Told myself I wouldn't post in these threads outside of my own character board cause everything moves too fast, senseless posting, and cancer but this post is just too hilarious and absolute **** not to pass up, bored anyways.
Because it's good. And it's 2014, we do not want N64 tiers of polygons, we want new models that aren't ****.
Believe it or not, people give that title to Skyward Sword. visiting three areas 3 times nothing new whatsoever, wonky controls, Fi never shutting up, empty Hub world, crap bosses outside of one, fish lips, and apparently people not liking how Nintendo tried to make their games canon in someway with the
LoZ History they made and putting Skyward Sword as first one. Tried too hard to shove that in peoples faces during the game.
You guys see Fi? YAH SHE BEEN IN THE SWORD ALL ALONG. Love her please!
No, the realistic style comes from the bodies/faces etc. being, ya know, human like? Art style definitely does not make LoZ. Especially since people
loved TP but at first when WW came out later, they
hated the cartoony look.
Also dunno why you mention that art style makes Zelda Zelda, but previously you were complaining about realistic
Choose one or the other.
The bright sky bloom filled
Blue sea is
dark who's bloom can only be rivaled by Super Mario Sunshine
? Please stop.