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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
You know, the funny thing with giving Ganondorf a trident is that outside of Hyrule Warriors, Ganondorf has never used a trident; it's always been a sword or two if anything at all.

The trident is definitely Gannon's weapon so it does make a bit of sense that he's associated with it, but he's never actually used it in cannon.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
You know, the funny thing with giving Ganondorf a trident is that outside of Hyrule Warriors, Ganondorf has never used a trident; it's always been a sword or two if anything at all.

The trident is definitely Gannon's weapon so it does make a bit of sense that he's associated with it, but he's never actually used it in cannon.
Well, it's not the real him, but the Phantom Ganondorf in OoT also uses it.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
The lead into the last character is really interesting because it feels like we have no guidelines or ideas as to what to expect anymore. That being said, I’m going all in for Waluigi. Not just because he’s my most wanted but also because putting him in as the last character just feels right. It’s just my gut feeling I guess.
Yup, i think we can speculate just for fun at this point, there's really no point trying to guess who's going to be FP11. Al theories went to pieces with Kazuya's inclusion, so the last fighter can virtually be anyone, including characters we thought deconfirmed from franchises that went to spirit events and stuff like that.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
It's kinda fun that Ubi's getting a surge of discussion now that we're tossing out indirect deconfirmations for the most part. Anyone from the company - Usually Rayman - Would get shot down because of those Miis, so I never really got to see any discussion surrounding them.

While it's still going, I'm curious about Ezio and his weaponry. Any Assassin's Creed fans able to explain his weaponry?
Revelations has most of his gear but I'll go by what he gets game by game.

  • Good ol' fisticuffs, you can get a glove that enhances this
  • He can use one handed swords like a Schiavona, various Falchions from the cities he goes to, basic swords, a Scimitar and Altair's sword is the "Ultimate Sword" so to speak.
  • He can use hammers, maces and mauls
  • He has various daggers at his disposal
  • The Hidden Blade which later gets upgraded so that he has two, one on each arm. Other upgrades include the Poison Blade which kills the foe after a while and the Gun which deals very heavy damage to targets if not outright an instant kill. Hidden Blades entail being able to assassinate from off of a wall and ledges among other places.
  • You can also pick up stuff from the floor such as a broom as well as enemy weapons like spears and in later games, rifles.
  • He can scatter money to attract guards and peasants to a single area as a distraction
  • He can gather up sand and throw it in the foe's faces to stun them
  • He also has throwing knives
  • He has Smoke Bombs to disorient foes

AC Brotherhood:
  • An expanded selection of swords and daggers and hammer types
  • He can now carry heavy two handed weapons like Bearded Axes and Stoccos
  • He can now use a Crossbow as a quiet alternative to the gun
  • There's also poison darts
  • He can also get parachutes to make jumping from high places safe
  • This game introduces the Assassin Apprentice stuff so he can call in Assassins he's recruited to assist in combat or at 3 full bars, call in a storm of Crossbow bolts that instantly kill all targets
  • Ezio is also able to use the Apple of Eden which is a powerful artefact central to the AC series lore. In Brotherhood you get to use one in combat and with it Ezio makes his foes lose their minds and either turn on their allies or outright die in a certain radius around him. Ezio heavily damages himself by doing this however.

AC Revelations:
  • Again a further expanded selection of daggers, swords and heavy weapons
  • Bombs are vastly expanded upon, you can craft various types either to distract, harm/kill or disorient foes now. Some include caltrops, smearing lamb blood over them, blinding them with phosphorus and a good ol' explosion. You can also set the casing so it explodes on impact, on a fuse, set them as a tripwire or stick them to foes and walls/objects
  • Last but not least is the final Hidden Blade upgrade. The Hookblade. It has two parts, the Hook and the Blade. Ezio has further reach using the hook letting him reach longer jumps he wouldn't have otherwise made and can be used to trip foes.

He's also used various contraptions throughout the games in select missions such as Leonardo Da Vinci's Flying Machine, Tank, Bomber, Machine Gun and Naval Cannon
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
While it's still going, I'm curious about Ezio and his weaponry. Any Assassin's Creed fans able to explain his weaponry?
From what I remember:
  • From my experience with him in Soulcalibur 5, he has some skill in fighting with his hands and feet, and uses two hidden blades on each of his wrists, knives, a stiletto(a small sword/dagger-like weapon focused on thrusting), a rapier or sword, a crossbow and a hidden pistol. If looking at how he fights gameplay-wise in his games and in SCV, he does have a big focus on "command grabs" or basically, attacks that when they successfully hit, they do an animation attack that does additional damage to the opponent, like an attack-into-throw kind of move.
  • From what I remember seeing from a trailer for Assassin's Creed 2, he did use a glider at some point. Mobility-wise, I don't know if he uses a grappling hook of some kind later, but he is capable of very efficient wall-climbing.
Otherwise, aside from his Soulcalibur gameplay, don't really know what else he uses.
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Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
In one of the early Subspace Emissary cutscenes back in Brawl, some people thought that one of the clouds that appeared when the Halberd showed up at the start of the game looked like Ridley, so it was a sign that Ridley was going to be playable along with Bowser and Ganondorf.

The one on the far right.
Oh, I see; though to be honest, that same cloud kinda looks more like Charizard.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
On one hand, Assassin's Creed no longer is hurt by the Altair costume as we could easily get Ezio who is pretty much the face of the series. But on the other hand, I think Assassin's Creed is too big to be the last spot. I do find it suspect that they made costumes for the Rabbids and Altair but not for Rayman for some reason. That doesn't have to mean that he has to become playable and for all we know he could be costumed on the 28th. After all I'm not expecting a western-centric character to be the last choice and I'm still not very confident in his chances.

For the final character my gut is saying one of these:
  • Arle Nadja
  • Ayumi
  • Reimu
  • SMT character
  • Falcom rep
  • Monokuma
  • Phoenix
  • Professor Layton
I may be forgetting a couple others but these are the characters I would really bet on. Gun to my head I still say Ayumi or Arle but this could go in any direction.

But please let it be Phoenix, Monokuma or Bill Rizer. Please!


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
It could, but it’d be so interesting if the final character was from a completely new company like Falcom. Like, a completely with currently 0 smash content.
Not even a spirit or Mii Costume.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
**** I’ve been championing Ezio for… *checks post history 2 years now.
Have I mentioned that I want Ezio in Smash lately? Because I REALLY want Ezio in Smash.
I'm just saying, if y'all haven't listened to some of the majesty the Assassin's Creed Soundtracks can put out you're missing out HARD.
Like the tracks range from uplifting and hopeful, to adrenaline pumping and bad ass, to down right haunting. Nobody realizes just how much good an Assassin's Creed character would do for this game.
Edit: actually since Altaïr is my favorite Assassin, if we count my propaganda with him in it, it’s been MUCH longer
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Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Just thinking about this, but I do think Capcom being the only third party company to have no unique newcomers is a bit sus. Now usually you’d hear me being a DMC shill but I have another idea...
Zero from Mega Man X. We don’t have much Mega Man X content other than 3 music tracks and some spirits and it’ll also break the Assist Trophy rule. Plus this theme would likely make it and it’s a banger.

The Rhythm Theif

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2019
An Apartment With Stolen Forgery Art In Paris
Switch FC

I don't come to Smashboards.com to discuss fetish ****.

View attachment 319431
The Squidward photo... JUST... XD

Just thinking about this, but I do think Capcom being the only third party company to have no unique newcomers is a bit sus. Now usually you’d hear me being a DMC shill but I have another idea...
Zero from Mega Man X. We don’t have much Mega Man X content other than 3 music tracks and some spirits and it’ll also break the Assist Trophy rule. Plus this theme would likely make it and it’s a banger.
Well, Zero's X series counterpart is an assist trophy, but if you want to check it out, I have a support thread on Zero's Mega Man Zero series counterpart.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Came in with the hard reads four months ago. This is a reminder that I am always right and you should never ever doubt me ever. :bowsette:

Next character is Amingo. You cannot prove I'm not right.
Say that Hayabusa is coming.

say it now.


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
Just thinking about this, but I do think Capcom being the only third party company to have no unique newcomers is a bit sus. Now usually you’d hear me being a DMC shill but I have another idea...
Zero from Mega Man X. We don’t have much Mega Man X content other than 3 music tracks and some spirits and it’ll also break the Assist Trophy rule. Plus this theme would likely make it and it’s a banger.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2021
Just thinking about this, but I do think Capcom being the only third party company to have no unique newcomers is a bit sus. Now usually you’d hear me being a DMC shill but I have another idea...
Zero from Mega Man X. We don’t have much Mega Man X content other than 3 music tracks and some spirits and it’ll also break the Assist Trophy rule. Plus this theme would likely make it and it’s a banger.
no, don't do that, don't give me hope


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I just played Ass Creed for the first time and I'm in the middle of playing 2 and man, it'd actually be a cool inclusion to Smash, just... after Rayman.

I think the best way to do it would be to pull a Hero and have Altair, Ezio, Connor, and Edward as alts of each other. Maybe collectively call them Desmond.

Anyway, one thing I noticed is that pass 2 has yet to introduce a new company to Smash, it'd be the first round of DLC not to do so, including Smash 4's.

Just food for speculation.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I think that chart posted earlier with all the character qualities proves that people can draw parallels between characters that weren't done deliberately when they were actually chosen, so I'm pretty skeptical of all these theories trying to mirror the first batch of DLC.


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
I just played Ass Creed for the first time and I'm in the middle of playing 2 and man, it'd actually be a cool inclusion to Smash, just... after Rayman.

I think the best way to do it would be to pull a Hero and have Altair, Ezio, Connor, and Edward as alts of each other. Maybe collectively call them Desmond.

Anyway, one thing I noticed is that pass 2 has yet to introduce a new company to Smash, it'd be the first round of DLC not to do so, including Smash 4's.
View attachment 319771

Just food for speculation.

Don’t kill me, but TECHNICALLY Pass 2 did
Mojang. Of course though, it’s owned by Microsoft.


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
On one hand, Assassin's Creed no longer is hurt by the Altair costume as we could easily get Ezio who is pretty much the face of the series. But on the other hand, I think Assassin's Creed is too big to be the last spot. I do find it suspect that they made costumes for the Rabbids and Altair but not for Rayman for some reason. That doesn't have to mean that he has to become playable and for all we know he could be costumed on the 28th. After all I'm not expecting a western-centric character to be the last choice and I'm still not very confident in his chances.

For the final character my gut is saying one of these:
  • Arle Nadja
  • Ayumi
  • Reimu
  • SMT character
  • Falcom rep
  • Monokuma
  • Phoenix
  • Professor Layton
I may be forgetting a couple others but these are the characters I would really bet on. Gun to my head I still say Ayumi or Arle but this could go in any direction.

But please let it be Phoenix, Monokuma or Bill Rizer. Please!
Honestly I think the only reason why Rayman didn't get a mii costume it's because it just couldn't work.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I just played Ass Creed for the first time and I'm in the middle of playing 2 and man, it'd actually be a cool inclusion to Smash, just... after Rayman.

I think the best way to do it would be to pull a Hero and have Altair, Ezio, Connor, and Edward as alts of each other. Maybe collectively call them Desmond.

Anyway, one thing I noticed is that pass 2 has yet to introduce a new company to Smash, it'd be the first round of DLC not to do so, including Smash 4's.
View attachment 319771

Just food for speculation.
When it comes to AC I've only really read through TV Tropes a while back, but I think I remember that the different characters tend to have different weapons from game to game; The two examples I remember are Altair not having all of Ezio's fancy gadgets and Connor being associated with an axe rather than swords or the Hidden Blades. I haven't actually played any of the games, though, so I'm not sure I can give an educated opinion on whether or not a multi-character slot could work.

Then again, we did get Enderman somehow...


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
Here’s the pattern I’m seeing for some of these third party companies
First rep they could ge this a super iconic platformer, followed by a staple character of the company, and usually from another game genre.

Capcom - Mega Man then Ryu
Bamco - Pac-Man then Kazuya
SEGA - Sonic then Bayonetta (though one can argue that she isn’t really too much of a staple)
Microsoft - Banjo & Kazooie then Steve

Even though we only have 1 fighter left, Ubisoft could follow my above pattern with two such characters:
Rayman first, Ezio second

I think Rayman's got a higher chance than Ezio, but I digress.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Interestingly, Sakurai is really leaning towards a pattern of not adding the obvious characters choices from certain franchises in this pass.

Everybody thought Spring Man would be the Arms rep - it end up being Min Min.
Everybody thought Rex would be the new Xenoblade rep - they added Phythra.
Everybody (me included) thought Heihachi or Jin would be the Tekken reps - Kazuya was the chosen one.

It seems that Sakurai is avoiding to add characters that are already represented in the game in some form, being AT's or mii costumes. Spirit characters have been upgraded to playable fighters, though.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I’m surprised with all the Ubisoft speculation after the TMNT leak. Thought that would have nipped it right in the bud, seemed pretty cut and dry.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
When it comes to AC I've only really read through TV Tropes a while back, but I think I remember that the different characters tend to have different weapons from game to game; The two examples I remember are Altair not having all of Ezio's fancy gadgets and Connor being associated with an axe rather than swords or the Hidden Blades. I haven't actually played any of the games, though, so I'm not sure I can give an educated opinion on whether or not a multi-character slot could work.

Then again, we did get Enderman somehow...
So far Sakurai hasn't cared that much about that kinda thing when it comes to alternate costumes / echoes. You mentioned Enderman, but most of Simon's kit comes from Richter's games, and I believe the DQ boys all have some differences as well between their games.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
Interestingly, Sakurai is really leaning towards a pattern of not adding obvious characters from certain franchises in this pass.

Everybody thought Spring Man would be the Arms rep - it end up being Min Min.
Everybody thought Rex would be the new Xenoblade rep - they added Phythra.
Everybody (me included) thought Heihachi or Jin would be the Tekken reps - Kazuya was the chosen one.

It seems that Sakurai is avoiding to add characters that are already represented in the game in some form, being AT's or mii costumes. Spirit characters have been upgraded to playable fighters, though.
Don't forget requirements for too much processor power.


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Interestingly, Sakurai is really leaning towards a pattern of not adding obvious characters from certain franchises in this pass.

Everybody thought Spring Man would be the Arms rep - it end up being Min Min.
Everybody thought Rex would be the new Xenoblade rep - they added Phythra.
Everybody (me included) thought Heihachi or Jin would be the Tekken reps - Kazuya was the chosen one.

It seems that Sakurai is avoiding to add characters that are already represented in the game in some form, being AT's or mii costumes. Spirit characters have been upgraded to playable fighters, though.
He did say that he wanted Rex, but it was too complex to have him always on the screen with Pyra/Mythra so he changed that for having them alone. Beside, Heihachi costume was added in pass 2 so I think he could have choose Heihachi but he changed his mind. Honestly I think we can say that mii costume can be upgrade if he want.
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