I don't buy this character list for a couple of reasons;
1) It comes from 2chan
I should stop right here... but that would just be a weak argument.
2) The original poster will not provide a link to the original source.
"Yea... I heard that if you buy Smash Brawl you get a free piece of chocolate cake with it"
"Where did you hear that?"
"Somewhere on the internet but I can't provide you a link"
yea.. you get my point
3) Sakurai has openly stated that the best thing for "3rd party guest" characters would be to make them unlockable.
He lists them as starters... which clearly goes against what the creator himself has said.
4) Why are Snake/Sonic considered Starters, yet Geno, another 3rd party, is an unlockable?
Why would one third party get different treatment to all the others?
5) Pokemon Rival (Turtwig, Croconaw and Blaziken)... the 3 starter pokemon that DO NOT come from the same Generation of Starters.
This one is just plain weird. Am I the only one who noticed this?
Croconaw is from Generation II
Blaziken is from Generation III
Turtwig is from Generation IV
All of Pokemon Trainers Pokemon are from Generation I, why would the Rival have Pokemon scattered on all three generations.
(This also goes against another much more believeable Prophet's description of Pokemon Rival, saying he is just a Boss in SSE, and that he uses Bayleef, Totodile, and Typhlosion, which is also much more beliebeable)
6) Dr. Lobe has been confirmed as a Sticker
I'm sure most of you find it strange that Sakurai would show Dr. Lobe on August 15th (That is a long time ago people) yet he was a Secret Character. Incase most of you have not noticed but Sakurai keeps a very tight lid on his Secret Characters, and never reveals anything beforehand.
7) Shiek is a seperate character from Zelda
Why? One of the more unique and original concepts in a Fighting game. Why would they REMOVE this. Seems strange to me, but it's not exactly the strongest argument, I must admit.... and let me get this straight... Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario takes Zelda's unique moveset, and Zelda loses hers? Just seems strange
8) - Zero Suit Samus (Unlocked to be selected apart from Samus)
Was it not confirmed by a Nintendo Representative at E 4 All that it will be possible to start as Zero Suit Samus by holding down a button at the start of a match? I can't find the quote anywhere but anyways my point still stands... Does anyone else find it weird that there would be TWO Character icons for the SAME EXACT CHARACTER?
9) The fact that it is written as "Pikmin & Olimar"
Face it people; NO ONE Called it "Pikmin & Olimar" until it was announced officially on the Dojo. Everyone said Captain Olimar, or simply Olimar. There hasn't been a person who has literally called it "Pikmin & Olimar" since THIS MORNING. (Note: there is even an & sign! He did not say 'and'). This leads me to believe that this List was created sometime today. Then again since we cannot find a link to the original source........
Face it everyone, we have had prophets with FAR LESS loop holes than this. Why start believing it now?
Take this list with a grain of salt and just carry on.