Or he just thinks Wolf isn't different enough and he doesn't want to differentiate him further. I know he's not a clone, but he's got tons of similarities to Falco, and neither Wolf or Falco are "free desert" like Lucina was, so she's not part of this equation.
The only problem is Cloud has no real connections to Nintendo. We can go by this logic and perhaps argue Crono, the main character of one of the most popular RPG's of all time, or maybe Terra, the main representative of the second-most popular Final Fantasy game of all time. But because all of Cloud's games have been on Sony only I don't see him as a viable option.
The closest, barebones connection he has is appearing in two Kingdom Hearts SPINOFFS on the GBA and DS, respectively. Even worse is that they're the two most overlooked KH games in the series. Ok, and perhaps the Thearhythm games, but Terra also appears in those, too.