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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i still have to disagree with you D. Kong. i mean i would still play as diddy even if he was partnered with dixie, but i would still would rather have a solo monkey than a duo. he has that potential to be by himself. plus dixie has just recently gotten back in the spotlight. leave her as an assist trophy and maybe she'll have the fighter potential in the next smash game


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
exactly, although i wouldn't even play the didy dixie tag team, i would put them a lvl1 so as to beat the **** out of them for 20 hours straight

Deleted member

Diddy Kong move list:

B: peanut popguns- diddy pulls out his pistols and fires 3 shots. About as much damage as foxes pistol.

why would he only fire 3 shots, this move is not very inventive.nor shall diddy pull out an excuse of a pistol.

B>: chimpy charge- diddy charges up for 3 seconds, then runs across the stage, does about as much damage as yoshi’s egg roll and the enemy can get caught in the charge like with marril’s charge. Diddy will stop if he comes to an edge.

running across the stage is a worthless copy of jigs rollout. not even noobs should use this, nor can you charge a run. not very inventive, unless if he was an at, because he would be invincible anyways

B^: Jetpack- diddy pull out his jetpack and flies in the direction you point him, goes about as far as foxes b^ except slower, with no lag at the beginning, and direction can be controlled while moving. Can be knocked off of jetpack.
there needs to be lag at the beginning as he pulls out his jetpack? only link can pull out random stuff
Bv: Banana peel- diddy pulls out a giant banana peel like in MK: double dash, works similar to peach’s turnip move except enemies will slide uncontrollably across stage as if they were on ice.

no one is going to give diddy a turnip/bomb sorta move, and again, only link can pull out random stuff, plus bannanas are already items in brawl

Super Move: electric guitar- diddy gets out his electric guitar and plays a massive riff, shooting musical notes everywhere, works similar to the unown poke ball except in all directions and causes decent knock back.

plain uninevtive and not able to be implemented well into the game
AAA combo- the tailspin combo move from DK64, except faster
Dash A- the cartwheel move from DKC
Smash A- diddy elbows you

no monkey like this looks cool elbowing you

Ariel A- diddy does a cannon ball and spins in the air with his tail doing damage, the tip of which does the most damage.
the tip ussually does the least, unless it is a disjointed hitbox

Up smash- diddy does a back flip, his feet doing the most damage.
he is not gonna steal fox's smash
Ariel back A- like sheiks but with both feet and less damage.
that would be like mario etc, not sheik
Arial down A- like DK’s but less damage
too many of the same dairs, uninventive
this movesset sucks
diddy is most likely, just gonna be an AT if represented at all.
a moveset that doesnt suck is impossible for him.
(it was possible to make a moveset for falcon, cause he has the look, but diddy doesnt)
face it, there can be no good special moves for diddy


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
wow that is so opinion based i am going to vomit now... how does what you just say have any factual base other than "cause i said so"???

Deleted member

wow that is so opinion based i am going to vomit now... how does what you just say have any factual base other than "cause i said so"???
try to make a special(b) moveset thats not cloned or crap like peanut shooters


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
I'd rather see both Diddy and Dixie playable mainly just because the DK series doesn't have enough representation in the game. And the other monkey you mentioned, Kiddy, wouldn't be very impressive. He was just an over-sized tike, I never really liked him, and that only leaves option for one other character- Dixie.
Besides those two additions, it would also be cool to see Rambi, Expresso, Squitter, etc. come out of Assist trophies.

However, I don't want to make this sound like its a consensus based here. We don't get to decide anything, its all just what we want.
Don't you think DK has stood alone long enough?

Oh yeah, and just to add my two-cents; I don't think you guys are being very creative with your "movesets"

I mean, Diddy could do all sorts of things like vine swings, crazy cartwheels, speedy acrobatic recoils, (imaginatively) violent guitaring, biting, he could even throw his hat! OUCH!
The peanut gun, is that what he uses in the Nintendo 64 game? And the jet pack too?


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
The one you did for diddy. he is not a char that you should even suggest a moveset for, nor is it possible to make up appropriate specials for him
what do you mean appropriate moveset!? look at the front page, you can see a finely detailed moveset that defines diddy from every DK game he's been in! your logic doesn't really make for a valid argument, cause not only does he have a fan list so big, that this is the most popular thread for a character on this site, but other characters already in the game have been given movesets based off of nothing, where diddy has actual games he has attack with his own body to play off of

Deleted member

what do you mean appropriate moveset!? look at the front page, you can see a finely detailed moveset that defines diddy from every DK game he's been in! your logic doesn't really make for a valid argument, cause not only does he have a fan list so big, that this is the most popular thread for a character on this site, but other characters already in the game have been given movesets based off of nothing, where diddy has actual games he has attack with his own body to play off of

i did look at the front page, and movesets like those are the ones i disagree with. true that the moves may have been taken from past games, but i dont think it seems fitting for a game like smash. i mean, cmon, try to think beyond peanut pistols.... you know that aint gonna happen. fanlists really dont matter btw. and it should be mentioned that this is the most popular thread only because the rest have split their threads to focus on more detailed aspects than opinions. as i keep on saying, diddy as an At is far more likely because you cant implement such movesets and/or chars into this game.and i did mention that the banana peel was already an item.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
are you ****ing serious, you are seriously underestimating sakurai that much that he can't take one of the most wanted characters for brawl and give him a unique moveset. they did it for captain falcon and fox, why can't they do it for diddy, hell he has moves you can draw from. i think your just a diddy kong hater because your arguments have no factual basis except for "i don't want him in smash so he won't be in smash".


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2005
In all seriousness, there is virtually no way possible that Diddy could have a "crappy" move list. Even without "Crappy peanut shooters", it's hard to not include him as a PC. He has incredible movelist potential, he is one of the most sought-after character for a smash game, and is popular up the wazoo.

What more criteria needs to be fulfilled?

Even if you think fan movelists are crap, just imagine what Sakurai managed to pull with Fox and Captain Falcon and all the other characters that are cramped in their vehicles. Or with non-fightey people like Zelda and Jigglypuff.

Just answer me this:

Give me two good reasons why Diddy Kong shouldn't be in SSBB. We'll see how many other posters agree with you.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Diddy is easily the most deserving of a spot and I think he could pull it off based on his appearances in Double Dash and Power Tennis. Also the DS remake of Diddy Kong Racing won't have hurt his chances at getting in.

I always used Diddy in DKC because he's funny looking. Also his cartwheel rocks. Imagine his cartwheel in Smash Bros. It'd be really handy to get out of sticky situations.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
i did look at the front page, and movesets like those are the ones i disagree with. true that the moves may have been taken from past games, but i dont think it seems fitting for a game like smash. i mean, cmon, try to think beyond peanut pistols.... you know that aint gonna happen. fanlists really dont matter btw. and it should be mentioned that this is the most popular thread only because the rest have split their threads to focus on more detailed aspects than opinions. as i keep on saying, diddy as an At is far more likely because you cant implement such movesets and/or chars into this game.and i did mention that the banana peel was already an item.
I bet if MetaKnight wasn't revealed right away you'd also be asuming that he wouldn't be playable either. In my own opinion, I find MetaKnight also a much better suited as a Assisst Thropy than as a playable character, and if he had to go up against King DeDeDe for the character spot we KNOW he wouldn't get it...

Ohh yeah, you can;t implement Diddy's moves into Smash... >_>; C'mon man you know that isn't true. Kirby's B looks helluffa lot more difficult to program than just some Peanut Popguns. Besides, in my moveset Diddy doesn't has any banana peels and I would update the moveset if it wasn't for the fact that the first post was made by xianfeng.

And what's not to fit with Diddy?? I say he fits in the BEST of all other characters suggested in here! He's the second most important DK character, and in the Rare days Diddy and DK where even equal in terms of importance... Diddy has appeared in MARIO games, so he doesn't look odd at all when he'd be fighting Peach, Wario and Bowser in Delfino Island.

Did I also mention that Diddy's the second most requested character on Sakurai's poll?? And that the guy totally loved the idea of having a Diddy and Dixie tagteam? I bet that before the Assisst Thropies even excisted, Sakurai and his team already made up the whole playable roster.

But c'mon... We have a playable suit less Samus and a not so deserving 3rd party character already in Brawl as newcommers. Plus that Wario and MetaKnight also made it in who also got hugely suggested, so populairity and importance DOES mean ****! And still your saying Diddy should be a punny item just like the Nintendog and generic Hammer Bro?! Hehehe, I don't think so...


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
i did look at the front page, and movesets like those are the ones i disagree with. true that the moves may have been taken from past games, but i dont think it seems fitting for a game like smash. i mean, cmon, try to think beyond peanut pistols.... you know that aint gonna happen. fanlists really dont matter btw. and it should be mentioned that this is the most popular thread only because the rest have split their threads to focus on more detailed aspects than opinions. as i keep on saying, diddy as an At is far more likely because you cant implement such movesets and/or chars into this game.and i did mention that the banana peel was already an item.

By your logic that means that no one besides Fox, Falcon, Falco, Marth, Roy, and Ganondorf would be in the game.

And did ever play a game with Diddy in it, he has more than a pair of guns.

****, ever since the release of ATs, the Diddy haters have been using that excuse.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i did look at the front page, and movesets like those are the ones i disagree with. true that the moves may have been taken from past games, but i dont think it seems fitting for a game like smash. i mean, cmon, try to think beyond peanut pistols.... you know that aint gonna happen. fanlists really dont matter btw. and it should be mentioned that this is the most popular thread only because the rest have split their threads to focus on more detailed aspects than opinions. as i keep on saying, diddy as an At is far more likely because you cant implement such movesets and/or chars into this game.and i did mention that the banana peel was already an item.
yes by your logic then, we should look past "ridiculous" moves and focus more on things that fit in a fighting game. well that really leaves, what, NO CHARACTERS left in the smash game!!

why do you disagree. every moveset created on this thread has at least some similarity to another character. you not liking the peanut popguns is the same as not liking Fox's blaster. by your logic, characters like Wario and his fart attack shouldn't be implemented. It's SMASH! there are gonna be crazy movesets. if you don't like diddy, just come out and say it. just don't give us this bullsh*t response on how a moveset can't fit in the world of smash

Deleted member

Wow, i am so popularly quoted.

and in no way am i a diddy hater. i want all characters to be in brawl, but i know that some charswont. some chars like diddy, unless represented through an At or normal trophy.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
which makes no sense, that argument only works on toad and some retro characters
I think it's becuase of Goro. But, truth be told F-Zero isn't that big of a franchise. It has only 5-6 games and only 3 sold over 1 million(and only the first by 2). Compaired to franchises like Kirby and Donkey kong. His potential and chaches were a bit exaggerated.

Diddy is one of the most requested characters for Brawl making a nice 5 on the Brawl poll, and as you can tell, is the most wanted in the US. Yes, Sakurai doesn't like only popular characters, but he is good about adding the ones people really want(like Diddy and K. Dedede)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Tshahi 10, I am having a bit of trouble understanding exactly what is wrong with Diddy being playable. I believe that one of the reasons you said is that it is not possible to create appropriate specials for him. However, I do not understand some of your explanations about his specials being inappropriate. A few times you mention Link being the only character who should be able to pull items out of no-where. However, in the game that some of those moves come from, Donkey Kong 64, the characters frequently produce their items out of thin air, whether it is Diddy's rocket pack, Donkey Kong's bongos, or an infinite number of explosive oranges; so that argument does not make a terrible amount of sense. Perhaps I simply did not understand your reasons correctly. Could you perhaps explain them a bit more extensively, so that I could understand better? Oh, and if you wish, perhaps you could explain your criteria for an appropriate special move, so that I could try to create a move-list that complies with it?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Well, in all honesty, I'm kinda against the popguns-and-everything-else-from-DK64 moveset myself. I've always felt that the whole idea of pulling something out of nowhere was a pretty lame cop-out. It's fine for a few moves, since it would be unrealistic to ask someone like Link or Snake to have everything on them at all times, but at least the designs of these character have them loaded up with pockets and such. I think that for a mostly-naked character like Diddy Kong to pull something out of nowhere for all of his special moves would just be, well, wrong. There isn't really a better way to explain it.

Personaly, I'd rather see a moveset with a larger focus on Diddys agility as a small monkey, the way Donkey Kong has a moveset with focus on his strength as a gorilla.

Although, to be totally honest, what I really want to see is Diddy and Dixie as a fighting monkey team. I dunno, the idea of being able to attack someone as a pair of angry monkeys is just too hilariouslly awesome.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
Well, in all honesty, I'm kinda against the popguns-and-everything-else-from-DK64 moveset myself. I've always felt that the whole idea of pulling something out of nowhere was a pretty lame cop-out. It's fine for a few moves, since it would be unrealistic to ask someone like Link or Snake to have everything on them at all times, but at least the designs of these character have them loaded up with pockets and such. I think that for a mostly-naked character like Diddy Kong to pull something out of nowhere for all of his special moves would just be, well, wrong. There isn't really a better way to explain it.

Personaly, I'd rather see a moveset with a larger focus on Diddys agility as a small monkey, the way Donkey Kong has a moveset with focus on his strength as a gorilla.

Although, to be totally honest, what I really want to see is Diddy and Dixie as a fighting monkey team. I dunno, the idea of being able to attack someone as a pair of angry monkeys is just too hilariouslly awesome.
I think the peanut popgun is a great move idea. To me, much of the appeal of Smash is the nostalgia evoked by the countless references to previous Nintendo games. Many characters have their special moves made up from moves they could perform in their actual games... Yoshi's moveset is largely inspired by Yoshi's Island 2, Peach's frying pan references SMRPG, Samus and Link use many of the tools from their games, etc. If Diddy were in, he would be no different, and his moves should refer back to old games as much as possible. This is actually the same reason I want a Diddy/Dixie tandem to work much like in DKC2. Even the animations that play when you switch between them could be taken straight from that game.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2007
Victoria, Australia. We have Strikers already! For
Without moves from DK64 Diddy Kong would have a really bland moveset. The incorporation of DK64 moves in this moveset is what would make Diddy such a great addition to the game. Peanut Poguns and Barrel Jet would be so much fun to use.

EDIT: As for the thing about not liking 'characters taking things from nowhere'... that is absolutely ridiculous. Where does Kirby get his sword and hammer? Un-realism is what makes Nintendo great.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
See? See?
That's the kinda crap I'm talking about. The popguns are fine, the guitar is fine, the barrel jet is... pushing it, but still basicaly fine. But a moveset that's completely composed of DK64 moves (popgun, guitar, and barrel jet) like that is, well, unappealing. At least for me. It just seems too... slaped together. Like a bunch of parts that don't work as a whole.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The Barrel Jet is a pretty much guaranteed move, Diddy's been using it a lot lately in Mario Sport games and it'd fit nicely in the game without looking weird at all. I also have my doubts about the Peanut Popguns, and I'd also much rather have a sort of agility based moveset but that should't exclude all DK64 moves.

His guitar we'll probarly won't see anyways, except for perhaps his Final Smash. But even then, the Final Smash wouldn't even have to focus on Diddy's guitar itself, but rather you could have Diddy summon some random Kongs with Bongo's and call it KONG-cert or something. Would imo look pretty funny.

Anyways, I said it before but I'm gonna say it again: If it wasn't for the fact that xianfeng made this thread and I can't edit his post, I would've updated the moveset a long time ago already.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2005
See? See?
That's the kinda crap I'm talking about. The popguns are fine, the guitar is fine, the barrel jet is... pushing it, but still basicaly fine. But a moveset that's completely composed of DK64 moves (popgun, guitar, and barrel jet) like that is, well, unappealing. At least for me. It just seems too... slaped together. Like a bunch of parts that don't work as a whole.
You know, the barrel jet is from more than just DK64.

You're underestimating Sakurai by great lengths. If it is unappealing to have a "solely" DK64 moveset, then Sakurai probably thought the same. What I'm getting at is, he probably has something way more creative in mind than a single-game set.

Which nobody has really inferred. It's not like the guitar is needed, but it seems like the most obvious final smash.

You're kind of arguing a useless point. Did you know that Diddy Kong appears in more than one game?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
See? See?
That's the kinda crap I'm talking about. The popguns are fine, the guitar is fine, the barrel jet is... pushing it, but still basicaly fine. But a moveset that's completely composed of DK64 moves (popgun, guitar, and barrel jet) like that is, well, unappealing. At least for me. It just seems too... slaped together. Like a bunch of parts that don't work as a whole.
Most of Pikachu's moves only came from Red/Blue/Yellow. Was he unappealing. Besides who said it has to be popguns, guitar, and barrel jet.

Wanna a long range attack besides a the popgun? Try a less powerful orange grenade or a banana-esque throwing item

Wanna a recovery move that isn't the barrel jet? Well, a lot of characters have self boosting moves anyway so it doesn't reallly matter. Besides, the barrel jet makes it more unique.

Don't wanna use the guitar as the FInal Smash? Fine, use Diddy's victory animation. He wears shades, pulls out a boom box, and turn on full blast to damage foes.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
He could also have a lot of acrobatic moves as handstands and breakdances to fill in his Smash and Tilt moves. If I find some time this week, I might remake the moveset -but don't expect huge changes in the Cartwheel and Barrel Jet those moves are a must have in a Diddy Kong moveset. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
You're underestimating Sakurai by great lengths. If it is unappealing to have a "solely" DK64 moveset, then Sakurai probably thought the same.
Well, yeah, I hope so. My point was that I didn't want to see the single game moveset that seems to keep popping up. It was a complaint with the thread, not with what Sakurai will do with the character.

I'd just rather see some thought put into a moveset that has more than 'diddy pulls some item out of nowhere and uses it' for every move. And yes, GreenKirby, that includes orange grenades and banana-esque throwing items.

Maybe it's just me, but I find the ideas of people like Diddy Kong and the grim lizard to be much more interesting.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I would probobly still like Diddy/Dixie team. I would rather have him alone. He would be more fun that way. Still, we don't need 1000 versions of the Ice Climbers. People always want teams of characters, but if you've played the Ice Climbers(who it works the best for) you'd know we only need one team. More would be annoying, and take away what makes the character special. Plus, the characters can fight alone.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I would probobly still like Diddy/Dixie team. I would rather have him alone. He would be more fun that way. Still, we don't need 1000 versions of the Ice Climbers. People always want teams of characters, but if you've played the Ice Climbers(who it works the best for) you'd know we only need one team. More would be annoying, and take away what makes the character special. Plus, the characters can fight alone.
Yes because 2 = 1000.

And we all know how much we hate duplicates around here *ahemcoughclonescough*... In any case, the DKC duo makes more sense than even the ICs. They actually played this way in their respective game whereas the Iceclimbers were solo...in fact, they competed against one another. I think they could play very, very different from the ICs. Besides, we have no idea whether ICs will be returning or not. (I hope they do.)


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
I've never been able to win a single battle with the Ice Climbers. I hated them.
Diddy and Dixie could switch up like Zelda and Sheik (of course I don't mean transform) they could just run really quick or like a vine could appear or something, no?


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Well, yeah, I hope so. My point was that I didn't want to see the single game moveset that seems to keep popping up. It was a complaint with the thread, not with what Sakurai will do with the character.

I'd just rather see some thought put into a moveset that has more than 'diddy pulls some item out of nowhere and uses it' for every move. And yes, GreenKirby, that includes orange grenades and banana-esque throwing items.

Maybe it's just me, but I find the ideas of people like Diddy Kong and the grim lizard to be much more interesting.
well, really his special moves are based off of DK64, but his normal A attacks are based off of his DKC moves. and it's smash, there are gonna be characters that pull their moves out of their as*. just look at wario and his chopper.

oh, and if i don't see Diddy's guitar as a Final Smash, i'll be very upset.

diddy solo for brawl
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