From my end, no problem with the homie stock.
Fair enough. This is definitely a sportsmanship-versus-playing-to-win judgement call.
Also wasn't bothered by charging bullet climax for a couple of minutes. I didn't quite get why it became a stalemate, but was genuinely curious about how that would have developed
It became a stalemate because they were clowning around. There was nothing serious going on there.
, since it was clear both players were still playing to win
'Playing to win'
'Stops to have mid-match interviews.'
These are mutually exclusive actions. Imagine if the Harlem Globetrotters showed up to have various antics during the NBA Playoffs like this; people would be furious.
And if you, as a spectator, didn't find the grand finals "entertaining", it so happens that esports tournaments are not TV shows/music concerts/stand-up comedy. Competitors are not there to entertain you.
Only partially true. Spectators incur travel expenses, time off from work, purchase tickets, etc. in order to attend what they are told will be a serious test of skill between great players.
When this is not provided, and it happens because the players involved are willfully and intentionally being ridiculous (as opposed to just 'choking' and having a bad performance), there's a problem.
They really should not care about you AT ALL.
Oh yes they should! The spectators and sponsors are why they have such a high-profile, thrilling venue to compete in! If you don't please the spectators, the sponsors leave. If the sponsors leave, the venue dries up.
I'm quite familiar with Sirlin's writings on Playing To Win, which you appear to be invoking. They ignore business realities. Pure 'playing to win' only applies at locals where sponsorships aren't involved. Otherwise, if you show up at a major sponsored tournament at a major venue, you are
both a competitor AND an entertainer and you are obligated to do your best to satisfy both. Usually the easiest way to do this is to pursue the 'competitor' half of it in good faith, rather than standing there for two minutes charging neutral-B and
having mid-match joke interviews.
The fact that they managed to have their own fun on the side is just icing on the cake.
Given the footage of people literally walking off en masse, I suspect Nintendo and Triple Perfect Inc. (parent company of Evo) might have very different opinions about the make-up of said cake and said icing. They probably find it to be a ****-cake with liquidy-diarrhea-icing on top.
As always, we all have access to the same character selection screen.
And at some point, it's going to be important to have a discussion about whether specific parts of that CSS need to be banned or whether players and spectators alike need to 'toughen up' and deal with it. The fact this situation happened showed there is a MASSIVE divide between what parts of the community expect/want.
This needs to be addressed and worked out.
but complaining about bayo players (or, dear God, threatening them) is
Is clearly something we both condemn and rightly so.