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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
Brawl is great, I didn't think people still hated it. Probably the most unique installment in the series. Something nice about the first three Smash games actually - is that they aren't rendered obsolete by future installments. Smash 4 however - is the one Smash game to actually age poorly. Not that it's a bad game, just on account of having no identity of its own beyond being the most recent Smash game at the time.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Ken is so more different from Ryu than Dr. Mario is from Mario, i think Ken should've been counted as a semicolon rather than an echo.
Incorrect. He doesn't have different weights or stats. They aren't that different, but still clearly different. Ken would be called a clone, not a semi-clone, though. He is not that unique enough to be close to even Ganondorf, who is still pretty much a semi-clone. Dr. Mario is still a regular clone(and officially is still under that moniker, as he wasn't much changed from 4 to justify a new term at that point).

Sorry, but until its seen otherwise, people will continue to view Echoes as being same-series only and there's no changing people's minds. From the moment echoes were announced as a thing, all we've seen are clones as the literal 'echo' of another character (Peach/Daisy, Samus/Dark Samus, Simon/Richter) and the others as Semi-Clones....Dr. Mario has a couple of different moves than Mario, Pichu has smaller frame data and a self-hurt mechanic (in exchange for increased power), Ganondorf is finally differentiated from Falcon to finally be a Semi-Clone, The Earthbound, Fire Emblem and the Star Fox gang all differ enough to be Semi Clones as well....aside from Lucina who is an exact clone of Marth and lo & behold, is classified as the Echo of Marth.

You may not like it or agree and can post a doctoral thesis on why this reasoning is wrong, but until Sakurai & Smash Ultimate produces an Echo that proves otherwise, you won't get the majority to agree.
They're officially different things regardless.

Ganondorf actually was a semi since Brawl, as it had no regular clones. It would if Dr. Mario came back(and possibly Roy too. Also, Toon Zelda and Toon Sheik would probably be that. Dixie Kong, who knows. My guess is semi, using some of Diddy's moves? So kind of like Wolf or Ganondorf. Meaning a few moves or a fair amount of moves).

Anyway, there's no point in correcting people over and over, agreed. It'd be better if Sakurai actually made the Echo designation clearer than just "same bodyshape", and different attributes and weight may be what pushes them into clone status if Reggie's words are correct, but he sounds like he's speculating. It might actually be the case, since that's exactly the core difference between Ken and Dr. Mario, so(I mean, besides Dr. Mario have more normal changes to his moveset than Ken does. Ken uses the same exact gimmick as Ryu, so they aren't counted as a normal moveset. It sticks out for an Echo, obviously).


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Quick Direct predictions:
  • BotW2 trailer, new hand gimmick elaborated on, dog petting confirmed
  • OoT3D, MM3D, WWHD and TWHD ported to Switch, former two are given HD textures
  • Skyward Sword HD, added simplified control scheme, pacing fixes and other QoL changes
  • More Monster Hunter Rise info
  • House of the Dead 1 & 2 Remake news (Am I the only one wondering where this went? They announced it back in October of 2019)
  • Master Chief Collection for Switch
  • Golden Sun and The Lost Age Remake
  • New NSO platform, Game Boy, GBA or N64 games
  • New IP revealed
  • New 2D Metroid game, no MP4 news until E3
  • Wario Land Collection, contains Wario Land 1, 2, 3, 4, Wario World and Shake It! in one package
  • Smash character reveal is Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, coming in March
  • No new F-Zero, because of course they wouldn't


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
you know after all this talk about pokemone i've been thinking about who would be a really good inclusion....

and the answer was Red or another pokemon trainer, but here's the catch, you fight with the trainer themselves rather than pokemon, i mean who wouldn't want to see Red beating the **** out of Sephiroth and Bowser with his bare hand's?

It'll be Misty & Starmie
Misty's Water Manipulation.jpg

Kinda like Rosalina & Luma. You fight as Misty, but Starmie fulfills the smash and special attacks (Levitate, Rapid Spin, Double Edge, Swift, etc) and Gyarados is the Final Smash (MEGA Gyarados once you hit a certain damage percentage).

Not only is Misty a nostalgic fan favorite character, but ALSO a tie-in to Pokemon Masters EX, especially if it comes with a Pokemon Center stage. It's like the ONLY WAY you could have "another Pokemon character" and "a mobile game character" and still get away scot free because it's also "a nostalgic fan favorite". PLUS, then her Spirit Board would just be other Pokemon TRAINERS and not the Pokemon THEMSELVES who already have a TON of Spirits in game.


You expected another Pokemon but you got the Tomboyish Mermaid instead! Whaddaya do? Whaddaya DO?


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
rides across the countryside on horseback

"The leakers are coming! The leakers are coming!"
Wait until one leaker takes an username related to Genghis Khan.

Then we're all screwed.


(Yes, this is what AI Genghis says when first meeting him in Civilization VI. Pretty badass way to introduce oneself. In-game, if you manage to befriend him, his AI will stay loyal and straightforward - true to his historical self. And yes, I've been itching for an excuse to post this.)

The competitive/more hardcore community dislikes Brawl for understandable reasons, but the competitive community is also like a miniscule fraction of the actual playerbase.
Casually Brawl is great
That's true, but it's also worth noting that the competitive fanbase is both loud relative to the casual fanbase and influential within the larger community (for good and ill). Hungrybox regularily pulls in 100K+ viewers on his Youtube channel for example.

It's no wonder that TerminalMontage chose to rep Fox, Marth and Meta Knight as what they're known for in the competitive sense. And TM's videos reach a lot of people - millions at minimum.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
My predictions

BotW2 trailer
Halo Collection on Switch
Metroid Prime 4 trailer
Monster Hunter Rise info
New Nintendo IP
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Rare Replay
Smash character reveal

Really hoping for Pass 3/Echo Pass as well as more game modes and Kid Icarus: Uprising port.
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Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2016
My predictions:

BOTW2 trailer
Some more info about new Pokémon snap
Zelda all-stars
new top-down Zelda game
DK barrel Blast 2
Golden Sun HD remake
New Advance Wars game
FE6+7 remake
3D Kirby
2D Metroid
Mario Strikers 3
Style Savvy 5
NDcube's new game (Super Mario party 2 or something else)
Monolith Soft's new action fantasy game
DKCTF/R styled 2D Mario game
Yoshi's Woolly World switch port
Astral Chain sequel
Splatoon spin-off
New Warriors series game
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I’m also hoping for a Xenoblade X port in the direct. I don’t THINK they’d announce pass 3 in that direct, they last only announced more fighters in development during Terry’s dedicated presentation. If they did that there tho that would be dope

also, a Splatoon spinoff of some kind would be awesome

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Everything about Brawl is great except for the main Smash mode.
Honestly, that's fine. The items got really overpowered(and worse in 4, with a few more fair ones in Ultimate), the stages could become somewhat annoying in Single Player(freaking WarioWare was dumb. It's cool if the mini-games weren't overdeadly and had borked effects otherwise). And the Target Smash stages got boring fast. You had to do them over 30 times, and there's 5 each, so over 100 times. Just... no. Target Blast!! was not only shorter, you just needed to not worry about a high score outside of a few unlocks, and it was way easier to do. A massive improvement. Of course, Target Test was superior(...except Pichu's. My god, that was annoying) for the fact it let you get good with a particular character.

Brawl is a great game, but it has some issues as is. Casually it's fun, if you remove everything about single player, where the core weaknesses lie(and kind of items, but that's less of an issue since explosive fun is great anyway. Unless you're trying to run an item tourney, then you're limited sometimes).

My only other hangup with Brawl is they reused the main theme over 20 times and it got me tired of it fast. The music is good, but they could've remixed it a bit less and did some other music alongside it. No other Smash went that far from what I can remember, so the themes didn't feel overused. It's a beautiful theme, but... yeah. Like, a good similar situation is people got sick of the remixes of the original MMPR theme for later Power Rangers series. They barely reused it too. Sometimes just the words Go Go Power Rangers got people tired of it(but only after Disney no longer was in charge of the series, so it was "okay" with the other seasons). But it does help it's still fairly different overall, and isn't instrumental. Hence why some still love the theme despite the remixes, and others don't. Regardless, the only thing I really miss is the "Super! Smash! Bros.!!!" bit, since I felt that was a really neat thing. Lifelight is so different that it didn't bother me too much it was out. Brawl's theme I don't think it could've been put in without being super awkward. 4's I can't remember, but it might've fit in?

That said, I'd just love it if they at least had balance patches for Brawl. Well, and maybe more options to remove some stage hazards(especially in Classic/All-Star).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2020
Ends blud
Lloyd is almost definitely the reveal you can make fun of this if I'm wrong, i don't want him to be in but he seems massively likely


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Come on Sakurai...atleast give me a Dante Mii costume...
Ah yes, so people can use iconic Dante moves like flinging Tornados, Shurikens, and having a Rainbow Reflector.



(Nah seriously, if Dante gets Mii'd... I won't mind it really, he gets something. Still much prefer him to be playable personally, but take what you can get.)
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Smash Cadet
May 15, 2020
Thats my thought process. I would've much preferred Heihachi being playable but a Mii is better than nothing IMO.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
So PracticalBrush12 is back leaking MH rise info but he is trying to get on the info about CP9.
I'm thinking the reason we're so lucky with Sephiroth was no one was expecting a character reveal at the VGA 2020 with most thinking it would have been too early for such.

Nevertheless. I hope this doesn't get leaked and remains as Sephiroth was.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
dnate trailefcsa with enro 2
This is clearly a hint, it says trail so Estelle confirmed!

Speaking of Trails, I think Rean's a tad overrated, one of the reasons given as to why he's likely is that he's relevant... But Rean's not in Kuro no Kiseki which releases this year, it's a whole new saga in the series. Every other point is perfectly valid, I just disagree with that particular point

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Brawl is great, I didn't think people still hated it. Probably the most unique installment in the series. Something nice about the first three Smash games actually - is that they aren't rendered obsolete by future installments. Smash 4 however - is the one Smash game to actually age poorly. Not that it's a bad game, just on account of having no identity of its own beyond being the most recent Smash game at the time.
Nah Smash 4 is fine. Problem is it looks way too much like Ultimate. Or well, Ultimate is obviously based on the Smash 4 Wii U engine, and has literal upgraded models of a couple of characters.

Haven't played Brawl in ages however. Bet it would be real fun pulling two Bananas on stage again and bring complete wreckage and destruction. :diddy:


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base

Nintendo Direct Thread is up and ready to go. You’re welcome to move to this thread now if you like and it is meant to be a spoiler free area if you’re worried about that. Either way I’ll lock the newcomer thread for an hour or two around the time of the direct that way we can keep this thread clean and have Direct discussions in there. Which means I’ll post a link and we’ll migrate over there for a second.
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