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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Most girls don't play SSB4 and when they're new at it they mostly pick Kirby/Toon Link/etc mostly just because they have that cute fetish of there's.
I have a female friend that enjoys Smash, dearly wishes for Mewtwo to come out already and always picks Ganondorf.



Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I'm kinda hoping Mewtwo's FS isn't yet another Mega Evolution, but I won't be surprised if it happens.

And isn't it unusual that Lucario is able to Mega Evolve in this game despite not having a trainer?


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
This is what i think Myuutsu's moveset should be like; prepare your eyes, because if this sentence is too long for you to read, then what i am going to post next will... :4miibrawl:
:GCA: - Mewtwo slams into his opponent with his tail (minimal knockback, 2%) (slow attack)
:GCA::GCA: - Mewtwo slams into his opponent again with his tail, this time swinging in the opposite direction (low KB, 3%)
(slow attack)
:GCA::GCA::GCA: - Mewtwo stands upright and with his left hand, blasts the foe with a transparent, blue, psychic wave
(moderate knockback, 7%, can kill at about 120%)
(medium speed attack)
:GCR::GCL::GCA: - Mewtwo swipes his hand in a horizontal fashion and a short ranged, blue, psycho cut-like wave comes out (of his hand) (moderate knockback, 10% damage, can be angled, acts as a projectiles instead of a throwN graphic (coder language), can kill at about 150%. (medium speed attack)
:GCD::GCA: - Mewtwo does his tail sweep from Melee, with due changes, of course; it will have low, combo orientated knockback, it will be faster by about 1.22x, deals 8%, can kill at about 235%. (fast attack)

:GCU::GCA: - Mewtwo does his tail flip from Melee, only this time it will have higher knockback, no sweetspot (in return for his whole tail being stronger), does 10%, is about 1.3x faster, and can kill at about 151% (high speed)
:GCCL::GCCR: - Mewtwo lags alittle, then quickly thrusts his hand forward, releasing a big blue psychic wave of energy, with a slightly more bent(slanted) posture; it has high knockback, does 20% damage uncharged, and kills at about 90%; although it has high starting lag and normal ending lag, the actual execution frames are very fast and the hitbox stays out for a very long time (probably 15 frames after the initial hit), making it almost like PM Bowser's forward smash. (overall medium-slow attack)
:GCCU: - Same as Melee, only the hits connect better, the starting lag of the move was cut by 1/4, and the frames where the hitbox is active are 2x faster than before, although the hitstun will make it a more melee-esque speed if the move connects, although because of this, there are 8 more frames of ending lag, the hitbox is bigger and can properly connect with grounded opponents, the galaxy wave become bigger to match the bigger hitbox, though the move has "less" knockback, killing most foes at roughly 140% (K.O nerf); the move is still a multi-hit, and the move will deal 15% uncharged (which is actually a % nerf), with the final hit being responsible for 7% of that damage. (medium speed move, although slower than his Side-A)
:GCCD: - Mewtwo crosses it's arms in a similar manner to Megaman's start-up frames for his down smash, and then Mewtwo releases two horizontal, blue, psychic energy waves on both sides of him, with the attack animation being similar to that of when Mewtwo repelled the mechs in Mewtwo Returns (before walking into the trap to protect his friends); this move will have high knockback, a mostly horizontal trajectory, the move will also deal about 16% uncharged, with both sides doing equal damage; this move's start-up lag won't be as high as Megaman's startup lag is, although this move will have high ending lag to balance it out. overall, the move can kill at about 125%. also note that Mewtwo is still vulnerable from above or below. (medium speed attack, being 12 frames faster than his Forward Smash)
:GCX::GCY::GCA: - Same as in Melee, only this time the hitbox and electric graphic are bigger, the move will also have higher knockback than before, the move will also deal 12%. This move can kill at about 150%. (medium speed attack like in melee)

:GCX::GCY::GCR::GCA: - Shadow Claw returns!, Time to roll in the buffs; the range of the move will be drastically increased, with a tweaked animation to accommodate for this, in addition, the knockback of this move is increased quite a bit, it also deals 14.5% (slight buff), the starting lag of this move is also cut by about 1/4, although the ending lag has been increased by about 20%. The move can kill at about 135% (not as early as in Melee, but fits well in Smash 4).
(quick attack)

:GCX::GCY::GCL::GCA: - Mewtwo slightly turns around and shoots a small, purple, round, psychic blast that has good KB, and does 15%. This is Mewtwo's slowest aerial (due to start-up lag), however, so to counterbalance that, the move kills at about 100% if sweetspotted (which is at the core of the blast), and about 120% if sourspotted. (this move's range is vertically better yet horizontally worst in comparison to Mewtwo's old tail flick attack)
(medium-slow attack)

:GCX::GCY::GCU::GCA: - Same as in Melee, however, the move's speed has been increased by a multiple of 1.4x. and the hitbox is bigger, however, the move now kills at around 140%.
fast attack)

:GCX::GCY::GCD::GCA: - The Flip-kick returns, this time around, the move's start-up lag has been halved, and the ending lag has been cut by 1/4, the move now does 14% (which is a % nerf), in addition, the move has much less Base Knockback, but noticeably more Knockback Growth than before, being able to kill at about 100%.
(medium-speed attack)

:GCB: - Shadow Ball; same as Melee, except now the Shadow Ball goes faster and further, and he shoots the Shdadowballz faster so he can approach better.
(various speed)

:GCR::GCB: - Psychic; Mewtwo sticks his arm out and glow blue, with aura eminating from his hand, and a blue spark will appear a bit infront of Mewtwo, anyone who get's hit by the collision will get nabbed and grabbed, once grabbed, it functions like a normal grab, where, depending on what direction you press on the analog stick, the enemy will get thrown in that direction; Throwing upwards is good for K.Os (but is weak in terms of %), Throwing forward is good for damage (but is weak in terms of knockback), throwing backwards serves as a middle ground of the two, and throwing downwards is good for combos, and if you are right by the ledge, can be good for early gimps if your foe has a bad recovery, however to balance it, this throw has the lowest knockback growth of essentially all of Mewtwo's moves (excepts for the electric hits of Mewtwo's Nair), as it takes up to 240% for Mewtwo to have a guaranteed kill via the ledge method. As usual, if you stay idle for too long, the enemy can shake out. oh, also, Mewtwo still has to say "Nigh-ee!" during some part of this move, for old times sake. (though if you press A while an enemies is grabbed, Mewtwo will use confusion and the foe will get launched far away, then get stunned (a stun timer, you could say)... and of course he will say his signature line... (If you press Side-B, then B again, Mewtwo will automatically use confusion, only it will be the P:M confusion, this was put in here so Mewtwo could still have a reflector, since this one properly reflects moves, but now it only does 7% to accommodate for the inconceivable variety that Mewtwo has)
(various speed)

:GCU::GCB: - Teleport; same as Melee's, except now Mewtwo lasts in the "teleporting" phase longer, thus increasing his invincibility and recovery distance, but Mewtwo gets more ending lag (this was done to Sm4shilize the move). Also, Mewtwo can react out of this, like with Fox's fox illusion.
(medium speed)

:GCD::GCB: - Recover; Mewtwo takes his recovering stance from the games (you know it well), and then Mewtwo gets in a looping position to recover, and for every second you hold down the B button, is a 4% that Mewtwo recovers. The catch is that as opposed to healing 4% in 1 second increments, for every 1/4 of a second Mewtwo will heal 1%. While this is happening, Mewtwo will glow green and the healing graphics from Melee will surround him, only they will be green flashes, not bluish-white ones. The downside to this move is that the ending lag is pretty bad on this one (14 frames), leaving him open for assault.
(various speed)

:GCZ::GCA: - Electric Shock; Everyone's favorite grab-attack returns to the fray, the only difference is that all around, the move is faster by about 18 frames.

:GCZ::GCR: - Mewtwo sticks his arm out and telekentically pushes the foe away a set distance, then the character floats there, after about 12 frames, Mewtwo, with his arm still stuck out, will close his hands into a "fist", and a small blue energy explosion will appear and the foe will get launched with medium knockback (medium KB because that in conjunction with the set KB push which leads into the hit, indirectly makes it a high KB attack just like his other throws)

:GCZ::GCU: - Same as in Melee, though, the throw is a bit faster, and it was modified to kill at about 100%, regardless of the weight changes from Melee to Smash 4.

:GCZ::GCL: - Same as in Melee, but has a more horizontal launch angle and slightly more KB.

:GCZ::GCD: - Same as in Melee, only it has more knockback and a more horizontal launch angle. it can kill at about 150% (good for chaingrabs)
Final Smash :GCB: - Psystrike; Mewtwo stays in his idle position, only his eyes glow blue (or yellow), and i beam comes from them, dealing 5%. If the beam connects, then Mewtwo will get into his Psystrike position from XY, and the screen will turn to the Psystrike background, then it will show all of the enemies lined up. Then, telekenetic energy rocks start to float around Mewtwo, then teleport over to the opponents, surrounding them, and then the cinematic goes back over to Mewtwo, to show him closing his hands, then the screen goes back to the opponents, and not a second later, we see them getting hit by psystrike, as a purple/blue colored explosion grows around them, and once that's over an even bigger blue explosion will appear and the opponents will get launched far away. This move does 50% and can kill at 30%.
Weight - 102 (about a 12pt buff)
Walking Speed - same
Maxium Walking Velocity - same
Running Speed - close to Falcon's Speed (buff)
Jump height - same
Double Jump height - same
Gravity - about as high as Mario's (buff)
Jump Horizontal Velocity - close to Falcon's (buff)
Fastfall Velocity - about the same as falcon's (buff)
You can take off your reading glasses now.
You forgot the custom specials

But you did really good i have to say


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Sorry for getting into other DLC characters last night guys, what I meant was that if Mewtwo is popular enough they should try getting some people to experiment with more DLC characters while Sakurai gets a break. I guess my love for the MOTHER series just wants me to see Lucas again.

Anyway, as for custom specials I'd like to see them try to give Mewtwo seperate moves (not variations) for each custom ala Palutena but only make the best moves the defaults instead of Palutena's mediocre (in some people's opinions) default moves. If they actually have enough time to implement this without delaying the release then they can please more people including their favorite moves.

Golden Sun

Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2014
Your mom has a Location
Sorry for getting into other DLC characters last night guys, what I meant was that if Mewtwo is popular enough they should try getting some people to experiment with more DLC characters while Sakurai gets a break. I guess my love for the MOTHER series just wants me to see Lucas again.

Anyway, as for custom specials I'd like to see them try to give Mewtwo seperate moves (not variations) for each custom ala Palutena but only make the best moves the defaults instead of Palutena's mediocre (in some people's opinions) default moves. If they actually have enough time to implement this without delaying the release then they can please more people including their favorite moves.
I never played mother before, but I always loved Lucas over Ness, just because of his afraid personality, mostly the scared characters are always the ones who have the strongest powers imo

Anyway, I always loved SSBB just because of that dark feeling, with the R.O.B.s dying, the dark ambient, etc.
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
I never played mother before, but I always loved Lucas over Ness, just because of his afraid personality, mostly the scared characters are always the ones who have the strongest powers imo

Anyway, I always loved SSBB just because of that dark feeling, with the R.O.B.s dying, the dark ambient, etc.
I like how Sakurai acknowledges the SSE as canon in SSB4/5. Notice how Pit remembers his time with Mario and recalls Mr. G&W being a Shadow Bug? Heck...even ROB's title is "The Last of his Kind" <3 <3


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
I like how Sakurai acknowledges the SSE as canon in SSB4/5. Notice how Pit remembers his time with Mario and recalls Mr. G&W being a Shadow Bug? Heck...even ROB's title is "The Last of his Kind" <3 <3
Too bad that even with amazing CGI, he refused to continue that canon via a new story mode. Who else is kinda hoping for a magna, comic, anime, or feature film continuing the Subspace story?
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Too bad that even with amazing CGI, he refused to continue that canon via a new story mode. Who else is kinda hoping for a magna, comic, anime, or feature film continuing the Subspace story?
Well...what else can they go off of? Tabuu was vanquished.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Well...what else can they go off of? Tabuu was vanquished.

At the end of Classic the Master Core gets launched into Subspace (Brawl's giant X in the distance) where it gets corrupted by the residual "Subspace energy" thus infusing it with Tabuu's soul and creating "Master Tabuu" who creates a giant "Master Tabuu Fortress" out of Subspace which continues to expand into the outside world until it consumes all. Veterans and newcomers alike must vanquish the new threat and save the day yet again. And instead of Sonic appearing to save everyone at the end, Mewtwo does.

Golden Sun

Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2014
Your mom has a Location
I like how Sakurai acknowledges the SSE as canon in SSB4/5. Notice how Pit remembers his time with Mario and recalls Mr. G&W being a Shadow Bug? Heck...even ROB's title is "The Last of his Kind" <3 <3
The thing is actually really confusing, Pit doesn't remember King Dedede at all. In his PG, Pit didn't recognize DDD

What would've so epic was Shulk appearing and all the characters in gaur plains, not the stage, the actual place with a endless "offstage", and then Shulk then talks to the characters
I cant believe how cool Shulk is, really wanna see a tier matchup of him vs Mewtwo
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Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
The thing is actually really confusing, Pit doesn't remember King Dedede at all. In his PG, Pit didn't recognize DDD

What would've so epic was Shulk appearing and all the characters in gaur plains, not the stage, the actual place with a endless "offstage", and then Shulk then talks to the characters
I cant believe how cool Shulk is, really wanna see a tier matchup of him vs Mewtwo
Pit didn't meet Dedede personally in the SSE, remember?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 21, 2014
I never played mother before, but I always loved Lucas over Ness, just because of his afraid personality, mostly the scared characters are always the ones who have the strongest powers imo

Anyway, I always loved SSBB just because of that dark feeling, with the R.O.B.s dying, the dark ambient, etc.
I actually downloaded earthbound recently. Can't wait to try it out and Mother 3 looks very powerful and great and would be great if it got a retail Eshop release someday.

Yeah, I felt bad for R.O.B to in the SSE as well. I like the character a lot. Not just as a main in brawl and ssb4, but also what he did for gaming history.

Also, does anyone around here have Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire? I would like to trade so I can evolve my Kadabra into Alakazam. I know I can do it with others online, but I don't trust it because of the possibility of others stealing the pokemon you wanted to evolve by trading.

One more thing. Hey LIQUIDFGC. Can you send me the link or invitation to the new Fire emblem social thread that allows for the discussion we had on the older Lucina thread that is not allowed on the new one? I would like to join as I had fun on it.

It would actually be kind of cool for the Mewtwo what if SSE scenario. If he were in Brawl, what role do you guys think he would have in the SSE?

When do you guys think they'll start revealing move set and gameplay details for Mewtwo and when in spring he'll be released?


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere

At the end of Classic the Master Core gets launched into Subspace (Brawl's giant X in the distance) where it gets corrupted by the residual "Subspace energy" thus infusing it with Tabuu's soul and creating "Master Tabuu" who creates a giant "Master Tabuu Fortress" out of Subspace which continues to expand into the outside world until it consumes all. Veterans and newcomers alike must vanquish the new threat and save the day yet again. And instead of Sonic appearing to save everyone at the end, Mewtwo does.
Ngh... Call me crazy, but I hate Tabuu. And I mean hate. He was a cool villain, but the thing that bugged me was he controlled Master Hand. Prior to that, I always thought of Master Hand as the most powerful being in Smash, along with Crazy Hand. When it was revealed Tabuu was controlling Master Hand, and especially when he eventually defeated him, it irked me to no end, and I guess that just sort of blossomed into hatred. Tabuu was a cool villain and had an epic boss fight, no doubt, but I personally hate him. I know it's shallow and stupid, but I do. I'd much rather have Master Hand and Crazy Hand, as a duo, be main the main antagonists of the SSE2.
Does anybody else find the absence of a Crazy Core unsettling? It's almost like they're waiting for something. I think Crazy Core would make an epic boss, especially if he had different forms than Master Core, and maybe the two of them could be the Final Boss of the SSE2? IDK.
As for Mewtwo's role in the SSE2, beats me. I suppose he could be the loner guy who appears for a duel every once in a while before vanishing again, and then he eventually joins the party after being beaten enough times.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
Ngh... Call me crazy, but I hate Tabuu. And I mean hate. He was a cool villain, but the thing that bugged me was he controlled Master Hand. Prior to that, I always thought of Master Hand as the most powerful being in Smash, along with Crazy Hand. When it was revealed Tabuu was controlling Master Hand, and especially when he eventually defeated him, it irked me to no end, and I guess that just sort of blossomed into hatred. Tabuu was a cool villain and had an epic boss fight, no doubt, but I personally hate him. I know it's shallow and stupid, but I do. I'd much rather have Master Hand and Crazy Hand, as a duo, be main the main antagonists of the SSE2.
Does anybody else find the absence of a Crazy Core unsettling? It's almost like they're waiting for something. I think Crazy Core would make an epic boss, especially if he had different forms than Master Core, and maybe the two of them could be the Final Boss of the SSE2? IDK.
As for Mewtwo's role in the SSE2, beats me. I suppose he could be the loner guy who appears for a duel every once in a while before vanishing again, and then he eventually joins the party after being beaten enough times.
meh. i kinda agree.how DID tabuu get in control of such an entity? i mean we know next to nothing about tabuu other than "hes an evil god with butterfly wings who wishes to merge smash's world with his." no motivation. no backstory. he's just there. if i was shown tabuu actually enslaving master hand then MAYBE i can buy him controlling master hand. but nope. he was just there. doy.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
meh. i kinda agree.how DID tabuu get in control of such an entity? i mean we know next to nothing about tabuu other than "hes an evil god with butterfly wings who wishes to merge smash's world with his." no motivation. no backstory. he's just there. if i was shown tabuu actually enslaving master hand then MAYBE i can buy him controlling master hand. but nope. he was just there. doy.
Ganondorf, Bowser, and Wario ganged up on Master Hand, then tropheyized him for easy transport?


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
I've always thought about a hypothetical Mewtwo in SSE. I had this idea where he could appear in this "unfinished" area (abandoned buildings that never got fully constructed, etc) with a bleak, red and gray cloudy sky to reflect that he was unfinished (or barely finished in this case) and fight whoever wandered out there.

As for Mewtwo showing up at the end of SSE2 to save everyone, that would be beyond awesome!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2014
I'm not entirely sure myself...

At the end of Classic the Master Core gets launched into Subspace (Brawl's giant X in the distance) where it gets corrupted by the residual "Subspace energy" thus infusing it with Tabuu's soul and creating "Master Tabuu" who creates a giant "Master Tabuu Fortress" out of Subspace which continues to expand into the outside world until it consumes all. Veterans and newcomers alike must vanquish the new threat and save the day yet again. And instead of Sonic appearing to save everyone at the end, Mewtwo does.
I'm up for story mode DLC.
Mewtwo at the end is even better because Mewtwo is cooler than Sanic.

Golden Sun

Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2014
Your mom has a Location
lol did you guys notice in the omega stage for Nintendogs, your actually standing on a stage shaped like a bridge? theres the tunnel undder the stage, a lot of people thought it was just a normal rectangle stage


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida

At the end of Classic the Master Core gets launched into Subspace (Brawl's giant X in the distance) where it gets corrupted by the residual "Subspace energy" thus infusing it with Tabuu's soul and creating "Master Tabuu" who creates a giant "Master Tabuu Fortress" out of Subspace which continues to expand into the outside world until it consumes all. Veterans and newcomers alike must vanquish the new threat and save the day yet again. And instead of Sonic appearing to save everyone at the end, Mewtwo does.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
lol did you guys notice in the omega stage for Nintendogs, your actually standing on a stage shaped like a bridge? theres the tunnel undder the stage, a lot of people thought it was just a normal rectangle stage
Yeah I noticed that. You can get a good look at it if you pause just as a warp star leaves the screen.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2012
Adelaide, South Australia
SuperGirlKels is a potential and good SSB4 player, but her personality is EDGY and screams cringe as hell, really hope she doesn't pick up Mewtwo and user him as a main imo

Most girls don't play SSB4 and when they're new at it they mostly pick Kirby/Toon Link/etc mostly just because they have that cute fetish of there's.
Pfffft. I never did that.

That's true though. The other girls in my state tend to pick Pikachu or Jigglypuff or Ness. Although I'm really the only girl here that plays competitively.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
Pfffft. I never did that.

That's true though. The other girls in my state tend to pick Pikachu or Jigglypuff or Ness. Although I'm really the only girl here that plays competitively.
joking aside, im sure there are lots of girls who play smash competitively. which, i encourage. hell, im trying to get my own girlfriend into gaming. one thing im trying to get her to do is watch an lp of mother 3. shes only up to chapter 4.
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Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
New Hampshire
Well, call me Default Dan because I like the original colors of every character the best... Except for Wario, I've always preferred his classic outfit.
Funny in Melee whenever I used Mewtwo I usually go with the default costume (and depending on the mood the other 3 alts), brown happens to be my favorite color and would shout with joy if Mewtwo had a brown alt costume (red and black would be good 1s too).

Golden Sun

Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2014
Your mom has a Location
She's been here waaaaaaay longer than you have, just fyi.
what? what does joining have to do with female smash players
just saying most females pick the "cute" characters
btw she is actually the only female I seen on smashboards, I keep getting mistaken by males that have anime pictures for there avatar.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
what? what does joining have to do with female smash players
just saying most females pick the "cute" characters
That coincidentally enough there's not been an obvious female user for some time here, and just as we discuss them, one shows up.

Just sayin, context wasn't exactly clear.


Smash Master
Jun 26, 2014
Being petty
I always tend to go default color with Mewtwo because I like to pretend that it's my Mewtwo, same with any other pokémon character.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Funny in Melee whenever I used Mewtwo I usually go with the default costume (and depending on the mood the other 3 alts), brown happens to be my favorite color and would shout with joy if Mewtwo had a brown alt costume (red and black would be good 1s too).
A brown alt? What about his brown cape from the intro of Jirachi:Wish Maker?

That would look nice on an orangeish or tannish-brown Mewtwo recolor, wouldn't you agree?


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
New Hampshire
A brown alt? What about his brown cape from the intro of Jirachi:Wish Maker?

That would look nice on an orangeish or tannish-brown Mewtwo recolor, wouldn't you agree?
True, it would look good, but Mewtwo really doesn't need a cape since he's not the stylish type (he only wears it when he's near humans so they don't spot him), tannish-brown recolor would be the best bet.

Although I'll be sad if his former red/orange recolor gets axed, soo far Dr. Mario still has his old recolors from Melee, lets hope Mewtwo keeps his along with 4 new alt costumes.
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