It also doesn't help that it has a lot of plot holes, like there really is no clear reason for Dimitri to side with the Church and save Rhea in his route, or for conquering all of Fodland under the Kingdom's domain.
I don't think it's much of a stretch that Dimitri sides with Rhea and the church on the BL route considering from his perspective it appears that El's started an unprovoked war against them? And he seems much more concerned with his revenge (at first) and defending his homeland (after his redemption) than he does with "saving" the church, so it's more like allies by circumstance.
And conquering all of
Fódlan? The Leicester Alliance dissolves and joins the kingdom without even being requested to after he saved their army at Derdriu, which obviously came as a surprise to Dimitri, and the Empire was left in disarray after a war he fought in defense of his homeland. The Adrestian royal bloodline and many of its leaders are gone, so it's not too surprising that it would fall under Faerghus's domain. Heck, given the commonality of inter-royal marriages, it's not even out of the realm that Dimitri has the closest living claim to the throne (not saying that's actually the case, of course).
Personally, I actually would have preferred
Fódlan not unify on that route as well, but the idea that Dimitri is hypocritically waging a war of conquest seems unfair. He just kind of falls into it.
Also it feels quite hypocrite for the BL students to condemn Edelgard for starting a war when they basically worship Loog, the first king of Fargheus who got the independence from the Empire with a bloody war, as a fairy tale hero.
Some others have already talked about this some (winners get to write the history as to which war was ethical), but I'd also point out that generally speaking, people are more sympathetic to wars of independence than wars of conquest. I know I am. One usually means a group of people has more say in their governance, while the other means the opposite. That's a generalization, of course, but I think we can agree that's the case more often than not.
To serve as an example, would it be hypocritical to have respect for the American Revolution but bothered if the British came in later and tried to permanently reconquer it, even if it was, to say, end slavery in the USA? There are plenty who might see such a conquest as just, but I don't think it's hypocritical to view those wars differently.
Or how Dimitri wants to stop "the strong trampling on the weak" when he is defending the one entity who has been doing it for ages.
Again, he's mostly concerned with his own kingdom being trampled by El's war and Cornelia's reign. He rarely refers to the church itself. And to what degree Rhea is doing the trampling is debatable, as I'll talk about more later.
Also his only really lasts a couple of dialogues and he immediately snaps out from being a murderous monster to his nice persona, it was so quick to the point that I didn't really felt he was really truly sane but just a bipolar psychopath hiding his bad side which might return at any time if triggered.
I can accept the case that Dimitri's redemption arc is rushed. I think that can be attributed in part to game mechanics. There needs to be a section when Dimitri can't be supported/taught, and then there has to be a specific point when he can. That creates a bit of a hard cutoff that makes it difficult to stretch things out.
I don't think it's as rushed as some people will make, and Dimitri definitely isn't magically "cured" after Gronder. His anger, guilt, or trauma isn't gone, but he chooses to not to let it consume him and determine his actions because he knows it won't lead to anything good. Some of his supports make this clear. Your reference to his two personas actually reminds me very much of his A Support with Felix, where he confesses both sides are still a part of him. His Byleth S Support is another good reference.
I'd go into more detail about why I think his arc mostly works, but that could be a whole article in of itself, and I doubt I'd change many minds, so I'll leave you be on that account.
Or how he keeps saying that people should follow their dreams at any costs...unless you are Edelgard.
I mean, when I encourage my friends to follow their dreams, I'm usually working under the assumption that they aren't planning to start a continental war...
And when he does give the knife back during the negotiation with El, he actually does tell her to cut her own path. Unfortunately, she unerringly persists on a path is in direct conflict with his own. That’s not really the case with anyone else.
He tries to negotiate peace with Edelgard...except that when she shows up he doesn't ask her why she attacked the Church but just started rambling about why war is bad and that she was wrong ignoring all she had to say.
I don't love this scene either, but that sounds like an unfairly anti-Dimitri reading of it. Given Edelgard started the war, she kind of needs to answer why, and she doesn't make much effort to explain in that conversation other than that she "had to." I'm not really sure at what point you think Dimitri cuts her off or ignores her. El on the other hand writes him off a highborn unable to understand the motivations and feelings of the poor (even though he's had a pretty crap 9 years, including 5 while homeless, alone, and running for his life). El’s also the first to say negotiating is useless and cut things off. I don't get the idea that she ever planned to explain more than she did.
I think the intention there was to highlight that it’s their philosophies on the nature of change and the morality of ends-justify-the-means that makes reconciliation impossible, not their actual visions of an ideal world. The result is that it kind of feel like they’re talking over each other, but I don’t see how Dimitri comes off any worse.
HECK, in the final battle Dimitri states that someone who sacrifices everything for their dreams doesn't deserve any mercy only to show mercy to Edelgard in the last cut scene.
Ha, this is true, but I don't think it's hard to believe anyone would be horrified by a monster trying to kill them but feel more sympathetic when seeing their defeated stepsister in the flesh. It's a turn around, but his arc is still clearly that of forgiveness, so it's not really a big deal. Everyone can be a bit back-and-forth or hypocritical. I mean, Edelgard and Hubert complain in CF Chapter 17 about Dimitri not calling for parley and not playing fair despite them making no efforts at parley either and right after taking Arianrhod by subterfuge and blaming Arundel's attack on it on the Kingdom... not exactly playing cleanly, either.
Rhea is a caretaker, sure, say that to the countless nuns and babies she experimented on
First off, there were twelve subjects, not countless. That's a needless use of hyperbole. From how I read it, it sounds like they were artificial humans that Rhea created, and when it became clear that they did not bear Sothis, she moved on. I some kind of tests were run to determine that, but I never got the impression they were “experimented” on in the same manner as Edelgard or Lysithea. Byleth's mother seemed to have lived a relatively normal life. Correct me on that if I’m wrong. Just looking at the timeline, it lines up well for Rhea to create a homunculi, let them live their full lives, collect the crest stone after their death, and try again about twelve times since Tailtean.
Not to say Rhea is pure, of course. Creating artificial life is still debatable, and I wasn't fond of her trying to turn me into her momma. It was obvious that Byleth had developed his own personality/conscious by that point, and surely she was aware that person probably be lost if her plan went through.
The orphans of Remire was more a political move more than anything, not taking them in would have raised more eyebrows than necessary, and we never see her interact with them.
Calling it a political move is frankly biased conjecture. It was a good deed. Maybe it had ulterior motives, maybe not. There's not really any evidence either way, so I wouldn't pass off your interpretation as fact.
The Church, despite all its founding, never really adopts other orphans or tries to help them. Look at Dorothea's support with Ferdinand to see that the Empire was full of homeless children, where was the Church for them?
This implies that the Church has the resources to completely solve the orphan crisis, particularly in the empire where the church’s influence is at its the lowest. The Church is trying to help (Cyril, the orphans mentioned in Dimitri's C Support, the Remire orphans, even Mercedes and her mother), but to blame them for not having created a utopia is kind of ridiculous. We've got a lot of governments and charity organizations trying to fix our world's problems, and I'm not going to accuse them of being behind a conspiracy to keep people weak just because there are many still suffering. Well, unless you actually do believe in a conspiracy like that.
we see that in CF were they set ablaze a city full of civilian people, the same city that protected them for five years.
Yeah, we don't get much context for just how many of the Fhirdiad citizens perish here (I'd like to think Catherine would tell them to flee first), but Rhea has clearly lost it at this point. She's desperate and absolutely pissed that she was so close to bringing back the progenitor god, just for Byleth to join Edelgard. I would say her wrath here doesn't mean she was always hateful towards humans, though, if that implication is being made.
She also didn't really cared for Sethet and Flayn either, since she doesn't inform them of her true goals and even sends them to basically die in CF in a desperate attack against Garrech Mach.
Rhea is secretive, probably because she is indeed engaging in dubious efforts, but she makes her plan to use Byleth as a vessel for Sothis clear to Seteth after the fight in the Holy Tomb. What more to the plan was there? And the discussion before Chapter 15 make it quite clear that Seteth went to battle willingly and that Flayn insisted to come as well. It was a bloody fight that apparently came down to the wire, not a suicide mission. Blaming commanders for casualties is an argument could be made against any military leader, including Edelgard. I'm not sure what Rhea's reaction is to Seteth and Flayn's deaths since I spared them on my play through, but she just seemed resigned when hearing they left, not angry or entitled.
She and the Church are the responsible for the toxic society based on Crests, rewriting history as to put themselfs on the righteous side and keep the power for them.
Hmm, the church probably isn't doing enough to help, though their literature states the nobles are abusing their power, and Seteth speaks poorly of crest worship in his Ingrid support. The historical revision is a compromise with the Elites and an effort to keep people from seeking out more Nabatean blood. Again, it's questionable, but human lust for power is as much to blame as Rhea's decision to lie to protect her kind.
Look at after you get Sylvain's Lance from Micklan, she gets mad if you choose not to give it to her despite it being a relic of Sylvain's family. She wants it so that the Church has the control of has many Holy Relics, weapon said to be deal breakers in battles, as possible, and the Knights of Seiros are said to be the strongest knights of all Fodland.
Umm, the church literally gives the Lance of Ruin back to Margrave Gautier. Sylvain gets it back from him in his paralogue. If you keep it, Rhea's understandably annoyed at you disobeying her for no obvious reason until Sylvain explains he has permission to keep it, at which point she relents. This is a non-issue. How many relics are actually controlled by the church other than Thunderbrand, which belongs to Catherine? (plus the Sword of the Creator, but it's being sealed away indefinitely)
They also helped Fodland's suddivision as smaller countries, which since every ending has it reunited proves that was a big mistake.
This is propaganda by Edelgard, somewhat supported by Manuela when she mentions the centrality of Garreg Mach's location. But all we really know is that the church mediated peace in favor of Faerghus's independence and got a good deal out of it in return. Loog and the northern lords presumably had their own reasons for rebelling. This resembles Edelgard and Hubert's bitterness at the Insurrection at the Seven, when it is suggested elsewhere that it was provoked by Ionius himself when he tried centralizing power. El seems to have a habit of not facing up to her own family's potential mistakes.
Personal opinion, but I would have preferred seeing the three lands remain separate and learn to cooperate with each other. Frankly, they seem to be getting along mostly fine (no major conflict, plenty of friendships between the academy students) until El and TWSITD start a war.
It also doesn't help that they can execute whoever they please without any trial, look at how Rhea immediately asks for Edelgard's head, the only heir for the throne of Ardestria, without even trying to understand what drove her to do something so extreme.
This happens after Duscur, when the kingdom's government was in shambles, and when threats are made directly at the Central Church (ex. Lonato, the Western Church). Is there evidence they can go about sentencing anyone on a regular basis? I doubt Rhea calling for Edelgard's head was fully legal, just her being pissed off at the moment upon seeing her student and heir to the empire set up by her family trying to steal her family's remains to make monsters.
She even admits in her S Support that she should have never had the power she did, and again every route has her step down as the Archbishop and the Church either dismantled or heavely reformed, again proving her inadequatancy for the role.
Well, that much is clear. Her goal was always to step aside after bringing back the progenitor god.
She didn't even do anything for the Emperor when he was basically stripped of all his power and had his family kidnapped by Aroundel, who casually was someone who donated a lot of money to the Church regularly. Not discovering the existence of TWSITD even when they were basically taking over the Empire was an inexcusable oversight from her part.
Above, you accuse the church of having too much authority to execute criminals out of its jurisdiction, but here they're blamed for not acting enough? I don't think the church ought to have gotten involved with the Insurrection at face value, and I don't have any reason to think they knew of the child experimentation going on under the scenes. Which is honestly a question of mine. How did no one notice all of the Ionius's children suddenly vanish? TWSITD had a lot of power in the empire to control the stories getting out, but I don't know how you explain all of them away. Are we to presume everyone thought El's siblings just died of disease or something?
And I don't buy the implication that the church is covering for Arundel because he donates to the church considering he cut that off, presumably once real Arundel got replaced with Thales. I'm pretty sure that scene is just to tip us off as to his change of persona and show how TWISTD operate by taking on the identity of popular, well-to-do people, much like that of Cornelia the kind mage who saved Faerghus who should be old by this point suddenly turning into what we see in game.
Not rooting out the Agarthans is a failure of Rhea's, but it's not like they're easy to find. Considering she insists accompanying you to Shambhala to defeat them, it's not like she doesn't care.
She isn't entirely evil, and her backstory is understandable, but the game makes it clear that in order to achieve a better Fodland she and the Church needed to be modified
Agreed. It's a bit unfortunate, though, that it seems Rhea would have given up her authority to Byleth willingly after eventually accepting them as the true heir to Sothis (which is what happens on all routes but CF). Seteth is up for reforming the church as well, and Hanneman is already researching how to make crest inheritance redundant. Of the future leaders of
Fódlan represented at the academy, literally no one loves the role of crests in society, and only a few (Lorenz, Ferdinand) are even hung up on the placement of nobility. If the war was just averted for a few years, things would have looked very different. Not that I necessarily blame Edelgard since she's also being pressured by TWSITD, but I'm not personally convinced the war was necessary.