a bit misguided. What I feel is DSH (Ruy side) is completely misguided in his reads and is reading others incorrectly which I was informed before the game started from Marshy(basically he caught me up on some DGames history before I joined) and said that Ryu has exact opposite reads as town and reads scum as town and town as scum. That's what I am seeing in the case of Dabuz and his most recent suspicion on me, more so, because I know with 100% certainty that he is wrong on me. Dabuz has had a very clear and consistent train of thought and continues to ask question, I find, relevant to discussion. He is looking at different avenues but at the same time being considerate to many different approaches. I have a very hard time seeing scum-intent from Dabuz besides a connection case to DSH otherwise I like him as a town-read. I also have a bit of meta reasoning, but I cannot discuss it due to an on-going game. Once it ends, I will gladly go into this more.[/collapse]

[collapse=Acro]After explaining two town-reads, another scum-read: Acro/Raz. Raz' input in this game was bare and incredibly lacking. His biggest post that held anything was a post about flavour because OS/Ryker asked for it. Plus most of his posts revolved around flavour or "time to derail the ****ty dabunz wagon?" or posts against Gheb's saltiness. Then Acro comes into the game and creates a bunch of fluffy posts that hold very little content and continue to not do much until his post on me. His post on me and his pseudo-defense on Scary make me feel they are more likely a scum-pair. Acro never directly comes out and says it but he has been actively defending Scary by taking away pressure from my push on him and trying to discredit it but always coming short in reasoning since most of it is based on how "I am doing things wrong" or my "meta of ferocity" which isn't even true in the slightest. I have not been as ferocious as I have come to be known to be on my lynches. I would like to point out a meta flaw on Acro's statement on FFIX mafia as well and that would be, my push on Acro stemmed from his claim of being a town voteblocker and lynching him because his role was "anti-town" rather than dealing with his play. I also find it very odd that he chose to bring up his own meta in order to defend Scary in my push against him. It seemed like he was trying to make his push more relatable by mentioning he had "personal experience with this type of J" which isn't true in the slightest. I have been very lax this game in my point of view and not being adamant about a lot besides the Ditzy lynch. Acro is a scum-read of mine because his reasoning against me is bull, his defense of Scary, without trying to make it look like a defense, and his fluff walls that make it seem like he is generating content but not doing much at all. That is where I feel he is different as well. Unlike Joey who posts walls, his posts generate nothing besides towards posting to post. Then when we get into Acro's reads, he only has one/two that I can recall off the top of my head and that would be his scum-read on me and his present town-read on Scary. He has a similar thing that I disliked Marshy for when re-reading and that would be honing in on one thing and one thing only without trying to look for anything else. Has Acro brought up who I may be scum with? Has Acro brought up what he would care to look at if I flip town? Has Acro done anything to consider about my slot besides lynching me? The answer is No to all of the above. If Scary flips scum, I am deadset on going into Acro with having HBW on my watchlist while if Scary flips town, I still feel I have a case against Acro that doesn't deal with connections.[/collapse]

@ BarDulL BarDulL

I am mainly bringing this one back up because you said I "dropped" Scary at the end of D2 which is far from true.

[collapse=Scary]Separating Scary from the post above, I will have to admit, I am beginning to feel that I may be wrong on Scary, but I am not feeling that I am wrong enough to stop the lynch and look at a different push. Reason I would say this is because his posts as of late seem genuine rather than squirming scum. His claim does not make sense, however, with the information presented base on knowledge, Nabe/Gheb have divulged. I still feel from D1, his posts were reading incredibly fake and not truly what he was feeling. One thing that set up another red flag on him was his vote on Ditzy. His vote on Ditzy was incredibly opportunistic on getting people off of him and drawing attention to the opposing wagon who (maybe his scum-partner, marshy/sang) was pushing for and that would be Ditzy. Scary presented no reason whatsoever for his vote on Ditzy and just said he was voting him due to vibes if I am recalling this correctly. His reasoning towards his reads also come up to people who like him and people who dislike him. That would be presented towards his reads as of current. He dislikes me because I am pushing him, he likes Acro because he is defending him. He dislikes Dabuz because he is with me in lynching him(Scary). Then his final scum-read was on Gheb which he does not even explain. The rest of his reads are the rest of town besides the inactives which are obviously null. His reads have not changed in explanations from yesterDay and he still finds Gheb/Dabuz scummy BUT he has not pushed/questioned/looked at them as why they might be scum. Let's go into this though, on his most recent read-list he says "Dabuz = blarg while J/Gheb = scumbros". How did Dabuz go to being a scum-lean and who he would like to look at if I "never came in" plus what happened to his Gheb "scum-bro" read? Why did that come off the table and not even being brought up as a possible avenue if Scary does die?When talking about his scum-read on me, he just defers to Acro and says "yeah that" and does not question me or try to look into me further. I cannot fathom how a towny can be so vapid in their responses towards people and which is a major reason why I am seeing him as scum. The reason I stated at the beginning of this paragraph about Scary starting to falter his that there is a ring of genuineness in his posts, but that's the only thing that could make me falter is the reasoning that Scary is just really really really bad at explaining things and that he needs to clarify things better or that he is legitimately scum.[/collapse]

@ ranmaru ranmaru

[collapse=Nabe]Continuing on, I like Nabe and Gorf. Nabe on the other hand has finally come to fruition like a flower. YesterDay his play was shocking and which is why I was okay with him dying because he was confusing and putting up a very different front from the Nabe I had been used to. However, toDay is a much more recognizable Nabe. I, particularly, like the fact that he, himself, is trying to generate discussion and getting people to answer his questions and pursuing avenues he finds fruitful. I think what kicked Nabe into gear was the Doom thing, so in a funny way, I'd like to thank whoever did that because I feel it truly brought Nabe into the game as a character and a force for town. I doubt he is scum because there is too much going for him to be town rather than not. By that, I mean, his intent is screaming town and not scum. If he was scum, he would just fade into the background and not care at all because he was doomed to die. Unless this is an elaborate plan for him to win the game before he dies or he hide his scum-buddies, I doubt this is the case by a very marginal number. In the end, Nabe is a pretty strong town-read while Gorf is a gut town-lean.[/collapse]

Continuing on to other things.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Bardull (6) dabuz, dabuz, J, Gheb, MC, KWK
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Kreative Whiz Kids ()
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (2) MOD, MOD
6. J ()
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz ()
10. Ranmaru ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe (1) Ranmaru
14. Vult Redux (2) Bardull, Bardull

Not voting - Acrostic, Gorf,Nabe, Vult, DSH

With 12 playing it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is March 14th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@ BarDulL BarDulL :

If you are town, who is the scum on your wagon? Seriously, these are the things and opinions you should be pointing out. Give us something to work with on your flip/etc. I have my opinions on who may be scum if you are town, but can't give away all the answers.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Hammer Bardull without a group consensus, you die next. We still have 5 days and the dayphase just started.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hey J. I still want to see why you disagree with my Nabe case. At least talk to me about it succinctly. You can even talk about the summary I gave. It's right here for easy reference
I disagree with your Nabe case because I find it wrong and of ill-thought. I do not agree to the logic you are using to connect Nabe/MC because (as KWK said) it's conspiracy theory and is up there with the drivel of "NAs>Dayplay" fiasco. Let's also go into the fact that Nabe/MC are town-reads of mine, so fundamentally, I have no idea why you are asking me for my opinion on this matter because I do not want to talk about something I disagree with nor share a valid opinion on. I also don't want to talk about it because I do not feel it will help me find scum. If anything, it is going to detract my attention from finding out who is. I disagree with it because I don't like it nor do I want it if that's succinctly enough for you. I am not going into why I find certain points to be "wrong" or each point and say "I agre e/disagree" because that is a waste of time. (for me) Plus your forceful pushing of my slot to answer these makes me not want to answer them either because I can't see why you need my opinion over a bunch of nulls or anything really. Your next post is completely moot and I've already answered that.

Now, that is all I am doing with regards to your case on Nabe/MC and will be done talking about it for now.

@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ : That wasn't the can of worms I was thinking.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
So another thing that bugs me about Bardull, based on toDay's play alone:

Bardull said:
the dude has been seriously missing in terms of thread presence ever since the scary wagon got going fast on d2. not derailing ran's approach though 'cause i like his train of thought WRT scum wanting to look good upon the scary botched claim.
This is his reasoning on Vult. Pushing an "inactive" slot and throwing his inactivity as a way to say "he wasn't here during the scary lynch, must have been hiding" which is showing of something to me. He isn't looking at Vult in a fair light, but just looking for a reason to cast suspicion on Vult rather than truly decipher if he is town or scum. That's something I don't like nor do I see town intent behind his posts. If he truly felt Vult was scum, why not ask questions, or even give reasons as to why he might be scum. Hell, he could even quote reasons I have posted when talking about Vult in my reads posts which say why I even have my eye on Vult. It looks more like he is hopping on the "let's not lynch me, let's lynch an inactive" wagon and Vult is the fall person for it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

This is my precaution to stop a self-hammer which would be truly tragic at this point in the game.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Bardull's a double voter, could someone else unvote for now? That'd be lovely, thanks.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

This is my precaution to stop a self-hammer which would be truly tragic at this point in the game.
i could have self hammered are you kiddin' me j zzzzzzz

i'll be back tomorrow to face your j walls too tired atm


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
However, Bardull is scum and that is a fact. Sworddancer replacing out on D1 is evidence enough. Sworddancer always replaces out when he's scum and he never replaces out when he's town. It's really that simple.

Vote Bardull

Give me some real talk on Bardull. I know you've been pushing the slot for quite a while this game but do you see a connection between Scary's scum flip and the slot's play towards the slot?

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage Explain to me like i'm 5, why don't you think there was an early bus or a later bus on Scary's wagon?

i'm a double voter that gets vote blocked and role blocked if i lynch scum. i'm 'mewt,' the prince of ivalice dude from FFT. i can also cast 'unspell' as my chosen ability. hbw targeted gheb n1, i targeted vult n2. i was not told if my ability succeeded.

i'm gonna be brutally honest: this lynch sucks. the only people who i think might not be scum on this is like J but only because of his earlier play towards scary.

problems i have with this lynch:

1. gheb is just yelling 'bard is scum' but he hasn't really substantiated himself so in the words of marshy '**** that dude outta hear' if i get lynched, seriously.
2. j is being whack with his push because he's seeing things WRT HBW. his push on scary early game was fine, he kinda dropped it though towards the end of d2 but he's obviously not the play today and i don't see a reason to lynch him yet.
3. dabuz is either eating up j's case or is using j's case as a convenient excuse to lynch a townie, not sure which one it is because the dude is always kinda scummy whenever i read through his play as either alignment so i crunch it as null.
4. MC was just playing NA analysis on D2 and literally convoluted the thread as opposed to day play. dude claims it's worth it but i think it's a convenient excuse to not have to come up with reads or quality content. no disrespect intended but that's how i feel about it. and now he's voting for me. i have no clue why either, guess my wagon is popular.
5. kreative claims that i was trying not to kill off scary which makes me scum but that's not true. i said i was willing to body him if that's what town wanted, was totally uninterested in derailing a scary wagon. either way there are other people who were not vehemently approaching the scary slot as being scum.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe - Ran is different this game but i'm not getting an inherently scummy vibe from it.

So like, @ underlined a bit of flavor knowledge.

Scary claimed Montblanc IIRC, she is of the opposite alignment of Mewt pretty much (fights for Marche who is the protagonist and Mewt's adversary.) This is most likely a fake claim one of the scum members got because Scary's flip was one of the Totema's. Totema's while not technically fighting for Mewt, are Mewt's allies because basically they allow him to be Prince in the world of Ivalice and Mewt wants to keep them alive (most spoiler free way to describe it). Most likely, based on flavor, Mewt would be allied with a Totema. Montblanc fights against the Totema's with Marche so unless the flavor is completely wacky, this means Montblanc would not be on the team with a Totema and that's why I am pretty sure Montblanc is a fakeclaim. The point here is that, assuming roles and teams were made with flavor in mind, Montblanc would not be allied with a Totema or Mewt making it a fakeclaim and flat out showing which alignment of characters could be town. Conversely Totema's could be allied with Mewt.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I know that at least half of me would love to see Dabuz die in the night.

Please don't hammer until we have a replacement for Acrostic.
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