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Duke Biweeklies 2/13/11


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Here are my shoutouts, better late than never. They used to be much longer but smashboards crapped out and I lost my giant paragraphs of text. Therefore I remade each shoutout and they are much shorter. Sorries. :o Anyhoo, here we go!

Kadaj - Thanks for playing me in friendlies, I'll improve and get better so you don't get bored playing me. Good stuff beating Sushi in winner's.

Sushi - Good stuff in Doubles Sushi. Sorry about picking you up late. Hope to see you at more tournaments. :)

Jon - Thanks for the friendlies, it was good to see you again. Sorry about picking you up late. Also, you don't seem to be in singles, you didn't enter?

H1N1 - Thanks for all of the friendlies. Ganondorf ditto forever. Hope you feel better soon.

Duo - Great to finally speak to you. We may not have played any friendlies together but I'm sure we will next time. Good stuff almost beating Kadaj in tourney. Don't let your doubles performance get you and I'm looking forward to your comeback.

V1CE - I'll upload your matches as soon as possible, that way you don't have vids that are a year old online. Don't let your doubles performance get you down, I'm sure you'll do much better next time. You said you played like garbage in singles, but that's a motivation thing because of doubles. I know you can still hit it off well. That or do the same on MvC3.

Ben (P.I.) - Thanks for all of the friendlies and advice. I'm hoping to learn more from you since you seem to be improving like a rocket. See you at the next tournament, you're a pretty cool guy.

Shady - Nice to see that you still entered Singles. Good stuff repping Yoshi. Now that MvC3 is out, we'll expect to see you ****** at everything involving that.

Ragnarok - It was nice to see you coming to tournaments again Ragnarok. I saw you at G6 as well. Always a pleasure to see brawlers from when I used to play.

Uncle - I'm glad to see that you are still an avid tourney-goer. You're a pretty nice guy. Thanks for the friendlies, hope to play some more at the next tournament. You seem like a pretty knowledgable guy. Kudos for playing characters that people don't play as often and still doing awesomely. Hope the stacked doubles bracket won't dissuade you from entering next time, who knows what you may accomplish?

Stockfield - Thanks for the friendlies, it was nice to finally get to play you. I'm sorry to hear about your motivation problem but I'm sure you'll do much better at the next tournament. Next time you lose to someone really good, play someone far less skilled and beat them around a few times to get back your confidence. I'm always willing to play you, this way we both win. I get good experience and you get the satisfaction of beating someone silly. :D

Tac - Thanks for the friendlies, they were loads of fun. I was the person that played you in Luigi/Rob. As far as I know, there wasn't anyone else there that picked Luigi. I'll have your MM against Vice loaded as soon as possible and give you the link.

ZeldaRox - Thanks for running an awesome tournament, thanks for giving me advice, and thanks for playing me in friendlies. You seem to be improving a lot now. Just wait, during the summer we can carpool and we can improve at a much faster rate. I'll improve so you don't get bored fighting me.

Cake - I'm not sure if you were getting tired or bored at the end of the tournament but you didn't seem to be playing many friendlies, just watching. I'll be sure to play you at the next tournament we go to so you're not bored. Thanks for the tournament match and the friendlies as well.

Gooey - Thanks for the tournament match, hope to see you come to more tournaments. :)

Timmy - Hope your first tournament was fun and you got to play lots of other people. You may want to play other people besides the people you play all the time though. Glad to see that you main Mario, not many people do, he needs more reps. Anyhoo, I hope to see you at more tournaments as well.

Waldorf - Glad to see that you aced your test, and hope to see you at more tournaments.

If I missed someone, let me know.
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