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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!


Apr 3, 2008
@ Dabuz Dabuz
Well that's mean. I've been reading over things quite a few times over to try and make sure I got things.
In that case, why didn't you already know why Nabe might be a doublevoter. Those sorts of things should be known if you're actually reading.


Apr 3, 2008
Marshy, I'm not even scum this game. I'm legitimately town. I don't know what you're expecting my play to be like, but it's clearly not going to be that, and definitely not D1.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Can you clarify that first part, it's pretty convoluted.

Look back a page or two to where I post my tinfoil hat theory, I point out why we would be led to believe that at this point.

Also what does that say about his play from your point of view then. Are you giving it a pass, or condemning it?
I didn't think it was to tricky to understand. Looking at J's post, I essentially viewed it without J's meta attached to it. J has called his play bad and using the reasoning that I've described to dabuz, I've assigned Gheb a scum lean for now. J's meta would allow him to be town read, and I wanna question it.

I will need to look more closely at J because unfortunately I've had to spend my time addressing all my questions raised thanks to my drunk musings. I'll come back to you on that.

In that case, why didn't you already know why Nabe might be a doublevoter. Those sorts of things should be known if you're actually reading.
I kinda inferred it over the course of the game but of course was not sure. Better safe to know for sure rather than not amirite?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ Dabuz Dabuz

Tell me how you feel about how you feel about Jdietz?
For Jdietz, a few things stand out for me:

1. When Town PR pressured him, he handled the pressure poorly and I don't see why.
-In fact the entire Town PR vs. JD thing looks awkward to me because I have to consider Town PR's approach wasn't good either.
2. The recent illusionist talk around the time when pressure was starting to be put on you seemed EXTREMELY out of place, i'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I don't see why scum would post that unless he wanted to push for a really ballsy lynch or crazy method of pressure. Yet as town I really don't see what he got from it.

Thanks for asking me about JD, forgot to bring this up, Jdietz' 577 was a weird response.

It's about accountability.

As for being hasty? I don't feel like it was all that hasty considering the amount of votes accumulating. I was getting real paranoid someone was about to swoop in and alpha and that would be that: day over, no discussion.
I get that he's saying he was worried about being lynched (I think this was when Marshy was pressuring him), but i'm surprised he'd feel the pressure this early on when getting alphad would almost certainly get the hammerer lynched.

JD is also one of the most active players...yet whenever I try to figure out what to think of him and look back at my notes, I realize there hasn't been much for me to take note of regarding the slot.

In fact, I decided to look back a few pages a bit since you're asking my read of JD.

His 638 doesn't do much to differentiate you and Nabe in terms of play this game, then when he comments on being fine with me going it seems kind of...thrown out there. IDK, he puts his opinions out there but doesn't always follow through with them. I didn't find any of his other posts really notable from page 15 to now and it's a problem. He asks small questions and stuff but everyone does that.

I would put him as a scum lean because of his very strange reactions to pressure and for such an active player I feel like there should be more to jot down about what he's doing, but even on rereading him I can't find much. IDK how to approach the slot in terms of pressure or furthering my reads TBH. Before you say it, I could ask general questions towards him...actually I should probably just do that.

@Jdietz: What's your read list looking like?


Apr 3, 2008
Mind if I ask where you found nabe to be a doublevoter? I must've missed it hence the request for a votecount when I came beck in today.
I kinda inferred it over the course of the game but of course was not sure. Better safe to know for sure rather than not amirite?
I honestly don't buy it, this seems much more like you're saving face after being told it was specifically pointed out beforehand. You obviously aren't scum just for not reading well, but I feel like lying about reading properly is grimy.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Its just general concern man. That's why I said inferred. Came to the conclusion when I thought Nabe could potentially hammer you.

Also, if I'm not mistaken. When Nabe tallied up my votes, he had me at L-3. If it takes 8 to lynch, and dabuz is already shown to be a doublevoter, I think you should stop assuming.

Vote: jdietz43

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
Marshy, I'm not even scum this game. I'm legitimately town. I don't know what you're expecting my play to be like, but it's clearly not going to be that, and definitely not D1.


you WILL be dying this game. preferably today


Apr 3, 2008
@Jdietz: What's your read list looking like?
Right now I'm deciding between Scary and whoever replaces Raziek for who I'd like lynched, Nabe a distant third depending on how this goes down.
I wouldn't mind looking into Vult just to get a feel for him, but I haven't read his recent posts very throughly. I'd like Town PR to come in with some more thoughts since we haven't heard from him for awhile to get fresh perspective, but I wouldn't lynch him.

That's about where I'm at. Everyone else is null or a slight town read.

@Ninjas: I wonder if Marshy will be angry, or just sad when he finds out.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Scary, you didn't even mention you were scum-reading Ditzy or even leaning that way and now you are actually voting him? I am going to continue reading, but I haven't seen where your switch has gone from null to scum, so help you baby Jesus. It looks like a sheep/vote to hop on the other popular wagon to save your own hide and I'm going to not let this go until I figure it out.

Marshy/Sang, I'm getting to you two in a bit but @marshy, she's on a loan haha. I was jumping up and down at a read of yours but I am so holding onto that one.

I finally feel alive in this game. The mafia thrill is back and I'm antsy for control. Mainly because I finally have a scum-read and I also have a town-read I don't want to die.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014

j PLEASE do not do this ****. i have no interest in playing tug of war over the lynch with you and im pretty sure you have me as town so please just let jd die. i dont want this to be a repeat of ass effect where im constantly fighting your slot for ****** to be rightly fukked outta hear

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Thing is, you should know better, I don't let my town reads die without fighting plus you cannot deny that Scary needs to be ****ed outta here sooner rather than later due to his scummy as balls play. Doesn't matter if I have you as town or not, if I feel your wrong, why should I just let things go? That's would just be anti-town on my behalf.

I will never get why you invoke explicits out of me. Also was I even in Mass Effect?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
The grammar errors in that last post are killing me.

@Mod: Request vote-count please and thanks.


Apr 3, 2008
Really, Raziek? The slot has pretty much nothing this game IIRC and there's still a few days to go before deadline.

Yeah exactly, his replacement should give us a glimpse of whether he should be kept or not. His appearance on the list should not surprise anyone, and is a testament to my opinion on Scary, not on Raziek. There's no reason to close the door on investigating an entirely null slot, if he's scummier than Scary I don't see why we wouldn't.

Ditzy, as your attorney at the moment, I suggest you stop talking.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
sang and i are actually leaning that scarys just noobtown falling flat on his face to real pressure for once. i also have no interest in voting with the wagoners besides yourself

you were in ass effect as a hydra with jerkus where i argued with yall for the entirety of d1. you also wanted to lynch me (town) for going ham on a townie whose mislynch i was in the middle of pushing


i ****ing hate arguing with j cuz its a pain in the ass and he just overwhelms me with walls. ima need your help for this bro


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Attention gentlemen, on the left we have the defendant Jdietz and his attorney, J. On the right we have the prosecutor Hardbody Warrior. I expect a civil debate between all parties involved, this court case is now open. Either side may choose to start their opening statement.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Marsh, you already have Sang and you still need help to deal with me? And, Oh god. That game. I had blocked that out.

@Gorf: Don't look into the swag. Wait before helping.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Attention gentlemen, on the left we have the defendant Jdietz and his attorney, J. On the right we have the prosecutor Hardbody Warrior. I expect a civil debate between all parties involved, this court case is now open. Either side may choose to start their opening statement.

The defense is about ready, your honor.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Yeah exactly, his replacement should give us a glimpse of whether he should be kept or not. His appearance on the list should not surprise anyone, and is a testament to my opinion on Scary, not on Raziek. There's no reason to close the door on investigating an entirely null slot, if he's scummier than Scary I don't see why we wouldn't.

If Raziek is an entirely null slot to you and Nabe is a scum lean, wouldn't that mean your order is Scary, Nabe, than Raziek?


Apr 3, 2008
If Raziek is an entirely null slot to you and Nabe is a scum lean, wouldn't that mean your order is Scary, Nabe, than Raziek?
(potentially yes, most of the Nabe direction was wrapped up in his claim idea, which he seems to be dissuading with his vote. We'll see how the slots play from here on out)


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I realized I should probably tag @ Gova Gova so he doesn't miss my replacement request from earlier, because I forgot to do that.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Actually I will be back tomorrow as well. Things came up. (things as in forgetting deadlines and having an hour to right a paper.)


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Hardbody Warrior (2) Vult, Gheb
2. Raziek ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. WashedLaundry ()
5. Detective Sherlock Hound ()
6. J (1) WL
7. Gorf (1) MOD
8. Dabunz ()
9. LBScary59 (6) J, Jdietz, dabuz, dabuz, nabe, nabe
10. Town PR (1) MC
11. Jdietz43 (5) TPR, DSH, HBW, HBW, Scary
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe ()
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Raziek, Nabe, Gorf

With 14 playing it takes 8 to lynch!

Deadline is February 17th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6)

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

do you get watchthethrone vibes from rykers hydra?
Not one. Do you get those vibes? Because I always understood where both heads were coming from in Throne, even when they were spouting what I knew was bull****. And it was a Ryker-driven hydra, whereas here I haven't felt his influence.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Acrostic replaces Raziek

1. Hardbody Warrior (2) Vult, Gheb
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. WashedLaundry ()
5. Detective Sherlock Hound ()
6. J (1) WL
7. Gorf (1) MOD
8. Dabunz ()
9. LBScary59 (6) J, Jdietz, dabuz, dabuz, nabe, nabe
10. Town PR (1) MC
11. Jdietz43 (5) TPR, DSH, HBW, HBW, Scary
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe ()
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Acrostic, Nabe, Gorf

With 14 playing it takes 8 to lynch!

Deadline is February 17th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6)

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Thoughts on the Scary wagon? I would like Ryker's opinion on this in particular.
OS opinion that it is inefficient.

JDietz is on it because it's "not JDietz", J is on it to protect a town read while going towards a "you are playing gross" read, dabuz is a tagalong and Nabe just sneakily added himself on with no comments and hasn't popped back up again.

So from Scary's lynch the only thing we'd learn is that J is town if Scary flips mafia. That's it. It is a gross, gross wagon and doesn't help town.

JDietz' wagon isn't that much better. Town PR is on there because time, Sherlock has his vote but hasn't said a word. You're on JDietz because it isn't scary and you're going towards a "You are playing gross" read, and Scary is voting because... JDietz was mean? It isn't him? I dunno.

The only things we could possibly learn are inklings about you and J.

More importantly, we have 3 double voters, two of which aren't giving reasoning for their vote.

Imma tell you what's gonna happen:

Scary will get lynched
Scary will flip noob town
Dabuz and Nabe are going to be voteblocked
Dabuz will play tagalong D2 and Nabe will play silent warrior D2
They'll be back on D3 and we won't know a thing about them

Vote: JDietz

This is a sign of good faith in you, Marshy.

My thoughts on both Scary and JDietz is that they're floundering town. JDietz is foot-in-mouth syndrome and Scary is just inexperienced.

I would much rather lynch Nabe but it doesn't look like that will happen.

This leaves both JDietz and Scary at L-2.

Vult, Gheb, Acrostic still need to vote. It should take two of them to lynch either unless their role puts them at a natural one less to lynch.

Who here would think we need a claim from Scary & JDietz at this point? Because I do.

I don't like how the wagons are going today. I feel very strongly that scum is just lurking in this game and not taking an active role in directing town, which furthers my feeling that Nabe would be a good lynch.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I'd also like to add No one Vote for JDietz or Scary right now because you may accidentally hammer

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Totally didn't see Laundry's slinkin' on J.

Laundry, we're interested in your opinion on these two wagons.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Surprise! It's the other me.

Pro play.

First, Soldier level 2. Second, anything to keep J from getting what he wants out of this white knighting. I agree with the direction my other head has taken with that vote, but would you prefer to chase Nabe with me?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
@WashedLaundry Two things:

One, I've been waiting and waiting to ask you about this.

Aight, I'm caught up.

MC Murals, why Nabe? You bark at him all day to do something and expect him to be something more than being a nebulous question mark as if that's what Nabe does before sometime D5 then push him down the door as a top lynch target rather than something you don't know enough about. Your second pick is Town PR, who I don't think is scum and you seem indecisive behind yourself. Walk me through these lynch targets because they don't really make sense to me.
You asked us this when we had results. Nabe was irate, but interacting. Why, when given that situation, would you then come in and basically give him the okay to sit there and be obnoxious.

Two, talk to me about the two wagons and J's take on them. I will make it no secret that I find it gross. What do you think?

I'm here now, so you better show.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Thoughts on the Scary wagon? I would like Ryker's opinion on this in particular.
Anyone else that wanted me will have to point me at it because I know there were some places that people poked me for things that I have ignored because I hadn't gotten involved yet.

I think both Scary and JDitz are town. Both should be expected to play like garbage under pressure and neither should be expected to play perfectly outside of it. If one of these lynches happens, it's fat trimming and I want Nabe to not be on the wagon because I don't want him to have any added reason to disappear. I agree with my better half and would first pick Nabe to go.
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