The only ballot votes that can be considered undeniably "wasted" are either ones thrown away to the Gokus/Shreks of Miiverse, the rival third-parties likes of Kratos and Master Chief who badly stick out like sore thumbs*, or unrealistic joke suggestions like Reckless Wiimote Safety Man. * There's (maybe) Snake, but he gets a free pass because he was a (seemingly one-time) personal favor for a close friend.
I mean, I'm not pretending every vote is going to count (and a good many of them won't), but if there are enough of them for a particular character to get noticed, perhaps Sakurai can consider them either here and now or for future intents and purposes. Even then, everyone has the right to do as they please with their votes, no matter the end result or success rate. It may not be what I want or what others want per se, but if its what that person wants, then that's what matters to that person.
Ultimately, the heart wants what the heart wants. Whether it's a front runner, dark-horse, or virtual nobody, support who you support because you want to, not because you have to.