I’m having big problems deciding whether to stay Falco or not, i mean i like the challenge, but i fell that Falco is just missing something, and i wanted to ask you guys what you think, because i really like Falco, but sometimes i just get my ass kicked repeatedly online and offline and its frustrating.
I feel he has no safe landing aside from side b and reflector, nair seems too wif sometimes and has quite a bit of lagg giving opponent enough time to grab if he shields, reflector has more lag but at least has more range.
I feel he is too slow, sometimes i can’t even get a punish going because his dashing speed is so slow, I’m trying to use phantasm more for punishes but it’s hard to time with the starting lagg and i usually wif it a lot because it doesn’t have a hitbox the entire way like fox's.
I usually just use laser when my opponent is really far away, but the distance its tricky because the laser doesn’t travel the entire stage so if you are to close, your opponent will most likely be able to punish, and if are using it to far away the lasers won’t reach.
Usually i have a hard time vs shiek's, zss, mario and little mac, and i personally have a really hard time getting the kills after I’ve racquet up a lot of %.
So what can you tell me to help? Does Falco really have potential? or is he good, but missing something to be viable?