Mango won and Crush got 2nd, taking out Noobking.
Swedish defeated Yakal, winning his pool, but Yakal got 2nd as expected.
Swift 1st and Phish-it 2nd after that amazing set earlier if you missed it.
Moon was defeated by ORLY and taken out by Thumbs in Losers'! Axe won that pool and in the end, Pi won Losers'!
ORLY, Thumbs, and Moons are all eliminated!
Reno won with Neon in 2nd.
Bladewise beat Lucky as seen earlier, but Lucky got 2nd.
IB won his pool. During the pool, King Funk was defeated by LK007 and Davidcue, with LK007 winning Losers'!
Spife got pooped on and lost to Pikazoo and "Mark Corre"...
L beat Mogwai, HugQ, AND Choknater taking 1st! Mogwai was eliminated by Borre from Mexico, HugQ took him out, and then Choknater won Losers'!
Shroomed beat Summonedfist round 1 and won the pool, while Summonedfist won 6 sets through Losers' taking 2nd!
Fiction beat Violence and Fuzzyness winning his pool! A Rookie losing to Fuzzyness round 1 went all the way to LFs, only to lose to him again!
Wobbles beat Wizzrobe and Eggz, and Eggz eliminated Wizzrobe in LFs to advance!
Lord won his pool over Vist, who took 2nd.
PP beat Kels who took 2nd with no surprises.
Android beat C!Z, but lost to Redd who won the pool! C!Z then lost to "The Mayor", who made it to LFs and lost to Android.
Mattdotzeb took out JpegImage and Merck to win his pool. Merck made it to WFs beating Milkman and DJ Mirror, yet despite losing round 1, Milkman ran through Losers' and even won the rematch against Merck to advance!!!
Fly Amanita beat Stricnyn3 and J00t, J00t lost to CK, who couldn't beat Stric in LFs.
Also, QFs are now being updated too!