We're near the end of the DLC cycle of this game, and it's unlikely that they will start a pass 3 after this one. I'm still without a copy of Ultimate, for several reasons
(some of them are: after decades of playing Melee, my friends got tired of Smash and we are not playing it anymore; I have a bad internet connection and can't upgrade it for now, so I can't even play online, and by the way I don't want to support Nintendo Online being paid, and I also am unimpressed by this new Smash game and there's nothing that really gets my attention and makes me interested, plus several other smaller reasons)
but the biggest reasons of all, is that I'm tired of Kirby being mid-to-low tier and I want to change my main, but none of the characters currently in the game are that meaningful to me to consider to main them, or the ones who are, I don't like their playstyle. So I'm waiting for the full DLC roster before making an actual decision if to get the game or not. Yeah, I've been waiting for years, I'm that patient.
The point is, it's very unlikely that I will get any character I care of... even with the last two spots, it's gonna be some weird choice coming from mainstream games, maybe games that used to be more common on Sony and Microsoft consoles, or some other JRPG character I care nothing of, etc.
I'm almost sure that at the end of all this, I will not buy this Smash game.... and it will be the first time. I even bought the two versions of Smash 4 at launch and the Gamecube adapter, Smash has always been part of my life from since when I discovered the franchise. Right now my interest in the series is below zero and it's still digging hard to reach the oblivion. I don't know, I'm just not interested in Smash anymore.
The discussion here is the same of when I stopped being active... still the same few characters, the same mindset, the same discussions over and over. I don't want to offend anyone or criticize, it's just that I feel like this is not a franchise for me anymore, and that overall things became incredibly stale from since Brawl, both game-wise and fanbase-wise.
I guess I'll be around for a few days lurking and occasionally writing a few comments if needed, but as soon as they will announce the E3 character, I'll be "ok" and then leave again for months, or forever; it already happend with Pyra, Sephiroth, and it was starting to be like this from since Min min already. The more they add characters, the more apathy my reaction becomes.
I think I have to thank Sakurai and Nintendo, or whoever took the franchise into this new direction which I don't like anymore.
Now I expect a lot of replies quoting my post and telling me that the issue is with myself, not with the game, that the franchise is good that I have to leave that my points don't stand that I'm biased blah blah, and those post to get 10+ likes, but really, I don't care anymore.