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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
I think Sephiroth & the Belmonts have the objectively best trailers. Great animations & tons of love put into them.

Banjo, Joker & Sephiroth are my personal favorites. My mind was blown with those 3 trailers & Banjo/Joker are now my mains.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
It's still a Switch exclusive, and one that's been promoted pretty heavily. Though, I believe the Capcom gigaleak noted that it'll be getting a Steam port so it's only be a timed exclusive.
Yeah but 0 resources are being taken from Nintendo. So where has their resources been going for the last year? Pikmin 3 was a port, 3D World is for the most part a port, Hyrule Warriors was developed by Koei-Tecmo, Pokémon Snap is made by Namco, and Paper Mario was developed by Intelligent Systems. So what’s Nintendo been doing?
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Oct 31, 2018
Yeah but 0 resources are being taken from Nintendo. So where has their resources been going for the last year? Pikmin 3 was a port, 3D World is for the most part a port, Hyrule Warriors was developed by Koei-Tecmo, Pokémon Snap is made by Namco, and Paper Mario was developed by Intelligent Systems. So what’s Nintendo been doing?
They have to have something cooking in-house. You're totally right about that. I don't think we're going to see it right away, though. The last time Nintendo has shown their hand for the year before late February was 2017, and they've held off until March at least once (I think twice, but I'm not sure). It's a bit frustrating, but this is just par for the course at this point.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
They have to have something cooking in-house. You're totally right about that. I don't think we're going to see it right away, though. The last time Nintendo has shown their hand for the year before late February was 2017, and they've held off until March at least once (I think twice, but I'm not sure). It's a bit frustrating, but this is just par for the course at this point.
Yeah, most Nintendo Directs seem to be around the March range, maybe a bit earlier or later. With COVID, I wouldn't be surprised if we get an April Direct this year, if at all.
Oct 31, 2018
Yeah, most Nintendo Directs seem to be around the March range, maybe a bit earlier or later. With COVID, I wouldn't be surprised if we get an April Direct this year, if at all.
I do think we'll get at least some stuff by March. Too much is lining up. Bravely Default 2 comes out February 26th and Monster Hunter is in March. Since Nintendo's had a big hand in promoting both of those games, it would make sense if they made their big push on the earlier side (assuming they have a big push at all) to lump it all together.

Plus Smash seeming like it'll probably line up for March. Somehow forgot about that one for a sec.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
Ridley, it had an overall great build-up with him due to the atmosphere of the area it takes place in, taking out Mega Man and Mario Alien style, Samus' reaction to knowing its him and readying herself, and then finally the big moment where he bursts out and attacks. It also pays homage to the rarely touched on aspects of his personality such as his sadistic humor with the hat spin, and the rest of the trailer shows off his moveset and cruelty in great fashion.

Immediately after him is Sephiroth. The big establishing shot being him taking out the biggest god of the Smash-verse, and then going on to terrorize the Smash cast before the duel with Cloud was just perfect for the character.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I'm gonna go ahead and predict that we won't see a Nintendo Direct until this fall, if they aren't phased out entirely. We may see a Nintendo Direct Mini before then, and will likely see Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcases every once and a while, but normal Nintendo Directs are extremely unlikely to happen until the global pandemic is over and done with.

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
He was always my most wanted and I had basically given up hope on him. After getting starstruck by the “everyone is here!” reveal I was satisfied, I figured we’d get one more big character that I wouldn’t have all that big a connection with and I’d still be happy.
...Then Mega Man got skewered, and I promptly screamed so loud my family thought I cut myself while cooking.
As much as I adore how Sephiroths trailer made me hyped for a character I never knew outside of name and design, Ridley holds a special place in my heart.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
So I imagine, if we do get another Anime style trailer, it might be one that's has had alot of relation to Animation. What franchises would apply to that?
The one that looks the MOST anime, Guilty Gear.

Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
I thought Terry's was very clever, but Sephiroth's blows all the others away.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Pyramid Head
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Hornet
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Amaterasu
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, Klonoa
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Lara Croft
SNK: Terry, Mai (but censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Blinx

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Pyramid Head
Sega: Dr. Robotnik
Capcom: Phoenix
Bandai Namco: Heihachi
Square Enix: Geno
SNK: Iori
Microsoft: Doom Guy


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I think Ridley was the best one, mostly because he set the tone for what to expect in the future. He went from being the character who was considered so unlikely that he automatically killed any rumor or fake leak to becoming the big newcomer reveal for E3 and the beginning of Ultimate.

There have been several characters who gave me that "this doesn't even feel real" feeling, but Ridley's trailer is still one of the strongest for me. Sakurai himself had pretty much shot down Ridley completely in the last two games (Brawl and Smash 4), so first-party or not, a lot of people had pretty much forever wrote him off as impossible.
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Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
Probably Terry for me. Despite already knowing we’d be getting an SNK character, the trailer still managed to keep me on the edge of my seat. They did such a great job at building suspense, while also making a ton of fun references. I can’t imagine a better way to have revealed him.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2018
At the very least SwSh continued not having HM bull**** to deal with,
I don't think they've figured out what to do with HMs yet, I'm not really a fan of any of their attempts to replace it.
My idea is to give each Pokemon type a HM like ability and having a Pokemon of that type in your party lets you use the respective ability.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
I don't think they've figured out what to do with HMs yet, I'm not really a fan of any of their attempts to replace it.
My idea is to give each Pokemon type a HM like ability and having a Pokemon of that type in your party lets you use the respective ability.
There'd still be some equivalent to HM slaves with that system. Plus it could hurt bringing back the National Dex, as they might not be able to figure out how these abilities should be distributed across 900 creatures.
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Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2018
There's still be some equivalent to HM slaves with that system. Plus it could hurt bringing back the National Dex, as they might not be able to figure out how these abilities should be distributed across 900 creatures.
No as in Fire, Water, Grass. So all water types would be able to surf, all fighting types would be able to break rocks etc.
I don't think they ever intend to bring back the National Dex, and honestly I don't really think it's a massive deal if they don't.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I don't think they've figured out what to do with HMs yet, I'm not really a fan of any of their attempts to replace it.
My idea is to give each Pokemon type a HM like ability and having a Pokemon of that type in your party lets you use the respective ability.
I mean, SM showed they figured out what to do, remove it entirely as it heavily limits your team in a series that uses freedom of choice as a selling point, assuming they use your idea, that means you can have a maximum of 12 types in 1 team. Nobody liked HMs and they found a solution, no need to rework said solution. Hell, Sephiroth's also the only character to make people go "No way!" As soon as they heard a few music notes, so that deserves praise too

As for the best trailer, Sephiroth, it does a fantastic job at building him up and the rest of the CG truly sells how ****ing powerful he is wirh Sephiroth ****ing decimating the entire roster.

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
I don't think they've figured out what to do with HMs yet, I'm not really a fan of any of their attempts to replace it.
My idea is to give each Pokemon type a HM like ability and having a Pokemon of that type in your party lets you use the respective ability.
Wouldn't be surprised if next game if GF decided to bring back HMs for the hell of it because 1 step forward 2 steps back seems to be the company motto lol. If people seem to like something, let's take it out at some point (see: Battle Frontier, DexNav, etc...),

Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
In terms of like the best trailer of all, it would be a battle between Sephiroth's and K. Rool's trailer for me but I think Sephiroth tops it. The cinematics were beautiful and the references were plentiful.

My bias tells me to say Steve though because he's my favourite newcomers and I'm a big Minecraft guy haha. It was a funny trailer but the opening was pretty short. A lot of the best parts came after Zombie was revealed.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
Its hard to say because a lot the trailers excel at different things.

In terms of sheer novelty of presentation, its Terry. The quick history of Nintendo consoles, various SNK character bits, and shout outs to famous moments from their games makes it really distinct.

For sheer emotional impact on me, it has to be Banjo-Kazooie. A long time character that was long overdue for the game not only getting the perfect tease via the Jiggy but with a highlight of gameplay footage that showed them to be exactly the kind of fighter so many of us wanted him to be.

As far as outright production value, while there's a lot of contenders, I'd probably have to give it to Min-Min. The combination of art style and animation gave the whole thing an energy far beyond what you might expect from an ARMS trailer.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Out of the newcomers who do you guys think have had the best trailer so far?
I'm going to list down the trailers from cool to lame.

1.:ultsephiroth:Easily the best trailer shown so far and might probably be the best trailer that will be shown. It had it all, timing, characters and badassery. Seeing all the characters fight against Galeem was really cool to see, Sephiroth makes his presence known and it results in a battle against Cloud and Sephiroth. Awesome trailer.
2.:ultkrool:What a triumphant return for the king of the Kremlings. As soon as he swipes King Dedede out of the way, he gets down to business. Roars at the Kongs and then trades punches with Donkey Kong. The trailer was great.
3.:ultsimon::ultrichter:The theme and setting this trailer brought was really cool. Seeing Luigi encounter all of the castlevania enemies and him trying to use his poltergust on them was cool but it felt like it took a bit too long to get to Simon's reveal.
4.:ultminminWhile I dislike the character greatly from a gameplay standpoint, the trailer was pretty good from Captain Falcon slurping up some Ramen to the cast of ARMS attacking each other for the invitation, it was pretty entertaining to watch.
5.:ultken::ultincineroar:A decent trailer showing some fighting against Little Mac, Incineroar making his entrance was cool and Ken interacting with Incineroar was nice to see.
6.:ult_terry:It was cool to see custom sprites of the SNK crew trying to jump for that Invitation like it came straight out from the Neogeo.
7.:ulthero:Seeing Link fight against the shadow clones and seeing Eight was cool but there wasn't much else to the trailer.
8.:ultridley:I don't really get much from this trailer. Ridley stabs Mario and Megaman and appears before Samus. It's okay.
9.:ultbanjokazooie: They maybe my favourite characters that are in Ultimate but the trailer was below average in my opinion since Banjo & Kazooie weren't really in the CGI trailer all that much. Really the hype from the trailer comes down to Banjo & Kazooie even appearing in Smash Ultimate at all.
10.:ultbyleth:The trailer was boring. I got nothing else to add.
11.:ultjoker:There wasn't really much to it other than Joker taking the invitation. Even the game awards trailer was kind of boring like they took some animations from Persona 5 and plastered them randomly into it.
12.:ultsteve: Steve breaks some blocks then leaves. How exciting.
13.:ultisabelle: It overstayed it's welcome and we all knew that it would lead to Isabelle being revealed. I hate the character and I hate the trailer.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Capcom: I'd add Mega Man X
Sega: Blaze Fielding or Axel Stone
Konami: Shanoa I guess
Namco: Jin Kazama
Square: Lara Croft, if she counts. If not, then I guess Crono.
SNK: Geese Howard
Microsoft: Fulgore

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
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