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how swagged up is this game right now?

  • swag a thousand trillion!!

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • swag on a zillion!!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • incalculable amounts of swag

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Ello :grin:

I'm not butthurt; your attempts to undermine my position don't mean anything in the face of the logic I've presented.
I think your vote record says otherwise. Let's look at your catchup post. There are instances in your catchup where you have skipped information. Lessavalook! Because now you're here we go into a few more details.

What actually drives me though is that the common sentiment at the time this post was made seemed to be that Sword's AtE (admitting to nervousness) was questionable at best since it wasn't necessary for the progression of the game per se (Sword could have just as easily affirmed that he was not nervous since Kary was, at least to me, going on a limb in regards to Sword's nervousness.) Kat calls it strange that Sword does this, but then he goes on to say that he is leaning Town on Sword when questioned by Kuzi in the next post. This action sounds off alarms because there seemed to be an inference from Kataefi that Sword was scummy (Sword was being "strange") but he later goes on to turn around and says something that wouldn't normally be expected.
I won't invest too much time on this long paragraph that says very little about me being scummy in favour of describing actions I partook in. Very wordy aroma here :chuckle: Your alarms are going off because I inferred Swords was strange and then leaned town. What's scummy about this?

It just feels like a scummy backpedal when things seemed to be looking brighter for Sword.
Circus leaned Town on him and Kuz didn't lean Town on him. Perceptions around this time appeared to be so-so and not brighter as you put it. Why is it backpedaling then? Can you comment (just briefly) on this post you missed?

It's exactly what it looks like. Between that post and the one after, I realised something that changed my mind. What I realised is assumptious and so is not something I'd like to elaborate on right now.

Curiously, what was the point of your indie statements? And why did you consider joining the ran wagon only after I called you Town? :woman:
Moving on:

First point of contention here: Kataefi says he likes Nabe. Wat. I mean, I won't deny that Nabe is one cool baller dude, but I have no reason to like him in this game at this point in time. This is semblant of Ran's attack on my slot for my Napoleon Dynamite picture...it just doesn't make sense.

Kataefi, I continue to find your reasoning on multiple accounts shammy. Your reasoning for liking Nabe in this post is a complete stretch. Also, liking Kuz for something as mechanical as the plan he came up with seems like a stretch as well; you seem to be picking your allies too easily and on short-lived whims. So far, I have no reason to believe you are Town
I stated this was a first impression numerous times actually. You seemed to miss this. It's absolutely no different to Hilt thinking your early posts were "genuine" and "not artificial" and how he suddenly refused to lynch you based on this... if anything that would be much more of a stretch from your POV considering mine commented on specifics, no? What is a complete stretch here?

When you say picking my allies well, Kuz had disappeared. Why would picking Nabe and Kuz, as my allies, be a good scum strat? :woman:

Also, when did I say I suspected you of being scum with Ran? (Albeit I'm not denying it as a serious possibility at this point in time...but the difference here is that it's "this point in time" and not when I made my second post of the game.

I mostly agree with you up until you seem to be setting me up for problems in the event of a Ran scumflip, when Ran COULD just be faking a scumread on a townie. Does Ran seem like the type to fake a scumread on his scum mates at that stage of the game?
I made this analysis that I'd like you to comment on:

Bardull has done **** all. Comes in and votes the safest wagon, who happens to be voting him. Suspects all the players on the wagon as well (wouldn't alarm bells be ringing here knowing that 2 players he finds himself to be questioning have started a wagon that he's joined?)... and then proceeds to do **** all after that, with empty promises. That's how I view his slot atm. I find it wasteful and in need of killing! Sorry about the profanities but yes it has been a long day!
I need to look into Bardull more as I've seen him eyeing up the thread a couple of times and running away. I accept he's likely reading the game. It's more to do with why he joined ur wagon - he stated he found what you said contrived... but not scummy... then suddenly goes on to talk about what you did a lot and then force himself to place a vote on you... despite supposedly not finding what you did scummy? Seems strange...
Also regarding your read on Rockin:

but Katscum = Rockintown based on their earlier interactions.
Can you go into detail here? In fact can you please go into greater detail on Rockin entirely, because your read looks almost as whimsical as mine did on Nabe... This is one that stood out, so I'd like to see specifics.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Will get back to Ran later.

Wrt PJB, can you provide examples of him "only coming up when called upon?" This is something that I don't seem to recall.

How PJB being responsive is town? I said right there in the post you quoted. It shows me that's it's more likely his thoughts are legit and not made up. When one has something that's contrived and they're called out on it, they usually have to retreat and think things over so to remain consistent with themselves. I don't think that PJB is doing that. I'm actually in disagreement with you as to what PJB did in Persona mafia. As said before, he was much more careful with his words in that game.

Wrt Kat, I think that we're in disagreement on just how townie being active is. Let me make it clear: I don't just like that he's active. I like that he can produce consistently. I like that he's being active in a time where it would be very easy to be inactive. Realize how hard it is for scum to consistently make posts that look like effort went into them. Also realize how easy it would be for scum to just remain inactive in the situation that we're in right now.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Kat he said that you were picking your allies "too easily," not "well." Respond to that point again, not the one that he never accused you of.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Gonna have to briefly comment because it's passed 11.

  • PJB and Ran pushes were/are not only easy pushes but pushes which I disagreed with. Note the past tense that I use. I'm not just saying that I don't like it now in the present, but even back then when you first made the post I didn't like the push.
This is bad logic because you're imposing your own stereotypes thinking I'd think exactly the same. I don't consider PJB/Ran to be easy pushes. You can't predict who I think are easy lynches. I went after Red Ruy in Resi4 and was criticised exactly the same, and Ruy was scum. By no means do I push easy people. Ran is especially hard to approach because he generally personifies town.

  • This is kind of the same point above, but I also felt that you were being unfair to Ran. It seemed to me that your intention was to simply lynch him rather than actually try to read him. What made me think this was when you accused Ran of lying about his internet connection, which seemed like an impossible point for Ran to defend against. This point and the point above are what still hold for me.
That wasn't the crux of my reasoning at all. I would never lynch someone based on the fact they had 0 internet. You and I knew Ran had been looking at the thread multiple times and not posting, so I wanted to ruffle his feathers and call him out :grin: He has since stepped up.

  • I don't really think this about you anymore, but a couple of the things you say in post read a bit forced (mainly that line about PJB in your 256). However this is nitpicking, because as a whole I don't think the tonality of your posts has really been that off.
That's because I'm a townie! I don't need to comment on this.

  • One last point that I also dropped upon rereading you: Some of your points felt generic, like how you criticized PJB and I for "not being conductive to finding scum," as if that's some de facto thing townie's always do every minute of every Day. However upon my reread I learned that you weren't actually reading me as scum for it, and the only person you were reading scum for it was PJB, which from an objective PoV seems fair to me given how he approached the Soup vs. Swords debate.
Can you elaborate on this? There's nothing wrong with generic, especially on D1. I'm no hipster! There was a big difference between how you posted and how PJB posted at this time. You were much more outwardly than he was.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 1.10
kuz (2) - circus ranmaru
circus (1) - nabe
rockin (1) - kary
ranmaru (2) - j kuz
kary (1) - rockin
kataefi (2) - pjb bardull
bardull (2) - kataefi sworddancer.
j (1) - hilt
not voting (1) - soup

voting log
soup -> j -> none
pjb -> soup -> none -> kataefi
rockin -> sworddancer. -> kary
j -> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> j -> rockin -> sworddancer. -> kuz
circus -> kuz
sworddancer. -> j -> none -> ranmaru -> none -> bardull
nabe -> circus
kuz -> j -> soup -> ranmaru
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru -> bardull
hilt -> bardull -> kataefi -> j
kary -> hilt -> rockin
bardull -> kuz -> ranmaru -> kataefi

d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Bardull has done **** all. Comes in and votes the safest wagon, who happens to be voting him. Suspects all the players on the wagon as well (wouldn't alarm bells be ringing here knowing that 2 players he finds himself to be questioning have started a wagon that he's joined?)... and then proceeds to do **** all after that, with empty promises. That's how I view his slot atm. I find it wasteful and in need of killing! Sorry about the profanities but yes it has been a long day!
Omg don't let go of this! I have been here for lengthy periods autonomously posting and replying to people on the fly. There's nothing scripted about me here and nothing indicative that I'm cooperating in a team, unlike the flopinactives who quite literally popped in the moment they were called out and went all maximum defence by voting me.

I was here trying to get my wagons burning whilst everyone's progress slowed down. The spread of the wagons encourages scum to gauge the situation.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I don't know why you keep saying I popped in because I got called out. You've been calling me out, like, all game, and I certainly haven't been here all game. I'm here because I'm here. I'ts not like I'm even being voted, or really pressured by you or anyone else. Your points are irrelevant, and are designed to make me look like reactive scum.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I'm gonna have to make a move soon. The reason it looks like I'm trying to lynch you more than read you is because I'm one of only players pushing for my reads with < 2 days before deadline. I've been public with how I feel about you. Someone has to step it up. You're going against me because you're on the receiving end of it.

Curiously, can you explain why my targets are "easy"? You stated I wouldn't know that my targets improved in this game which is why I went after them... How do you know this about me? I've played with Ran/Soup recently in ERB and modded Tekken that housed Bardull - recent games. The point looks last-minute scrambled together.

Did you know that Kuz suspected Ran/Soup and placed yourself in a death pile... yet you're confident he's TOWN? :woman: What is this shaded logic? That's 3 out of 4 "easy targets" he considered killing right there from your POV.

As a sidenote :chuckle: The game is plagued with up to 50% of inactivity. This is a BIG problem. The only people that posted content throughout D1 were soup/swords/ran/me/hilt. Rockin's floated about here and there as has Kary. Kuz/J started off cool but have disappeared. Lynching a scummy inactive is the dream right now. It's not going after easy targets at all but rather cleansing the game of the filth that plagues the town.

Also can you respond to my analysis on you plz.

Also can we plz get something rolling that isn't me?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I don't know why you keep saying I popped in because I got called out. You've been calling me out, like, all game, and I certainly haven't been here all game. I'm here because I'm here. I'ts not like I'm even being voted, or really pressured by you or anyone else. Your points are irrelevant, and are designed to make me look like reactive scum.
Because now I'm attempting to get a wagon on you. The moment **** got serious on both yourself and Bardull, you both step in simultaneously and go all maximum defence against me. This was after I noticed 3 guests with Soup. Something doesn't add up here as if scum be lurking in the woodworks like the mice they are :grin:


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

^my bad I quoted the wrong thing. This is what happens when there's lots to comment on.

Wrt Kat, I think that we're in disagreement on just how townie being active is. Let me make it clear: I don't just like that he's active. I like that he can produce consistently. I like that he's being active in a time where it would be very easy to be inactive. Realize how hard it is for scum to consistently make posts that look like effort went into them. Also realize how easy it would be for scum to just remain inactive in the situation that we're in right now.
Omg don't let go of this! I have been here for lengthy periods autonomously posting and replying to people on the fly. There's nothing scripted about me here and nothing indicative that I'm cooperating in a team, unlike the flopinactives who quite literally popped in the moment they were called out and went all maximum defence by voting me.

I was here trying to get my wagons burning whilst everyone's progress slowed down. The spread of the wagons encourages scum to gauge the situation.
^That's better

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
You're attempting to get a wagon on me? Where is the wagon? I was unaware of this, seeing as how your vote is on BarDulL, and you're not actually pressuring me for anything tangible. Like, point to something that shows you actually interacting with me.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Again, there's not any time I could have popped in here where you couldn't have pulled the "lol, look he's jumping in here because I was about to come down on him!" card out of your ass. The only difference between the other times you've already called me out this game, and now, is that I'm here now.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Why did I bring it up when I did, instead of earlier? Because I wasn't looking at you, I was looking at soup. When I was done with soup, I looked at more of the game outside of SwordVSoup, and found you, and raised an eyebrow.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Why did I bring it up when I did, instead of earlier? Because I wasn't looking at you, I was looking at soup. When I was done with soup, I looked at more of the game outside of SwordVSoup, and found you, and raised an eyebrow.
Nice timing. I've responded to your thoughts now. I'm waiting for you to respond to mine.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Curiously, can you explain why my targets are "easy"? You stated I wouldn't know that my targets improved in this game which is why I went after them... How do you know this about me? I've played with Ran/Soup recently in ERB and modded Tekken that housed Bardull - recent games. The point looks last-minute scrambled together.

Did you know that Kuz suspected Ran/Soup and placed yourself in a death pile... yet you're confident he's TOWN? :woman: What is this shaded logic? That's 3 out of 4 "easy targets" he considered killing right there from your POV.

Also can you respond to my analysis on you plz.
Why am I not doing any of this?

Also you have 0 meta on me, who are you to tell me who the easy targets are? Since when has Bardull/Soup/Ran/yourself been easy targets? Ran especially personifies Town, attacking him is not "easy". This is just an appeal to swords who said the same thing.

why bring this up now when I've been going after these people for time now? even at moments where you've posted?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Right I'm gonna have to leave you know.... It's midnight over here! Happy sleeping all

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I'm gonna have to make a move soon. The reason it looks like I'm trying to lynch you more than read you is because I'm one of only players pushing for my reads with < 2 days before deadline. I've been public with how I feel about you. Someone has to step it up. You're going against me because you're on the receiving end of it.
Wait, what?
I'm one of only players pushing for my reads with < 2 days before deadline.
2 days before deadline.
d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est

Could've sworn it was ending tonight.

I'm going to bed, haha. Stuff from me tomorrow.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Curiously, can you explain why my targets are "easy"? You stated I wouldn't know that my targets improved in this game which is why I went after them... How do you know this about me? I've played with Ran/Soup recently in ERB and modded Tekken that housed Bardull - recent games. The point looks last-minute scrambled together.
I don't claim to know how you perceive players. It's how I perceive the situation, and what you're doing looks very easy. You're attacking players who inactive and aren't strongly perceived as townies with very generic statements, then calling them "reactive scum" when they become active. You're putting me in a corner where I don't see any way I could satisfy you.

Did you know that Kuz suspected Ran/Soup and placed yourself in a death pile... yet you're confident he's TOWN? :woman: What is this shaded logic? That's 3 out of 4 "easy targets" he considered killing right there from your POV.
Not only am I not confident in any sort of townread on Kuz, but I certainly don't see him in here calling for lynches. Maybe he should be, at this point in the game, but his approach has not been the same as yours. Him not actually calling for blood seems more like he's trying to get reads, rather than lynches.

Also can you respond to my analysis on you plz.
I feel like I've responded to this above, more or less. I don't really know what you're exact analysis is of me, but I don't see any way I could satisfy you from what I recall. I'm either lurking scum, or reactive scum, apparently.

Why am I not doing any of this?
I think this was referring to me talking about why I was fine with Kuz? Again this was addressed above. He seems like he's trying to get reads, you seem like you're trying to get lynches.

Also you have 0 meta on me, who are you to tell me who the easy targets are? Since when has Bardull/Soup/Ran/yourself been easy targets? Ran especially personifies Town, attacking him is not "easy". This is just an appeal to swords who said the same thing.
More of the same as above, I've never once claimed to be trying to meta you. All I can use to inform my reads is my own brain, so "what I think Kat would do" doesn't play into it.

why bring this up now when I've been going after these people for time now? even at moments where you've posted?
addressed in previous post. I was looking at SoupVSwords, then looked at you when I was done. That's all.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Kat if we keep going to bed at the same time people are gonna start thinking we're sneaking off or something


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Nabe your scummy for voting Circus without a reason now talk to BarDull and tell us who should die and vote for them.

/needs to leave now


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
For the record, I haven't read the latest flurry of posts since my post before last. Brief skim and that's it. Busy with homework and the like.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ran. Oh. My. God. I'm not going to discuss this ad nauseum with you, but really, Soup's FIRST post of the game was a .gif of some dude in a church or something making an airplane gesture and then flying into the sky while transforming into a jet followed by a vote. -________________________-;;. You're killing me, smalls. Alright, I'm just going to drop this point of contention for the time being because we'd just be butting heads.

The last time we played a game together was Persona Mafia, which wasn't that long ago. There's a fundamental difference in your play this game and I'm not entirely certain what it means. You're just not...standard Ranmaru. Something's different. That's a bit vague coming from me, but it mostly has to do with your general bubbly personality not being so...bubbly per se. I don't see the typical questions or typical Ranmaru scum hunting that I'm familiar with. Or the quick posts you have the tendency to make. You also seem more calculated in your approach.
Alright then.

In Persona Mafia, I wasn't really doing much, and I was only seen as town because of me claiming early and stuff. Like I said, reading those three games will deff help you understand me. Now you state my approach is calculated. Can you tell me how my approach is calculated (quotes and underline please), and what you think I am trying to gain? (Also explain why it would be scum sided as opposed to town sided in your opinion)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Nabe:, you ignore me, and now you choose to go in the direction of Bardull? I feel this is a bit opportunistic of you. How about you reply to my response to you and yeah, explain your reasoning on your vote. Also not liking Circus not really doing a damn thing. I agree with someone who said that he seems to be responding to a bit of people, but he really isn't pushing a direction, his reaction to my Kuz reasoning also is a bit... eww. I mean, he seemed to not have fully read the thread to notice there was content for me to agree with. I also think his timing with his development of reads... is a little delayed. I would expect alot more out of him. It's deadline day soon.

Hilt I don't really have a problem with, but I'd only lynch him as a compromise. Same with Rockin, Bardull, and PJB.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Vote: Nabe

Will lynch: Nabe, Circus, Kuz, J
Compromise: PJB, Bardull, Rockin, Hilt
Will not lynch: Soup, Kat, Swords, Kary



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Rockin, I saw you viewing. I want you to do the same as I have in #516.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm going to sleep now. I will leave this:


I also want to see you guys post some lynch/not lynching list as I have done (unless you have already done so, although you can make it easier by summarizing it into a list, since today (as in the 15th) is deadline.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
To clarify: A 'will not lynch' lynch isn't needed, it's just bonus, I want everyone to know where I stand. Lynch/compromise is all I think is really necessary.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Joker, I want you to do this too. Everyone should be doing this, we got to get some consensus here.
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