Alright, so...Min Min. I gotta be honest, Min Min on a roster without Spring Man also on it is a bad decision in my eyes. Perhaps that'll change in the future if ARMS gets another game and she takes over as mascot, but for now, I don't agree with her inclusion. All that said though, she is a pretty decent character.
I like how her character specific mechanics were handled for the most part. Her Up Smash does seem to be a little dumb in the competitive side of things, but I do think it's a creative way to handle it if they didn't want to attach a reflector to her dodges, or just have it destroy projectiles since that would be a fairly nothing mechanic (aside from her dodges being a bit more safe against projectiles). Her Dragon ARM does add a layer of complexity to her, so that's good as well.
I like how her ARM set worked out as well, with Ram Ram being good at harassing people, Megawatt being the big K.O. tool, and Dragon having some utility with its lasers that stops it from being the "why would you ever pick the middle road over the more specialized ones" option (though the fact that she always has a Dragon ARM at all times does still make it a bit more niche).
Casually, the fun begins when you find out just how stupid Punch is. To this day she is still the only character that I will pull something off with and go "lol that was
not OK". On some level, it probably isn't; I'm not sure the fact that she can make deep edge guards from onstage is fair for most characters. As far as the rest of her interactions go, she does seem to be fairly polarizing, or at least annoying with characters that can deal with Punch giving her tons of trouble, and characters that can't being "GG EZ", and that extends (

) to the players as well (though that's a bit more par for the course). And I can also understand people finding her pretty boring, as even though Punch has a fair amount of nuance to it, it is still her entire gameplan for the most part. This
is to be expected since it also represents the entirety of ARMS, but I do wonder if it would be against the spirit of the character if her other moves would be just a tad more relevant in matchups (though I should stat that I'm also not sure exactly how big of a problem this is in the first place; if it isn't really broke, then I probably wouldn't try to fix it).
Spring Stadium
As much as this is a better stage than Ramen Bowl would have been...why does the Min Min pack come with Spring Man's stage? Oddities aside, the stage is alright. Nothing to really write home about, but alright. And as always, ARMS music is a bop.