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Farmington/Durango Tournament Rankings


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
every system has its flaws. im too tired to talk about all of yours. the rankings dont really matter much anyways. its just a way to see where you stand within the community and add some fun completion if someone cares about it. (though i winn mention that someone ranking me was 2-3 stocks off within my first three matches. so it is prone to human error.)

i wish someone would comment on the challenge system.

anyways. some random shout-outs and comments as im to tired to construct proper english format stuff.

be more aggressive. honestly i was just chasing you around the whole time. even though we both know the outcome. making the other person come to you for and put themselves in a bad position may have worked against someone like Kennith.(and why it did, I have no idea.) but eventually people wise up and you will have to use mindgames of you own to approach someone.

Dont lose like that again! start playen tourny matches like you play friendlies. just because you know your better then someone, doesn't mean you can approach them like you would a CPU while practicing techs.

****. your. peach. it did verry well aganst my ganon though. so whatever it takes to win i suppose. after going over the match in my head i know what i could have done to win. more shffled DIed Bairs and NEVER go through a platfor that peach is on. because of those Dsmash platform kills i think i would have been better to take you to FD.
And get a fracking car!

you have improved so much. you were such a noob before summer. but i was able to beat you after you knocked me into the loser's bracket. hopefully that can carry over to a match that matters. but you are definitely better then Kash (at least the last time i played him.) well done.

other guy whos name starts with S and plays Ganon:
good shffls you got the foundations. PM me if you wana talk mindgames and ****.

CF guy who works at the PNT:
same as stu. "BE AGGRESSIVE. BE, BE, AGGRESSIVE" espically with CF. its all about the combos baby,

my personal opinion on rankings:

: i wana give you the top spot; my mind knew how to react to Paul even if my fingers were too slow. Ive no idea what to do against you when your on. But you cant be top dog until you learn how to play against the more "defensive" players.

when you choose characters to gay it up(peach/sheik), your on top. but when you use characters that take your skill alone (fox/mewtoo/falco) then i do better.
Ari: your hella good when you get nose to nose with someone. but from watching some of your matches with Brandon and Kennith, i think what your missing is a better way of approach.

lack of approach, and a hit and run tatic that was more annoying then effective. but you did beat kennith, so you must have something goin for ya.
Andy: good sheik. should be able to stomp everyone in this tier. but seem to have consistent trouble with those in tier 1&2.
CF guy: more approach. get on me and stick to me like glue.
other ganon guy: got the foundations. you will improve with mind-games. (i actually thought you were quite good. you are only at the bottom of this tier because i have only seen you play once)

Low Tier:

everyone else. (that i know about and have played)

people in this tier suck.


well that was prob too much.
o well

im gonna get a GC and smash nest time im at the PNT. even if i dont win.

sleepy time.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Hey Zenj, I do play M2 in tourney, and pwn. And I would play my fox against you every game if it weren't for the high def tvs, you know that... I beat you every game at my place to ^.^ I'm just the pwnr of gannons!

Also, I think i know what your gannon's problem was today. You didn't spike at all! I looked over some matches, and you weren't spiking or edgeguarding at all. Kenneth says whatsup


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
humm. you never played your mew2 against me in a torny... also i remember doing quite well against your spacies when playing on a normal TV.
one of our memories are flawed.

but your right. this tourny some of the defensive habits started to rub off on me. i just needa get my school work done so i can play with you and kennith some this week.

get a car. if your dad wont let you use it because of punishment or something, i could drive.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Its in LAS VEGAS! And I don't use m2 against gannon, because gannon pwns m2, or at least until I can get some decent friendlies in against your gannon with my m2. I don't want to sacrifice the tourney to play m2 against your gannon. And you never see me play peach in friendlies, its all about the money, as you so well put it ^.^

Also, everyone don't forget that there is a tournament in Durango this wednesday, and we need some people to show up.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Dude, I agree, Chess is da ****. Anywho, Probably later towards evening, but I'm just hosting the area we play in, Kenneth is gonna do times, entree fee, and all that other stuff.


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2007
Kennewick, WA
Thanks as always for the input Zenj. I agree completely that it's somthing I need to work on, and somthing Ifully intend to do after I get some more practice with my pillaring. Until then though, Ifeel I don't have alot of tried and true methods for offense other than forcing people into mistakes or pushing back once they start pushing. You and pual are the only 2 people I've played against that don't fall for these tricks consistantly.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
My name is spelled Kenneth. Any suggestions on what time to have the tourney wednesday? I would say around 3:30. And who all would be able to make it?

$10 Entrie

Less than 5 people.......1st place...%100 pot

More than 5 people......2nd place gets your $10 back, 1st place gets everything else


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
How would you say I should approach then? I am working on a couple of new mind games for ground control...you'll see what I mean wed k?

If I were to do the comment thing with tiers and all, I would see it a little more like:

Stuey: While he is right you need to push a little bit more, I think you need to start working with hitting on different points of your hit-boxes. There is a lot of different things you can do by hitting at a different angle or another position.

Kenneth: I never got to play you so I can't really say much...I think you really just need to look for traps a bit more from what I saw. Knowing what your enemy has as a possibility makes this alot easier. Try playing a defensive style for a bit so you can know why its a good idea to do it and try working it against the defensive players.

Brandon: I'm bringing my own controller to Wed so I can waste you :p

Paul: I can't comment on you...I saw little to no flaws.

Patrick: When you played in the tourney, I saw you jump the gun on a bunch of opporunities by starting way too early...use a move just before your going for the attack...don't charge up a smash unless they are in a long cool-down. Also...try to think about how to go in for the attack...knowing what priorities you have on attacks will help a lot...so will learning to wave dash and short hop.

Zenjamin: You don't use the wizards foot enough! Try learning the shield foot...it is really good for damage. Another thing is you need to stop up-tilting...it really only works against a sleeping jiggs. Something else I heard works well for edge recovery, going off the edge with back then immediately doing up+b so you can damage someone who is edge hogging and get a safe recovery. You also seemed overly confident...thats a bad thing. When you play knowing you will win, you make more mistakes and end up leaving alot of opportunities for a kill un-used. I noticed you weren't using the foot as an edge-hog either...if you can block the damage from someone attacking from the edge, you can foot them and kill at pretty low percentages.

Andy: You suck for not being here :p

Tier 1:
Paul: Your mind games are rediculous, even though you aren't a technical player, you know how to manipulate your foes
Kenneth: You have a lot of both technical skill and mind games, maybe a little lacking at the risk factor (sometimes the risk is worth it but you play overly safely occasionally)

Tier 2:
Andy: You have great mind games and can do the technical stuff, but you refuse to combine the concepts. If you work towards putting your technical skill to mind game territory, you would have a crazy sheik.
Ari: I know I need to work on how I start my combos, but I am good at continuing out of a lot of attacks. I also need to use my up tilt a ton more than I do and platform my missiles.
Brandon: You have a lot of potential skill, but you won't apply it to a good character!!! Seriously, Mew2 isn't gonna be winning you tournaments. I at one time thought that I should get pro with Pichu because sebastian had totally owned me with him, obviously a dumb idea. Its the same with you Taj and Mew2...just know that Taj's main isn't Mew2 and that his Mew2 is ****ty compared to his other characters...then it becomes clear that the only reason his Mew2 is so good is because his level of play is much higher than yours and you should wait till you get good with a player that is usable.
Stuey: Be more dedicated and work on diversity! I know you can drill all day, but what other options do you have? Look into every possibility. When you play the CPU, instead of doing what you know will work, see what else might work and try to adapt that to your player matches

Tier 3:
Patrick: Work on more L-cancels and play a little more aggressively...your coming along nicely as a player...just a bit more work
Zenjamin: You bounce around on concepts a lot without really gaining any ground...try to work on specific styles instead of playing a bunch of half-way developed ones. I'm not saying that being able to change gears is a bad thing, I'm just saying your changing gears between capabilities that haven't been worked on enough. Also, play more characters so you have an idea of what your up against
Ryan: Play more and play more characters and practice more techs...you can be good, you just need to try a bit I think...you should try playing peach a bit just to learn a bit of item control maybe

I'll be there wednseday...might we beable to push it back to about 4:30? Patrick has school till 3:10 or so and I'm sure he doesn't wanna miss it...I got it cleared by my boss that we can both come down you see :D


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Ari, good thoughts on m2, but its wrong. Any character can beat any character, its a huge puzzle. There is no way to lose if you know what to do, when to do. M2 is as playable as Marth, marth just has more oppurtunities presented. Anywho, my m2 pwns your samus, along with all my other mains, so blah. jk, but I actually main fox, I can't play spacys on the HD tvs is the only reason I resorted to gay peach, or gay sheik, or m2. On wed you'll see my spacies see alot more play.

For the critique thing, I'd do this:

Paul: Obviously you got way better, and I didn't see all of your games, but from what I did see, you have excellent mind games, and most of the tech. Your amazing defense is what got everybody else, the sad choice of characters given to me is what got me. You could use work on your tech skill (more wdashing), but with the sh nair at every dash attack I threw, I can't say much more on reading the opponent. Pretty solid game man, can't wait to play you again ^.^

Kenneth: Dude, you suck, give up... lol, just work on the defensive game, spam and advantage of oppurtunity, thats key. (Wavedash grab, missle spamming, things that create a need for offensiveness).

Ari: I only played a bit with you, and it was extremely unfair. I'll wait till wednesday to critique if you don't mind ^.^

Zenja: I created a new nick for you ^.^ You just need to spam more shfflc'd fairs, and bairs, and edgeguard with uairs. And learn falco, he's your favorite... lol

Brandon: This guy sucks, but his m2 pwns all of you, so who cares?

Patrick: You beat me! Dude, sick game, keep up with the mario. Just work on tech.

Stu: I didn't get to play you, but don't worry about changing your defensive game until someone learns to get around it (they complain cuz they lose). I'd say just speed it up, dash dance ALOT MORE, and practice timing. Good games for what I saw tho.


Ryan: I cheaped you out with peach... sorry man! ^.^ Work on wavedashing, you need to learn more tech before I can critique you rightly.

Somedude: I dunno who you were, but don't ever let me 8 stock you again.

Alright guys, so we will be holding the tourney on wednesday, we'll start at 4:00, entry fee of 10 bux, winner takes all (2nd gets money back), and it will be standard MLG, NO DK 64!!!! Pausing, Johns, and being homosexual results in disqualification. Be aware that smoking is allowed, so tolerate it, and there will be space for everyone to crash if needed.

P.S. Bombshell, if m2 is so bad, why is it that you don't win?

EDIT: Why am I tier 2, I pwn kenneth... And paul got lucky. I want tier one if I pwn them both on wednesday.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2007
Dallas, TX
Ben: you should check out all of Booya's matches here...


best Ganon in Dallas. i guarantee you will enjoy...
yall gotta check out the other matches as well!

DarknessOfHeart is #2 Peach in Texas.

Bluezaft is not flashy but plays an AMAZING Marth. mindgames.

UTD Zac is a really good Peach. bomb combo!

Geo and Rage have super fast/good Falcons.

Little Hawk is my 12 year old kid brother that will own all of you. no joke. check him out.

Scav's Mario IS A LEGEND.

pootTheBox doesnt have many vids but all his chars are INSANE.

and i am decent. :psycho:

just wanted to share those with you guys. watch and learn. i miss durango. seems that Paul has improved. good, good. i hope to come visit sometime soon! whats up ari & andy. later.

-Jared (9)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Sup Jared, I'm going to post some of my vids for you too see. Even ask ben, you'll be surprised at my improvement. (I was the n00b that went to AZ with you)

Anybody for a MM?

EDIT: I ment to ask, Ari, for mains, would you put MewTwo and Fox, I was told by m2 players on the m2 thread to have fox and m2, as not to confuse my high tier char.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
]Zenja: I created a new nick for you ^.^ You just need to spam more shfflc'd fairs, and bairs, and edgeguard with uairs.
SPAM?! the dishonor!
but i know what you mean, and i agree.
really i just need to get a GC so i can practice inbetween classes instead of during a tourny match because im not confident enough to keep the pressure on with repeated airs.

Zenjamin: You don't use the wizards foot enough! Try learning the shield foot...it is really good for damage.
umm. what? a good player easily avoids and ***** the lag on that move. also there is no sugh thing as a "shield foot”. the only moves that can be done directly out of a sheild are upB and upSmash.

Another thing is you need to stop up-tilting...it really only works against a sleeping jiggs.
well obviously. that was a mistake. and it only happened once in the past two tournys.

Something else I heard works well for edge recovery, going off the edge with back then immediately doing up+b so you can damage someone who is edge hogging and get a safe recovery.
no. upB is not an edge-guard.

You also seemed overly confident...thats a bad thing. When you play knowing you will win, you make more mistakes and end up leaving alot of opportunities for a kill un-used.
nope. if anything im overly humble. whenever i feel im better then someone, i win. havent lost a match like that yet... but when i play brandon kennith and paul. i know they will **** me for every mistake, so I dont take enough risks.
However, just spaming Fair prob would have gotten me more kills.

I noticed you weren't using the foot as an edge-hog either...if you can block the damage from someone attacking from the edge, you can foot them and kill at pretty low percentages.
I really hope your talking about the revirse Uair and not the downB. and ya. i know all about it.

You bounce around on concepts a lot without really gaining any ground...try to work on specific styles instead of playing a bunch of half-way developed ones. I'm not saying that being able to change gears is a bad thing, I'm just saying your changing gears between capabilities that haven't been worked on enough.
i really dont know what your talking about there. but remember that i dont have a GC. i only have been playing at your tournys. so if you saw me WDing around and trying chain grabs against some of the lower players, that’s because I was sorta using it as a practice match.

Im no pro, but im not sure why you consider me ranked so low. I beat Paul 2/4 matches and took Kenneth to the loser’s bracket with me befor getting knocked out of the fianls.
honestly i dont think you can yet do either of those.

Also. I had 0 problem with Andy’s sheik last week , you put me five places below him, and sheik/ganon is one of the worst counters in the game. (sorry Andy… whatever. You don’t visit the boards anyways:p)

Bottom line. those opinion player ranking things. are about opinion of the average of tourney results. and your list really doesn’t reflect that. and not just in me. Looks more like preference then anything. I don’t even think Patrick or Stewy would claim to be better then me.
Perhaps your just want someone in Durango to be in every tier to make Farmington look better? Being protective of your buds?

whatever. MM me if you think im so bad. Easy 10$. Right?

I know that post sounded negative and all. But I do think you kick major *** for hosting these tournaments and are quite skilled.
Much fun. Much love.

wow. i just had a really bad day. running on two hours of sleep i got three more papers piled on me.
but thats ok. plenty of students deal with it.
then philosophy club had a speaker who spued the most depressing, extreamist, bull-shit ive ever heard
but thats ok too.

then in the middle of that i got a call. apparently some IGA defecency thing i have has caused two anti-bodies to come back that i thought i had gotten rid of... and i am expected to get type1 diabetes by christmas...

frack me.

sorry. i know that doesnt have anything to do with you guys or smash. i just wanted to know how it felt to vent this shit out...
really its just made me more pissed. frack that phyco babble BS and give be back my bottle. so much of the earths % is so much more fracked up. why am i still typing? because there is no probibility within infinity. gobbldy goob suddrrok ned'fed redres. rrud sodgma migd frred tinotz!

ya. time for me to get some sleep.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Actually, if you took quadratic physics and understood some of the advanced equations, you'd know that probability relies on infinite numbers, because for every situation it seems infinite possibilities could happen.

I noticed everyone critiqueing left some of the dumbest stuff to do for gannon, and if my advice was terrible I'm sorry, I just noticed in our matches, you were winning cuz of the shfflcd stuff. And good luck with everything, diabities sucks.

Everyone, Denver is gonna throw a tournament, and its supposed to be pretty big.

P.S. I'll take that 10 dollar money match Zenj.

EDIT: Zenja, they rank you low like they rank me low. You said it, and we all know it, its for the money. lol. Nobody excluding you and Kenneth have a decent shot at beating me in the area. (not to mention that even ENIX MOOGLE said you have a good gannon ithanku)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Sorry for double post, but the Tournament is for tomorrow. WHO ALL IS COMING??!!?

Ari, get together the names of the people from Farmington that are going, and contact paul. byomd, and all that other stuff. It'd be nice to have a list.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
I am definitely coming, but Patrick can't really come because he has school til 3:30...he might come. Stu can't make it...work. That pretty much leaves me...and pat might show up late. I'm bringing my own controller so you will KNOW why I rule you...401k

Don't feel bad about the dreaded Diabeetus...you know I have Diabeetus...type 1 even

I put everyone in the Tier that I see your fit for, and really, not to be rude, I don't see a lot of capabilities in you Zenj...like not to the point where you couldn't improve, but to the point where I think I can counter you pretty consistently. I'm not claiming to be great, but I do think I am better than you, if in no other way than diversity. You are a good Ganondorf, however you don't really accel at any of his techs...your very average in just about every aspect that I can think of...

Please forgive me, I am running on a small amount of sleep and think I am building up to something when I talk while sleepy...my bad. I really would at least like to see you play with another character to learn a bit on what you are talking about...I don't doubt your knowledge of the game, but until you know how and when you can implement a tech by practice, you won't know exactly what is wrong when you attempt an analysis and thus your predictions will, while seemingly legible from a player stand point, might be more harmful than good because of timing issues that the player might gain from false information....UHG!!!

God I need to learn how to not rant...

Also...I ranked Andy higher because I see something in his play style that will explode very soon...

I know a better Ganondorf than you (no offense) and he does a technique much like a shield grab, except instead of grabbing, he uses down+b for massive knockback and damage...play with it at least before you say "OH NO!!! THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!"...after all, its more than just a spike off the edge.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Whats up doods.. You guys type way to much. (or do I just type 1 word per minute.) Me, spoox and Byron will be there tomorrow. Sorry we cant come tonight, we're bbq'in and I dont have the gas to come out tonight and tomorrow. Screw you guys... I'm goin home! (cartmen voice)

ps. I'll do a MM with any of you gay wads!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Don't feel bad about the dreaded Diabeetus...you know I have Diabeetus...type 1 even
ya. my bro has Diabetes so i know how manageable it can be. its how to pay for the insulin that bothers me. **will be off parents health-care soon.**
i dont know anything about "Diabeetus" though. lol

You are a good Ganondorf, however you don't really accel at any of his techs
ya. you were more specific in your other post. As you seem to think things like downB out of a sheild and upB as an edge-guard contribute to ganon's technical game, (which is small to begin with, thats why i like him.) i wont pay much attention.

all i really got from it was that you dont seem to be interested in the MM i suggested.

unless you used a smash attack or some other equally laggy move aganst his sheild, you should have plenty of time to spot dodge, jump, or roll befor punishing the lag.
but as i now know it works on you, perhaps i will. but even if it does connect its smarter to grab+air attack. or hell, grab+ DownB (which ive done plenty.)
please dont try to argue this point. nobody is going to think you (or your unnamed friend) is more knowledgeable about ganon then me. i doubt youve even been to the ganon boards let alone talked to pros like magus and chaddd. (i really otta get a gc so i can pratice myself instead of in my head on the boards)

ya, ill MM you wed if i can get there. (prob wont be able to stay fot the whole torny though) have you finalized time/location yet?

MM you kennith? humm. i expect to lose but ive beaten you in sets befor. might as well MM for...


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Umm, I'm working on location, I had a room at the rec center reserved and they gave it away, and KENNTH won't answer his god **** phone. Your landline is disconnected for some reason. For now I know its a small tourney at all, seems like just the best players from around.

Zenja: I think Ari is right about the upB, I use Sheik's upB to edgeguard to, its extremely effecient lol. Nah, like I said, just more airs. Your game isn't bad, if you can beat me and Kenneth consistently (which you do), then I doubt your a TERIIBLE gannon, nor average. I'll repeat this one more time, ENIX MOOGLE said your a good gannon. I think tiers should go:

Tier 1:

Brandon - Kenneth - Zenja - Paul

Tier 2:

Ari - Andy - Stu

Those are my tiers that I feel are worthy. Actually, Kenneth is 3rd tier, cuz he sux. But even so, tiers don't matter, if your dissin, put your money where your skills should be.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Ferdi, your asian, so you don't count.

Also guys, if you haven't preplanned to meet me today, they be in Durango by 2:30. We'll give you further directions then (call kennth, or give me a call at 426-9913) 970 area code.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
hell ya your are. you play the best in the state. in fact i hear MM quit. arnt you the best in the state now?

also, when i played you almost a year agao. didnt i beat you in ganon dittos? (before being 4 stocked by your sheik no problem.)

anyways. do you recommend downB out of a sheild instead of grab+something else? do you recommend upB as an edge guard? if you say yes ill start doing it. but i remember you telling me to WD more, platform dash more, Uair spike more, and keep up with the DownB spike. which ive tried to do.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
hell ya your are. you play the best in the state. in fact i hear MM quit. arnt you the best in the state now?

also, when i played you almost a year agao. didnt i beat you in ganon dittos? (befor being 4 stocked by your sheik no problem.)

anyways. do you recommend downB out of a sheild instead of grab+something else? do you recommend upB as an edge guard? if you say yes ill start doing it. but i remember you telling me to WD more, platform dash more, Uair spike more, and keep up with the DownB spike. which ive tried to do.
I'm ALMOST sure that I actually needed to give you Ganon tips since he's banned. When I say Down B spike I meant don't ever do it. Uair spikes are easier to space and much more safer if you miss(Down B spike miss = you getting edgeguarded). And no, I don't recommend UpB as an edgeguard UNLESS you are up 4 stock to 1, and a Fair would kill the guy anyways, ONLY then should you really be able to freely Up B eddeguard. Infact, at that kind of win you could even attempt Utilt edgeguards. Down B out of shield sounds unpredictable, try it and see if it works, prolly only for a short while though. Anyways I g2g multimedia class is done. Be back later when I'm home I guess.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
not sure what you meant by that first sentence. ganon being banned?
but ya. i remember now how you said that while downB spike looked cool its much safer and efficient to use tipman spike. however the emerging new ganon mains have started using the wizard spike, but they try to do it so they actually dont go off the stage doing it. they land on the edge with the hitbox going below the stage.

ill try the downB out of sheild on ari then. but not alwys. samus is so floaty that i may not be able to hit him with an air at certain%. and at that point they should be ready for death.

hey brandon. where is it at? are there cats/dogs? ive got alot of work so i might only be able to stay for friendly and MMs.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Alright, not sure who (Andy) or (Kenneth) got on my account lol. I'm going to leave that. Anyways, I got the results.

1st - Kenneth
2nd - Me (Brandon)
3rd - Zenjamin
4th - Spoox
5th - Ari
6th - Keith and Patrick

Good games everyone! It was great playin with you. I'll probably see you guys on Saturday, I'm going with my girlfriend, so I might stop by and pwn some more. Ari, I proved my high tiers, so don't ***** about it again. Zenjamin, you almost beat my peach, and don't counterpick Rainbow Cruise on a Peach. Kenneth, stop being so god **** good at this game. Spoox, good games man, I don't know what happened there in the end, but I think your better then me (shoulda played y. link). Keith and Pat, learn some more techs, and stop being so defensive, work on mind games some more.

Alright, so I plan on holding a tourney in about a month (alot more planned out tourney) for AZ, NM, CO, and TX. Denver is already coming, and we could probably get alot more people to come, so any help with advice on how to run it, and where, entree and all that, it'd be great. This is going to count for double the ranking if Ari and Ken are both okay with it.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
after that mini forum feud, it came down to a MM. you got FD. you said "this is gonna be easy" ...
you know what happened next :chuckle:
its all good. action>words. hopefully you dont think so low of me now. hope to see you sat.

how did those results work out? shouldnt i be in 3ed? ya i just need to play your peach more. not shure what to do against her. and ya ranbow cruise didnt work out so well. next time ill try brinstar. but i did wreak you fox
"And I would play my fox against you every game if it weren't for the high def tvs, you know that..." ;)

any chance you can get us a ride on sat?

im a good driver and can be hella responsible. if in the extremely unlikely event that something were to go wrong, i would bear the full blunt of the responsibility.
and we would have your car to you befor you get off of work.
whatta do you say? me and brandon have gotta go. we want a chance at 1st with you at work.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
My gf is going, so I have a ride, but I don't think... no, I KNOW that you wouldn't be able to fit (lots a peoples).

Sorry Zenja, I ovestimated my Fox's ability to handle a gannon, in my mind it seems fluid, but in game you made me look noobish lol. You pwnd a Sheik tho ^.^ My Peach pwns apparently, and my fox isn't that bad either. I really wanna work on my mewtwo... Yeah, so looks like my rank is going up, and yours is staying down.

And Zenja, we wrote the brackets and I played Spoox for the semi finals, so he got 3rd. Cuz Spoox beat you I thought.... If I'm wrong, someone tell me. DONT PUT SPOOX IN RANKS! Hes from texas, we don't want him to have a low rank cuz he doesn't drive from here.

Ari, post new ranks soon, alright? I should be in First now.


Four Corners Tournament Royale

Place: Durango, CO (The Recreational Center of Events)
Time: 11:00 AM
Entry Fee: $10.00
Date: October 27th (People can crash at my place the day before if needed)
Questions: 970-426-9913 --or-- PM me (preferred)

The tournament is going to have singles and doubles, will be double elimination, and will go off of slightly modified MLG rules. Wobbles not banned -- to be discussed --. Please PM me if you are going to attend.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ya. you were mistaken. spoox never beat me. it was you an me in the semi finals.

wait. how many people does your car hold. who is going besides you and your GF? ill be fine in the trunk or something.

ya. and as much as i hate to admit it. your peach is just better then my ganon... for now.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Sorry for the fancy format, I'm going to post that as a new thread, but want help making a new thread from someone that knows what they are doing. Ari, if you could help it'd be nice. What am I missing?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
They are going to throw a birthday party for her little sister, so the car is like really packed. However, I think I will be able to conjure us a ride somehow (will look into it tomorrow).

btw, my peach is not better than your gannon, Peach is better then gannon, as far as skill goes, your gannon pwns all over my peach XD


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I figured out how to pwn gannons, I worked on a Gannon pwning formula that takes no time to master, so look out ben ^.^

Ari, get the results...


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I figured out how to pwn gannons, I worked on a Gannon pwning formula that takes no time to master, so look out ben ^.^
with peach or with another character? Because if its with peach, its prob nothing new. You prob have already been doing it instinctively and have just put it into words in your head.

1) float towards ganon. Figure out a way to get close to him. float cancel attack into Dsmash.
2) get on platform or some other small floor space place. pressure me to come to you with turnips. Dsmash.

gas money would prob be at least twice as expinsive with paul as he has to come all the way out here. double the miles. so ill still be cool in the trunk.
or perhaps ill hitch-hike? its easy to get a ride in durango. id just need a ride back.

by the way. i almost forgot about this.
My name is spelled Kenneth. Any suggestions on what time to have the tourney wednesday? I would say around 3:30. And who all would be able to make it?

$10 Entrie

Less than 5 people.......1st place...%100 pot

More than 5 people......2nd place gets your $10 back, 1st place gets everything else


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
To change rank/wins, I need the wins from each round and who fought who. I know it was me and keith with the wins of: Keith Ari Ari. Then it was Pat and Kenneth: Kenneth Pat(4 stock lulz) Kenneth. Then Zenja and Spooks: Zenja Zenja. From there however, I don't know how it went down for wins.

EDIT: Hey Brandon, what all do you need help with for a post? Consort with me about this...like PM or call me


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Zenja: My m2, I've been trying to get close to you, but I always get smacked in the face by gannons amazingness. So, its a mindgame you will work around, thus becoming another mind game because you lose something vital. Alot more dthrows and dtilts. I wish I had a gamecube to practice and test with, but I think it will work. (My fox also has a new strat, but thats for the tourney tomorrow). My gf's mom said she can't bring any more people, so you're still at square one. If you hitch hike, start at noon, because 550 is so hard to hike on, people don't really notice you. I'd try to find a ride a bit more if I were you.

Ari: I just mean an opener post, the kind that gathers attention. And I also need help planning where we could host it. Is there a huge place we could use in Farmington, because I think there will be a large attendance. (I know for sure Denver is coming, which is like 8 people right there), and if AZ shows up, and NM, then I expect up to 50 people. Way too many for a double suite at the Iron horse lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Okay, I can't figure out how many stocks everyone had, but I remember this:

Round 1: Me vs. Bye (Bye won... dammit) 0-0
Ken vs. Patrick (Ken) 2-0
Keith vs. Ari (Ari) 2-1
Spoox vs. Zenjamin (Zenjamin) 2-0

Round 2: Me vs. Ari(Me) 2-0
Zenja vs. Ken (Ken) 2-1

Round 3: Me vs. Ken (Ken) 2-0

Losers Bracket

Round 1: Me vs. Patrick (me) 2-0
Zenja vs. Ari (Zenja) 2-1 (I think, I didn't write results down on this one)
Keith vs. Spoox (Spoox) 2-0

Round 2: Me vs. Spoox (Me) 2-0
Zenja had a bye (or at least thats what the paper says)

Semi Finals: Me vs. Zenja (me) 2-1

Finals- Me vs. Ken (Ken) 2-1

And thats what the brackets say. I don't want any complaining at all, just deal with what is there.

So 9 wins, 5 losses on my record?



Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2006
Farmington, NM
And I also need help planning where we could host it. Is there a huge place we could use in Farmington, because I think there will be a large attendance. (I know for sure Denver is coming, which is like 8 people right there), and if AZ shows up, and NM, then I expect up to 50 people. Way too many for a double suite at the Iron horse lol.
I think the civic center would be perfect.
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