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Diddy Kong vs. Meta Knight?


Smash Cadet
Mar 29, 2008
So I'm looking at the matchup chart, because my Lucas is terrible against MK. Well, I fair OK, but Lucas just isn't built to counter MK in any effective manner. The Matchup Chart, however, says that DiddyK is good against him.

So my questions are...

What techniques make Diddy fair well against MK. I play a fairly decent Diddy (haven't learned any ATs yet, I main Lucas, Diddy is my second, love those bananas!).

I'm going to start researching Diddy's AT's after this post, but does anyone have anything that specifically is good against MK?

I use my UpB then get hit while the rockets are still on my back. They fly away, right? Is there anything good about this? Obviously it's because you were hit while flying and this is a penalty... Any decent methods of recovering after this or do you go into the fall state? (Only had this happen a few times, but I think this is a particular worry agains that dastardly character, MK.

I use my >B, wtf? I lose my UpB after that? Pros and Cons of doing the Diddy Kick instead of Face Hump?

Quick edit: What're some good stages for Diddy?

I guess I'm asking for some esoteric information that could help me get up to speed with Diddy. I know I can't master him overnight, but I really like him (and his bananas) and so I'm looking for info to get better.


Smash Cadet
Mar 29, 2008
Hmm... I did. The information there isn't very organized. I followed a few links around, but the best I got was this blurb about using Diddy's bananas more often than normal to outprioritize MKs aerial approach. Is that really all Diddy has on MK? A decent counter to an aerial approach? I guess I expected more.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Hmm... I did. The information there isn't very organized. I followed a few links around, but the best I got was this blurb about using Diddy's bananas more often than normal to outprioritize MKs aerial approach. Is that really all Diddy has on MK? A decent counter to an aerial approach? I guess I expected more.
We're working on the match-up thread right now - it's a bit of a mess, but it is a work in progress.

And contrary to popular belief, Diddy is not a counter to Meta Knight. In fact, based on both character's present meta-games, the best you can really hope for is to occasionally go even with MK players, but this is an uphill battle in and of itself. MK annihilates most zoning and spacing opportunities (of any character it should be mentioned), so bananas are no longer and have never been the definitive answer to MK's rush-down game. Bananas are easily your best approach against any character, but setups are especially difficult to get rolling against opponents familiar with banana tactics. Other than that, MK out-speeds, out-ranges and out-prioritizes in almost every way imaginable.

I find myself on defense in many of my matches against him, and hit-and-run tactics have yielded varying degrees of success in the past. There are lots of things to consider and think about against smart, experienced MK mains, so you have to be pretty creative with your banana setups - maybe bait a Mach Tornado here and there so that you can capitalize on the small window of cool-down lag to initiate your own rush-down.

Like I said, none of us have a foolproof answer to the guy, but we're all constantly working at a solution.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Basically, you should ask these questions in the matchup thread.
If you look on the OP, there are page indications for if you want more information on the matchup.

I apologise for not having the Metaknight matchup written up in the new format yet (And the rest of the characters for that matter), this month is going to be especially busy for me =_=


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
God dang you people need to actually help these people instead of saying. Hmm look at this thread, it has the info. He asked specific questions for a reason. He read those threads.

The Monkey Kick is not good when recovering, you can't use the UP B if you use it. However, it has a lot of priority, but don't make it predictable. Hump can't be shielded MonkeyKick can, but Hump has less priority.

You can use the Up B against the Tornado (or any other attack) to deploy the barrels and theres a chance that it will hit Meta.

The bananas are the main reason why diddy is good against Meta. He can Z drop bananas to Dair/Barrel spike on Meta. He can also "combo" with them if you learn how to glidetoss.

Jut a little note, but use your peanut guns occasionally when trying to recovery so Metaknight doesn't Fair you.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
God dang you people need to actually help these people instead of saying. Hmm look at this thread, it has the info. He asked specific questions for a reason. He read those threads.
This is a moot argument - the central point is that this question does not necessitate an entirely separate post. The mission statement of the match-up thread has already been outlined, and character discussion is not limited to characters being focused on in a particular week. A handful of us are trying to make a concerted effort to localize all of our data, discoveries and tactics in one, easy-to-find place, and new topics like this only muddle the attempt.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Yeah I get your point. But we are currently working on on King DDD/Yoshi this week so it would get off topic with the discussion of MK.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
If you've ever read Vyse's first post, you would see that the match-up thread is open to inquisition regarding any character, regardless of the present week's character focus.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
A metaknight who knows how to deal with diddy is next to impossible if you make a single mistake, you have to be in complete control and focus

The crappy ones that don't no the matchup get *****, knowing that, gl it's your choice but diddy can put up a good fight, I use falco for metaknights and he does alot better against metas who know the matchup


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2008
A metaknight who knows how to deal with diddy is next to impossible if you make a single mistake, you have to be in complete control and focus

The crappy ones that don't no the matchup get *****, knowing that, gl it's your choice but diddy can put up a good fight, I use falco for metaknights and he does alot better against metas who know the matchup

Diddy is already a hard character to use well against good players who are experienced playing against diddy's. Add the fact that it's a MK and you have a really annoying (albeit winnable) match ahead of you. If you are looking for a character just to counter MK there are better options imo.

I, personally, main diddy and second snake (the battlefield control duo ftw XD). If it's a good MK I generally go with snake. I also use him for diddy's really annoying match-ups like Falco and Olimar.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Diddy ***** MK much easier than MK ***** Diddy, once you get up to the highest levels its about even though (ie for all those spammy/novice MK's at tournaments, just choose Diddy and nana **** the nado, you'll win so easy).


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
Aqueus - you do not always lose your up b after your side b. Diddy Kong's side b move can be used as a flip or as a kick. You can activate the kick by pressing a or b during the flip. If you use the kick, you can no longer use your up b, but if you do not activate it, you may still up b (this makes Diddy's recovery fairly strong).

Also if you get hit during your up b, sometimes the barrels will hit your opponent for 18%, with a pretty good knockback as well. You can't really count on them to hit, but sometimes it happens.

Royal Nynja

Smash Ace
Apr 30, 2007
wichita, ks
diddy is pro, if your playing a good MK though it can be hard to win if they know your play style. Mk only has a few ways to approach, If you use your bananas correctly and counter their approaches with banana games you can easily move in for combos. if your over the edge take your time coming back , shoot a couple peanuts to make him waste jumps and make it harder for the mk to go for the finish. over b and charge the barrels is a effective way for me to recover. But you have to be careful, mk and **** you outta your barrels if you dont know what your doing. also when ever Mk gets rdy to through your banana back at you charge your barrels so the banana will release them, barrels if they hit kill at about 135.
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