Banned via Warnings
I know I'm not a frequent visitor to this thread but I hope I'm welcome. I wanted to talk about somethings and how the tides may have shifted very strongly for Dixie with recent developments. To keep this post from being overly long, here are some topics on the DK series I have brought up in the Geno thread recently including it popping up in insider circles in the past 9 months:
Big Ol' Post I Did This Morning About a Couple of Topics Very Relevant to Dixie:
Several Recent Examples of DK getting the Spotlight:
Me Talking About the Origins of DK Rumors Last Year and Early This Year With Links and Citations:
So, if you read all that, thank you and allow me to use those as a jumping off point for why I feel Dixie could wind up riding the recent raid into Smash.
"We're currently in the 25th Anniversary of Donkey Kong Country and next year is the 40th anniversary of Donkey Kong."
Seems like a good time to celebrate the series, doesn't it? I won't dwell on it too much but it was kind of a "wink wonk" on Nintendo's part that Donkey Kong Country Returns was announced during DKC's 15th anniversary and Donkey Kong's 30th.
"Donkey Kong and Diddy's Amiibo haven't been rereleased yet despite Donkey Kong being registered to released back in 2018."
It feels like they're saving both of them for a specific purpose. Keep in mind that K. Rool has released twice now without his respective rivals. In my eyes, this suggests a DK announcement of some kind on the horizon.
"Dixie is a unique spirit."
Spirits don't deconfirm but you all knew that already. Now that Ultimate has added the option to fight any spirit whenever you want (as long as you've already beaten them), I've gone back and have already blazed through about half of all the battles for the sake of research. For starters, Dixie is a spirit you have to summon in order to get. Second, despite having a hat, it's not used in her spirit battle. Instead, they kind of make it an awkward fit with a pink Isabelle. They didn't try to recreate her with Mii parts and I would argue that's a good sign. Her spirit battle points out something about Dixie that has been prevalent a long time.
"Dixie has a long history as an ALT."
Just as Waluigi has been a Luigi ALT since Brawl, Dixie has been one of Diddy. This is notable because Smash Ultimate has technically already had three ALT promotions: Daisy, Chrom, and Dark Samus. All echoes but that's not exactly the worst thing in the world as characters like Ken have shown. Echoes can be still be reasonably unique even if they only have a few move differences. With her history as an ALT, Diddy as a Dixie base would probably be a pretty easy promotion to do and, again, she has history and it's kind of notable her and Waluigi are still stuck as "costumes" of their counterparts. Speaking of history...
"Dixie was cut from Brawl."
Thanks to the "Forbidden Seven" in Brawl's code , we know Dixie was originally planned to be in the game. If you're a zoomer, you can read up on the topic here:
Roy, Dr. Mario, and Mewtwo eventually made their way back to Smash, Toon Zelda and Toon Sheik were probably dumped forever after Zelda and Sheik became permanently seperate characters in Smash 4, and nobody totally knows what the hell Pra-Mar is supposed to be. That just leaves Dixie as a character that's still relevant to the Smash scene but isn't in Smash yet. Like I linked earlier, all the insider stuff I've heard in the past year is that Season 2 would be very fan servicey, mostly catering to longtime fans, and Dixie definitely has as much history as Geno and Crash. Remember: Ridley was a character that was turned down multiple times too before getting in eventually.
"But Fatman, I thought you hadn't heard of Dixie in insider circles?"
I haven't but the past 7 months have shown that's potentially a good thing. Nintendo's pretty good at keeping secrets and keeps first party characters pretty close to the chest. Chrom, Dark Samus, K. Rool, Plant, Byleth, and Min Min did not leak (at least not widely). Meanwhile, Joker and Richter are so far the only third party characters who haven't leaked. That said, first party characters are much less likely to leak. This also adds to why I think bonus characters are not only possible but most, if not all, will be first party. It's definitely something to consider going forward.
Finally, to wrap things up, for some extra crunchy tin foil:
"Whoever 8 is will be coming with Banjo and Terry's Amiibo."
7 will be coming with Joker and Hero as well as rereleases of Cloud, Mario and Luigi and, trust me, the Geno fanbase has definitely taken notice. As noted, 8 will come with Banjo and Terry and there's a number of unreleased Amiibo that feel like would be all too appropriate to release. With Banjo, the Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong connection is definitely there while Terry is the only other character to wear a ball cap aside from Diddy. To crash land you all on a tinfoil planet, Terry also has a pony tail. Based on timing, it's also very heavily implied that 8 would release either in October or November, super close to the DKC anniversary. Could Dixie (and probably Crash) be the characters that the Banjo and Terry Amiibo commemorate? Guess we'll see.
All this said, I think Dixie has seen a strangely well timed boon (baboon?) that could propel her into Smash. Even if Dixie in Smash doesn't pan out, I think the future holds good things for DK fans so I hope the coming weeks will be exciting for you all.
Big Ol' Post I Did This Morning About a Couple of Topics Very Relevant to Dixie:

Several Recent Examples of DK getting the Spotlight:

Me Talking About the Origins of DK Rumors Last Year and Early This Year With Links and Citations:

So, if you read all that, thank you and allow me to use those as a jumping off point for why I feel Dixie could wind up riding the recent raid into Smash.
"We're currently in the 25th Anniversary of Donkey Kong Country and next year is the 40th anniversary of Donkey Kong."
Seems like a good time to celebrate the series, doesn't it? I won't dwell on it too much but it was kind of a "wink wonk" on Nintendo's part that Donkey Kong Country Returns was announced during DKC's 15th anniversary and Donkey Kong's 30th.
"Donkey Kong and Diddy's Amiibo haven't been rereleased yet despite Donkey Kong being registered to released back in 2018."
It feels like they're saving both of them for a specific purpose. Keep in mind that K. Rool has released twice now without his respective rivals. In my eyes, this suggests a DK announcement of some kind on the horizon.
"Dixie is a unique spirit."
Spirits don't deconfirm but you all knew that already. Now that Ultimate has added the option to fight any spirit whenever you want (as long as you've already beaten them), I've gone back and have already blazed through about half of all the battles for the sake of research. For starters, Dixie is a spirit you have to summon in order to get. Second, despite having a hat, it's not used in her spirit battle. Instead, they kind of make it an awkward fit with a pink Isabelle. They didn't try to recreate her with Mii parts and I would argue that's a good sign. Her spirit battle points out something about Dixie that has been prevalent a long time.
"Dixie has a long history as an ALT."
Just as Waluigi has been a Luigi ALT since Brawl, Dixie has been one of Diddy. This is notable because Smash Ultimate has technically already had three ALT promotions: Daisy, Chrom, and Dark Samus. All echoes but that's not exactly the worst thing in the world as characters like Ken have shown. Echoes can be still be reasonably unique even if they only have a few move differences. With her history as an ALT, Diddy as a Dixie base would probably be a pretty easy promotion to do and, again, she has history and it's kind of notable her and Waluigi are still stuck as "costumes" of their counterparts. Speaking of history...
"Dixie was cut from Brawl."
Thanks to the "Forbidden Seven" in Brawl's code , we know Dixie was originally planned to be in the game. If you're a zoomer, you can read up on the topic here:
Roy, Dr. Mario, and Mewtwo eventually made their way back to Smash, Toon Zelda and Toon Sheik were probably dumped forever after Zelda and Sheik became permanently seperate characters in Smash 4, and nobody totally knows what the hell Pra-Mar is supposed to be. That just leaves Dixie as a character that's still relevant to the Smash scene but isn't in Smash yet. Like I linked earlier, all the insider stuff I've heard in the past year is that Season 2 would be very fan servicey, mostly catering to longtime fans, and Dixie definitely has as much history as Geno and Crash. Remember: Ridley was a character that was turned down multiple times too before getting in eventually.
"But Fatman, I thought you hadn't heard of Dixie in insider circles?"
I haven't but the past 7 months have shown that's potentially a good thing. Nintendo's pretty good at keeping secrets and keeps first party characters pretty close to the chest. Chrom, Dark Samus, K. Rool, Plant, Byleth, and Min Min did not leak (at least not widely). Meanwhile, Joker and Richter are so far the only third party characters who haven't leaked. That said, first party characters are much less likely to leak. This also adds to why I think bonus characters are not only possible but most, if not all, will be first party. It's definitely something to consider going forward.
Finally, to wrap things up, for some extra crunchy tin foil:
"Whoever 8 is will be coming with Banjo and Terry's Amiibo."
7 will be coming with Joker and Hero as well as rereleases of Cloud, Mario and Luigi and, trust me, the Geno fanbase has definitely taken notice. As noted, 8 will come with Banjo and Terry and there's a number of unreleased Amiibo that feel like would be all too appropriate to release. With Banjo, the Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong connection is definitely there while Terry is the only other character to wear a ball cap aside from Diddy. To crash land you all on a tinfoil planet, Terry also has a pony tail. Based on timing, it's also very heavily implied that 8 would release either in October or November, super close to the DKC anniversary. Could Dixie (and probably Crash) be the characters that the Banjo and Terry Amiibo commemorate? Guess we'll see.
All this said, I think Dixie has seen a strangely well timed boon (baboon?) that could propel her into Smash. Even if Dixie in Smash doesn't pan out, I think the future holds good things for DK fans so I hope the coming weeks will be exciting for you all.
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