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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I love how a bunch of intellectually challenged termites toss around my name and the term "bad play" in the same context and think they're suddenly no longer intellectually challenged. Oh well. What does it matter to the magnificent oak when some feral pig rubs its back on its bark.

I'm skimming the new stuff before a full re-read, but is this guy for real?

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Ok I'm here and freshly discharged from the hospital with my ruptured Achilles' tendon.

Lemme read up from my drunk musings and see what's been going on since.

Also, request votecount plz. If I'm not mistaken, the votes count up with me at L-3 with the possibilty of being at L-2 if nabe is a doublevoter. Certainly would like to know.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Explain why this feels forced? I suppose that it can be a little since I skimmed on my way home from the casino and saw that I'm up for a lynch perhaps for generally being inactive. Figured I'd at least start to show how I feel about things, even if its in a surface level showing. Really just me laying things out stream of conscience like.

With Gheb, I'm using your reasoning that I mentioned from your #609. Since it is your reasoning, I decided it would at least be better to only give a scum lean rather than a full blown scum read because it coincides with my statement of "not having a concrete scumread". I would think that's at least fair to say.

^^^This is essentially what I save last night before I got hit by crashboards and went to sleep. Boy oh boy did those mojitos bring me the heat lol.

With my Gorf read, gorf is generally a gut feel. sorry. Part of it would be that I feel if he were scum, he wouldn't have messed up with his vote as he did and there would've been more attention paid to the restriction or whatever it was to cause him to lose that vote. Could just be an honest mistake as well. Just my take but not gonna argue with my gut on this one.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
According to Carnage's #699, he says he didn't ask for the JD hammer, what made you use OS as a reason to post that? I feel it makes you look bad and non-committal. Is my comparison to vinyl the reason I gained your vote or was it to appease gorf?

Alright that's fair with how you feel about my bad post. What was so wrong with the particulars I mentioned in my Carnage read? Admittingly, re-reading my "glorified **** dabuz" read, it kinda amounts to that and I'll give you that. Allow me to add that I certainly feel nervous with him coming with his doublevote in sheepy fashion.

Can you explain your Jdietz town read for me?


Apr 3, 2008
Where the **** did this come from? Why are people town reading you?

First line was a "this would be so baller if...". Could you imagine if Scary was really completely wasted as scum and was just like "nah man OS would be cool with me being sauced" XD

And as for the second one, I didn't actually read what Scary said until J posted, I just cherry-picked his question to me since it gave me an alert while looking back at the recent content. Obviously I have to agree with what he said.


Apr 3, 2008

Dietz, shut the **** up about roles. You're helping nobody, not even yourself. If you're town you are ****ing yourself in the butt and making yourself bleed. Please. For the love of god. TALK ABOUT **** THAT ****ING MATTERS.

Less MT PMS please, I'm trying to help here. I don't care if you hate it, I'm going to check if it's true. And I was not leading all the discussion up to it, literally just the Illusionist question because I find it to be a scum leaning role.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Pulling my car into realtalk city here:

I would be down to kill Scary for doing nothing this game, but not really Nabe. Nabe played like he barely had a pulse when he replaced into Tranquility as town and that's kind of what I'm seeing here. Scary didn't even change his RVS vote until I was 5 votes deep and specifically asked him to, and that's kind of what his thread presence has been like this whole time.
What do you make of Nabe's intent in threatening to hammer you?

I'd be ok with Dabuz going too simply for being a flighty presence. He sorta helped me on Town PR and then... has had hollow interactions with J *shrug*.
I don't really get what you mean when you say "flighty"

@Gorf: I had a question for you in 604, would really like an answer.

them cross wagons occupied by a double voter, the cross between the two subjects, and then the person on the voting block with the doublevoter

this is odd.
What's the oddity you're seeing?

Uh you'd need actual solid proof of that and not just speculation. I know what you are thinking and where but it's not enough to condemn and a large stretch.

^also ditzy is town, move him higher on my list.
What posts made you say this?

@ Dabuz Dabuz - Is it just me or did you come out of nowhere with your vote on Scary? Mind explaining it for me?
Wanted to push Scary, saw it as a good time to vote Scary so he feels pressured and responds to everyone's questions ASAP.

Shouldn't there be something to say accompanying this vote?

Getting to Scary's most recent post now. Want to respond to that in a separate post from this.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43
Marshy is based on meta. I'm interested to see how his new hydra head plays but for marshy alone its meta for me.

For the Nabe question, that question may be better suited for you to answer since you've been the one subtlety pressuring him. I would say that I'd be concerned about him based off what Carnage had said about him deflecting questions as well as the threat of a quick hammer that wasn't ok'ed by anybody. If nabe turns up as a doublevoter as well whenever the votecount shows up, how does it make you feel about him? Also, apologies for constantly referring back to Carnage's content about things but its a little hard to come up with things when the OS head kinda covers anything and everything on some things. A little hard to draw my own conclusions.

As for the gheb stuff, thinking back on it, the intent isn't too bad to try and clear probably the strongest slot but the method of doing so was just bothersome. At first I can say I was a little bothered about him trying to break the game but he has kinda faded back into the background although I wanna see if the interaction between Carnage/Gheb continues.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
According to Carnage's #699, he says he didn't ask for the JD hammer, what made you use OS as a reason to post that? I feel it makes you look bad and non-committal. Is my comparison to vinyl the reason I gained your vote or was it to appease gorf?
I was never going to hammer Dietz at that juncture, if he had been in range which I did think he was at the time. I took OS' post, which said "You should vote with Nameless," and cheekily twisted it into "I guess I have to hammer you, Dietz!", and then followed with "I really am going to hammer you!" The intent here was to prod Dietz into posting and about more varied subjects, and I'm content with what he's been doing since. His single braintrack prior was stifling the thread.

The reason I queried Gorf about who to vote was about reading him, as well as whoever the vote would be on. That it happened to be you worked well, because I also want you to give me more content.

By my count you're L-3.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Explain why this feels forced? I suppose that it can be a little since I skimmed on my way home from the casino and saw that I'm up for a lynch perhaps for generally being inactive. Figured I'd at least start to show how I feel about things, even if its in a surface level showing. Really just me laying things out stream of conscience like.

With Gheb, I'm using your reasoning that I mentioned from your #609. Since it is your reasoning, I decided it would at least be better to only give a scum lean rather than a full blown scum read because it coincides with my statement of "not having a concrete scumread". I would think that's at least fair to say.
(Taken directly from J's 609)
3.) Anything I have to say regarding Gheb's slot besides his alignment/meta are very not nice/choice words, so I'll leave that out of the thread if I may. Basically, let me give you some insight. When I am town and I feel Gheb is, I usually am whiteknighting his *** all game. I have done it on multiple occassions so I just have that feeling this game as well where I have a strong feeling he is town. If I was scum, I'd just ride his ML because it's so easy to lynch him every game. So, it's a weird backwards way of reading which is I am going based off...my own meta. Hahaha that sounds so weird but it's truly what I am meaning to say. If I truly wanted Gheb lynched, he'd be gone. But his incessant whining and terrible play makes that of a TownGheb. He is trying and sadly this is his effort of trying to find scum. I don't think he is malicious, just bad haha. I can't word that any better without coming off as really mean as to what I am actually thinking, so my apologies there.
J used this reasoning to explain a town (IIRC) lean on Gheb. How does all of this apply to give you a SCUM lean on Gheb?

With my Gorf read, gorf is generally a gut feel. sorry. Part of it would be that I feel if he were scum, he wouldn't have messed up with his vote as he did and there would've been more attention paid to the restriction or whatever it was to cause him to lose that vote. Could just be an honest mistake as well. Just my take but not gonna argue with my gut on this one.
So basically we are 15 pages into the game and all you have to assign Gorf a town lean is that he has a mod vote and is voteblocked ATM? -Really?- No comments on his actual play? No questions towards him, no thought process, just pure gut based on something which is null. I know you're trying to save face Scary, but seriously, nothing about your Gorf read is justified.

Alright that's fair with how you feel about my bad post. What was so wrong with the particulars I mentioned in my Carnage read? Admittingly, re-reading my "glorified **** dabuz" read, it kinda amounts to that and I'll give you that. Allow me to add that I certainly feel nervous with him coming with his doublevote in sheepy fashion.
This is what I read from Scary
"Oh **** Gorf, you noticed bad things about my post. You're right they were bad now why was my Carnage read bad? I'll change my read based on what you say. BTW you're right my scumlean on dabuz is complete fluff and I should have him as null. BTW I have a gut bad feel about dabuz because of *insert very vague reason to feel nervous about him*. Please let me keep scum leaning dabuz so I can say I have a scumlean."


Apr 3, 2008
@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43
Marshy is based on meta. I'm interested to see how his new hydra head plays but for marshy alone its meta for me.

For the Nabe question, that question may be better suited for you to answer since you've been the one subtlety pressuring him. I would say that I'd be concerned about him based off what Carnage had said about him deflecting questions as well as the threat of a quick hammer that wasn't ok'ed by anybody. If nabe turns up as a doublevoter as well whenever the votecount shows up, how does it make you feel about him? Also, apologies for constantly referring back to Carnage's content about things but its a little hard to come up with things when the OS head kinda covers anything and everything on some things. A little hard to draw my own conclusions.

As for the gheb stuff, thinking back on it, the intent isn't too bad to try and clear probably the strongest slot but the method of doing so was just bothersome. At first I can say I was a little bothered about him trying to break the game but he has kinda faded back into the background although I wanna see if the interaction between Carnage/Gheb continues.
What part of his meta, be as specific as possible.

I'm entirely fine with Nabe being a doublevoter since he pretty much told us all he was, it's only the Illusionist doublevoter combo I'd be hesitant on as it's something I could see Nabe trying to bring pressure to bear on late-game as scum. Don't talk about Carnage's content then, tell me who you're going for toDay and why.

Why do you say Gheb has faded into the backgorund


Apr 3, 2008
What do you make of Nabe's intent in threatening to hammer you?

I don't really get what you mean when you say "flighty"
I don't think he really would have even if he could've, so I have no real problem with how he tried to pull me back to discussion. I was a little miffed he joked it was because of OS and not his own prerogative, but so it is on the internet not being able to hear tone.

I call you flighty because you've shown you're willing to be on many different wagons throughout the Day as a doublevoter. This isn't a bad thing for D1, I've been doing it, but it is something I'm mindful of that you're free with the doublevote.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Dabuz Dabuz
I apply it as a scum lean to gheb because I was taking it as he said, in which he was saying gheb was playing bad. So I looked at it without the whiteknighting. Look at where he said he is basing it off a feeling. For me, instead of basing it on that feeling and following J on Gheb, I wanna do the opposite based on the play and not the feeling for now. Savvy?

Bringing up gorf, his thought process has been fine and he has made contributions throughout the day. Him questioning JD for being opportunistic as well as questioning J and questioning me about my validity have been perfectly fine in my book and make me feel a little better about my gut read.

Am I suddenly not allowed to be bothered by you jumping from wagon to wagon looking to pressure people only when wagons have begun to form? My bad bro.

@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43
Marshy hasn't been breathing only the need to Hardbody someone, but he's also been asking questions and there has been some pro-town intent I think in some of his approaches. It just doesn't come off as the normal guns-flaring, vote-throwing kinda guy. He's being more inclined to answer questions and ask some of his own though of course there's been stretches of him wanting to go and lynch someone, such as the interaction with you.

Mind if I ask where you found nabe to be a doublevoter? I must've missed it hence the request for a votecount when I came beck in today.

Gheb just seems too brief in what he does. I feel like he's only been retorting to what people are saying to him so far. I'm sure that he can easily come back and create content and such but for now he's been tied up in snappy retorts to others.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe
Thanks for the answers. It's kinda backed up in early game with what he's been saying but you were pretty upfront with me with my questions as well as JD's request to place down a vote and ease the thoughts of him a bit. The play reminds me a little of LM where you actively sideline but post content when demanded of you. Also, why you become a fish?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
He was indeed in LM. I believe we NKed him on N2.

@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary

@ Dabuz Dabuz
I apply it as a scum lean to gheb because I was taking it as he said, in which he was saying gheb was playing bad. So I looked at it without the whiteknighting. Look at where he said he is basing it off a feeling. For me, instead of basing it on that feeling and following J on Gheb, I wanna do the opposite based on the play and not the feeling for now. Savvy?
Ok, now show me without copying what other people have said what makes you agree with J about Gheb's play being bad.

Bringing up gorf, his thought process has been fine and he has made contributions throughout the day. Him questioning JD for being opportunistic as well as questioning J and questioning me about my validity have been perfectly fine in my book and make me feel a little better about my gut read.
Why didn't you bring this up in the first place? It honestly looks like now you're changing what you're basing that Gorf read on to look better, reason being this was not your initial logic and you're being SUPER vague. "His thought process has been fine" without anything to back that statement up doesn't even show me that you're reading but instead want to look good. I'm not convinced you're reading and thinking when you vaguely bring up the topics of questions he's asked people without evidence or analysis, it's a blanket statement. Finally finally finally you bring both of those statements to the conclusion not that what he's doing is necessarily towny, but that it makes you feel better about having a gut town-lean. Why does it make you feel better about a gut town lean? I don't see the elaboration, the reasons, the scum hunting or even pro-town mindset from this.

Am I suddenly not allowed to be bothered by you jumping from wagon to wagon looking to pressure people only when wagons have begun to form? My bad bro.
You can be bothered by w/e you want, but you admitted that your initial reason to scumlean me was a "glorified **** dabuz*", you needed to be called out on that before you found an actual reason to scum-lean me.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
My motive is that this game needs those players to come forward. This game has multiple "power players" and each could take control of the thread in a myriad of different ways, some public some subtle and make it very easy for the passive half to just slink around.

There's been a lot of posts on D1 and I've tried to get as much content as I can before some silly lynch pushes itself to completion, but that entire list is invisible not just to me but to you too.
this is good.

But "naturally" only goes so much unless you just want people to ignore you. At some point you have to take a broad net and see what bites.
idk maybe.

Vult, do you have a read on any of the following players?
I don't, but I would argue that that's more because I have a one-track mind and focus on specific players at a time than because we have seen less content from them.

I'm not interested in taking him out though, most mafia in this game would be scared of him and I'd love to see their NAs get soaked up on that guy.
I could argue that players like that also absorb town night actions

To be honest, I dislike Gheb's mechanics talk but I don't find it inherently scummy...just bad. Plus I'm not surprised because Gheb does this all the time and does it as both alignments.
backtracking a bit because I'm catching up. which games did he do this as both alignments?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
@ Vult Redux Vult Redux : You're better than this.
i was gone for like a day and a half please.

I understand you haven't been asked much so this is my question to you: give me a lynch pool at this moment. I know you're generally perceptive enough to form these things but my knowledge of your playstyle has been far out the window because it's been years since I've truly played a game with you.
my list atm has jdietz and nameless and J (for the same reasons as your #628 actually).

I wouldn't call this my 'lynch pool' yet. Just a very tentative scumread list.

them cross wagons occupied by a double voter, the cross between the two subjects, and then the person on the voting block with the doublevoter

this is odd.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Dabuz Dabuz
Well that's mean. I've been reading over things quite a few times over to try and make sure I got things.

Wouldn't saying that me "feeling better about a gut town lean" imply that I find what he's been doing towny for the most part? Its because he's been playing with his eyes open and not letting thing slip past him such as JD's "opportunistic change in vote, or placing my bad post on blast and explaining from J's post to expand on why it was bad. There's been clear intent in what he's done as far as I can see and it only further aids me in feeling better about his slot.

With the Gheb issue, you're making me regurgitate everything that has been already been said about him. There really isn't any other way to say things. The talk about mechanics was inherently bad. It left me bothered because he brought up situations of class claims potentially being null whereas I feel that there should certainly be a motivation to a choice of class to have benefits for either side and should be treated as such when discussed. Truthfully, either class can be used for either side with some of course looking worse than others. On that, I can agree with Gheb on what he brought up with the time mage however I feel that the motivation for selection should be more emphasized than just the class choice alone. We already touched on the attempt to clear Carnage, so I hope I don't have to hit it again do I? Plz say no, its been beat on like a dead horse.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary

I kind of see why J said he (or she?) feels like your posts are fake. Like, yes you're pointing out what Gorf said and you applied a town label to it, but it's missing something. It's missing that elaboration, i'm seeing that you got from point A to point B, but i'm not seeing how you got there. Statements like "there's been clear intent" just isn't enough to make me think you're really reading Gorf. I could point to any slot in this game and say I town read them because "there's been clear intent and they questioned these players", but what does that really say? That's an issue i'm having with your slot.

You're right that the Gheb thing is stale so i'll drop that.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I apologize for this, but I'm going to replace out. I don't really have time to be playing multiple mafia games right now, partially as a result of several assignments coming up in the next couple weeks.

I'd prefer not to drag everyone down with having to deal with a relatively inactive slot, so....

Request Replacement

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
These are the reads I’ve gotten from people over the course of the game. There’s not much to go on, and I’m pretty bad at getting at people unless I’m personally going at them, but this might clear things up....

Raziek - null – I really don’t remember anything from him. I’d love to know his opinion on MC v Nabe, as well as his opinion on the scary wagon.

Ryker (Maximum Carnage?) - slight scum - I really don't like the way he has been handling things. In my opinion, a lot of his posts have been all pomp and no action. There was no response regarding the Scary wagon, and he's been stuck on Nabe's lack of doing anything for a long time without actually doing anything about it besides saying that Nabe is the play. Why is Nabe the play? With as many active players (and for that matter, inactive) why is Nabe the focus out of all of them? Who else do you specifically dislike, as you mentioned in 710?

WashedLaundry – slight town – His questioning of J when everybody else glossed over him stood out as towny to me. He’s brought up decent ideas and comments.

Detective Sherlock Hound (Joey/Red Ruy) – null to possible town – not sure why, and I can’t really pinpoint it, but I get a slight town lean on him.

J – null – Back and forth between town and scum, simply because I always have a hard time reading him. Some of his posts have seemed scummy in their wording, and I don’t particularly like the wagon to pressure Scary that came out of nowhere. Why the sudden wagon on Scary? Why such a hard town read on Jd?

Gorf – null – uuhhh???

Dabuz – slight scum – From what I remember, he’s been relatively flippant most game, along with being careless with his words. While that, in and of itself, isn’t scummy, his reaction to the Scary wagon is more telling than anything I’ve seen. I don’t recall him ever saying that he wanted to push Scary, or that he even found Scary suspicious until after the wagon started. Even when questioned, his answer is very vague. I don’t think he ever really explained his vote in MC in 463 than to just say “this is not me pushing you” which is waaa???

LBScary59 – slight town – While I can understand some pressure to get him to answer more clearly, I so far find him decent. His post seemed more like he didn't know how to flesh out his ideas than anything else.

Town PR(Glyph/Ranmaru) – null – He handled vs Jd decently, and his posts haven’t thrown off anything one way or another. I’m having a hard time reading him.

Jdietz43 – strong scum lean – His entire play has thrown me and given me the feeling of scum. His insistence on focusing on roles and whatnot was severely useless as, for the moment, we can’t know anything because people can claim whatever they want. Like MC, I get the feeling that he’s trying to make it seem like he’s doing a lot of things while in the meantime accomplishing absolutely nothing. Overall a lot of his posts have seemed pointless and him trying to get all vision and pressure off of him by going “look at this person.” [not sure if that’s even what is happening, but it seems like it] His 725 response to Gorf seems defensive when it doesn’t need to be, as there were no questions directed at him. That might have just been an explanation, but why did you skim over it and not comment until J had made a comment about it?

Gheb_01 – null – Besides the role debacle in the beginning, there’s not much from Gheb I really remember. He threw out a random vote on us without any explanation, and then he just kind of faded into the background. The way he’s been acting with pressure is just standard Gheb, from what I can recall

Nabe – null – he hasn’t done much that has stood out to me. Between him and MC arguing back and forth, I haven’t gotten much of a read. He’s stayed consistent, but that doesn’t mean anything. I do not think he should be the play today, but I would like to get more from him at some point. I did find his wording odd, though, when he said he’d hammer jd, and I can’t tell if that was a misunderstanding on his part or something else.

Vult Redux – null – I legitimately have no read on him. I want to know more from him, but I’m not sure what. First, probably, his reaction to the scary wagon, since it’s the most recent thing. Then some reasons for his scum lean list. Just him throwing them out there, and saying some vague reasoning that laundry has a scum read on J is the reason for his J read and nothing else seems very useless IMO, though that could be because he was just prompted for his scumlist and nothing else. Still, I’d like some explanation.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Dabuz – slight scum – From what I remember, he’s been relatively flippant most game, along with being careless with his words. While that, in and of itself, isn’t scummy, his reaction to the Scary wagon is more telling than anything I’ve seen. I don’t recall him ever saying that he wanted to push Scary, or that he even found Scary suspicious until after the wagon started. Even when questioned, his answer is very vague. I don’t think he ever really explained his vote in MC in 463 than to just say “this is not me pushing you” which is waaa???
I forget who it was, but someone asked me to throw down a vote to prove something, hence that 463 vote on MC.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Dabuz Dabuz
I'm glad. Couldn't even make good bread crumbs out of how stale it had become.

Again with regards to Gorf, I'm trying to show that his intent has been clear when you look at the examples. There really isn't any sort of ulterior motives in his statements. He wants town to look at certain things, so he voices them (with giant *** letters as well). #694-696 show clear intent in what he wants though there are chunks of anger as well.

He questions my validity and blows up my post.
He questions either J or Jdietz for where and how they gathered an illusionist read?
He addressed Gheb and briefly showed his thoughts on that matter
And he lastly addressed JD's opportunistic manor for that moment and wanted town to at least note it.

If we go even further back to his early game, he has been answering questions directed at him and given stances as well. I'm not sure what more I must do to show that there's been clear intent in things that he has done, making me feel better about the town lean I have on him.

Tell me how you feel about how you feel about Jdietz?

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
yo sang slap dsh/gorf as town and now were talkin

lol yo @J sang is fun to hydra with if a little too worried about posting. regardless this is fun and thanks for the suggestion


Apr 3, 2008
@ Dabuz Dabuz
I apply it as a scum lean to gheb because I was taking it as he said, in which he was saying gheb was playing bad. So I looked at it without the whiteknighting. Look at where he said he is basing it off a feeling. For me, instead of basing it on that feeling and following J on Gheb, I wanna do the opposite based on the play and not the feeling for now. Savvy?

Mind if I ask where you found nabe to be a doublevoter? I must've missed it hence the request for a votecount when I came beck in today.

Thanks for the answers. It's kinda backed up in early game with what he's been saying but you were pretty upfront with me with my questions as well as JD's request to place down a vote and ease the thoughts of him a bit. The play reminds me a little of LM where you actively sideline but post content when demanded of you. Also, why you become a fish?
Can you clarify that first part, it's pretty convoluted.

Look back a page or two to where I post my tinfoil hat theory, I point out why we would be led to believe that at this point.

Also what does that say about his play from your point of view then. Are you giving it a pass, or condemning it?

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
Alright. Let's take that one step further.

Not to detract from our Scary pressure, but if Nabe was an Illusionist/Templar would you be apt to lynch him as much as I would be for being so scum?
so you are SERIOUSLY going to throw out this suggestion?

see i dont give a **** about all these roles flyin around. going into this game i told ****** to **** off when it came discussing roles and claiming and **** cuz i figured scum would use that to their advantage to **** on town players who chose weirdass roles for whatever weirdass reasons. you latching onto this theory and your willingness to go solely off a claim over play is disgusting


Apr 3, 2008
so you are SERIOUSLY going to throw out this suggestion?

see i dont give a **** about all these roles flyin around. going into this game i told *****s to **** off when it came discussing roles and claiming and **** cuz i figured scum would use that to their advantage to **** on town players who chose weirdass roles for whatever weirdass reasons. you latching onto this theory and your willingness to go solely off a claim over play is disgusting
Get real Marshstomp, Nabe's play has been less than admirable. If he claimed a ****ty role on top of it I would be totally down.


Apr 3, 2008
His 725 response to Gorf seems defensive when it doesn’t need to be, as there were no questions directed at him. That might have just been an explanation, but why did you skim over it and not comment until J had made a comment about it?
I think I'm allowed to be a little defensive when there's a 6 point font rant at me with the phrase " If you're town you are ****ing yourself in the butt and making yourself bleed".

And as I said before I commented on it because it gave me a tagged alert. I tend to pick up on and answer things directed to me first no matter what time it is I come across them. For instance when I got to this I went straight to my name and I have no idea what your other stances are: if they suck ass I probably won't be pointing them out for a minute or two. It's not the best thing in the world but it's how my brain is wired to play.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014




WHY are people townreading this guy?


*scum post #1*

*scum post #2*

*3 dayphases later*

*scum post #234786*


*game ends*

*jd listed as scum*

town: wow! i cant believe jd was scum?

what is WRONG with people? i am OFFICIALLY off this ****ing scary wagon cuz theres no way in **** i am voting alongside jd and dabdab. i dont even think dabdab is scumreading scary. i think hes just doing his 20 questions shtick to (appear) to look like hes doing something in usual dabdab needs to be fukked outta hear fashion. j i can at least see where hes coming from but nabes flat null to me. **** this wagon and start helping me bodying scum guys
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