Alright, final observations for now.
Uni claimed it was his idea to target Bard. But BarDulL's own quote of himself suggests otherwise. Who suggested it is important, because while I'm not convinced they conspired together anymore, I can't rule out of them playing the other.
BarDulL knowing about the poison mechanic tells me his role claims are at least somewhat genuine, as poison was an unrevealed mechanic that other people were aware of. However, BarDulL having role titles when it appears no one else does is highly suspicious, any way you slice it. The question is why does he have these when the rest of us don't?
There's a definite pattern of third parties having longer, more detailed role PMS. But I'm not sure what utility it serves a third party to poison someone after their death, unless possibly his goal is to be killed during the night and he loses if he's lynched. But were that the case, it doesn't make much sense to tell people. The other explanation is the titles are legitimate but the exact details of the claim are not. He may have something to do with poison but not in the exact way he described.
At this point, if BarDulL is anti-town, I believe it was largely coincidence that I suspected him in the first place, since it all stemmed from my suspicion of Uni. But I personally can't overlook the skill titles when it appears other people do not possess them. That's unfortunate if undoes him is something stupid like that, but there was a sample role he could have looked at this time.