Ugh...where to begin...
My first "Roommate" was an extremely immature and controlling boyfriend, although he didn't get like that until he moved in with me.
He also had a bunch of people over at MY APARTMENT without my permission while I was down in Dallas visiting Scav&co. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but a lot of his friends are drug addicts, and I want them nowhere near my things or my apartment, ever. He also tried to lie about it and cover it up until one of our mutual friends found out he was trying weasel his way out of it.
Needless to say, it didn't last long before I gave him the boot. He stole a bunch of my stuff from my apartment [including my Chinese Water Dragon, wtf.] but neglected to remember I had spare keys to his car.
There was also an issue I was still dealing with about the landlord and the condition the apartment was in when I first moved in. Details aside, I had an open-and-shut case I could start, so the landlord just gave me all of my rent money back plus the money that was used to waive the lease, since the lease wasn't valid due to the conditions of the apartment.
My ex is the one that paid to waive the lease, and he paid half of the rent, so I just considered it payment for him stealing a bunch of my things.'s a *****.
I moved to another apartment.
The next roommate was someone that was genuinely down on her luck. She had a kid with her now-ex-husband before figuing out that he was cheating, and after the divorce she moved out into a small house. It was working out fine until she was laid off from GM. Moving back in with her dad wasn't an option, he lives in Mississippi and she wanted to stay in the area. She and her son lived with me for about two months before she got a different job with GM. We actually got along quite well, and her son wasn't a brat.
The next guy turned into a psycho after he started hanging out with his cokehead brother. I ended up needing a restraining order to get him to quit harassing me after he was kicked out.
I had an almost-girlfriend, Cherrie, stay with me for a while when she was fighting with her mother. [she was 22 at the time, I'm not a pedo]
Well, to put it bluntly, Cherrie needs to keep taking her depression meds. She decided she didn't need them while she lived with me, stopped taking them, and almost instantly spiraled out of control. I had to have her mother and father come get her after one of her episodes, and she stayed in a psych ward for three weeks after that.
I moved again after that, this time moving in with a good friend of mine at work to help her pay her bills/get me the hell out of the hood for a while.
Her boyfriend of a few years died in a car accident and she was left with the bills they both used to pay, plus being grief-stricken in a place alone isn't really all that fun.
It was great for about 4 months, but her depression never seemed to get any better.
Slowly, she started staying out in the bars longer, then she just stopped coming home for days at a time.
Heavy drinking combined with heavy ecstacy use are not good for depression. It quickly got out of control.
She was never home so we [her friends and I] could talk to her about it... when we'd try to confront her wherever she was, she'd just disregard it and disappear back into the crowd.
Then one day in late October, the power shut off. Apparently, the money I was giving her wasn't going to the rent and bills anymore.
I had met Cody sometime during my stay with this girl, and he offered to let me stay with him until the power was turned back on.
After a month, we went up there and got all of my clothes and things and moved them down to where I was staying. I looked at apartments around the area, but none of them seemed to be affordable and not in the ghetto at the same time.
The power didn't come back on until December. Cody was upset because he thought I was going to leave, but there was no way in hell I was going back up there.
He finally told me he wanted me to stay *here* instead of find an apartment.
I've lived her for over a year and a couple months now, we seem to get along pretty good.