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Fight Club 3/17 [Maryland]

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Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2006
Fight Club @ Widow Maker Game Center

JC Media will be running a 'Fight Club' tournament at WMGC. We will be facilitating the best fighting game titles today in hopes of crowning a true fighting game champion.

Widow Maker Gaming Center
7901 Central Avenue
Capitol Heights, Maryland
Time: Registration begins at 11am each day.

Entry Fee: $10 (per game)
Venue Fee: $10
Prize: 70/20/10 Split

Saturday Games:
12pm - Super Smash Bros.
12pm - Virtua Fighter 5
12pm - Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo
2pm - Dead Or Alive 4
2pm - Guilty Gear Slash
4pm - Soul Calibur 3
4pm - Capcom vs SNK 2
6pm - Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
7pm - Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

This is a great chance for gamers in the DC Metro area to come out and support a new gaming center. Good luck to everyone who competes!


If you need to take the DC METRO TRAIN, to the event, the closest stop is MORGAN BOULEVARD. (BLUE LINE)

The train stop is a 1/2 mile from the GAMING CENTER. Please use Mapquest in order to ensure you do not get lost !!!

If you plan to take the CHINATOWN BUS to the event. Please take the CHINATOWN BUS to Washington DC. Then in tern, take the DC METRO STATION. The GALLERY PL-CHINATOWN station is seconds away from where the bus drops you off.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to POST UP, or EMAIL info@jc-media.com



Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I'd like to go unless there are other options. I'm only back in MD for 2 weeks (actually its more like 11 days, 14th-25th). Anyone wanna have a nice fest for me?

JC Media

Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2007
Last one didnt happen. Unfortunately . We just went ahead with Madden and Halo. We only had 4 people show for Smash. Hopefully we will have a better showing from the smash community this time around. Robin should, hopefully, be running the smash brackets so if credibility is in question that should ease any concerns.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
UM...I already talked to Charles about this JC MEDIA....

Get Rid of that venue fee n then we can talk...As far as Fight Night.....ummmmmmmmmm




Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
UM...I already talked to Charles about this JC MEDIA....

Get Rid of that venue fee n then we can talk...As far as Fight Night.....ummmmmmmmmm




Smash Lord
May 4, 2004
there needs to be more info

1. we need to know ur rule set (2/3 sets? mlg standard rules? daves stupid rule? etc)

2. we need to know if there are teams, singles, or both

3. we need to know how many setups you have, and if you need more

4. we need to know what format the tournament is in. (double elim im assuming)

truly, if you plan one of these with the following above, about a month in advance, i guarentee you would get 70+ people. two c3s ago they got 90 people and it was just a regular event. and that was for ONLY smash.

seriously you could potentially carry our area further with tournies


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Truely, right now this seems to lack...credibility. No one wants to go to an FFA tournament with a 10$ venue fee.

It should also be known that Smash tournaments will usually take ALL DAY. That means from roughly 11am until 10pm. With good bracket software the time may get cut an hour or two, but expect anytime you have over a 64 person turnout that it will last roughly 8 hours, if not longer.

Pools until top 16 or 32, followed by a double elim bracket. This is essentially standard for a tournament to have credibility.

Sighs are Cat III


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
moved to saturday u say?? 10$ venue fee there is??

i sense much crappines in this venue fee. venue fees lead to anger, anger leads to mistrust, and mistrust leads to a 4 person tourney

The Newb

Smash Ace
Aug 28, 2004
Mechanicsville, VA
moved to saturday u say?? 10$ venue fee there is??

i sense much crappines in this venue fee. venue fees lead to anger, anger leads to mistrust, and mistrust leads to a 4 person tourney
Just like every other j-tyme tournament EVER. I don't know why people even consider these tournaments.

JC Media

Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2007
Jay: I spoke to Charles too. Ask him how much he is charging us to rent out his space so we can throw a tourney for you all. I think you might understand at that point.......and its Fight Club (Not that that is any better).

Chinesahh: The rules we use are right here: http://www.jc-media.com/index.php?nav=game&gameId=9

But we are willing to make adjustments based on popular demand. We Plan on doing singles w/double elim. If time permits we will do teams. We will start out with 4 set ups. We are planning to do a monthly too. I am coordinating with Robin so as not to do anything on the same date.

Alpha Zealot: I spoke to Robin about what would be a good amount to charge and he seemed to think that that was OK. I am sorry if that seems steep but as I said to Jay, this venue is not cheap. We have to cover costs as well....and we have to pay upfront. Im aware that it could take all day....thats why we started Smash at 12 alongside two other games that wont take as long. We are willing to make this work however it needs to considering our own constraints.

The Newb & Hova: Same thing I said to Jay

Damon Scott


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Nonetheless, smashers don't want to be in a crowded room with 150 other random people for other games we don't play. If you want a decent turnout, make a smash only event. The venue fee could probably be dealt with, but not if we feel like we're competing with space for other games.

However nobody is going to come if they feel their money to pay for the venue isn't going to be worth it. If you want the support of smashers, you have to accommodate their needs. And one of those needs isn't being cramped in a corner with 4 tvs running our own tournament. We can do that at Chu's house without an entry fee.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Seriously. I could have a much better turn-out if I planned a tournament this Saturday easily. Smash only, +10 setups, $10 Singles, $10 Teams, standard ruleset, generous pot split.



The problem with your tournaments is that you're using smashers just so they can pay your venue fee. If you plan on redeeming yourself from previous times, smash only tourny is the way to win us back... and there's a lot of us.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
Aight JC # 3

I feel you....I'ma try n be up there wit my lil crew mainly for that sponsorship

Chinese-ah is da MAN...Speaks some truly influencial words...For future tourneys though....I would rather pay 15 all together n forget da venue fee n ummm...Its a hot spot wit a lot of potential but 4 tv's really isnt going to cut it for smashers...

Give us a whole day...bump da venue....GOOD TIMES



Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
ya'll need to stop sounding like elitist with this 'smash only' bull

dude i enjoy watching other games, i watched at least 3 random sets at C3 of games i never play. step it up smashers, your better than that

however, 4tvs?? problem, $10 venue fee??? that's just ghey

if u allow people to bring setups and provide space for setups, that's problem solved

jack up singles to $15 and add teams at $10, take five from each entry fee and that's 10bux venue

i think smashers in general don't like paying venue and would rather just have money taken out the pot, i mean most of us aren't winning the pot so y should we care. so in my example the average person

is only paying 25bux for the whole day and u still get ur ten, ur way i'm paying 20bux and only get a singles tourney.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
ya'll need to stop sounding like elitist with this 'smash only' bull

dude i enjoy watching other games, i watched at least 3 random sets at C3 of games i never play. step it up smashers, your better than that

however, 4tvs?? problem, $10 venue fee??? that's just ghey

if u allow people to bring setups and provide space for setups, that's problem solved

jack up singles to $15 and add teams at $10, take five from each entry fee and that's 10bux venue

i think smashers in general don't like paying venue and would rather just have money taken out the pot, i mean most of us aren't winning the pot so y should we care. so in my example the average person

is only paying 25bux for the whole day and u still get ur ten, ur way i'm paying 20bux and only get a singles tourney.

Yessir!...good **** Hova...good ****​

Violent Leo

Smash Rookie
Jan 2, 2007
Yea Im wit hova on that one. I play all sorts of games and not only smash. Smash is a gr8 game but there are plenty of other good games out there to have tourneys on. Like street fighta and Guilty.

So dont try to narrow this down to a smash only tourney cause I like a lot of those games they are havin at the tourney


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
Tru Tru...But this is kinda like "SMASHboards"...

I play all those otha games n whatnot but

Smash is da main event in my book...If you're hosting a tournament n postin it on da boards, da main game should be SMASH n otha events should be pushed to da side....

I'm sure i'm not da only one who feels dat way either​


Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2006
Damon speaking again:

OK Hova you are speaking some sense. I can switch it up so that its $15 for singles and $10 for teams. That sounds reasonable to me. Jay, you know what the place looks like so the 4 TVs along the far-side wall isnt a bad amount of real estate. I can even add one more Setup on the near side wall if you like for a total of 5 setups. Keep in mind that we do have other games being run throughout the day so for a good bit of time that is all we will have available. However, should we have tourneys for other games end early, we can set up some more Smash stations in the interim, time permitting, until we need to start another tourney. WE can potentially have 8 setups (i have 8 GCs and copies of the game) running at once.

Also, not sure what JC Media has done in the past that we need to redeem ourselves for but I assure you we dont want to do anything but put on a successful event. I understand we have a lot to prove but if you show up we will do what we can to accommodate you. Hope to see you all there.



Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Anything starting with J is therefore associated with J-type which is therefore associated with failure.

Is there room for people to bring their own setups?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
Anything starting with J is therefore associated with J-type which is therefore associated with failure.

I'm Truly Offended by that comment Plairnkk

But da Spot is truly OFFICAL ...All J-Tyme needs to do is work on da prices n their hours

HOVA's like da Harriet Tubman of the Melee...goodwork

AND some of the TV's at da "Widow Maker" spot LAG and that's really gonna mess up my gameplay...(I'm not sure about anyone else)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2006
although jtyme might have made lots of mistakes, i still think he should be given as many chances as it takes in order to get to the point where we'll soon be able to expect regular quality tournaments from him. with places like nod3 and ccx out of the picture, having more tournaments is never a bad thing...

that said, i don't see why this tournament will be so terrible so long as a smash regular takes cares of brackets.

that last jtyme in that massive room a long time ago (the one where i missed rest twice vs shield broken mild) was fine minus the fact that the community didn't bring any extra setups... egl was also fine.

jtyme just said he can provide 5 setups, amirite? so long as the community brings a few we should have enough to run whatever tournaments we want to run smoothly.


agreeing with chin that jtyme's tournaments has the potential to carry our area further

JC Media

Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2007
although jtyme might have made lots of mistakes, i still think he should be given as many chances as it takes in order to get to the point where we'll soon be able to expect regular quality tournaments from him. with places like nod3 and ccx out of the picture, having more tournaments is never a bad thing...

that said, i don't see why this tournament will be so terrible so long as a smash regular takes cares of brackets.

that last jtyme in that massive room a long time ago (the one where i missed rest twice vs shield broken mild) was fine minus the fact that the community didn't bring any extra setups... egl was also fine.

jtyme just said he can provide 5 setups, amirite? so long as the community brings a few we should have enough to run whatever tournaments we want to run smoothly.


agreeing with chin that jtyme's tournaments has the potential to carry our area further

This is not a JTYME tournament. Jinmaster is apart of the company however.

Jinmaster has tried very hard to run tournaments for Smashers, and its funny because he has ran many , many, many successful tournaments all over the US for many games and he has a HUGE fan base.

He was even featured in EGM as the 'TOP 5 MOST DANGEROUS GAMERS ALIVE'.

The last 3 or 4 tournaments Jinmaster has provided were very good. VTYME 3 was nice. Good set-ups, HUGE venue, everyone was happy. EGL was good, etc etc.


With that said, I know his name has controversy surrounding it sometimes, but hopefully you can give him the benefit of the doubt.

This is however, a JC Media event. We are just asking the community to give us a fair chance.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
aight i'll come.

let the smashers run it and let us bring setups and make the venue fee included in the entry.

deserve at least 1 shot i suppose :p


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
even at 8 setups, this tournament will logistically last from 6-8 hours. i speak from experience. just throwing it out there.


Smash Cadet
Mar 6, 2007

I'm Charles - WMGC - Widow Maker Gaming Center

I've been reading your thoughts and issues and I"m a little disapointed in the one's using my name while my business flounders.........

Complaints, Gripes, Praises, Awes, and all in the like just dont seem to pay the bills. I chose my partners, (JC-Media) and whoever else, friends, and apparently my enemies are close by. I chose to sit with JC-Media because it would seem that he seems to have the business mindset to get this going and to keep up a monthly type going. That in turns generates business for him, and for I. We're in the business for income, you're in the business for gaming recognition........ WHERE BETTER THAN A PERMANENT GAMING CENTER


I wont speak out right for JC-Media, but me YOU BEST BET I'M IN IT FOR THE MONEY.....

You see PNC Bank who financed my GAMING CENTER is available to each and everyone of you if you would take the time to write a business plan. I really dont think they thought that this would be such a bad thing seeing it's in the community that I was raised in, and I assure you they or I didnt think we'd have to rival this. We do realize that this is a intricate situation that will happen from time to time, but hey THAT'S BUSINESS!

I do understand that in business we aren't gonna make each and everyone of you happy, but we just want the ones who enjoy a good gaming venue, or perhaps a league, or just a party.

I'm pretty sure everyone has heard of this place but havent seen it. go to our website which most likely linked as JC-Media has done each and everytime they host tournaments.

I would think that anyone local would come by and see what we have to offer besides a LAG (Jay-0) which TV were you speaking of the 27", the 56", or the nice 61" that dont even have cable on them and we designed and layout to deal with all gamers, not just some gamers.

Believe me, I know this will garner quite a sting for some, and others get it. the ones that dont it was nice to hear from local gamers those who do, drop by and Holla!!


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
the first half of that post was completely incoherent and i barely understood the second half.

reading your post was both agonizing and a complete waste of my life

so you're in the business for money, but yet you ask anyone who has a complaint to simply stay away?? now that's **** good customer service

please let the JC Media guy sort things out, and please never post on these forums again

everyone on these boards will be slightly dumber just from reading ur awful post about nothing


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2005
Towson, MD
hova is amazing
but yeah... after reading that post...
youre only in this for the money?
not only is that like the m,ost ignorant thing ever said by anybody
but likje..
no i dont think anybody will come


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
LOL.... i soo called it when they were in it for money.... smashers = biggest fighting game community it all adds up pretty well. Go add halo2 instead of smash im sure u can gain more profit that way.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2006
What is this Foolishness...

Charles, this is very simple...You are in it for the money....that's koo...That's nice....That's "friggin awsome"...some mite say

WE...the people who you expect to fund your business...are the people you need to appeal to...

We could all go to someones house n "game it up" to da fullest but we decide to go to these spots to support da owner and area

Basically You suck...Prizes SUCK... Whole Business mentality SUCKS

Rule 1...Start a business after considering what the customer wants
Rule 2...DO NOT start a business wit less than adequate prices and no sense of organizing tournaments, hopin players come to you and complaining when they don't
Rule 3 Charles...Please keep my name out ya mouth unless you're drinking some OJ upside down or somethin

Thank You


Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2006
OK look. I REALLY wish Charles had not posted that. His thoughts in NO WAY reflect my own. As a matter of fact he asked me if he could have me post his thoughts for him. I told him to write me what he wanted to say and I would consider it. Unfortunately I had family business to take care of and before I read his email, Charles got ants in his pants and decided to join the forum himself and post. I just got off the phone with him and he assures me that will never happen again but I realize the damage is done. I apologize for his blatant ignorance but NO I am not solely in this for the money. It cost me almost $1000 up front to rent out that spot. I don't blame you all for not wanting to show up at this point and I definitely dont want to disrespect anyones sensibilities by asking you all to still show up. I can tell now that we are most likely going to lose money on this venture but I am truly for the gamers. In the future we will look into using other venues for Smash events. I cant even really compete with what was just said but I will state a few facts:

For anyone that is inclined to come I have 10 of my own TVs with NO lag and 8 GCs that I was planning on bringing.

Yes there is space for your own setups.

I realize that the tourney, if we have it, will take well over 4 hours. That is why I started it at 12. It will run until done......I have the space until 2am.

I am running a business so yes I do plan on making a bit of money.....at least enough to break even. These local events are just for the love of the scene. I dont plan on making a huge profit off of them. At close to $1000 for rental fees you have to know that JC Media is not going to be making a lot off of anything we do there. We really just want to have fun.

In the end, Im not going to give up on this because I realize that the reason we are having these issues is because of misinformation and miscommunication....and a recent huge dose of ignorance. Hopefully we all can come to terms at some point and realize that JC Media is trying to make this work for everyone. Thanks.


BTW: Jay-O that OJ/JO thing was pretty funny......Im still mad at you for inciting this riot lol but that was quite humorous.
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