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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Well, with only 3 characters left to go as evidenced by both the pass and the remaining slots in the voice test menu, you think all 3 are going to be from new series not already in Smash?

At this point I'm hard pressed to predict anything, and I don't necessary believe in voice theory since it's been shown that Sakurai and co. don't care for exact aesthetic details like that (Smash 4 roster sends its regards).

In terms of raw number of unrepresented franchises I think it's possible. I definitely think a majority of the remaining characters will be from new series, but I could also see one returning franchise, be it Mario, Xenoblade, Sonic, or Street Fighter among others.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Tbh I don’t buy the voice slots theory anymore. They can add rows at any time, they did it when Min Min joined. Same for stages

AND if they add more WoL slots, characters too... speaking of

I am once again asking if the dataminers found any changes to the amount of fighter_kind_xxx slots. Not expecting a Brave repeat, just wanna know if the amount is the same or if it’s changed
That was true when MinMin was added, but none were added since then.


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
That was true when MinMin was added, but none were added since then.
I think there were none added for now because it is too early to determine if Fighter 10 and 11 have voices or not. Assuming if Fighter 9 does take up a voice slot.
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Deleted member

Well, with only 3 characters left to go as evidenced by both the pass and the remaining slots in the voice test menu, you think all 3 are going to be from new series not already in Smash?
As much as I'd want the next 3 characters to be from series not currently in Smash, I'm expecting at least 1 more pre-existing franchise to get another character in Smash. Pokemon's the main franchise I can picture because of Sword and Shield with it being 1 of the biggest and most recent and relevant Switch games from Nintendo currently. "They already had a spirit event" be damned; Nintendo will add a Gen 8 Pokemon regardless.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
On a completely different topic, I want to propose a game: what's your top wishes... for Spirit Events and Mii Costumes?

For Spirits, I'd love me some Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina, because that has a snowball's chance in hell of getting playable content. I'd like music the most, but eh, what can you do. Also, if Ace Attorney and Puyo Puyo don't get a playable character, I'd rather get a few Spirits than nothing at all. And an Undertale event to match the Sans costume, of course.

For Costumes, Cadence and the Knight come to mind as PreMiium, but Klonoa would be neat too.
Anything Quest 64, obviously.

That said;

Fulgore Costume(I don't see him being playable)
Doomslayer/Master Chief(if either doesn't get in, or both if neither do)
Cacodemon Hat
Mallow Hat
Ridley Costume
Gooigi Hat
Sora(if not playable)
Rabbid Body Suit(not just the hat)

Spirit Events:
Luigi's Mansion 3
Final Fantasy VIII(since no other FF game is represented as is, this would be nice)
Paper Mario(original game, or any specific game besides Origami King)
Kingdom Hearts
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Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2017
PIranha Plant was a bonus DLC not part of fighters pass 1. So could we get bonus DLC after fighters pass 2?


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I think Legend of Dragoon fans would be happy to just have anyone acknowledge their existence, frankly.
Said every low fanbase franchise fan.

That said, anyone else think that there should be more stages from unrepresented franchises, like how Animal Crossing began with the stage in Brawl then the character in Smash 4? Like, even if they don't want to give a playable character, some of their franchises give some really cool ideas for stages.

-Take Custom Robo for example: The stage would be based on the Basic Arena Holosseum of GC Custom Robo or Basic Stage Holosseum of Custom Robo Arena. The stage would be a decently big stage with some platforms and decently-sized walls on both sides, making it a pseudo-Walk-Off stage, with the walls preventing walk-offs.
The gimmick would be based on how battles start in Custom Robo work. At the start of the match, rather than the fighters starting on different points on the stage, all the fighters start in a Robo Cannon in the background of the stage. From where the player's cannon is, it will show a marker to where the player will land on the main stage. The player can control where they land on the stage by moving the marker left and right. The cannon is fired when the countdown ends.
All the fighters will then be shot in Robo cubes to the area of the stage they had their marker on. A timer then starts on their Robo cube and the players have to press buttons to make the timer go down faster, where once the timer reaches 0, the players come out of their Robo cube and can potentially go after other players still in their Robo Cube.
During the battle, when a player gets KO'd, they are put back in the Robo cannon, but it's less time consuming where once the player knows where they want to be in the stage, they can press the A button to fire themselves immediately instead of waiting for the countdown on the Robo cannon to go down and they will break out of the Robo cube immediately when the Cube lands. When they get out of the cube, they will have temporary invincibility frames, much like after they get off the respawn platform.

Here's a good visual on how it works in Custom Robo.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I recall Piranha Plant was intended for Base game but was made DLC due to time restraints. Explains why he was free limited time.
That's just a theory people have. The evidence honestly goes both ways.

It was more likely DLC at this point, as even the amiibo data specifically has it after every character. A lot of the other stuff are very circumstance-based and rely on somewhat stretched theories in a few cases. Besides that, the only data we found on it was way after DLC was determined(in 2017), and of course it'd be worked on fairly early.

It being a bonus DLC would be more because the idea of a Fighter's Pass came up later or it took way longer to figure out the Fighter's Pass 1 and thus, it couldn't be added to it. It made more sense as the first basic DLC, to push the game further and get quicker holiday sales. As it's not as big as most characters, it also would be good to have free for a while.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
That's just a theory people have. The evidence honestly goes both ways.

It was more likely DLC at this point, as even the amiibo data specifically has it after every character. A lot of the other stuff are very circumstance-based and rely on somewhat stretched theories in a few cases. Besides that, the only data we found on it was way after DLC was determined(in 2017), and of course it'd be worked on fairly early.

It being a bonus DLC would be more because the idea of a Fighter's Pass came up later or it took way longer to figure out the Fighter's Pass 1 and thus, it couldn't be added to it. It made more sense as the first basic DLC, to push the game further and get quicker holiday sales. As it's not as big as most characters, it also would be good to have free for a while.
Why is it then PP had it's own Palutena guidance?


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2008
Galleom could also work too.
True, but I could imagine a gag where Metal Face, right before he can land a strike at a fighter with his claw, is interrupted by a sword slash out of nowhere, witnesses his claw fall off his arm seconds after that attack, and reacts with a loud and astonished "WHAT!?".

It'd work for Galleom too, but the reaction wouldn't be there.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Why is it then PP had it's own Palutena guidance?
Because it was decided far earlier than the Fighter's Pass 1, who didn't have all their licensing done till November 2018, a month before release. Literally you have a year and a half for PP to directly be figured out, and it only takes around 6 months to make. That's a massive amount of leeway for it to only be DLC.

They can't just record them if they're not going to see use. It's a waste of time and money(these are paid actors, not creating some proof of concept model/artwork/etc).. They recorded a generic one for the rest of the DLC characters like last time, since they didn't have to worry about any issues that way. That also leaves them open for later DLC. PP was special in being decided while the game was being made, and was made bonus and had the benefit of literally just a simple Palutena's Guidance that the rest of the DLC cannot get due to their circumstances.

Imagine if Byleth was the only with a Guidance, or even Byleth and Banjo & Kazooie. That would be super awkward. So the only who was worked on during the regular game's development got it to make things not feel awkward. Fighter's Pass characters were treated differently from the first DLC character as is.
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Because it was decided far earlier than the Fighter's Pass 1, who didn't have all their licensing done till November 2018, a month before release. Literally you have a year and a half for PP to directly be figured out, and it only takes around 6 months to make. That's a massive amount of leeway for it to only be DLC.

They can't just record them if they're not going to see use. It's a waste of time and money(these are paid actors, not creating some proof of concept model/artwork/etc).. They recorded a generic one for the rest of the DLC characters like last time, since they didn't have to worry about any issues that way. That also leaves them open for later DLC. PP was special in being decided while the game was being made, and was made bonus and had the benefit of literally just a simple Palutena's Guidance that the rest of the DLC cannot get due to their circumstances.
I'll also add to that, the INFAMOUS 4chan leaks that could only be believed in Insight, where a random poster, with no one answering to it, basically leaked PP back in September and the rest of the roster, and it seems at the time, he was basegame.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'll also add to that, the INFAMOUS 4chan leaks that could only be believed in Insight, where a random poster, with no one answering to it, basically leaked PP back in September and the rest of the roster, and it seems at the time, he was basegame.
It was found in the base game data only after 2017, when DLC was officially decided upon(in private, which we know via interviews).

That's the problem with that evidence. It's not proof of anything because we can see it being worked on way later in the game at best. We don't have any good evidence of it being plausible before 2017, when the actual base game was decided upon(which was 2015). It's not that hard to know later data anymore, so that person could've found that out in nearly 3 years time. There's still almost a year of leeway. This was known in September 2018, a bit late for it to be useful to note "was obviously game". That's a year after DLC was known, to be more clear(since it was July 2017).

It's why I don't buy that it's good evidence. It's flimsy. Now if you have something that was before 2017, that would be good evidence. Right now it's evidence that lines up perfectly with it being DLC at best. But nothing has lined up properly with it being known before DLC was decided upon, soooooo... why should I believe very loose evidence that oftentimes is stretched and ignoring the lack of data(I.E. Palutena's Guidance, which had a long time to be worked on. We have no clue when it's recorded, making it a hard assumption it was done before 2017. It doesn't help nor hurt the PP argument. It's neutral information and lacking too much in general).

I can't tell if you're helping my point or not, actually. XD Also, I think it was determined PP is an "it"? Not counting some theories it's female due to the Guidance, anyway. But that aside.
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Also, I think it was determined PP is an "it"? Not counting some theories it's female due to the Guidance, anyway. But that aside.
Mistake from thinking in French and writing in English.
We give genders to items, and we don't have any "non gender" pronouns- mea culpa

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Mistake from thinking in French and writing in English.
We give genders to items, and we don't have any "non gender" pronouns- mea culpa
Ah, fair enough. I headcanon PP as a she nowadays.

Anyway, it'd be nice if Sakurai actually spoke on this. But my guess is the fact It's DLC is supposed to be "Yes, we meant it as DLC". He probably would've honestly said something when speaking on the various characters he worked on before the game went gold anyway. But he didn't. Maybe the lack of information was just his way of saying it?


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Ah, fair enough. I headcanon PP as a she nowadays.

Anyway, it'd be nice if Sakurai actually spoke on this. But my guess is the fact It's DLC is supposed to be "Yes, we meant it as DLC". He probably would've honestly said something when speaking on the various characters he worked on before the game went gold anyway. But he didn't. Maybe the lack of information was just his way of saying it?
My headcannon is that even if Piranha Plant is a she, she has the same voice as Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors. I don't know why but the voice fits well in my head.

Deleted member

In the spirit of Christmas, here are my current predictions:

CP9: Tales of character (Lloyd/Yuri)

I think Tales is in a pretty good spot all things considered. They’ve got an anniversary coming up, Bamco works on Ultimate, and if the Chun-Leak is true they’ve already been on the table. Unlike Chun-Li I think Tales has a higher probability of being revisited since Ken apparently replaced her and SF in general got a major content boost in the base game. Whether it’s Lloyd or Yuri is a complete toss up as there are plenty of good arguments for either so I’m not even gonna bother lol.

CP10: Crash Bandicoot

Obligatory Crash prediction because I’m boring. He’s just mega popular and I think he’d make a good choice for whatever 2021’s E3 equivalent is. Not much else to say.

CP11: First Party character (Rex/Cinderace/Bandana Dee)

And we end my predictions with another cop out. I just think we’re getting a character to promote one of Nintendo’s IPs to end the pass like we have with Corrin and Byleth before. As for why these are my top 3? Rex & Pokémon have been talked to death on here, and Bandana Dee hinges on whether or not we get the 3D Kirby referenced in Fighters 2’s code. I excluded Zelda since the pass bonus is the Ancient Armor Mii Costume so I feel like they would’ve saved that if we were getting a Zelda character. Since we don’t know Nintendo’s 2021 slate or marketing priorities I can’t really make more specific predictions though.

HMs to Hayabusa and Chun Li. Assuming the talks with KT were regarding Three Houses there’s no reason to believe Hayabusa was considered, and Chun may have been scrapped for Ken. They could easily slot in over Crash in my predictions though.

Can’t wait to go 0/3 as usual.
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Monster Hunter is highly unlikely now. The fact there are only 3 voice spots left and not 4 like before makes it significantly less likely since Monster Hunter is a player avatar with gender alts
Well, there's already a "fighting game" version of the Monster Hunter and it's not a player avatar with gender alts. They might just make that the playable MH, and leave the gender alts to the Mii costumes.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
Well, there's already a "fighting game" version of the Monster Hunter and it's not a player avatar with gender alts. They might just make that the playable MH, and leave the gender alts to the Mii costumes.
Then again I doubt Sakurai would even look at the Hunter anyways due to how the Monster Hunter Devs want the Series perceived in the General Public. Represented by the Mobsters, not the Hunters.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I don't really understand why the voice theory is held in such high regard by some people. It's an interesting observation, but outside of the box theory these rules of perfect symmetry and whatnot have never stacked up.

Then again I doubt Sakurai would even look at the Hunter anyways due to how the Monster Hunter Devs want the Series perceived in the General Public. Represented by the Mobsters, not the Hunters.
Please, I'm begging you guys, stop pushing this narrative. The only evidence of this is from an interview from 2011, rendered outdated by Monster Hunter's inclusion in Infinite in 2017. There is no statement anywhere (and I've looked hard for it) that states or even suggests that the Monster Hunter devs have any problems with Hunter's inclusion in Infinite or anything else. It amazes me how much this has spread without a shred of evidence in its favor.

I sprout like ten grey hairs every time I read this and need to clarify it. Seriously, I beg all of you to put in some research before you spread these kind of statements.


Let me draw some parallels between Monster Hunter and DQ Hero too, another series more often represented through monsters and whose protagonists seldom appeared in crossovers, especially fighting games.
Sourced from: https://www.siliconera.com/masahiro...imates-hero-dlc-director-philosophy-and-more/

" Sakurai and Nintendo spoke very passionately, saying “We want to use Hero.” There was some discussion about whether a monster could be better, but in the end they agreed upon it. "

" Hero hasn’t been seen fighting other characters before. And they haven’t gotten voiced before too. Sakurai was quite convinced that he’d be rejected really quickly, but the agreement came surprisingly quickly. According to the Square Enix side, it was partially because of Sakurai’s passion, and partially because the ‘best of’ element in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was quite similar to that of Dragon Quest XI S, which brings together many elements from across the series. "

" From Yuji Horii’s point of view, while before there was a resistance towards seeing Hero fighting other characters and other Heroes, it’s slowly become less strict, seeing as there is the smartphone game Dragon Quest Rivals, and such. With Smash Bros. being such a popular series as well, Horii wanted Hero to join. "

Obviously this can't be treated as 1:1 with Monster Hunter, but it shows very clearly that 1. developer opinions on crossovers can shift over time (Infinite already proves this for MH unless stated otherwise) and 2. Sakurai is a creative genius and Smash Bros is a gigantic series where developers can trust their characters and ideas would be treated lovingly. If anything Dragon Quest has been significantly more strict about these things than Monster Hunter, so if this wasn't a hurdle for them I hardly believe the guys at Capcom would pass on it if given the opportunity.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
I don't really understand why the voice theory is held in such high regard by some people. It's an interesting observation, but outside of the box theory these rules of perfect symmetry and whatnot have never stacked up.

Please, I'm begging you guys, stop pushing this narrative. The only evidence of this is from an interview from 2011, rendered outdated by Monster Hunter's inclusion in Infinite in 2017. There is no statement anywhere (and I've looked hard for it) that states or even suggests that the Monster Hunter devs have any problems with Hunter's inclusion in Infinite or anything else. It amazes me how much this has spread without a shred of evidence in its favor.

I sprout like ten grey hairs every time I read this and need to clarify it. Seriously, I beg all of you to put in some research before you spread these kind of statements.


Let me draw some parallels between Monster Hunter and DQ Hero too, another series more often represented through monsters and whose protagonists seldom appeared in crossovers, especially fighting games.
Sourced from: https://www.siliconera.com/masahiro...imates-hero-dlc-director-philosophy-and-more/

" Sakurai and Nintendo spoke very passionately, saying “We want to use Hero.” There was some discussion about whether a monster could be better, but in the end they agreed upon it. "

" Hero hasn’t been seen fighting other characters before. And they haven’t gotten voiced before too. Sakurai was quite convinced that he’d be rejected really quickly, but the agreement came surprisingly quickly. According to the Square Enix side, it was partially because of Sakurai’s passion, and partially because the ‘best of’ element in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was quite similar to that of Dragon Quest XI S, which brings together many elements from across the series. "

" From Yuji Horii’s point of view, while before there was a resistance towards seeing Hero fighting other characters and other Heroes, it’s slowly become less strict, seeing as there is the smartphone game Dragon Quest Rivals, and such. With Smash Bros. being such a popular series as well, Horii wanted Hero to join. "

Obviously this can't be treated as 1:1 with Monster Hunter, but it shows very clearly that 1. developer opinions on crossovers can shift over time (Infinite already proves this for MH unless stated otherwise) and 2. Sakurai is a creative genius and Smash Bros is a gigantic series where developers can trust their characters and ideas would be treated lovingly. If anything Dragon Quest has been significantly more strict about these things than Monster Hunter, so if this wasn't a hurdle for them I hardly believe the guys at Capcom would pass on it if given the opportunity.
After how badly Marvel Infinite went, I legit view the Hunter as impossible for Ultimate.


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Mobsters, you say?

"Myarrrrrrrrr see? We gotta take dat hunter out behind da pizza pawluh and show im who's boss, see? Myarrrrrrrrrrrr pop im in da chin and throw im in da brook, den tell is momma to give us 75 million dolluhs, ya see? An if anybody asks any questions, starts nosin around ya know, pop em in da gizzard and send em downstream, myarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And JEFF, don't look at Big Mally funny, you know Big Mally don't like it when ya look at im funny."

"Dem huntuhs are pickin us off one by one, see? Myarrrrrr we gotta do em in. Pecksta, you go over dere and punch em in da gizzard! We'll get da box ready and lock em in da back of a truck headed for da dump. Anybody sees ya, throw em in too, myaaaaaaar. We'll meet up at da casino and bet on da fights. Nobody be a hero, undastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand?"

"MUGSY whaddaya dooooooin huh WHADDAYA DOOOOOOOOIN? I told ya not ta fall into dat trap, ya big lummox! Get outta dere, Mugsy! Go get that so-called huntah and bust his chops, myarrrrrrrrrrrr pop im in da mouth! Get his so-called friends and lead em round da bush, I got a idea. But when we're done with dis, so help me Mugsy I'm gonna pop ya sideways, ya heeeeeeeeeeeear? Myarrrrrrrrr" (punches Mugsy in the stomach)

I want gangsta monsters hahahaha don't hunt em, join em! Rule dis here street! Myarrrrrr PUNCH EM RIGHT THROUGH DAT DERE WINDUH!



Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
After how badly Marvel Infinite went, I legit view the Hunter as impossible for Ultimate.
I doubt the average consumer, Nintendo, or Capcom would attribute the failure of MvCI to... a DLC character. One that was received well by fans.

And, going by that logic, I would assume Monster Hunter World, being "the highest selling game Capcom has ever made" would more than tip the scales greatly in the Monster Hunter's favor.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
"Myarrrrrrrrr see? We gotta take dat hunter out behind da pizza pawluh and show im who's boss, see? Myarrrrrrrrrrrr pop im in da chin and throw im in da brook, den tell is momma to give us 75 million dolluhs, ya see? An if anybody asks any questions, starts nosin around ya know, pop em in da gizzard and send em downstream, myarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And JEFF, don't look at Big Mally funny, you know Big Mally don't like it when ya look at im funny."

"Dem huntuhs are pickin us off one by one, see? Myarrrrrr we gotta do em in. Pecksta, you go over dere and punch em in da gizzard! We'll get da box ready and lock em in da back of a truck headed for da dump. Anybody sees ya, throw em in too, myaaaaaaar. We'll meet up at da casino and bet on da fights. Nobody be a hero, undastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand?"

"MUGSY whaddaya dooooooin huh WHADDAYA DOOOOOOOOIN? I told ya not ta fall into dat trap, ya big lummox! Get outta dere, Mugsy! Go get that so-called huntah and bust his chops, myarrrrrrrrrrrr pop im in da mouth! Get his so-called friends and lead em round da bush, I got a idea. But when we're done with dis, so help me Mugsy I'm gonna pop ya sideways, ya heeeeeeeeeeeear? Myarrrrrrrrr" (punches Mugsy in the stomach)

I want gangsta monsters hahahaha don't hunt em, join em! Rule dis here street! Myarrrrrr PUNCH EM RIGHT THROUGH DAT DERE WINDUH!

Excuse me sir, this is a Wendy's.
After how badly Marvel Infinite went, I legit view the Hunter as impossible for Ultimate.
Given how Infinite's failure can largely be chalked up to Disney's interference, I doubt that Nintendo and Capcom will consider its failure when choosing characters. Especially given how like, all of the Capcom picks we talk about were in that game except for Phoenix Wright.

Is this how Phoenix gang wins?


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
I Know people say Street fighter Costumes being missing is weird, but I always found it weirder we didn't have any Ace Attorney content in Smash at all. yes

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I Know people say Street fighter Costumes being missing is weird, but I always found it weirder we didn't have any Ace Attorney content in Smash at all. yes
I certainly wouldn't complain if Ace Attorney found its way into Smash in some fashion, but it's definitely not quite at the level of the four Capcom series that we do have represented in Smash. I mean, given how Resident Evil, Capcom's biggest series, only has a few spirits, and didn't receive any content until post release... it'd be cool to see Ace Attorney get some love but it's not exactly a glaring omission. At least not to the extent where I'd call it "weird".

You could honestly argue the same about DMC, but it's quickly becoming one of THE Capcom series and that doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon either. I do get that Ace Attorney has a bit more of that special Nintendo connection, but I think people may see it as a little bit of a bigger deal than it actually is. No disrespect toward AA which is a great series and Phoenix who would be a very fun addition.
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
I certainly wouldn't complain if Ace Attorney found its way into Smash somehow, but it's definitely not quite at the level of the four Capcom series that we do have represented in Smash. I mean, given how Resident Evil, Capcom's biggest series, only has a few spirits... it'd be cool to see Ace Attorney get some love but it's not exactly a glaring omission. In other words I definitely wouldn't call it "weird".

You could honestly argue the same about DMC, but it's quickly becoming one of THE Capcom series and that doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon either. I do get that Ace Attorney has a bit more of that special Nintendo connection, but I think people may see it as a little bit of a bigger deal than it actually is. No disrespect toward AA which is a great series and Phoenix who would be a very fun addition.
I wasn't talking just about Playable spots, but also Spirits or Mii Costume. Even if Phoenix isn't playable, I still think he would end up getting something in the end, whether it be Spirits or Mii Costume
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