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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!


Apr 3, 2008
Illusionst, it's a very pro-scum role and a sneaky role at that because it gives no one any warning as to if we are dealing with everyone being hated at the moment or that hurricane role. I doubt anyone would pick that role but if they did, indeed pick it, they could just cover it up. I don't feel there is much else to say besides I don't like it. Too much hidden power.
Alright. Let's take that one step further.

Not to detract from our Scary pressure, but if Nabe was an Illusionist/Templar would you be apt to lynch him as much as I would be for being so scum?

OK WOW CRASHBOARDS... totally deleted all hype of getting to post this theory. Ruined the moment ;.;

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Uh you'd need actual solid proof of that and not just speculation. I know what you are thinking and where but it's not enough to condemn and a large stretch.

^also ditzy is town, move him higher on my list.


Apr 3, 2008
Well all we have to do is get him to vote someone who isn't being voted right now.

If he actually can't do it and that opening FoS instead of a vote wasn't just for style points: then we got him good, because I'd see definite potential scum intent from a lvl 1 Illusionist/ lvl 2 Templar combo.


Apr 3, 2008
The pieces of the puzzle I'm seeing for those who don't:

Potential Templar Lvl 2

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

what do you mean at me coming at this setup with your mindset?
Mindset is @your Lv.2. It's D1, try to save "I hate that you Like posts" until D3 at leastttttttttttt, we do not always have to interact super-abrasively.
Potential Illusionist slip


Let's go out for a sundae.


It's the first FoS that made me wonder. He specifically FoS's you during RVS when a vote would have accomplished exactly the same, an obvious potential reason is he can't vote for people unless someone else does. He's also quite conspicuously been not voting for anyone so far.

It's possible he's simply doublevoter and something else, but if he's Illusionist it would be grimy.


Apr 3, 2008
I obviously can't prove that Illusionist would be why he did it, but if he's simply hanging on to a double-vote that seems pointless now since he put that first post out to Marshy: so the chief potential reason I see now is, maybe he can't vote who he really wants because adding his vote to an existing wagon atm would be grime city and he can't start a new one?


Apr 3, 2008
So uh: @ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe when you get here vote Gorf plez

If you're doublevoter and something else you must not be too cut up about us all knowing considering you posted it, so may as well prove you aren't Illusionist too.


Apr 3, 2008
*puts tinfoil hat back in the drawer*

We now return you to our regularly scheduled Scary grilling

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014

Now that that's all done...

After spending hours of reading through this thread I've finally caught up. For D1, you all sure can talk a lot. 18 pages might not seem like a lot but... I just can't handle all of those walls. A lot of the early discussion was about roles, which I find inherently useless at this point in the game. Which brings me to my first point...

@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43 - Why are you still questioning people about roles? I understand most recently has been focusing on Nabe, but to what end? More specifically, why Nabe and what does this prove?

Moving on from that...

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage - Recently you said you'd be willing to see Nabe lynched today. Why? (Unless I skimmed over it... entirely likely)

@ Dabuz Dabuz - Is it just me or did you come out of nowhere with your vote on Scary? Mind explaining it for me?

@ScaryLB59 - Your reads list is a little confusing to me. You only have two slightly scum reads. You don't like Gheb or dabuz. Can you give me a reason that isn't the equivalent of "I'm nervous of them"?

I'm sure there's more, but I'm too exhausted to even think straight right now, much less do any major reading. Now I'm off to bed.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Well what you say is that it's a good place for scum to throw activity without leaving the safety zone. What you're not saying is whether or not you yourself are reading any of those players period. Sorry that I'm 5 years old but I wanna know what you get out of it instead of just saying it exists. You're not shining a light on something new by saying that lol
Unvote Vote Hardbody Warrior

How about that?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
them cross wagons occupied by a double voter, the cross between the two subjects, and then the person on the voting block with the doublevoter

this is odd.
It's more than just odd. I think I can see where you're coming from with voting J but I also think that this voting scenario is definitely scummed up.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I love how a bunch of intellectually challenged termites toss around my name and the term "bad play" in the same context and think they're suddenly no longer intellectually challenged. Oh well. What does it matter to the magnificent oak when some feral pig rubs its back on its bark.


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Awww, I thought we can bros. Kinda upset that after all that, you were only at L-4 I believe it was with that much pressure as we thought it. On that, it leads me to infer that Nabe also is a doublevoter since he was threatening to hammer while we thought you were at L-2

Kinda brings me to this. I know that this has passed and it for me it look strictly as a pressure tactic, but are you also a doublevoter? You'd have no reason to make a hammer threat if you unless you were. Figured I at least put this out there in my musings.

Really enjoying Mr Carnage this game. Pretty sure he's a townbro. I enjoy your reply to Vult as well when you made the list of inactives and showed the ways that you were subtly getting information out of them and trying to get everyone involved. Just good stuff and good vibes all around.

The observation that DSH made is also sticking with me about Gheb. The "personal preference" thought sounds like a fairly simple way to back out of an ugly situation I would think. Coupled with what WL said in retort to Gheb and I'm liking Gheb less and less. Also @ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ I understand that I should be looking at others but it really has been the primary interaction of the day so far I think right? Also, to answer what you ask about Nameless, who's now Sangfroid Warrior (welcome to the game btw lol), I don't see too much of an issue thus far. It's been mostly marshy through the game and I think he just wants to body somebody. Jdietz was the first one that fit that but to me it really just looks like marshy playing as marshy like people have said. I would imagine it'd be worth something that'd he would invite people to look at him as well if JD flipped town, so I'm cool with the Marshy hydra for now.

@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43
If I can ask, why would you be ok with Nabe over me if we are playing similarly? I know that Nabe has a bit more content so far but is there anything else you're basing that decision off of?

Just a general reads list:
Townbros: MC, WL, WSH
Slight town lean: SW (Marshy hydra), gorf
Null: Peeps who aren't listed
slight scum lean: Gheb, dabuz.

Reason I list dabuz here, I just generally don't know how to read him. So I generally toss him into my scumpile until I REALLY know otherwise. Not incriminating ya buddy, but I always like to be wary of your slot. Gheb falls in here for the early game "clearing" hijinx and throwing the antithesis of what J said. I understand that you will likely whiteknight him and such, but you also said the play right now is generally bad. For now, I will lean with the bad. I'm sure as the game goes on, it'll be just fine but yea.

Sadly I really do not have concrete stuff for scum-reads at all, and a lot of this are just feels, based on the information presented so I really don't have what I want to place a vote. After I get outta the doctor's tomorrow for my Achilles' tendon, I shall read some more over a couple beers and such.
Vote: Scary

Please throw votes on this fool in such a way that I can not :(

I get the feeling your posts are fake, Scary. Like...your emotion towards others just reads as you trying to project yourself as a certain "lovable" character to the masses. I even get the feeling more when you are talking about your reads in themselves. I mean you hardly explain your Hardbody read and to be honest I see no reason why you have them as town when their posts have been sparse and a majority of them joking/non-chalant. Plus your town read on MC feels really forced and then you talk about DSH/WL but don't go into why they are town but say they are really town so I need explanations on all three of these please.

Then you say dabuz is a slight scum-read, but you are just putting him there because you can't read him? Shouldn't he be null at best to you then? I mean you even say and back-out with "Not incriminating you buddy". Then you go on and say that you think Gheb is "bad" but that still makes him a slight scum-read? That makes no sense and is contradictory to what you seem to be trying to say.

I can really understand your line before the doctor's thing because I am in the same boat but the difference between us (from my PoV) is that I am explaining my thought process and trying to be clear while you contradict your own sentences and meanings.

For now;

Vote: Scary

There needs to be a new push besides Town PR/Ditzy/Gheb and I feel this would be the best course of action to look at things.
Like this is almost a ****ing perfect explanation of why that post was so dumb. His explanations for why he likes who and why he dislikes whoever else is just disgusting. It's like scumScary was reading through this game, looking at his computer, and was thinking "well **** now I have to make stances out of all of this" and out came this post. His marshy read literally reads as "this guy can kill me so let me like him." His Carnage read is so ****ing particular and sssssssssoooooooooooo far from a reason to have a solid town read on somebody. His Gheb read legitimately confuses me and his dabuz read is a glorified "**** dabunz," but it seems like a common theme here to just include **** that doesn't matter. It's like scumScary was reading through this game, made this post, and was like "awe **** I better have people on a scum list too, that's what a townie would do! Oh man a bunch of people are saying this game's hard to get reads from, well **** lemme throw that in too!" Throw votes here plz.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Alright cool, are you sure your mates won't be mad you're here posting drunk though?
Where the **** did this come from? Why are people town reading you?

I'd really like it if you did. No comment on other roles needed.

Vote: Scary

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Alright. Let's take that one step further.

Not to detract from our Scary pressure, but if Nabe was an Illusionist/Templar would you be apt to lynch him as much as I would be for being so scum?

OK WOW CRASHBOARDS... totally deleted all hype of getting to post this theory. Ruined the moment ;.;

Dietz, shut the **** up about roles. You're helping nobody, not even yourself. If you're town you are ****ing yourself in the butt and making yourself bleed. Please. For the love of god. TALK ABOUT **** THAT ****ING MATTERS.

Uh you'd need actual solid proof of that and not just speculation. I know what you are thinking and where but it's not enough to condemn and a large stretch.

^also ditzy is town, move him higher on my list.
**** you for your ****ing unjustified ass mother ****ing town read ****ing @marshy @ Hardbody Warrior Hardbody Warrior slap this clown into the next dimension for me.

Oh and PLEASE do tell how you got that Illusionist read, and tell me in such a way that doesn't convince me you're scum if he's scum. I'd loooooove to know. But yes @ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe vote for somebody who has no votes just for the sake of it.

Unvote Vote Hardbody Warrior

How about that?

Still ego driven but I can't say it's not what I was looking for out of you. I do think you're wrong though in the mere fact that I don't see JD v Town PR as two townies fighting over something null but agree to disagree I suppose.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
What about Town PR? What do you make of that wagon?
Not married to it, but I can still see it. TBH would have to re-read the slot at this point, but I'd feel its TvT more than anything. Reasoning you already saw. That and he was grimy first, making solo scum much more likely. Regardless more interested in getting others on paper before even going back to either of 'em.

Aight, I'm caught up.

MC Murals, why Nabe? You bark at him all day to do something and expect him to be something more than being a nebulous question mark as if that's what Nabe does before sometime D5 then push him down the door as a top lynch target rather than something you don't know enough about. Your second pick is Town PR, who I don't think is scum and you seem indecisive behind yourself. Walk me through these lynch targets because they don't really make sense to me.
Less protecting Nabe for no reason plz

Things Nabe has done, actual contributions to town knowledge or town's knowledge about him.... brought about on his own (not questioned by someone else) in color:
  • FOS'd J in RVS
  • Asked Scary about Dabuz wagon
  • Said he wanted to see if Scary would realize it's "oh just #HBC" given how recent he was to DGames, response to Dabuz question
  • asked Laundry question "What's the comparison here?"
  • Response to Dabuz question saying "I don't get any reads from Scary"
  • Asked me what Washed Laundry's first post upon my entrance to the game will be (I was right!)
  • Tells Dabuz he isn't being Lurky as it's only been 24 hours after the start of the game (this is page 11)
  • I ask him who he wants to lynch and that he's being too quiet and he responds that I am "just saying my name a lot in conjunction with synonyms for "intentionally quiet" just because you can

So far as of post #437 he has contributed exactly 0, been super silent and only asking sideline questions and not even saying why or what he gains for them ever. They aren't traps. They don't give him any info. When asked questions he deflects or ignores.

  • Says he hasn't been responding to me because he hasn't "been here" and because I'm "being incessant". Says I'm making myself harder to read (which is a scum thing to do!) / Says "you and I both know who the double voters are if any" and doesn't complete my request to be productive and list the double voters
  • requests a votecount
  • Says "who cares" to Gheb stuff, that talking about setup is unavoidable here. Says Nameless has half of his mindset.
  • In same post as above says he is apprehensive about J's approach to Gheb, contrasts it to Vult. Gives Town PR a pass due to hydra discog. Asks if DSH should get a pass for their play being stances without action.
  • Says "we don't have to act super abrasively" all the time to Nameless, mindset being at Nameless' lv2
  • Says to JDietz that Carnage wants Nabe to hammer Jdietz (I don't) asks how it makes JDietz feel
  • Says "how do I get proper responses out of people"
  • Says "I'm going to hammer you in your next post. What do you have left to say?"
  • Fixes grammar mistake in previous post
  • Asks "What would Marshy be getting away with?" to JDietz
  • Says Carnage is only talking about voting block because Nabe said to GTFO about doublevoters, says he'd take Laundry and Vult in a voting block
  • makes post with "no" and "k", doesn't do nothing
  • tells JDietz that the meta JDietz sees feels null to Nabe
  • Says "I'm fine with [lynching] Jdietz"
  • Is asked by Nameless what his thoughts regarding laundry vs gheb are, says nothing concrete about WL and says wants more content from Gheb as his past stuff is null
  • says "read better" to me
  • says he wants a read from ryker
  • says I'm null
  • says he'd hammer JDietz, not put him in hammer range
At this point I post my #592, showing Nabe as a lynch target
  • Says both J and Vult are playing with segments of the full player list. Says he feels that J is paying lip service in his posts sometimes. Asks when they last played together.
  • Same post as above, tells J his biggest scum reads are DSH but is missing gutscum on Ryu he'd normally expect. Dabuz is another scumread and that dabuz is playing similar to Scary.
  • Same post as above, says the lynch is likely between Town PR, Nabe, and Gheb in that order but that no one else is too far behind save for Laundry and maybe Gorf
  • Same post as a bove, says Scary is flat null, Carnage is a "pointed" null, says OS always changes his play when being talked about
  • Votes for Gorf, Unvotes for gorf says he'd get a mod vote if he were that role
His play has given more in just the last few posts, and it should be noted that my #592 was before his #599, where all that lue comes from. Prior to that he'd given town basically nothing.

I don't think Nabe posted his response to J as a result of my post, so I'd consider his play improved in the light of "he's now posted something good". I'd like to see where he goes from here before removing him from the list though; while it's possible that he could be scum and his scummates could take note of my "Nabe is only lynch target atm" as a threat of putting Nabe in the limelight I have no way of really proving it so am going to ignore it as a possibility.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Don't care if Nabe is Illusionist/Templar. That's not a pro-scum role by default. It makes you a triple voter (confirmed town to yourself) giving scum less push, and when you're voteblocked it makes everyone one less to lynch, meaning your voteblock doesn't harm town. Win/win, not a role selection. Just puts a lot of pressure on you to get the right reads and hurts getting info from other people since you take up so much space on a vote.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Feel free to explain how I did, the posts are in chronological order. Just search this thread for "posts made by member Nabe" and open 'em up in a new tab and you can go through 'em one by one.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Thought I'd let you know as you seem to have time to post, just not anything important. Figured I'd give you another shot at being useful.
You're very good at treating information as if it were important, and leveraging it anyway. For example, the implication that telling you you're wrong is within the same order of magnitude of time as showing you that you're wrong, being used to demonstrate that I'm "not posting anything important" in this crucial time period. Or the implication that a player must not be planning or willing to justify an accusation if they haven't yet done so in the span of time between your own coffee break and lunch break, used for the same.

Now, don't worry about responding. I've taken the liberty of preparing several responses for you, each of which hit a single note of disrespect designed to show me my place in the food chain.

Maximum Carnage said:
I guess you really aren't going to post anything relevant.
Maximum Carnage said:
Less talk, more action.
Maximum Carnage said:
You're not doing any work.
Maximum Carnage said:
This only demonstrates my point.
Maximum Carnage said:
You're coasting.
Maximum Carnage said:
You're stalling.
Maximum Carnage said:
You're hiding!
Maximum Carnage said:
Did you by chance lose my directions on how to search for posts?
Maximum Carnage said:
And here's one more option (which might even be the best): just post this again, quoted from yourself, without anything additional.
Thought I'd let you know as you seem to have time to post, just not anything important. Figured I'd give you another shot at being useful.

Feel free to choose the one(s) you like best, and rephrase it as necessary to fit the persona of the day. Don't worry about citing me as a source; this post won't remain in the public consciousness for any longer than the memory of a fish. The bears write the history.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Seriously, someone's gotta convince me that Nabe isn't the play for toDay. He's had one post where he's laid out his thoughts other than saying he's fine with lynching JDietz.

Dislike Gheb's play as well.

Dislike some others, but they're at least pretending to be helpful which I can do more with down the road than Nabe/Gheb's masturbation.

Gheb, since you're here, go ahead and lay a vote down on someone.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe fair for me to ask you about vinyl's gameplay since I've never seen him play before?
Rarely posts, never thinks there's anything that needs talking about, questions the necessity of posting even and especially after being reminded that posts comprise the entirety of the game.

It's not the fairest comparison, but you could be putting in more than you are.
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