- Funny meme pick with a wacky moveset. I'm not upset by the choice in the slightest, compared to some people, but the reveal wasn't mind blowing either. With how out of place Plant was compared to the fighters passes, I wonder if they were supposed to be in the base roster.

- When I started getting into BBTAG, I was pushing for Persona being in Smash to some degree. There were plenty of Persona 5 inspirations with Ultimate's menu/UI as it was, it seemed like an obvious choice to me. I'm glad he got in, even though I have little ties to Persona. On the upper echelon of characters I'd play as well, with a fun moveset.

- I defended Hero during the reveal, but when he released, I genuinely hated the moveset. I don't mind RNG in some cases, but Hero's I absolutely detested. I get why he's here, Dragon Quest is a big deal, I just kinda wished they implemented him a little better. Lowest on my list.

- I was happy that people were happy basically. I have no ties to the characters though, so no major excitement on my end. Plus, the moveset didn't really interest me either. Best way to say it, they're not the Microsoft rep I was hoping for.

- Never really got into SNK as a kid, but after the presentation, I was sold. Not only that, he plays really well, and is just a fun character to listen to. My friends and I still unironically quote him from time to time.

- I'm someone who was really happy for, and was predicting this character. Had to put up with a lot of toxicity after the reveal, and funny story, reddit mods actually removed my positive reaction vid, even though it followed their rules/guidelines. I'm happy the character was added, just tired of playin' defense. Plus I could do my "hot for teacher" joke there.

- I didn't care for ARMS, and I didn't care for the moveset, so this was rather low on the bar for me. Also ended up waiting until after the reveal to predict Fighters Pass 2 stuff. Not much to say here.

- Minecraft is a good game, though I was opposed to it in Smash for the longest time. Like with Ridley though, after seeing their implementation, my worries faded away. Fun, chaotic, but still not quite the Microsoft rep I was hoping for. If this is all we get from Microsoft in this pass though, I will absolutely understand why Steve was chosen.

- This moment, was the epitome of Smash reveals for me. A character I heavily predicted, hoped for, and was probably the most excited for...if ya couldn't tell already. FF7 was a big single player game for me growing up, my father was the one to introduce it to me after all. So seeing Cloud AND Sephiroth in this game? And Sephy boi plays like a dream? Everything about the trailer, how he plays, the details like his victory screen, etc. are just absolute perfection.


- A pick I was really happy about, despite not playing their game. I also have another funny story for them: People would come to my videos mentioning them, either friends or commenters, telling me how "Rex has to be the fighter, Pyra & Mythra wouldn't work without him! I played Xenoblade 2, so I would know!" In the end, I was still right, kinda funny how that works. Either way, I like them, and their movesets, though I do prefer Mythra's speed & combo potential over Pyra's kill power.

- While I wasn't super excited for the pick, thinking Tekken was down for the count. I used to play Tekken 1 a LOT back in the day, I still remember Yoshimitsu in particularly scaring me as a kid...and that's who I mostly played, aside from Kazuya himself. I definitely prefer how he and Terry were designed compared to Ryu & Ken, and I REALLY like how much thought and care was put into making him still feel like a Tekken character. I expected Lloyd, but I was not disappointed by this pick.