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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
what kind of logic r u talking about. Mario is gigantic with many different characters used in many games where as the DK series only has 3 characters and 1 bad guy thats stupid to say just have mario when there are acually many main characters to the series. i mean come on how the hell could mario ever get around with out yoshi he's a huge part of the mario games just like bowser and peach who is always being saved, and playable in paper mario. like i said diddy is more of a side kick. Yes he does have a few of his own games but so does luigi who everybody knows is just a sidekick. and with only a few main characters why would they need more representation?
You haven't play any DK games then if you think it's only three heroes and one bad guy. It's more than DK, Diddy, Dixie, and K.Rool. There's Kiddy, FUnky, Candy, Cranky, Wrinkly, Lanky, Tiny, CHunky, Rambi, Engaurde, and a bunch more. The DK series is small my arse.

And Diddy played a huge part in the DK series. If it wasn't for him, DK would never have been rescued, Timber Island would have been destroyed and who knows what else

And Diddy has been more than sidekick. He's also been a hero himself and a male damsel in distress. He also was pretty much the one who stopped his island from being blown up in DK64

So all in all, you're pretty much wrong.


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2007
southern michigan
You haven't play any DK games then if you think it's only three heroes and one bad guy. It's more than DK, Diddy, Dixie, and K.Rool. There's Kiddy, FUnky, Candy, Cranky, Wrinkly, Lanky, Tiny, CHunky, Rambi, Engaurde, and a bunch more. The DK series is small my arse.

ok first off how many of those are playable. the answer is DK Diddy Dixie, that were in multiple titels you go on and say that funky, Candy, Cranky, and Wrinkly are also major roles, even though they cant be played ya funkey hooks up up a lot but does that deservre honerable mention?? No. thats like saying that the goomba in super mario is a huge part of the game hes in every level so the goomba should be a playable cahracter in ssbb by your reasoning. and ya Tiny Chunky, Lanky were the sars of DK 64 but it has already been proven that they arent established enough to be on the roster so lie i said earlyer your looking at 3-4 MAIN characters the other are just kinda there since they are not established. Then you count rambi and Enguard like they werent just things to ride on once in a while ya thats what yoshie was but he has also stared in many games himself.

And so far your not giving any reasons why diddy should be in the game what earns his spot on the roster all your doing is trying to prove my arguments false the only person who has had any reasons why diddy should be on the rosster is coldbusman who has acually give lagitiment arguments other than just trying to prove me wrong


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
ok first off how many of those are playable. the answer is DK Diddy Dixie, that were in multiple titels you go on and say that funky, Candy, Cranky, and Wrinkly are also major roles, even though they cant be played ya funkey hooks up up a lot but does that deservre honerable mention?? No. thats like saying that the goomba in super mario is a huge part of the game hes in every level so the goomba should be a playable cahracter in ssbb by your reasoning. and ya Tiny Chunky, Lanky were the sars of DK 64 but it has already been proven that they arent established enough to be on the roster so lie i said earlyer your looking at 3-4 MAIN characters the other are just kinda there since they are not established. Then you count rambi and Enguard like they werent just things to ride on once in a while ya thats what yoshie was but he has also stared in many games himself.

And so far your not giving any reasons why diddy should be in the game what earns his spot on the roster all your doing is trying to prove my arguments false the only person who has had any reasons why diddy should be on the rosster is coldbusman who has acually give lagitiment arguments other than just trying to prove me wrong

All the Kongs I've mention with the exception of Candy was playable at one point or another. It was either in King of Swing, Barrel Blast, or King of Swing DS.

And I would give you reasoning for why Diddy should be in the game, but I'm sure you're dodge those reasons, like you dodge Coldbusman's.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
alrighty here are some stats that you'll enjoy

in terms of money made here is the franchise order
in melee
mario had 5 characters if you exclude yoshi which has a different symbol
pokemon had 4 characters
zelda had 4/5 characters depending on your perspective of sheik
dk had one(what?????????)
so by numbers and money dk is clearly underrepresented this should silence dk isn't big enough critics

diddy has been with dk since the very beginning the donkey kong you se in the arcade games (dk and dk jr.) is our donkey kong's ancestor this has been confirmed by nintendo
therefore you can argue that diddy debut with donkey kong

diddy has been growing in the last few years
before melee dk had to partner with random characters in the mario sports/ party games since there was no other representative

after melee games like mario golf, tennis, baseball for gcn had diddy to be dk's partner once again this shows that diddy is established and big enough to be in mario games

ad these reasons with colbusman and you got a ton of reasoning for diddy in brawl


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2007
southern michigan
ok first off how did i dodge his reasons
Reason#1 thats undisputible you guys have that he is very requested. there is no argueing that fact
Reason#2 he said to be another poster boy for the DK series and yes i did argue that one
Reason#3 Good points i got nothing on that one
Reason#4 Not really a reason, rather a statement

OK Now you have no more excuses to dodge my requests and not give any reasons why he would be a good character on the roster for ssbb i i really feel that you dont have any good facts your just either going to sap off of coldbusmans good points while having none of your own or continue to dodge my questions.

Donkysmasher you have also made a good point and i have no rebuttle to that. it is true donky doesnt have a partner which will most likly give that spot to diddy but still green kirby has no true arguments of his own


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
New Goal: I recently posted this in the Ridley thread, and it would be a good opportunity for the Diddy fans to catch up and take first again.
This thread will be the first thread about one single character to reach the post count of 3,000. That's our goal.

let's see which thread can make it first, shall we?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
ok first off how did i dodge his reasons
Reason#1 thats undisputible you guys have that he is very requested. there is no argueing that fact
Reason#2 he said to be another poster boy for the DK series and yes i did argue that one
Reason#3 Good points i got nothing on that one
Reason#4 Not really a reason, rather a statement

OK Now you have no more excuses to dodge my requests and not give any reasons why he would be a good character on the roster for ssbb i i really feel that you dont have any good facts your just either going to sap off of coldbusmans good points while having none of your own or continue to dodge my questions.

Donkysmasher you have also made a good point and i have no rebuttle to that. it is true donky doesnt have a partner which will most likly give that spot to diddy but still green kirby has no true arguments of his own
Fine, you N00b (by your title lol) Why I think Diddy should be in Brawl.

Part of a franchise that was underrepresented that doesn't deserve to be underrepresented: The Donkey Kong series as a whole, is Nintendo's longest running franchise. And yet, the series only have one character. While other lesser franchises such as Star Fox has more than one character. Honestly, does that seem fair? And what other DK character should join the ranks of Smash? None other than Diddy Kong

Diddy the character and history: Diddy has practically done it all. He was a sidekick in the first game, a hero in the second, a damsel in distress in the third, and he even got a successful racing series. Not only that, but he has appeared in more games than Link. He's also very popular and is loved very much in the gaming world. Everybody across the world seems to want him in as a PLAYABLE CHARACTER not an Assist Trophy. And he would have wide varitey of movesets from his many games.

Said moveset: Diddy would have a fairly unique moveset. He would most likely uses his tail and acrobat skills for combat. Most likely, they will mostly come from DK64. And that's just if he comes alone. If he's paired with Dixie, he would have a moveset that would be able to focus on teamwork. For Diddy, it doesn't matter if he's paired with Dixie or go at it alone, a pretty decent moveset can come from there.

There, my reasons. Now leave me alone


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
at least we got a debate on this thread

(i'm also a supporter in both threads)
As am I! For those who say Diddy isn't likely, here's proof!

The best selling Nintendo franchises:
1.Mario-193 million units sold
2.Pokemon-150 million units sold
3.the Legendo of Zelda-50 million units sold
4.Donkey Kong-48 million units sold
5.Metroiod- 13 million units sold

All the other Nintendo franchises sell under 10 million units (Star Fox is the highest of the
ones not listed). Now allow me to evaluate this.

Here are how many reps each of these franchises had:

4.Donkey Kong-1!
6.Star Fox....2?????

Now that isn't fair at all, add in that there are 2 confirmed Kirby characters (which probably hasn't sold 1/5th as much as the Donkey Kong franchise), there are two Metroid characters (give or take, even if they're both Samus, like Zelda/Shiek...sorta), and wat??? 1 Donkey Kong character! My point is the DK series was screwed in Melee, and it isn't going to happen again. Just look at how many posts are on this thread, almost 3,000 I believe.

Also, add in this:

-Diddy Kong was the 2nd most important character in DKC, one of the top 5 selling games of all-time, and the #1 selling SNES game (minus Super Mario World since it was once bundled with the SNES).

-Diddy Kong was the main character of DKC2, which sold over 5 million units, and was the 5th best selling SNES game.

-Diddy Kong is one of the 5 playable characters in DK64.

-Diddy is the main and most popular racer is the smash hit Diddy Kong Racing on the N64, the best kart/party racing game thus far IMO.

-Diddy has appeared in every non-canon Mario game since Mario Golf 2, except the DDR and Mario Party games.

-Diddy Kong is the 2nd most important character in Donkey Konga 1, 2, and 3.

-Diddy Kong is the main character of Diddy Kong Racing DS.

-Diddy is set to appear in Donkey Kong Barrell Blast, and DK Jungle Climber.

-Diddy Kong is the 2nd most popular DK character.

-Diddy Kong has a fanbase all unconfirmed possible newcomers covet, with the exception of Sonic, maybe King Dedede.

-Diddy looks awsome, and is straight up cool.

-If Diddy Kong doesn't make it, Sakurai will be hated by all Donkey Kong fans, and Nintendo will lose major money. Plus, you'll have to hear Johnknight1 complain beyond the end of time.

-Whatever other character you want for Brawl probably isn't 1/2 as important to Nintendo (or even gaming) as Diddy Kong.

I win! Go on, you can't disprove those! Now for more reasoning why Diddy should be....ahh i'll do them later! o, I got one more GOOD reason why he should be in!

-Johnknight1 loves Diddy Kong, thinks he is awsome, and wants him in Brawl!



Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
Diddy Kong is the 2nd most important character in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Diddy doesn't appear in that game, even though he should have. Doesn't matter though. Diddy RULZES!


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2007
southern michigan
OK now for the truth. i am acually a diddy supporter. i looked at the thread and thought ya he would make a pretty cool character for all the reasons listed but then reading through it seemed like a waste of time, 194 pages of
it just got borring to read. so i decided to spice things up a bit cuz how much fun is it to read the same things over and over and over that diddy is a good character. and the title does say they would like a good debate.

So .......... what was better proving to some one how good your character you want on the roster is while making valid points? (there where many) Or would you reath still just be here saying the same things that diddy rocks? Since this is also interesting to read in my opinion it will attract more people to your side just to help give diddy an even bigger fan base


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2007
southern michigan
hey man its no big deal i expected a lil belitting i was going up against a few hundred people saying there char sucked ;)

Oh and in my opinion there should be 2 reps from the starfox searies cuz star fox 64 was just that kick *** of a game


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Diddy Kong is the 2nd most important character in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Diddy doesn't appear in that game, even though he should have. Doesn't matter though. Diddy RULZES!
Thank you for the compliments mario-man and GreenKirby, and I'll edit that now. LOL, choban08, you sure do have a way of voicing your opinions at first....LOL! XD


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2007
Ya no, imo diddyd be cool, so long as the creators dont get lazy and just make him a clone....=/
he shouldnt be like link/ylink, but if he is thats just another character stop that couldashoulda been used on sumptin more original


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ya no, imo diddyd be cool, so long as the creators dont get lazy and just make him a clone....=/
he shouldnt be like link/ylink, but if he is thats just another character stop that couldashoulda been used on sumptin more original
Don't worry, the chance of Diddy being a clone are the chances of Capt. Planet making a surprise appearance in Brawl, killing the entire roster, to where you can only play as Capt. Planet: NONE! :laugh:

Not being sarcastic with you [DaDoC], being sarcastic with whoever wants Diddy Kong as a clone over original moveset, lol! :laugh:


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
ahh, we didn't get to 3000 first. no matter, the fanbase of diddy is far superior to ridley, but we're lazy like that.

and choban, you really had me fooled. i'm glad you're a diddy supporter like us. but please spell my name right next time. i sware when you started doing that people in other THREADS started doing it!


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Could use some more DK action in the game. I'm not a fan of large characters so DK was never an option for me. If Diddy gets put in he might be a fav. depending on how he plays.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
ahh, we didn't get to 3000 first. no matter, the fanbase of diddy is far superior to ridley, but we're lazy like that.

and choban, you really had me fooled. i'm glad you're a diddy supporter like us. but please spell my name right next time. i sware when you started doing that people in other THREADS started doing it!
blasphemy! you thought I wouldn't check up on you...well I DID!!


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
what, that the fanbase of diddy is bigger? well it is, but the people who post frequently in this thread don't even amount to the number who post in the ridley thread. oh, and i favor ridley over diddy, if you must know


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I support both Ridley and Diddy, and here are their chances.
Ridley's chances IMO: 97%, even Japan likes him, and they hate Metroid!

Diddy's chances IMO: 99.8%: He'll be in or Sakurai will be hated by Diddy kong fans even more, especially if lame characters like Black Shadow get in over him! He's got the best chance out of all non-confirmed characters who haven't been a PC in SSB IMO.

Doubting Diddy Kong will make it in Brawl is like believing that Superman 64 was the best game ever: RETARTED! And if you believe that Superman 64 is the best game ever, I suggest you get tested to see if you're being possessed by a demon!

Maybe a bit extreme, lol! But funny...:laugh: :grin: :lick:

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
ahh, we didn't get to 3000 first. no matter, the fanbase of diddy is far superior to ridley, but we're lazy like that.

and choban, you really had me fooled. i'm glad you're a diddy supporter like us. but please spell my name right next time. i sware when you started doing that people in other THREADS started doing it!
HA! Caught in the act! I always knew you were secretly having an affair with the Diddy Kong thread!



Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
again, what's wrong with posting in another thread of another character i want in brawl?

and i'll say this again. I'm a bigger fan of RIDLEY! but being on these boards for more than a year, i learn some things. like Ridley has more dedicated fans (wanting to raid this house dressed as Space Pirates from Metroid and force him to include Ridley) but Diddy has a bigger fanbase (as seen on page one, which has yet to update new people posting in this thread)

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
again, what's wrong with posting in another thread of another character i want in brawl?

and i'll say this again. I'm a bigger fan of RIDLEY! but being on these boards for more than a year, i learn some things. like Ridley has more dedicated fans (wanting to raid this house dressed as Space Pirates from Metroid and force him to include Ridley) but Diddy has a bigger fanbase (as seen on page one, which has yet to update new people posting in this thread)
The only reason for the interest in the Diddy thread is the possibility of the Dixie thing. Had to say it...

Besides, there has never been a size question with Diddy either.


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2007
Yah know, now my opinion on Diddy has changed

Diddy Kong is the second most popular DK character and he is giving DK a run for his money, Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong would not be a team as they already both have enough moves to be individual characters. Diddy Kong for SSBB! Diddy Kong, Wario and Metaknight were the 3 most anticipated characters for SSBM with 2 out of 3 confirmed for Brawl we can only hope Diddy makes the cut! Diddy has been in every single Donkey Kong game too (except Jungle Beat)

Allthough you don't have to, we would appreciate it if you would use the avatar that me and the user Diddy Kong have which is of Diddy Kong. This would show your support for the funky little monkey. It would also be pretty cool to have something like that to show our support

After 97 pages of everyone saying how much we love Diddy things got boring so now we are asking you Diddy Haters to come in here and say why you don't want Diddy in Brawl, we need a debate people! We won't flame if you don't so please come on in, I'll even mention the good debaters here.

To be classfied as a Diddy Fan you must say something positive about Diddy or ask to join these are the ones I deemed Diddy fans the super Diddy Fans are in Red and the Big Diddy fans in green (Super is better than Big), the more you contrbute to the thread and post inher the higher your rank goes
Diddy Fans: Xianfeng, Diddy_Kong, ohtori_akio, Gamingboy, ShAdOMaN, Bowser85, Yang, Gonzales, kilroy, [JediNaruto, Freeze 'n Burn, XZero BeatX, Nite, Resting Fox, Ferro De Lupe, Master Shiek, ArichTheViking, SmashnTendo, tstumo, JmcShocker16, Alucard07, Doctor Grudge, Dax, SSJ4Kazuki, commonyoshi, princess of hyrule, Iggy K, Bob Lablaw, Animal control, SmashChu, Dr Luigi, Muffin man, Odendaalrust, Marhigio, Green Kirby, Fox Rocks, SereneShadows, Vaztor, Xx swift xX, annoying1359, Wolfblade, camzaman, Lord Deathbourne, Colbusman, MRMTDSN, Primusfan, ohtori_akio, FiErCe_oNi, hemightbegiant, rebel, SpitFire15, falcosmassacre01, Flip Troopa, Darkknight07, GenG, Doktursea, Super_Cool, dantedemonslayer, icymatt, Bowserman, Supersmashbrotha, Xevelous, Uncle Kenny, CrotchCounsil, daisythirdeyeW33, SMB PORTAL, Maxim26, LukeFonFabre, Mario91, 100links, bijoukaiba, PhantomEdge, The Basement Dweller, Zombie 7775, holymarth007, flaco, McFox, BlueFlames, D3monicWolv3s, Starmanclock, shadenexus18, pikaville, Diddyrules, tstumo, Nintendo Advocate, ClarkJables, Johnknight1, FSLMJM, Chepe, Frank Fly

Here is a picture of Diddy and his alrenate colours, I redid the colours a bit in Paint.Net and the recolour option there doesn't let you recolour the parts I want so I finished it up in paint, if you can do better please post it here my one stinks :p

Diddy's game Appearances
SNES, GBC, GBA and Wii - Donkey Kong Country
SNES, GBA and Wii - Donkey Kong Country 2
SNES and GBA - Donkey Kong Country 3 (NPC)
GB - Donkey Kong Land
GB - Donkey Kong Land 2
GB - Donkey Kong Land 3 (NPC)
N64 - Donkey Kong 64
N64 - Diddy Kong Racing
GC - Donkey Konga
GC - Donkey Konga 2
GC - Donkey Konga 3 (Japan Only)
GC - Mario Power Tennis
GC - Mario Golf Toadstool Tennis
GC - Mario Kart Double Dash
GC - Mario Superstar Baseball
GBA - DK: King of Swing
DS - Mario Hoops 3 on 3
DS - Diddy Kong Racing DS
Arcade - Mario Kart GP (NPC)

Confirmed Future Appearances
DS - DK Jungle Climber
Wii - DK: Jet
Wii - Super Mario Strikers Charged

Where he SHOULD appear next
Wii - Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Wii - Donkey Kong Wii
Wii - Mario Party 9
Wii - Mario Tennis Wii
Wii - Mario Golf Wii
Wii - Mario Kart Wii

this is a moveset made up by Diddy Kong with a few addons by me and the super is made by Darkknight077.

Strenght: 2.3
Speed: 4.3
Weight: 2.2
Jumping: 3.8
Size: 2.3
Range: 2.8
Falls a tad slower then DK


A: Quick Tail spin, Diddy swings his tail once in front of himself.
Speed: Normal/Semi-fast
Knockback: Very low.
Damage: 3%
Range: Semi-low/Normal

AA: Tail Spin, Diddy swings his tail at both sides.
Speed: Fast
Knockback: Normal/Semi-high
Damage: 5%
Range: Semi-High/High

Forward Tilt: Tail Sweep. Diddy sweeps his enemy away with his tail. Has a sweetspot at the middle of the tail. (Same as DK's ftilt just to give them some similairity)
Speed: Semi-fast
Knockback: Normal
Damage: 6% non sweetspot. 10% with sweetspot.
Range: Semi-High

Up Tilt: Backflip. Diddy makes a quick back flip hitting you with his tail and legs. (Similair ro Mewtwo)
Speed: Semi-fast
Knockback: Depends on where he hits them. With the tail: Semi-low/Normal. With the legs: Normal/Semi-high.
Damage: Tail: 6% Legs: 9%
Range: Tail: Normal/Semi-high. Legs: Semi-Low

Down Tilt: Tail Sweep. Diddy ducks down and hits his enemy with his tail while he's spinning. (Same as Pikachu's)
Speed: Semi-Fast
Knockback: Low
Damage: 5%
Range: Normal

Dash Attack: CART WHEEL! :D Diddy makes a cart wheel to charge into the opponoment. It can multihit if the foe gets trapped between Diddy's tail and Diddy's legs.
Speed: Very fast.
Knockback: Tail: Low. Legs: high
Damage: When he hits with the tail only 5%. With the legs he does 9% damage each leg.
Range: With the tail its normal/ semi-high with Diddy's legs its normal.

Air Moves:

Neutral Air: Aerial Tail Spin. Diddy spins his tail two times around him self. Covers both sides.
Speed: Fast/Very Fast
Knockback: Semi-High
Damage: 11%
Range: High

Forward Air: Chimp Fist. Diddy quickly punches his foe infront him. (Same as Sheik's)
Speed: Fast
Knockback: Normal/Semi-High
Damage: 12%
Range: Normal

Back Air: Back Kick. Diddy strentches his foot for a kick attack. (Same as DK's only faster and less powerful)
Speed: Fast/Very Fast
Knockback: Normal
Damage: 12%
Range: Normal

Down Air: Monkey Meteor. Diddy stompes his enemy with both feet to send them downwards. (Same as DK's only faster and less powerful)
Speed: Semi-fast
Knockback: Normal/Semi-high
Damage: 14%
Range: Low

Up Air: Flying Uppercut. Diddy punches his enemy upwards. (Look below my siggy )
Speed: Fast
Knockback: Semi-High
Damage: 15%
Range: Semi-low/Normal

Special Moves:

B: Peanut Popguns. Diddy shoots two peanuts from his wooden guns.
Speed: Semi-fast Slower then Falco's Blaster.
Knockback: Normal. Unlike Falco's Blaster the enemy can fall after a cetrain %.
Damage: 6% each Peanut.
Range: A little shorter then Fox's Blaster.

Up+B: Barrel Jet. Diddy pulls out his Barrel Jet to return back to the stage. Similair to Fox's Fire Fox but it's controllable like Ness's PK Thunder only not as flexable.
Speed: A little bit of lag afterwards perhaps. Flying speed same as the Fire Fox.
Knockback and Damage: If Diddy flies into you it's 12%. However if the Barrel Jet hits you (fiery effect) it will do 16% damage and it will spike you.
Range: It recovers just as good as Fox's Fire Fox.

Smash B: Chimpy Charge. Diddy prepares for an headbut and when he's done he charges into his enemy. Loads by hisself.
Speed: It takes 4 seconds to load. But when Diddy is moving he will go a little bit faster then his running speed.
Knockback: High.
Damage: 21%
Range: 1/4 as much as Jiggly's full charged Roll out. However Diddy won't run over cliffs and stops automatically when he;s entering one.

Down+B: Simain Slam. (Same as Yoshi's so I don't need to explain )
Speed: When Diddy is falling its Very Fast. Has lag afterwards however.
Knockback: Semi-High
Damage: 15%
Range: Errr... Low? It has a low hitbox since he's only attacking with his butt.


Forward Smash: Kong Klap. Diddy claps his foe's with all his might. (Similair to DK, has lower range lower power but higher speed)
Speed: Comes out faster then DK's. Still it would be normal/semi-fast. Low lag afterwards.
Knockback: Normal.
Damage: Uncharged: 18% Charged: 22%
Range: Lower then DK's yet Semi-high.

Upward Smash: Backflip. Same as his Utilt he also hits with his Tail and Legs but now the damage is more even. (Similair to Pikachu's)
Speed: Fast. No startup lag and almost unnoticable afterward lag.
Knockback: Tail: Semi-low/Normal. Legs: Semi-high/High
Damage: Uncharged: 16% Charged: 22%. If hit by the Legs it will add 2% more damage charged and uncharged.
Range: Tail: High. Legs: Normal/Semi-low

Down Smash: Tail Sweep. (Same as Yoshi's with farther range and lower power)
Speed: Same as Yoshi's. Same lag after ward to.
Knockback: Lower then Yoshi's. It would be Semi-Low.
Damage: Uncharged: 13% Charged: 16%
Range: Farther then Yoshi which would make it like High.

Grabs and Throws:

Grab: Diddy grabs his foe with both hands and attacks them by giving them headbuts. (Same as Ness)
Speed: Fast. No afterwards lag. When Diddy runs and misses the grab he will have a little lag.
Range: Same as Ness

Forward Throw: Simian Swing. Diddy throws his opponement as far as he can. (Like Pikachu's Fthrow in N64. <3) Can't possible be chained.

Down Throw: Pesky Punishment. Diddy throws you down and jumps two times on you. Similair to Kirby's Dthrow.

Back Throw: Diddy Roll. Diddy grabs you rolls backwards and then kicks you away. Similair to Pikachu's only higher knockback.

Up Throw: Headbut. Diddy throws you up but since he isn't that strong he adds an headbut to throw you up in the sky. Low knockback.


Taunt 1: Diddy happly throws his cap two times in the air, then he catches it and puts it up again.
Taunt 2: He puts on shades and pulls out a boombox (DKC2)

Normal: Red cap with a red shirt
Blue: Blue cap with a Blue shirt
Green: Green cap with a green shirt.
Yellow: Yellow cap with a yellow shirt and a red star (inverse colours)
Black: Black cap with Black shirt
Purple: Purple Cap with a Purple Shirt.

Kirby Hat: Like DK's but with Diddy's hat

Diddy Kong's Super Smash: Gutair Gazzump- Diddy jumps into the middle of the stage with his Guitar in his hands and plays a short song. (One he uses in DK64) The sound waves will make the characters on the ground stuck to the ground taking damage. The characters up in the air will fly off in an isntant KO.

Range: Middle
(%Wise on ground:25-30%

%Wise on the air:85-90% (Instant KO))

And here is a picture of Diddy Kong's proposed specials drawn by the very talented FlipTroopa so thanks for that Flip ^_^

Diddy's Winning Music
Diddy's Theme 1
Diddy's Theme 2
Diddy's Theme 3
Diddy's Aztec theme
Dude! I dunno how u came up with all this, but its changed my "Ban Diddy from Brawl"
opinion. U hav got Kakashi-dono's support. UBER L33T suggestions pal.
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