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Farmington/Durango Tournament Rankings


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
alright, and Paul, are you gonna give us a ride back to Durango? It'd be awesome if you could, cuz I'm stuck forfeiting early otherwise.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Okay, I can't figure out how many stocks everyone had, but I remember this:

Round 1: Me vs. Bye (Bye won... dammit) 0-0
Ken vs. Patrick (Ken) 2-0
Keith vs. Ari (Ari) 2-1
Spoox vs. Zenjamin (Zenjamin) 2-0

Round 2: Me vs. Ari(Me) 2-0
Zenja vs. Ken (Ken) 2-1

Round 3: Me vs. Ken (Ken) 2-0

Losers Bracket

Round 1: Me vs. Patrick (me) 2-0
Zenja vs. Ari (Zenja) 2-1 (I think, I didn't write results down on this one)
Keith vs. Spoox (Spoox) 2-0

Round 2: Me vs. Spoox (Me) 2-0
Zenja had a bye (or at least thats what the paper says)

Semi Finals: Me vs. Zenja (me) 2-1

Finals- Me vs. Ken (Ken) 2-1

And thats what the brackets say. I don't want any complaining at all, just deal with what is there.

So 9 wins, 5 losses on my record?


You have this all wrong. First of all I fought ari in the second round. Kieth and ari fought first round. And the only person I fought that took me to the third match was pat! I recall 2 stocking everyone else and it never went to round three. and round 1 losers bracket spoox fought ari and won.. Zenj fought kieth and won.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
Zenja: My m2, I've been trying to get close to you, but I always get smacked in the face by gannons amazingness. So, its a mindgame you will work around, thus becoming another mind game because you lose something vital. Alot more dthrows and dtilts. I wish I had a gamecube to practice and test with, but I think it will work. (My fox also has a new strat, but thats for the tourney tomorrow). My gf's mom said she can't bring any more people, so you're still at square one. If you hitch hike, start at noon, because 550 is so hard to hike on, people don't really notice you. I'd try to find a ride a bit more if I were you.

Ari: I just mean an opener post, the kind that gathers attention. And I also need help planning where we could host it. Is there a huge place we could use in Farmington, because I think there will be a large attendance. (I know for sure Denver is coming, which is like 8 people right there), and if AZ shows up, and NM, then I expect up to 50 people. Way too many for a double suite at the Iron horse lol.
I don't know...we might get 50 people in there...being able to play smash wouldn't exist though :p

Well...post something for the subject like "Large-Scale 4 Corners Smash Tourney Registration" and probably put the name of the tourney...like if it were "**** kickin 505-970-303 and beyond" then you could put "HOT ****! Tourney for the ages! **** kickin 505-970-303 and beyond Registration in the four corners!"

As for info, make a pre-registration (AKA first thread) and add people's names as they say "Yeah, I'll come" see if you can get it sponsored (and I mean by anyone) and try to get them to donate free stuff that people might want, and give it to the pre-registers. Make sure to post EXACT rules that the tourney will abide by...make sure not to leave anything out or someone will complain. If someone who is amazing (like a famous smasher) is coming, make sure and push that...let people know this fact above all else. If you need help with formatting and stuff, I can help.

Well...I officially dubbed Zenja my rival...so he's like Gary and I'm like Ash...except screw pika pika...

I have also decided (with the help of Brandon) that I am picking up a Space Furry...Fox to be exact. I do agree I need more precision...I just wish there was a quick projectile character.

I'll be posting some post-tourney player stuff later...seeya all for now!

(I'm posting the results still)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Alright, these are the first things of Fox to work on:

SHL --> Short hop double laser asap if possible. (Tilt to control stick to sh and press b twice, its hard to get down, but its REALLY WORTH IT!)

Perfect Wavedash --> Perfect waveshine! Very important to learn, key to Fox's game, connect the wave shine with things such as tap reset --> sh uair (Thunder's Combo). And also dtilts and such, just mess around.

SHFFLC's, down to the very essence, this makes fox, fox. You'll prolly need to use the Cstick to preform most of these. Nair is your best friend if running at, or waveshined out of to break shields. Eventually you will need to shhflc --> waveshine combo, rinse repeat.

Character Specifics -- Fox plays differently against all characters, and the only characters you are to be completely aggressive are dittos and spacy matches. Learn to play differently.

your best bet is to look at the fox forums, and nit pick from different guides. But what is listed above is the most important, and pm Silent Wolf for any technical help, he's got alot of info in him ^.^

Zenjamin: Good job at the tourney brotha, way better then expected. Looks like my Fox game is primo right now, I gotta be really good by the time October 27th hits. Shuffles important for winning, huh?

Paul: Good game, your defensive and land all the hits needed. I'll work on my Doc to.

HEY, FERDI, HOW TO YOU BEAT DOC WITH FOX??? (sorry, your just amazing)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Is this any good Ari"

Four Corner's Large Scale Tournament

Location: Farmington, NM -- The Civic Center (more details later)

Entry Fee: $10.00

So on so forth? Plz help me out with what else to put, like create something you think would be fitting, and I'll get details to fill in later.

However, we're going to start it with crew battles, with the states in line, more then 1 crew may enter. Then singles, then doubles. Doubles will be 10 bux as well, with a lesser prize then singles. (10 bux a team, not a person). And it will start at 10:00 am (registration), with the tournament starting at 11:30. (registration will be stretched to 12:00 if needed). I'm going to get my dad to set up a pre-reg system, so 10 bux prereg, and 15 if not preregd.

Rules would be standard MLG, with 1 banned stage from COUNTERPICKING, infinites allowed, except for wobbles. Don't be stupid and get caught in a drill shrine, you should be able to work around it. Standard banned levels. What else?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Dear people running the four corners tournament: Use Tio and seed players by region, so that each state doesn't end up playing itself first thing.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
- Grab alot. Uthrow Uair.
- Be very careful using Nair approaches(I did this too much to Mike Monkey at OC3 crews and I got ***** by the downsmash)
- Watch out for opponent caping your recovery
- Jump the pills
- Don't get chaingrabbed
- Shine
- Own

Its very hard to give tips because I barely play Docs and the above are merely common sense things. It used to be a little harder when LoVo and Erg played Doc but now no one even plays him. Well I play him when I get bored I guess.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Alright, these are the first things of Fox to work on:

SHL --> Short hop double laser asap if possible. (Tilt to control stick to sh and press b twice, its hard to get down, but its REALLY WORTH IT!)

Perfect Wavedash --> Perfect waveshine! Very important to learn, key to Fox's game, connect the wave shine with things such as tap reset --> sh uair (Thunder's Combo). And also dtilts and such, just mess around.

SHFFLC's, down to the very essence, this makes fox, fox. You'll prolly need to use the Cstick to preform most of these. Nair is your best friend if running at, or waveshined out of to break shields. Eventually you will need to shhflc --> waveshine combo, rinse repeat.

damn man! that shits hella hard. if you master alla that befor brawl comes out, you have no life. and you cant find your GC. **pictures Brandon trying to pratice shuffls with just finger movements** lol
dont forget to play to have fun.

but then again... smash is serious buisness.

Zenjamin: Good job at the tourney brotha, way better then expected.
is that because i play ganon, dont shit-talk, and/or play a balanced game?

all the better for me.

anyways. your fox realy impressed me. almost beat me that match. and your peach did worse then i expected. but once i spaced myself well enough so i wasnt in range of your Dsmash but close enough to punish it. your peach was more doable.
get it? ahyuk ahyuk?

you seemed to DI behind me everytime i threw you down. got a backfist every time. i think what made the difference this match is i got the balls to keep you off the edge. also airdodging to the ledge def saved me a couple stocks aginst your cape. also, next time, im gonna remember to ban Mushroom Kingdom2.

doesnt Gary talk a whole buncha smack to ash? taunting him and ****? i want you do be good.... just dont advance more then a step behind me:p
its alwys good to have someone to measure and compete against. good job taken out that one mario guy (ryan or patrick.)

Ryan (or is it Patrick? im horrible with names.):
your mario and CF get the most improved award. very nice comen so close to beaten Ari.

thanks for not showen up :p
anyways. it was me and brandon in winners finals. i won
brandon and Paul in loser's finals. paul (paul took out Ari)
me and paul in the finals. 1st set went to the third stock. but i finished it there.

i only lost two matches and those were close ones. now time to get all my school work done so i can play on my new GC.
(BTW Ari. thank you for given me the lightening GC)

umm. does anyone know where my leather jacket is?

hey Brandon. get the GC and everything to me by 10am tomorrow and we can play till 12:20 if you want.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Good job Zenj. Glad to see everyone could make it without me. I should be able to go next sat. I dont get off til 3:30, but I can probably get someone to cover an hour of my shift.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
I haven't seen your leather...sorry.

Player Reviews!

You really suprized me with your skill increase...but my pokemanz are way bettar than uerz! (lol jk) I don't know Ganon well enough to tell you where you can improve, I am gonna ask my friend Micheal to give you some pointers if he ever comes here from ABQ...or if we all end up in ABQ :D
Also I changed my avatar to rival status :p

I know you already know this, but work on your arial comboing with Fox. I'm not really sure what you were doing with your Peach...maybe too much down smash? You really have to work on prediction...the best way to do this is to play Ganon, DK, or Bowser as they all need to predict to be good.

Your Ludwigee is under-developed, but since you just picked it up, its all good. Work on wave-dashing into your down smash for optimal results. One more thing, play around with Doc's uair a little more...I have been watching some awesome videos and they use it a bunch for combos into the bair.

Patrick (Not Ryan :p):
Your Mario is top notch...so I can't really comment. I also can't really comment for your new characters, let me know when you have decided on one.

Show up next time so I can see what to say :D

When you play aggressively, you can't give up your techs! I was screwing up a lot because I expected you to do a wavedash or the better move for a situation, then you delayed or something...next time I'll predict that.

Tiers should be like this this for who showed up:
Tier 1:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

Seeya everyone!


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I think I was the only person who saw The Uair -- Bair action from paul in his game with Zenjamin. From 0 percent, to about 120 and a stock. It was superb.

And Ari, my arial game is fine, Nairs and stuff are easy. My problem is perfect wavedashes, and I just learned yesterday how easy and efficient JC grabbing is with fox. I also perfected my Dair waveshine comboing last night.

I have the leather jacket, you lost it cuz you were out of your head yesterday... lol Me and Ken are smashing today at my place at 5 or 6 if you wanna come.

EDIT: :Why am I rank 1 and 2? I am definetly 1, cuz I can compete with Zenjamin, Kenneth, and you. (and win).

Golden -- We will use Tio, I'm just making sure everything is all set up before making it official with the tourney.

Bombo Biguise guy -- ARI -- MAKE THE THREAD PLZ


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ya. its a store.

i forgot to mention paul's combo. very sick.

na, cant smash tonight. just bring the jacket with the GC tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Unfortunetly, I work tomorrow, so I'm gonna miss the bus times. Are you coming to town, or should I find a ride to the college?

Off to message some local pros ^.^


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
yummy. its surprising how much your tech skill can improve with a GC and a LV1 CPU.

my WD skill and tipman spike skill has increased quite abit in 2hours.

i can ledgehop WD about 80-90% of the time now.

ledgehop. jab. grab. shffl Bair. tipman spike.

also. dont let be catchh you in lag by the edgd below 50%. becuse it will lead to a shffl Dair downB spike.
and this was the article i was talking about. i disagree what he said about side-B and not goint over the edge to finish your opponent. but its still a good read.

there. now that ive got smash out of my system perhaps i can fianly get back to work

i sense another all nighter. next semester, only 12 credit hours.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
That article is true as hell.

Hey Zenja, I'm gonna talk Kenneth into getting someone to cover his october 14th shift to go to Arizona and attend SAST 2, even tho they put Taj as a non pro, and spelled his name TAG$, which is an outrage. You down? *I really wanna mm some people, especially Wobbles*


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ya. im kinda of the opinion that traveling hours just to get your *** kicked is not worth the gas money, registration fee, or time. esp as i will prob have alot of work to do around that time **grumbles and *****es about midterms**

besides. they prob have cats and dogs. **grumbles and *****es about cats and dogs**


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
****, it'd be a good time. And besides, you have 2 weeks, maybe longer, to work on your gannon to beat some people down.

And I was kidding, I wouldn't MM wobbles... That'd be dumb. I will, definetly, Gatorade match Taj, or something close. And I intend on winning. Kenneth, I watched silent spectre's video.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Yeah.. I wont be able to go to AZ. I gotta save my skrilla! Plus I'm probably going back to dallas in a month or so. That SS video is sick! You should check out "Super Smash Brothers Murder" on youtube somtime.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
no. i have one from way long agao, but i sucked alotta scrotum then.

Kennith: what do you mean your goin back to dallas? you mean for good? but we need your car and mine just sold.


i mean... we would miss you so much. :(:embarrass:(


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Yes for good. I love it up here, but it is so expensive to live. There are more reasons than this, but I cant explain it all right now. NE wayz, I gotta go to work. L8R


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
but, but, grrrr.
what happened to some of your dallas friends commen up here and sharen a cheaper apartment?

last until summer. then ill go back home. get money. and get a car...

actually. ive always wanted a motorcycle... but i would only be able to take Brandon on the back of it. Andy could hold on to a rope attached to the bike… while on a skateboard of course.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
SOrry ben, I'm goin with ^.^

Erg: Nope, I'll have some up soon. btw, SS must have been having a bad day, cuz you suck way to much to beat him. (that and fox pwns C. Falcon...) mm?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Putcho money where your mouth is. 25 dollar money match ^^ (you don't suck, I'm just better)
But seriously, you 2 stocked SS? Cuz that is pretty hardcore

Zenjamin and anyone else who cares, office depot at 2 pm, if you want a ride to Farmington.

P.S. I watched your video on youtube, did you get anybetter over the last year? Cuz Zeal and you both looked like you just picked up fox or something. No short hops from a fox? Put up a more recent video, I'll be putting one up over the weekend hopefully.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
that was pretty smalltorny. damn Alb haven their torny at the same time as ours.
o well

after i got knocked out. i relaxed my state of mind. keeping a portion of my mind in the game, but never all of it. seems to be the key to winning.

after the tournament brandon, kennith, and myself had a little smashfest until 3am. i was on fire. winning almost every set i played. my thumb hurts.

just need to find how to get in said state of mind every time for the tournament. i think it happened last week because kennith wasn't there, which gave me less to worry about. for me i just need to relax, distance myself, and what happens happens.
speaking of which, get the rankings updated Ari.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Yeah, update the rankings. I'm going to go make a thread for the tournament. I NEED YOUR GUY'S HELP, if someone posts that they wanna join the tournament, and 24 hours later I haven't updated the list, PM me the names. Plz, it'd be kewl, and title the PM "TRP", so I don't just delete it (happens alot).

And zenja, try not caring. It's not confidence, or anything physical, its just losing that the match matters. Kenneth taught me how to play tourney matches and mm, you need to just stop caring, and play the game. Who thought that Apathy was so useful? (it works for me anyways)


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2006
Putcho money where your mouth is. 25 dollar money match ^^ (you don't suck, I'm just better)
But seriously, you 2 stocked SS? Cuz that is pretty hardcore

Zenjamin and anyone else who cares, office depot at 2 pm, if you want a ride to Farmington.

P.S. I watched your video on youtube, did you get anybetter over the last year? Cuz Zeal and you both looked like you just picked up fox or something. No short hops from a fox? Put up a more recent video, I'll be putting one up over the weekend hopefully.
yea we picked up fox like 2 weeks
i'll try to put up some videos


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
i am making a prediction...

sometime around or after noon ...
they will reveal sonic...
he will be able to transform into super sonic...
there will be a trailer...
japan's release date will be pushed back to Jan 2008...
America's release date will be pushed back to 2008 or labled as TBA...
there will be on-line co-op...

where was your source on this one kennith? ;P

anyways ari. kennith doesnt have work next weekend, so we should be there on time, early even. also I think kennith and co are planning on smashen and crashen at your place after?

Brandon, you still havent made that thread, right? and ya i agree with that not careing thing. thats what i meant by have some of your mind in the game but never all of it.

also, could you figure out or tell me how to get the TV to go into game mode? my room-mate hooked cable up to it. but now i cant get the TV to get to the channel that the GC works on.


online co-op hasnt been offically announced, but 6/7 aint bad.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
See everyone at the tourney tomorrow.. I still have yet to get ahold of Brandon, so if you see this, we're leaving for Farmington at noon. Have some gas money this time A$$hole


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
good torny ari, that last mach between paul and brandon was pretty epic.
not as much as that all you can eat chanaese place though. im still full.

we had a little mini smashfest at my place after. and i again did much better there then in the torny itself.
so long as i keep on earning money, it all good.

although i did get sorta lucky in that match against kennith in getting YS the first round.

there was a brief flare of negitive energy at the torny it felt like though. yelling about the bracket system, people starting early, and somehing about power?
i wasnt immune either. when paul went to change the color on the TV in the middle of out torny match, twice, and i didnt notice and hit him... he said something like "can you seriously not see? are you stupid?"
after that i had urge to tear off his lower jaw... or at least hit it.

but as time progressed we got way more chill and understanting. it sorta felt real good to have the stress rise to the point where you can reconize it. midterms are killing me and smash is a great release.

brandon didnt seem to be stressed or anything though. he was tearing shit up.

Brandon. your dedication to this game is pretty impressive. even your spacies should be consistantly better then me if you keep this up.

anyways. about the brackets.
i think i understand why you have them set up the way you do instead of being random. you dont want do drive the more casual and learning players away by having them elimated because they get two random matchups against the higher ranked players.

but it does have the problems we discussed before. it forces the better players aganst eachother first thing in the losers bracket. and lets the less skilled players advance without the same challenge all the way to (at least) the loser's semi finals.
the first sets between me and paul and kennith and brandon were very close and could have gone the other way. if myself and kennith had won. brandon and paul would have been placed against eachother early in the losers bracket. so one of the skilled players who deserve prize money, would have been knocked out early.

there is a way to make it fair for both caliber of players. its the way the MLG and other professional brackets are done.

those who advance further in the winners bracket are seeded further up in the loser's brackets so they play less matches, but more experienced players. and those who are knocked out of the losers bracket early play more matches, and would not play people in the higher brackets without rising ahead.

a verry similar way to get the same effect would be to do the losers bracket matches as they become available for seeding.
swithing off between loser' bracket matches and winners bracket matches.

i hope that made sense.

also, the winners bracket is split up by rank, but that usually takes too long. judgment/region works spiffy for us.

anyways, cant wait to see your kirby when its on. see you all next saturday.

now i really should get back to that arch test ive got comming up.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
What's up guys. Quick question. Regarding the four-corners tournament on the 27th, are there any details on that yet? Also, supposing Abq. had a crew match with Farmington, would this be your line-up?

Paul, rank 1025, Dr. Mario
Kills: 36 Deaths: 20 Wins: 6
Brandon, rank 1015, MewTwo
Kills: 69 Deaths: 61 Wins: 10
Kenneth, rank 1004, Samus
Kills: 66 Deaths: 54 Wins: 12
Stuey, rank 1004, Falco
Kills: 32 Deaths: 30 Wins: 5
Zenjamin, rank 1004, Ganondorf
Kills: 90 Deaths: 91 Wins: 12

(copy-pasted from leaderboard on first post)


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
brandon is gonna have answer about the 27the tourny. but those rankings are not too accurate. they havent been updated in a while, also kennith might be gone by then.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Since then we've had 3 tourneys, two will affect the rankings, and I've come in first for one of them, and second for the other. So I will probably be the leader of the ranks ^.^ Our crew battle would look like this:

Paul - Doc
Andy - Sheik
Zenjamin - Gannondwarf
Kenneth - Samus
Brandon - Fox/Falco

However, Ari would prolly replace paul, cuz paul lives in Abq. (tho we want him on our team). Now I'm gonna go crew battle for 5 bux each, cuz that sounds awesome.

As far as the tournament, I'm still working things out, talking to a local store for a helpful donation. Its going to cost about 300 dollars to get it all set up, and I'm not charging anything to pay back for the tournament, so I really don't want to be out of 300 dollars. Also, its getting moved to the 17th of november. Thats the date.

Ben, My spacies are good. no more winning for anyone ^.^

Ari, post the god **** results, please, its been like 3 weeks un updated, I'm going to start a new thread and you can just host the tournaments if you don't stop being lazy and puking because I made you eat tacos. Also, screw brackets. Brackets are for winners, hence why we start doing pools. When its just us from durango and such, we can do brackets, but when we have a lot of people, pool them into 3 pools, and have an even number of pool winners advance to brackets. Its simple, effective, and gives everyone more matches to have recorded. Also gives a chance to n00bs if you pool all the n00bs into one group, and throw me into it as well. ^^


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Alright, cool, thanks for the info. Also, glad to see you play Mewtwo ^^. I have a pretty decent Mewtwo myself. Used to main him, but I quit because I kept losing to the same people in-tournament =/


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Mewtwo is a terrible character, in that he is slow (wd exception), he attacks come out slow, and fair has small hitbox. I play him because he is so low tier, when people lose to him, I get **** talking rights for life ^.^

I don't actually main m2, I main Fox, the quick, technical character. No one around in the area beats my fox consecutively, and I keep getting better and better. Pretty soon everyone is gonna quit playin (lol, sorry, my inner Duha made me say it)


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
XD, I was gonna say "But I quit because maining Mewtwo is a lost cause" but I didn't want to offend you, I thought you mained Mewtwo cause that's what the leaderboard says. That's a relief.
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