it fixed?
I really couldn't tell after 6 edits.
On top of ThrowN not working, a number of other things came up as well. The Bunny Hood glitches into a blob, Superspicy Curry doesn't work at all, crates and barrels attach to the ground, and I'm pretty sure badges don't work properly either, though I haven't tried yet.
My guess on the Hood and Curry is the lack of built-in bones for Roader is causing them to attach to the non-functioning ThrowN, hence why the Hood glitches into a blob like characters do and the graphics for Curry attach to his origin point (aka ThrowN).
Hood and Curry I believe should attach to HeadN, and large containers to LHaveN. Badges typically attach to BustN, but for Roader, it would be more appropriate to use Collision03N.
While we're on the subject, pretty much everything else needs to be taken into account as well. For example, while holding a Smash Ball, the glow is several graphics attached to different bones. Considering this and everything I've mentioned up to this point, most of the original character's bones need to have something replace them. Head, chest, arms, legs, hands, feet, you name it.
Then there's graphics. 18000100 and it's variations tend to have drastic effects on what appears, what stretches, and the character's collisions. I have successfully fixed the get-hit-anywhere glitch with a certain one, but I have reason to believe that another fixes graphics; however, it may also affect the collisions in the manner stated above, though I don't know for sure. And unfortunately, you can't stack the effects, so I'm stuck with one or the other until I know for sure how these things all work specifically.
So in a word, no.
I suggest everyone else takes these flaws into considered for your characters as well.