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Enemy Controller Presents: Hurricane Meta Knight. Princeton, NJ. November 22nd.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
wahhhhhh -PRiDE wants his memory card back!!!
I hope you get it back too. I took it out of the Wii so I could save a Mario vs. Ganondorf replay onto my card (which failed and caused the Italian Brawl to die... my bad), but I'm absolutely certain I put it back afterward. In case it all comes back to me in the end, though, I'm so, so sorry and wish you the best of luck.

By the way, I totally forgot to shout out Lord Knight for driving me there and the person who drove me back. Thanks so much, guys.

I need to play more people in friendlies and show everyone how sexy my Ganondorf is. Seems that nobody in Smashboards even noticed it. *sadness*


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Powell can you get in touch with me on aim (cowtipper9487) i have a replay i wanna ask you to send :D


Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2008
Ganondorf is soooo bad. Why would you play him in tournaments over Kirby, and especially top-tier Game and Watch?
I can't speak for Clai, but if I'm asked why I main Samus, and not somebody in the top tier, I respond...Why doesn't Spiderman keep the symbiote?

To me, it's heroic to fight with a lower tier character that you love...

I also think that tiers are inflated...but that's another issue.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
BLAHHHH >_< O well.. I replaced it. If someone is that petty that he needs a memory card THAT bad then so be it. Next time I wont be such an idiot.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2006
Phily, PA
Ganondorf is soooo bad. Why would you play him in tournaments over Kirby, and especially top-tier Game and Watch?
Wait let me correct what you said.

Everyone is soooo bad. Why would you play him in tournaments over Metaknight, and especially top-tier Meta and Knight

There ya go


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
Ganondorf is soooo bad. Why would you play him in tournaments over Kirby, and especially top-tier Game and Watch?
Not everything is about tournament placings for me. I want to have as much fun as I can playing this game and show everyone my intensity in competing.

Ganondorf is just way too much fun to give up in tournaments. I put in more effort to making this character viable than everyone else, and I want to reflect that in the confidence I use him in my tournament matches. I know Ganon just gets ***** by certain matchups, which is why I will always use Kirby in a blind pick. However, there are matchups that Ganondorf has a great chance at winning, and with those matchups, I will never, ever pass over Ganondorf for another character in a matchup that he can win. It's not stubborness, it's confidence.

As for Game and Watch, I've only used him for about a month or so, and I only really use him for problem matchups (I'm looking at you, Pit). I've been using Kirby and Ganon ever since the game came out in the US (I got to play the early release Japanese version, which allowed me to pick my mains). Considering I'm usually unknown in competitive smash, I like to surprise people with my uniqueness, but I'm not proficient with Game and Watch enough that I could be creative enough to pass through people who know the matchup well. Yeah, I could breeze through characters with Game and Watch that I would have a tough time with Ganondorf, but then where's my individuality? It's my unique style and choices that will hopefully make me a great player, and I love Ganondorf enough to go out and prove myself as the premier Ganon player, no matter how many losses I have to swallow in the process.


Smash Cadet
Mar 8, 2008
Very late shoutouts XD I'll put em anyway.

ksizzle: SWR! Good s*** in your matches. TOO GOOD!

Yes!: Pretty crazy Snake in those doubles matches. Nice job

Chrome Pirate: I have yet to beat your Diddy in a set XD

Malcom: Simply amazing Sonic.

Rogue Pit: Very skilled Pit.

JG Wentworth: SWR! Nice job in your matches. Melee ftw

Doom: Nice Lucario. Didn't like the nado on my ROB XD

PRiDE: Didn't really see you play :( Yoshi ftw

Rule 34: Cool guy and awesome falco. Too bad you got Sakurai'd in that last doubles match XD

Gunblade: SWR! Fun friendlies. Good job in your matches.

Cable: SWR! Crazy DK. Good s***

Kid: SWR! Another crazy Falco. I coulda sworn you were gonna beat Keitaro. Good s***

VaJaJ: You'll do better next time! We rocked in doubles though :D

Inui: Very smart MK. Get ya next time.

Atomsk: Still haven't played you 1v1. :/

Keitaro: Awesome Falco. Haven't played you 1v1 either D:

Fun tourney.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Not everything is about tournament placings for me. I want to have as much fun as I can playing this game and show everyone my intensity in competing.

Ganondorf is just way too much fun to give up in tournaments. I put in more effort to making this character viable than everyone else, and I want to reflect that in the confidence I use him in my tournament matches. I know Ganon just gets ***** by certain matchups, which is why I will always use Kirby in a blind pick. However, there are matchups that Ganondorf has a great chance at winning, and with those matchups, I will never, ever pass over Ganondorf for another character in a matchup that he can win. It's not stubborness, it's confidence.
It's nice to see that you're enthusiastic about Ganondorf and youre Ganondorf seemed decent. However, eventually you'e going to want to win more...

As for Game and Watch, I've only used him for about a month or so, and I only really use him for problem matchups (I'm looking at you, Pit). I've been using Kirby and Ganon ever since the game came out in the US (I got to play the early release Japanese version, which allowed me to pick my mains). Considering I'm usually unknown in competitive smash, I like to surprise people with my uniqueness, but I'm not proficient with Game and Watch enough that I could be creative enough to pass through people who know the matchup well. Yeah, I could breeze through characters with Game and Watch that I would have a tough time with Ganondorf, but then where's my individuality? It's my unique style and choices that will hopefully make me a great player, and I love Ganondorf enough to go out and prove myself as the premier Ganon player, no matter how many losses I have to swallow in the process.
Almost every match in the game is a problem match-up for Ganondorf.

You don't really play to win, but that's okay. If you enter tournaments for fun and to just represent Ganondorf, then have fun doing so. I hope you come back to my events and come to my smaller stuff, too. Keep your eye out for more tournaments.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Not everything is about tournament placings for me. I want to have as much fun as I can playing this game and show everyone my intensity in competing.

Ganondorf is just way too much fun to give up in tournaments. I put in more effort to making this character viable than everyone else, and I want to reflect that in the confidence I use him in my tournament matches. I know Ganon just gets ***** by certain matchups, which is why I will always use Kirby in a blind pick. However, there are matchups that Ganondorf has a great chance at winning, and with those matchups, I will never, ever pass over Ganondorf for another character in a matchup that he can win. It's not stubborness, it's confidence.

As for Game and Watch, I've only used him for about a month or so, and I only really use him for problem matchups (I'm looking at you, Pit). I've been using Kirby and Ganon ever since the game came out in the US (I got to play the early release Japanese version, which allowed me to pick my mains). Considering I'm usually unknown in competitive smash, I like to surprise people with my uniqueness, but I'm not proficient with Game and Watch enough that I could be creative enough to pass through people who know the matchup well. Yeah, I could breeze through characters with Game and Watch that I would have a tough time with Ganondorf, but then where's my individuality? It's my unique style and choices that will hopefully make me a great player, and I love Ganondorf enough to go out and prove myself as the premier Ganon player, no matter how many losses I have to swallow in the process.
Rookie told me what everyone's eventually going to tell you, you're going to have to pick what your goal is. Whether it's to be a good ganondorf, or to win/place. For the longest time my goal was just to be a good ike, whether or not I was notable is pretty much just up to opinion (and I'm particularly susceptible to bad bad days because I get frustrated really quickly when I manage to screw something up that I've done a thousand times, which subsequently makes me play worse), but after a point where I was comfortable with my ike progression and finally pissed off at how easy it is to trash that character on attributes alone, I finally said screw it. If your goal is to become notable with ganondorf, stick to that and tell people to shove it otherwise. Later on if your goal is to just get the W, well you have all sorts of options, and it doesn't hurt to have that extra character around just for the hell of it, mid/low tier money matches are all sorts of fun.

Then again most of the time you see me playing I tend to be *****ing about something, so who knows what I define as fun.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
It's nice to see that you're enthusiastic about Ganondorf and youre Ganondorf seemed decent. However, eventually you'e going to want to win more...

Almost every match in the game is a problem match-up for Ganondorf.

You don't really play to win, but that's okay. If you enter tournaments for fun and to just represent Ganondorf, then have fun doing so. I hope you come back to my events and come to my smaller stuff, too. Keep your eye out for more tournaments.
There's a difference between problem matchups and near-impossible matchups. I'm not going to be a Ganon fanboy to the point where I just completely disregard the tier list. Tiers exist, and a lot of characters simply **** Ganon good. However, there is a lot more managable matchups for Ganon than people like to believe, and unless a certain character introduces me to the real nature of the matchup by destroying me (like Ryko's Ike did), I will stick to my golden rule of playing manly: Any matchup that can be won by Ganon will be won by Ganon. I just wouldn't feel right if I played a Sonic main, lost in the first match with Ganondorf and then used Game and Watch to win the next two. Yeah I want to win, but when a winnable tournament match comes up, I willl take it just as seriously with Ganon as if I used any other character.

Rookie told me what everyone's eventually going to tell you, you're going to have to pick what your goal is. Whether it's to be a good ganondorf, or to win/place. For the longest time my goal was just to be a good ike, whether or not I was notable is pretty much just up to opinion (and I'm particularly susceptible to bad bad days because I get frustrated really quickly when I manage to screw something up that I've done a thousand times, which subsequently makes me play worse), but after a point where I was comfortable with my ike progression and finally pissed off at how easy it is to trash that character on attributes alone, I finally said screw it. If your goal is to become notable with ganondorf, stick to that and tell people to shove it otherwise. Later on if your goal is to just get the W, well you have all sorts of options, and it doesn't hurt to have that extra character around just for the hell of it, mid/low tier money matches are all sorts of fun.

Then again most of the time you see me playing I tend to be *****ing about something, so who knows what I define as fun.
I know how that it is, screwing trivial things up and having it get to your head. I agree with everything you said, especially about having a few extra characters to better deal with those problem matchups. It's a true measure of honor when you take Ike against cheap broken characters that can toy with Ike because of their brokenness (Dee-la-dee-dee); I would just easily get frustrated and not be able to handle the more broken matchups. I know friendlies mean nothing in the field of prominence, but they really tell you how you stand against certain people, and if you manage to pull off something special, people are going to notice your skills. Once the actual tournament matches start, I just have to pick which character I'm most comfortable with against the other guy, and play my hardest to get the W.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
hehe I'm glad my favorite characters are always good :)

Picked Pikachu first in 64 smash, picked fox first in melee, picked sonic (meh)/wolf (woot)/ then snake (yes!) in brawl before knowing who was good or who wasn't good :)

yes i want a fawking cookie.
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